View Full Version : Breathing issues panic

12-14-2008, 12:18 AM
Hi, iv'e been suffering from anxiety since being physically (not sexually) abused as a child. The anxiety takes various forms and phobias and I kind of believe that im having an asthma attack even though im not weazing and can breath al be it a little more heavier, I always survive and can run up tp 6 k so dont think I do. I get particularly bad anxiety attacks after nights of drinking (which I use sometimes to relax me). Does anyone else get this and can anyone offer me any help as to this? I am seeing a psyche but its unearthing a lot and the anxiety is increasing a bit as we talk about stuff. Im also interested in any natural therapies that might help me.


01-06-2009, 10:13 PM
Wow, 107 views and no reply.

Panic attacks can happen to people with stress isssues. Breathing issues are comon in panic attacks, if you are not wheezing it is most likely not asthma. Your attacks seemed to happen when you drink heavily, so avoid drinking. Alcohol lowers serotonin in the brain, which is why many people have alcohol triggered panic attacks.

Natural therapies? Hmm, the most legit one I know of is avoiding crap food with preservatives (which is just about everything nowadays, look at the ingredients, or buy organic), and exercise has been proven to raise serotonin in most people. (but a recent study showed this does not work with everybody)