View Full Version : My mind is my worst enemy

12-13-2008, 09:36 PM
My mind use to be my loyal friend but now after years of anxiety and depression it has turned against me with the aim of destroying my life. The anxiety is so deeply rooted in my sub concious that no matter what I try to tell myself my mind throws negativity back at me almost as if I have two people controling my mind, fighting each other every second of the day. The main problem I have is my mind coming up with catastrophic conclusions about everything. It seems whenever I try to have a good thought, or have briefly forgotten about things my mind will realize and instantly force a negative thought into my conciousness. It almost feels like Im not controlling it. Has or is anyone experiencing this? any advice? will therapy tackle this issue?

12-13-2008, 11:59 PM
Yes, with therapy you can change your thinking patterns! It does not matter that you have been negative all of your life. I read a sentence in a book about anxiety that comforted me regarding this issue. "It took all of your life to learn these negative habits. It'll take time to re-learn new ones." It was referring to people's lack of faith in changing their habits.

My therapist has showed me some research stating that certain areas of the brain change after 12 weeks of CBT therapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy). PET scans were taken before and after weeks of CBT and there were changes in the brain's glucose.

Also, don't feel alone in the fact that you think your mind is your worst enemy. And don't feel bad that you are thinking negatively all the time. We all have this problem. We all think negatively and think of worst-possible scenarios. If you look at workbooks for anxiety, you will find in all of them, that there is a section dedicated to combating negative thinking with positive thinking. Don't feel so alone!

12-14-2008, 12:08 AM
thanx 02batmobile Ive just started CBT and have only had one real session so far the others were just asessments and questionaires. Cool im looking foward to learning these techniques alot. thanx again.

Punk Rock Steve
12-14-2008, 10:02 PM
Believe me...you're not alone! There's a lot of us in the same boat. I feel the same way about my mind....it can be a terrible place to hang out in :) Therapy has definitely been helping me. I've been negative for a good part of my life (I'm in my 50's), but I just keep plugging away; trying to get even just a little bit more positive...baby steps so far...but progress just the same!

12-14-2008, 10:24 PM
Thanks Punk rock steve like you said Ive been negative my whole life so I guess it takes time to correct that. Cheers steve hope everythings all good for you.