View Full Version : You'll have to excuse James Berich...

The Scottish Pedro
04-21-2022, 02:30 AM
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04-21-2022, 10:46 AM
Nobody cares, mate.

It just feels like people like you and I could have had a better life, if it wasn't for people jerking us off. The longer that goes on, the worse off your thought processes become.

That in my case, my own lawyer doesn't even speak up, is sad. I wanted to dump him years ago, but it wasn't that simple. Because upon contacting other firms, they would call him to get more details. It's a lose-lose situation. But the last straw was the "Mr. Anderson has striking delusional thoughts" remark in this letter I received a while back.

There's no point in a solicitor telling me to my face: "I'll say whatever you want" - then he doesn't do it.

That's just insulting my intelligence. I didn't imagine all of this.

You're missing the whole accountability part of this story where you own up to your mistakes. You did plead guilty to multiple charges, did you not? That's a good place to start. Now, admit you were wrong and move on with your pathetic life.

... But that's the difficult part, isn't it? You have these charges on your file which you find are restricting your freedom. That must really anger you. However, that's the consequences of engaging in unlawful activities! You're can't just walk away from this without penalties, you stupid fuck.

04-21-2022, 03:08 PM
He isn't even sure which continent this person is supposed to be on.