View Full Version : Can anybody relate to this?

12-13-2008, 05:37 AM
I suffer really bad anxiety and my main symptom is constant DP/DR, I cant think about anything anymore I just get intrusive thoughts about going insane
and killing someone, like one day ill lose conciousness and flip out. I would never hurt anybody but my mind keeps playing games with me and I start to think what if these thoughts are true and it happens. I also always think that ill become schizophrenic and every time I get a semi- paranoid thought I think oh no Im schizo. Every time I get bad thoughts I seem to have a headache, the headaches are different there like sharp pains in random spots and I have alot of pressure in my head. The thoughts about going mad and hurting someone are here always I try to take my mind of it but everything I look at reminds me. Is there anyone on this forum that is or has gone through the same thing as this? if so please reply Im really scared.

12-13-2008, 08:36 AM
This fear of going mad is very very common with anxiety and let me reassure you that 95% of the people posting on there boards will have experienced this fear to varying degrees. Do you mind me asking how old you are? Schizophrenia typcially develops in late teens and early 20's and is actually quite rare to develop it at a later age. Basically if its not in your family history and it hasn't been diagnosed by your mid 20's it highly unlikely it will. People who suffer from it usually experience hallucinations and delusions. Actually thinking you have it is a good way to rule it out as you wouldn't be thinking about it if that makes sense. The symptoms would be very difficult to coneal from friends and family so its far more likely they would notice first. The fear you are experiencing is fuelling these irrational thoughts and the sooner you accept that this is merely a symptom of anxiety the easier it will be to deal with. Thats what I did anyway. Hope this helps.

12-13-2008, 07:05 PM
Thankyou elgrande for your reply your advice is very reasuring. You asked how old I am I am 20 yrs old, thats what scares me because people say it develops around this age. And they also say it develops slowly. But youre right I wouldnt be thinking that I had it if I did have it because they know no better. Anyway thanks alot. Oh also you dont think that me thinking that I have it will cause me to develop schizophrenia? I know this may sound stupid but I am the biggest worry freak.

12-13-2008, 07:05 PM
Thankyou elgrande for your reply your advice is very reasuring. You asked how old I am I am 20 yrs old, thats what scares me because people say it develops around this age. And they also say it develops slowly. But youre right I wouldnt be thinking that I had it if I did have it because they know no better. Anyway thanks alot. Oh also you dont think that me thinking that I have it will cause me to develop schizophrenia? I know this may sound stupid but I am the biggest worry freak.