View Full Version : Anxiety and Nausea/Vomiting - help

12-12-2008, 09:43 PM
Here's the gist of what I have: I don't have social anxiety, just generalized. I am a social butterfly (go out to parties every weekend, get along well with people at college and at work). It's only certain situations that cause extreme anxiety (such as job interviews, class presentations, a new girlfriend, sudden changes in my life, etc).

I really need to control my body. My mind is completely fine, I don't think irrationally I just get extremely anxious to where my body flips out. I get a knot in my stomach (I can physically feel my stomach cramp up) and instantly start salivating and feel overwhelmed with nausea. I'm currently dating a girl that I'm head over heels for and it's making me physically sick to be around her, even though I love seeing her. The nausea usually subsides after 5 minutes or so but during those five minutes I feel like puking and actually have had to excuse myself to go to the bathroom hanging out with her and puked in a public bathroom.

I feel like I can control my thoughts fine but my body reacts and I can't do anything about it. I've tried deep breathing techniques, tried Dramamine, but that didn't help. I'm losing weight because I'm vomiting at least once a week. I did last night after I got off the phone with her, even though I had no reason to.

Is there any over the counter or herbal medicines that would effectively put an end to my nausea? If there is, that would seriously make my life much less miserable.

12-13-2008, 11:56 PM
Wow. I'm sorry, I dont know how to help you but I have the exact same problem. Its not like I have bad thoughts or worry a lot. I just have certain situations that cause me problems. Its actually kind of similar to yours. I just started dating a guy who has been my best friend for a long time and for some reason when we go out, I react a lot like you do. Its not that i am worried about anything but my body responds as though i am. I've actually had to go to the bathroom myself and just throw up a little and get it over with. Its not really him that is making me nervous. I trust him a lot and care about him. He is my best friend. I usually get over it eventually but its horrible while it lasts. I just want to be relaxed and normal around him. Other things in my life cause anxiety as well but its not nearly as pronounced. In fact, i have MUCH bigger problems but this just seems to be the thing that sets me off. If you find any good way to deal with this I would be interested to hear it. I'm a little opposed to medicine and nothing i've tried really seems to work. I hope we both can somehow manage to figure things out. Good luck.