View Full Version : Head Spinning

12-12-2008, 09:45 AM
Okay the week of Thanksgiving and the week after were the first weeks I actually felt like myself. I have been going to therapy and I take 20 mg of celexa and .05 of xanax every morning. Then last Friday I got the stomache virus and could not keep anyting down. Ever since then I have been lightheaded and dizzy. My doc upped my celexa to 40 mg and I stil take the .05 xanax every morning, I have the option to take another .05 xanax at night. I do have alot going on with the holidays and dealing with my husband, my son, two step children and my husbands crazy ex-wife. What would cause this to come back I was feeling so good. Any suggestions would be great. Do you think I need to up the xanax or what? I have not had any of the panic attacks since I have been on the medicene which is great because I was having two a day most of the time.

12-12-2008, 05:26 PM
hi colinsmom! it just sounds to me like you're still a little sick and worn out from having a rough time not being able to eat with that virus. viriuses can also stick around for quite a while, so i'm not surprised that you're still feeling a bit odd and it may be a litte bit until you feel right again, so i'd give it some time before upping the xanex - thats just my own opinion though, if you feel you need the meds to help you out then by all means take them, there's no point in suffering :)

you should also try taking a little extra care of yourself while you're sick, eat the right kinds of foods that are good for your immune system, drink plenty of water and warm fluids like herbal teas or lemon & honey (no tea or coffee), get lots of proper rest and ask your pharmacist about giving yourself a boost with a multivitamin complex (one thats compatible with your meds). if you do the right things i bet you'll feel better in no time!

you could also look into accupuncture, it's very good for dizziness and will be a nice relaxing treatment for you during this stressful time :) nice work on the therapy by the way! i'm glad you're finding a combination that's working for you.

i had a virus last year that lasted about 6 weeks, it was a very rough one too and i had a terrible time :( i got a similar one again in the summer but this one didn't get as bad. so seriously don't worry, i'd say you're still just a bit wobbly from that stomach virus and will be feeling better in no time :)

01-10-2009, 07:11 AM
Colinsmom~ you are living my life!!!

I was doing so much better until THanksgiving when my 3 step kids came to visit. And of course the drama with my husbands psycho ex wife (and Im the one with a mental illness? LOL) All the anxiety has come hack to haunt me, and since Turkey day I have been dizzy and I feel as if someone is squeezing my chest. I do tend to feel better when I am so engrossed in something that I forget that I have anxiety disorder. lol

This is going to be easy for me to say, but its so hard to do....But you have to get out there and do something. Walk, exercise, do something that will take your mind off your anxiety for a moment. You will notice your symptoms disappear until you start thinking about them again.....It happens to me all the time.

I recently quit taking the Xanax though, which I miss terribly. I was told by a therapist that it can cause your anxiety to become worse over time. I cant take that chance, lol....

Good Luck and keep in touch if youd like!