View Full Version : Dissociation SUCKS!

12-11-2008, 07:19 PM
Yesterday I was overwhelmed with anxious what if thoughts and negative repetitive thinking so much I thought I was going to die. In addition to the anxiety i also suffer from DP/DR all day everyday and having PTSD and depression doesnt help much in the scheme of things. I was worrying all day yesterday and after coming back from work I felt exhausted and soon crawled into my bed. I tossed and turned suddenly feeling strange then BAM!!
I floated into a sense of nothingness not the slightest bit concious of my body, thoughts or surroundings or life, I remember trying to close my eyes and every time I did I felt like I was sucked into a black hole of nothingness. I dont know what happened I think I blacked out all I know is this morning I woke up feeling weak and I had chest pains. Has anybody else had something similar happen to themselves?