View Full Version : Drugs turned my anxiety issues into a living hell.

12-11-2008, 07:12 AM
First of all Id like to say hi to everyone on this forum and let you know a bit about myself and my experience.
I grew up in a pretty hostile scary enviroment as a child my father is a vietnam veteran and brought home some serious issues with him when he returned from war he use to beat my mother and I and abuse us and scare us.I developed PTSD and anxiety at a young age and in my early teens (14yrs) I started to self medicate with alcohol and smoke pot everyday. I later became addicted to ice and an alcoholic. One night I decided to take so me lsd with friends, anyway I had a really bad trip and ended up crawling into bed with my mom crying (not like me). Since that night my anxiety is so bad that i was admitted into hospital on suicide watch. My symptoms are a constant brain fog, I cant think clearly, or remember anything, panic attacks, constant DP/DR, intrusive thoughts, blurry vision, severe depression, noisy head, obsessive thinking and worrying and pretty much anything else you can think of relating to anxiety. Any way there you go thats my long boring story I hope I can chat and make some good allies on this site. Cheers 8)