View Full Version : Music and chatter in my head!!

12-11-2008, 06:26 AM
I love music and being a musician means im always thinking about tracks I like etc. Nearly everyday I get music and lyrics playing over and over in my head it drives me mad if I hear a song you betcha for the rest of the day its playing inside my head, sometimes I even wake up with a song in my head. Ive spoken to my doctors about this and they say that its part of my anxiety and it will eventually cease. Is there anyone else that gets similar or the same thing happening to them? Id love to hear from you.

Another annoying symptom I get occurs sometimes randomly during the day but most of the time when I ly down to go to sleep, I get all this chatter and random words and sentences popping up in my head. Can anyone relate to this? please post a replt if this applys to you I want to here youre story. Cheers

12-11-2008, 02:46 PM
Yeah I get this especially the night time "chatter" as I'm trying to nod off. I actually came up with my own medical term for it "repetitive word syndrome"! Sometimes I get a flurry of words racing around, others its just one thats stuck on repeat. Its like the mind becomes hyper active just at a time when it should be shutting down and relaxing. It can be a bit annoying however I don't think its the worst of the anxiety symptoms. I think once you realise what it is (and believe me, that took a while!) you kinda start to live with it and ignore it.

12-11-2008, 03:17 PM
i used to get this chatter right before i went to sleep quite often too! images and words would flash through my mind and i found it impossible to sleep. it took me a long long time to work out that this was happening usually because i'd had too much of some kind of stimulant in the evening before i went to bed. so for example i had been to the cinema and had loads of sweets and coke - waaaay too much sugar. or i had been out for a drink and the alcohol had the same effect as the sugar. or i'd been at home eating lots of chocolate (as i tend to do lol) or too much tea and hey presto no sleeping! obviously this was solved pretty easily by avoiding stimulants for a couple of hours before going to bed :)

it also happened if i was stressed out about a particular problem and couldn't take my mind off the worry. therapy helped me to work on the circle of worrying thoughts and there are lots of other things you can do to help out with stress.

so it might be worth thinking about either of these two things? look at what you're consuming through food and drink, too many stimulants like coffee, tea and sugar can send your mind racing and also at what you can do to reduce your stress levels and hopefully it will help :)

12-11-2008, 06:56 PM
Thanx for youre opinion guys Im pretty positive that its to do with my stress levels and not due to any stimulants as I dont drink caffiene at all and avoid lots of sugar espacially before bed. I also obsess over my thoughts and they keep going around in my head all day predominatly the scary ones and I think that this is the main catalyst like you have mentioned to me in your replys. Thankyou

12-22-2008, 01:40 AM
I was wondering if this is what was happening to me tonight. I could not fall a sleep for some reason my mind kept racing with thoughts that made absolutely no sense right when I was trying to go to sleep. It was weird, like i was half a sleep and half awake with my mind thinking of things with little to no sense yet, I was almost convinced my it was true, like a dream really. Nothing to scary but extremely annoying. Anyone else feel like this???