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04-18-2022, 11:41 PM
https://media2.giphy.com/media/hpXxJ78YtpT0s/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47nhu0fhl543on57x5dxqfdg4lzb2x kee0ooz03rod&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

04-19-2022, 01:17 PM

"... I worry that I am not "charismatic" enough. My accent is also very thick. I talk like my mouth has been sedated, and people notice that..." (https://www.webdesignerforum.co.uk/topic/88218-i-think-it-is-time-for-me-to-rediscover-the-web/#comment-524678)
If only the rest of you was sedated, you potato-faced shartgoblin. My fucking god ,how does you mum even know which end to wipe given you smell like hot piss and your mouth looks like an anus stuffed with rotten corn husks?

04-19-2022, 01:33 PM
And not to forget my favourite ever Peter quote:
"Now I have to take occasional trips to see a psychologist because people on forums make me feel sad inside." (http://www.abandonia.com/vbullet/showpost.php?p=269301&postcount=1)
(Breaks out the worlds smallest violin)

04-19-2022, 01:46 PM
Of course sad inside leads to angry inside, angry inside leads to angry outside, angry outside leads to the dark side...

...Eventually, a bit of sadness turned into a lot of sadness, and then into a lot of anger, since they were never going to support me ever again. Staff were then physically attacked and insulted, but during other occasions, they sabotaged me meeting with my former key worker in a coffee shop for example by calling the cops to stop me, then later denying they even knew the police were called, yet the pigs said it was them. There was also a time where the fuzz smashed my bedroom door in to get to me because they claimed to be "concerned" and then threatened to arrest me, yet I had done zero wrong....

Even though a rare admission of physical violence, note the switch to the passive tense for the statement "Staff were then physically attacked and insulted" - it just happened. Not Peter's fault obviously. No, He's not the one to blame.

04-20-2022, 02:45 PM
Well, someone has certainly been busy.
Meanwhile Peter will still just be sat in his dingy flat (that lightbulb still missing?), alone, eating his weird fruit, as the acid erodes his manky teeth, wishing his dick worked.

04-21-2022, 02:50 PM
You're seeing stars.

You're seeing nobody.
Even is you were there's not much you could do about it, is there?

I don't seem to gel with women at all. (https://mysupportforums.org/5771622-post21.html)Even sex workers have mistreated me, and I don't know about you, but who wants to pay £150 or more to an escort if you cannot get it up?

Make sure you drink plenty of water

Take lots of water with Viagra. (https://mysupportforums.org/5763657-post3.html)It dehydrates you. It always gives me a headache, but I cannot get an erection without it.

I'm the same. I wank a lot and can cum that way. (https://mysupportforums.org/5659794-post13.html) I rarely cum from sex. I've certainly never gained an orgasm from sex in a long time now. Hand relief can usually make me cum, but why pay for that?

I'm tired in a few minutes after sex starts anyway. I've seen the same escort for years now, and I feel like it's a waste of cash. She also doesn't always use the correct type of lube. You're not supposed to use creams or greasy cooking products. It's meant to be a waster based lubricant.

Maybe you should chat to your mum about it?

I'm tired of not having a good sex life! (https://mysupportforums.org/5639889-post1.html)
Anyway, I've often had issues with escorts. My family won't allow me to bring sex workers into the house. Many times, I never feel relaxed enough to get an erection unless I use a drug that helps, and having feelings of social anxiety in public lowers my libido too, and when I want to go out, despite my age, my mother asks me a whole ton of questions about where I'm going, which also makes me feel odd. She knows I see escorts and rather than understand that I have needs, she tries to dissuade me or threaten me somehow. I've wasted hundreds of pounds trying to bang women, and gotten nowhere doing so.

I think I've only enjoyed sex and been able to have an orgasm twice out of the dozens of times I've used escorts, whether it's doing it in massage parlors or doing an in call where I go to their flats. Some escorts are quite nice in general, but many of them unfortunately, are cold and extremely nasty, and potentially dangerous. Foreigners are especially horrid.

They often will lie about their 'services' (you can normally see a list on their online profiles) and they generally try to get more money out of you, and lie, or cut the session short. Sometimes, I've left their premises amid abusive treatment and felt rather bad, like the ground beneath my feet suddenly opened up and swallowed me whole. One woman who was traveling around the country saw me in my city last year, then denied all knowledge of even seeing me when I left her bad feedback, as a client should. Because why be subjected to such rudeness and dishonesty, and not let others see that they are not offering a good service? It's made me lose faith in females. It really has affected my self-esteem. How these people can make you feel like an ant being burned alive under a magnifying glass is truly awful.

I guess it's nature's way of trying to eliminate your family's degenerate bloodline; maybe there's hope for humanity yet.

04-21-2022, 03:09 PM
Also this follow up post on one of the above threads was too good not to share in full. It's almost peak Peter.
I'd add some insults but it's really hard to top this, it really doesn't need any embellishment!

Re: I'm tired of not having a good sex life! (https://mysupportforums.org/5647281-post3.html)

Yes - I know it's just a job to those people, and I think many of them are misandrists as well, which is shocking. The way many of them behaved in my presence was hardly lady like behavior, in my eyes. Half of the women I seen acted like prison screws with the worst mannerisms, and some of them had a cold icy look, like I'd be beaten up if I crossed them. They probably take drugs. In fact, I belatedly left one woman bad feedback as I left her place feeling like she took my dignity away. She really was that nasty, and she actually denied ever seeing me. As they will. Also, that ladyboy I seen also sent me a barrage of nasty messages like she was high on something (which is so uncharacteristic of our initial meeting). So in retrospect, my first time with a transsexual feels ruined now, even though she was initially wonderful.

The only reason I see the Polish lady that I do is because I had a good shag with her, years ago. And I do mean years ago. I've saw her many times since then, and it's been a true waste of my cash. Today, I sent her a text message saying I'm taken a break. She usually just has to give me hand relief. I'm never aroused. When you penetrate someone, you're supposed to feel sexually excited, right? But I don't. There's also the added hassle of having to travel around, and I get anxiety so bad these days, that I'd rather not use public transport. I'm not allowed to bring women like that into my parents' house either. Sadly, I have issues trying to get accommodation elsewhere, and I generally feel very fed up now with practically everything in my life that I used to enjoy, due to a magnitude of stressful situations.

Since that one good time with her, I've never been able to hardly do a thing with women, as I described above. When you're that unlucky, it's pointless handing over £100 or more. Regardless of what one pays, it's so silly if the sex does nothing for them. There have been some women who have been attractive, and I never had issues with getting an erection when I was a teenager, despite not having sex until I was 22 and this was in a sauna (she was nasty too, because she knew I was a virgin). Now it is so hard, even with impotence drugs, to screw anyone. Some of these women don't even use real lube. They apply stuff to their genitals like Savlon antiseptic cream, baby oil and coconut oil. Seriously!

When I leave that Polish woman's flat, I feel immensely dumb, like I'm not a real man. It's not like I have any savings either, so it's a big loss financially to carry on doing this like a fool. When I actually spoke to my doctor about all of this stuff, all he did was try to prescribe beta blockers (for anxiety) because I was convicted of stalking support workers, so he refused to give me Vigara, even after I had it prescribed many times from the same surgery, and they obviously know about all that chaos to do with the court matters. His manager lied for him recently when I called to complain about how I was treated and embarrassed, and she said I've not had it prescribed from there by any of the doctors, since 2015 (which is a lie).

The women I've seen all notice I have a baggy foreskin too, which my now ex-doc says is just 'the foreskin God gave you' like his idiot opinions matter to me. Do they hell? He also accused my sister of exaggerating about her bowel disease and wanted her to take a gluten test, even after unaffiliated hospital staff warned her that is unwise. My family members also got letters saying we've to move because we live too far away, when we do not.

Anyway, thanks for the reply.

04-21-2022, 04:07 PM
You can't get erect because you're into transgender people, Peter Ross Anderson. It doesn't matter whether the person was originally female or male, so long as there is a penis attached.

04-21-2022, 06:58 PM
You do know that when I get in touch with a solicitor in Australia, you'll be arrested, right?
You touching people is part of the problem isn't it Peter? That's what gets you arrested.
Lol. You can't even get a solicitor in Edinburgh:

I've called every lawyer in Edinburgh. (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/imagine-a-court-where-you-cannot-sue-someone.37709/#post-834880)I don't want to sue anyone for money. It's not about money. It was never about money. They always assume it is.

I was willing to pay privately to go through with this "case" of sorts. However, I rang up everybody I could. They always tell me the same thing. They're too busy, or that it's not something they deal with. Like, I get told to go to advice shops in my hometown of Edinburgh, or call up the Law Society to find out about acquiring a lawyer that way. Which is pointless, because you can find a list of local solicitors on Google, so you're likely gonna be told the same information from whoever you speak to. And yep. I've called every single one. I even called them repeatedly, because I forgot which ones I'd contacted before. Or I got desperate.

Crawl back under your rock, you slimy cockgoblin.

04-21-2022, 08:48 PM
You do know that when I get in touch with a solicitor in Australia, you'll be arrested, right?
