View Full Version : Anxiety Without Knowing Why?

12-10-2008, 01:16 PM
You think that this is possible, to unknowingly get anxiety without and cause known to yourself?

Because I seemed to develop this without any reason that i know of, i understand it can be genetic, but can this creep up on you without any notice?

Anybody Know?

12-10-2008, 01:46 PM
Most anxiety will do that. Whether its a panic attack, or generalized anxiety -- often times the source is unknown to the patient. There is a reason however, whether you realize it now or not. Therapy can help. Medication can also supplement this.

The subconscious mind works in amazing ways.

12-10-2008, 02:19 PM
Grandad diagnosed with cancer, but nearly completed chemo, food poisoning when i was abroad, along with hearing my house was broken into with call from my mother then flying back home which i was really scared of, then i was ok for a while, then it felt like anxiety got worse and worse and worse, now it seems to be at a steady and moderate pace, sometimes im fine others im not.

I question whether it could be anxiety, because some of the above reasons didnt seem to phase me at the time, but maybe they did on a sub-concious level without me knowing it?

12-10-2008, 04:30 PM
Grandad diagnosed with cancer, but nearly completed chemo, food poisoning when i was abroad, along with hearing my house was broken into with call from my mother then flying back home which i was really scared of, then i was ok for a while, then it felt like anxiety got worse and worse and worse, now it seems to be at a steady and moderate pace, sometimes im fine others im not.

I question whether it could be anxiety, because some of the above reasons didnt seem to phase me at the time, but maybe they did on a sub-concious level without me knowing it?

They can trigger a lot of things. For anyone to make an educated assessment on what could possibly be some factors & triggers for your anxiety, you'd first need to know when and where you have anxiety attacks. Any particular place or scanario? Going out to dinner. Going to work/school. Going to a friend's or party. Traveling? Do you get panic attacks at home, or only when you go out?

A common cause of panic attacks and anxiety is agoraphobia. Which is derived from the greek roots agora, meaning "marketplace", and phobos meaning "fear of". It meant fear of the market place. However, agoraphobia isn't a specific fear like arachnophobia, which is the fear of spiders.

Agoraphobia can manifest in many different ways, but the short definition is a fear of being in a place or situation where an exit, or better put, lack of control is present. Flying, crowds, things where you wouldn't be able to return home, or wherever you feel comfortable (called your "safe-zone"), quickly or at your leisure. This is however, only one random guess (due to its prevalence), so it may be completely inaccurate. I'm not a mental health professional, nor do I have any of your history or medical information in front of me.

However, if those traumatic experiences you mentioned happened abroad, it may very well could cause an association with being away from home and bad things happening. This would be stronger proven if you do in fact only become anxious in the situations that fall under agoraphobia. Usually with agoraphobia, and panic/anxiety in general, the anxiety is caused by the initial fear, but then increases due to fear of social embarrassment. Subconsciously of course (until you become conscious of it, which is the first step towards getting better)

Best thing to do is schedule an appointment with a professional. But I hope this helped in some way.


12-10-2008, 05:19 PM
Thanks for the reply Matt,

there is no real situation that i feal anxious, it comes on sometimes and othertimes it doesnt, for example my first Panic Attack occured after i was walking back from the beach and i felt fine, i then sat down when i got back to the hotel in the reception area where many people are, Then the panic attack hit with no indication or motive in my concious mind, however i was on holiday for 2 weeks and during this period i would consume alot of alcohol on every night, because of course im on holiday and wanted to enjoy myself. Then it went away after the first attack, i was fine after a couple of days, then they got closer together after i got home. Unitl it hit its peak.

When at home i lost my appetite, this could be down to the food poisoning, i barely ate, then the anxiety faded and i began eating again, then it came back and i lost it again. But now i find myself in a sort of limbo, where im not that bad, but im not that good either. My appetite is there but im not fully me. I find myself now being more anxious about being anxious for example, i can be fine but if i know if a party os something as such is coming up i get anxious before i go. when im there i can have 2 pints of beer and feel like im drunk, but not a good drunk, more of a anxious bad drunk.

And to the present day, i can sometimes go all day with feeling fine, othertimes theres always something in the back of my mind, such as now where i just know somethings not right but im not anxious nor showing any bad physical symptoms. Its more annoying for me that im at this limbo, i dont really care what day it is, and i no longer look forward to things, nothing really phases me and i find myself losing my temper alot more.