View Full Version : Peter Ross Anderson is a misogynist racist psychopathic cunt.

03-15-2022, 06:55 PM
And a particularly stupid one at that.

03-19-2022, 05:05 AM
Posting your deluded shit in other forums is still posting Peter.

(Dear Australian Police - you may need to create an account to see the attachments - Peter has "cunningly" deleted most of the vile shit he posts here prior to contacting you so you should contact your fellow professionals in Edinburgh for a full character assessment of Mr Anderson, but you might want to clear an afternoon...)

In the meantime let's see what the Court appointed social worker had to say (courtesy of Peter, because he is so delusional he posts things like this as 'edivence' of his victimhood):
"...directing insults at the court and victims..."
"...he plans to sue the victims, Court and his own solicitor..."
"...The level of delusion displayed by Mr Anderson was quite striking..."
"...rigid thinking style..."
"...profound difficulties with perspective..."
"...updated psychiatric report is needed..."

What a fine gentleman Mr Anderson is.
You see the problem is that Peter is, as mentioned previously, an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath, and as he wanders around the internet being an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath and doing obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath things, he (apparently much to his surprise) upsets people.
When then these upset people point out that he has upset them, by acting like an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath, rather than adjusting his behaviour, he doubles down and is even more of an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath until he is banned, arrested, or both.
Now Peter has this weird coping mechanism, whereby instead of thinking to himself , "golly, everywhere I go I act like an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath which annoys people, and everybody hates me, perhaps I should modify my behaviour?" he instead has invented a singular arch nemesis 'Gimpy' to whom he attributes all dissent.
Apparently this Gimpy is so skilled he can operate 24h a day, 365 days a year using multiple accounts on multiple forums, sometimes simultaneously, even creating multiple personas who publicly communicate with each other - This is something Peter tries to do, but unfortunately pretending to be multiple people requires first that you can behave like a person, so he is comically bad at it. He never seems to wonder why being so productive and so skilled, this character has apparently devoted all this talent and energy entirely to the purpose of trying to hold Peter back from his otherwise illustrious acting career and wonderful productive life.
Maybe it makes him feel valued - that someone cares that he exists?

You know it wouldn't surprise Peter if it turned out Gimpy was somehow responsible for such horrors as Capcom making games people like (instead of just releasing the same game again and again), or casting (horror!) black or (worse!) female actors in TV shows, because Peter doesn't like change (or women, or black people, or Australians, or Spanish, or anyone really).
The alternative explanation - that no-one gives a flying fuck about Peter, and that he is an obsessive belligerent vile misogynist racist psychopath, and that everywhere he goes he makes new enemies, well that is clearly ridiculous.

No, it could't be that, could it Peter?

04-07-2022, 04:39 AM
Bumpidy bump...

04-07-2022, 05:51 AM
Meanwhile news from elsewhere, Petey boy s working on adding to his extensive collection of non-harassment and obscene communication prosecutions it seems:

Last year, I messaged this gorgeous girl and she added me to WhatsApp. The one here...


This is why guys shouldn't think with their dick.

She is absolutely stunning, though. Trust me.

Anyway, we exchanged messages. I got rather nervous though, and ended up spouting all this crap about my personal life issues. Well, I think I was just nervous. I've got a disorder that makes having a social life difficult. But never again will I tell any sex worker my real name, or that I act in films.

It turns out she has a mistress called [redacted]. And she often works with [redacted], and her own mistress in Glasgow. I assumed that is where she is from. They shoot fetish productions for OnlyFans, and all that.

When she blocked me, I randomly found her social media profiles, despite not knowing her real name at the time. She may have been trying to find me on Facebook. Who knows? But it was definitely her accounts, because I saw content of hers before, that she has locked behind a paywall. So I seen her face closely.

Somebody tried to get me charged with a section 52 last year as well. Perhaps that wasn't her. It may have been this [redacted], who is another fruitcake I engaged with around the same time. The police were supposed to interview me, but I think they were hiding something from me.

A few months ago, I think [redacted] or whatever her pseudonym is, started sending me several impolite private messages on a forum, for mental health discussions. When she emailed me a few weeks ago, she said she knew I used message boards like that, and expressed a degree of empathy after reading my threads.

After [redacted] blocked me initially, I sent her messages to bug her on purpose. But I eventually realized that I was simply hurting from my life sucking, due to these tarts I had as support workers. So it seemed wrong to be a sex pest, so I said sorry to her. Huh

Now granted, my success rate on AW has always sucked. The girls on there are trash, to be honest. The ones that go to a dungeon named Maison de Debauch in Edinburgh, constantly slander me for some reason. And I think she visits that dump too. Yet I have not gone there in nearly 6 years. There are tons of women that know Mistress [redacted] though, like Mistress [redacted]. They all just take the piss. Miss [redacted] and [redacted] are two other cows.

Absolutely none of these dominatrix types I have contacted are nice people. Now, I know they're known for being incredibly cold in general, so that is to be expected, I guess. But come on, eh? Whatever happened to manners? You cannot message them about bugger all. They're only interested in you being daft enough to tip them for their boring, pedestrian, overpriced content.

The second last time [redacted] emailed me, she told me her address in Perthshire is some fancy looking estate, along with my own address, since some annoying troll in Australia mass posted it on a forum recently, so she probably looked up my user name, which is not actually this one, but one with "Saunders" in it. The last email I got was on Friday, by the way, where she said she would call the cops if I ever contact her again. Dodgy

However, I am done with AW now. It is all just annoying wank fodder and the site is actually full of fake profiles, bizarre ladies, and sadists, that love to waste your time and money. Oh, and they hate autism too. So I'd advise you to just stick to vanilla dating sites, but even they are usually pointless as well. It is just so sad. But if you confront them, they claim you're a misogynist. What the hell?

Unfortunately, that is life online. Gonna just call it quits here, you guys. But I did try!

Huh. "So it seemed wrong to be a sex pest" - ya think?

04-07-2022, 06:00 AM


Ignorance is bliss :)

04-07-2022, 06:38 AM


Ignorance is bliss :)

Is it some weird cultural thing with Australians that they are unable to ignore you by just actually ignoring you, that have to repeatedly tell you that they're ignoring you?

04-07-2022, 06:40 AM

Oh you poor deluded ignorant moron. Comprehension isn't your strong point is it? You really don't belong in this world do you?

04-07-2022, 06:46 AM
James Berich claims he ain't James Berich.


James Berich claims he has one account on here.


James Berich claims he isn't the guy following me around online.


It is James Berich because his friends list on FB went from public to private when he knew I was onto it. Still have screenshots of friends and relatives :D

04-07-2022, 06:53 AM
Crazy stupid stalkers just love the company of other crazy stupid stalkers, eh Peter?

his friends list on FB went from public to private when he knew I was onto it. Still have screenshots of friends and relatives :D

04-07-2022, 07:07 AM
I see you talkin but I can't hear a word your sayin. It's a beautiful thing. I know I'm right anyway.. Why would a troll try to tell people this "innocent" FB guy isn't him?? Not too bright are ya?

04-07-2022, 07:08 AM
Can you email me those? ;)

[email protected]

Thanks. :)

I don't see why not.

04-07-2022, 07:08 AM
Can you email me those? ;)

[email protected]

Thanks. :)

Moron (shakes head)
Make sure you CC constable whatsisface

04-07-2022, 07:14 AM


04-07-2022, 07:22 AM


http://anxietyforum.net/forum/images/styles/BlueDemon/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist http://anxietyforum.net/forum/images/styles/BlueDemon/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?p=252358#post252358)
Is it some weird cultural thing with Australians that they are unable to ignore you by just actually ignoring you, that have to repeatedly tell you that they're ignoring you?

Is it some weird cultural thing with Australians that they are unable to ignore you by just actually ignoring you, that have to repeatedly tell you that they're ignoring you?

No, it's some weird cultural thing with humans when they're faced with some nasty person hiding behind a keyboard getting all up in their face for no reason. Like you're the poster boy for mature behaviour..

04-07-2022, 07:35 AM


http://anxietyforum.net/forum/images/styles/BlueDemon/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist http://anxietyforum.net/forum/images/styles/BlueDemon/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?p=252358#post252358)
Is it some weird cultural thing with Australians that they are unable to ignore you by just actually ignoring you, that have to repeatedly tell you that they're ignoring you?

Is it some weird cultural thing with Australians that they are unable to ignore you by just actually ignoring you, that have to repeatedly tell you that they're ignoring you?

No, it's some weird cultural thing with humans when they're faced with some nasty person hiding behind a keyboard getting all up in their face for no reason. Like you're the poster boy for mature behaviour..

Really not got the hang of this ignoring thing, have you? But its all about me Literally have no interest in you hon.

04-07-2022, 08:45 AM
Hey, there's a proper name for it, in fact.
methamphetamine psychosis?

04-07-2022, 08:53 AM
BTW Peter, you need to do some work to get your streaming box to use the vpn, now that you're using your broadband and not piggy backing off your phone.

04-07-2022, 09:06 AM
You're a knob. I'm using Opera.


ASN AS9105 - TalkTalk Communications Limited
Hostname 88-108-73-221.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com
Company Tiscali UK Ltd
Hosted domains 0
Privacy False
Anycast False
ASN type ISP
Abuse contact [email protected]
Geolocation Data
City Edinburgh
State Scotland
Country United Kingdom

04-07-2022, 09:31 AM
Oh, wow. Studying useless IP address information is seemingly your thing now. You're that weird though, that you JUST have to find out a person's real IP address... ON THE INTERNET!

Well done, sir.

Allow me to direct you to the room where, NOBODY FUCKING CARES!

Nothing says not caring quite like ALL CAPS!

04-07-2022, 11:53 AM
Poor Peter (from the archives)

This may sound like a weird story, but it's 100% true...

Anyway, back in 2003 when I first started out on message boards, I was banned from these Resident Evil forums and the members kept insulting me, etc. They gave me a bad reputation so that my membership would be declined on any site related to the same topic. Well, it got increasingly worse after that.

I kept sneaking my way back in using different names, trying to stay anonymous. I later found out about proxies and disposable email accounts. But the same muck occured again...They would figure out it was me and ban me again. I got as far as maybe 3 posts and then the account was banned.

Well as the years went rolling on, I soldiered on under the "Grace Saunders" banner, never once trying to hide myself, or start anew. Then I got banned from even more forums because they didn't share my common interests and I complained too much.

They got inside my head and gave me psychological torment. You see, they insulted my grandmother before she died. They made all my online buddies turn against me. Last year, they found out I made my own Dino Crisis site and forums and they got it deleted. They also broke into my email accounts and deactivated my accounts on dozens of forums. I got banned from over 80 different forums, although most of them had the same admins and members, so it doesn't look as bad as it sounds.

This year I tried to start fresh with a new name and I had some people fooled for a while. But on Silent Hill Heaven I forgot to edit out my birthday and when it came to the 26th of January, the main admin discovered my new account on the Happy Birthday menu and banned it. Unfortunately, if they ban that name, it's sure to be banned from everywhere else as well.

My mother says it was my own fault for playing into their hands. I let it go on for years instead of laying low the first time they kicked me off the site. Now this garbage is located everywhere and it's seriously a bunch of non-sense. I also made these "Cyberbullying" threads and my enemies got to know my posting habits. Now they laugh at my expense and log it all.

Now I have to take occasional trips to see a psychologist because people on forums make me feel sad inside.

Ever had anything like that happen to you!?

Well, the story is very cliched, but try to bare with me. You asked for the story, so here it is:


I joined TotallyRE using the alias zombiefied. I acted like a newbie and did not use spacing or proper words, just because I was new and newbies are generally airheads. No offense.

I made stupid threads. A few members ganged up on because they knew I liked Pokémon. They made sick posts aimed at me, etc. I retaliated by slagging them off and I got banned by Marco (the founder of TotallyRE).

I also got banned from Serebii.Net because I made weird posts and their rules were quite tight. I kept arguing with a mod called Hanada Tattsu (now seemingly AWOL from the Internet).

I then went to Resident Evil Horror, the self-proclaimed greatest Resident Evil fan site around. Things started off pretty normal til a mod named Alexander Ashford (we met on the imdb.com boards) told the staff to ban me (he found my private messages annoying). So they did. I kept re-registering and they banned my accounts and kept removing my posts. Although the original ban was somewhat unjustified.


A few months of this went by, and they let me rejoin after they got a new board. I was very active so I ended up with over 1200 posts and got to #1 on the highest posters chart.

Marco from TotallyRE allegedly told DaMa I was a 'problem poster' so I was banned again and threatened by the regular members. Again, I didn't know what I'd done to get this kinda treatment and a few people were also confused by the unruly decision to rid the community of my presence.

Then I started using the password recovery feature to spam their inboxes (cos they deserved it).

Shortly afterwards, I went to Resevil.com and was banned for posting a "death threat" towards DaMa (though it was more or less just trash talk). I kept re-registering there too, because I liked Resident Evil too much to just walk away.

I then befriended a woman called Lucky and our friendship soon became a partnership. I got a bit emotional at the things she told me, so I went nuts and tried to demot her from our boards. Then she banned me and got me banned from other boards, including the official ForumFlash support forums, and Bio-HQ, a Resident Evil fan site run by BHXtyrant.

I made a Silent Hill forum called the Room 312 Boards and Lucky deleted them. Then she deleted my Dino Crisis boards after I let her and another woman called Ada, become admins.

My grandmother died in August that year, and I got my Internet suspended a month later. Although this only lasted a week.


I got banned from loads of forums that year. Some guy insulted my favourite wrestler, Eddie Guerrero. I spent a great deal of time trying to piss people off because they were making my life hell.


I went on a website and sent £80 worth of pizzas to blackannis, the owner of RECommunity. She reported me to my ISP.

During the summer, I thought about making a website based on Dino Crisis because I was bored and it seemed like a good idea. I stole the basic layout for my site from Resident Evil Uncut, but it was only the HTML coding for the tables.

BHXtyrant from Bio-HQ/Neo-WU/White Umbrella found out about it and asked me to remove a link I had which lead to White Umbrella. So I did. In the process, he accidentally emailed Mike from Resident Evil Uncut because I forgot to edit out his contact information.

In October, an admin called Dot50Cal hacked into my email accounts and stole my log in details so I couldn't post on any forums again. He got into dozens of my accounts and caused a great deal of damage. He rendered my accounts inactive on multiple message boards and the admins refused to reinstate me. Reason being I had no proof.

In December of last year, I started to bring personal problems about the Internet into my work. I left suicide notes in a bag one afternoon, and a few days later I returned to the shop and assaulted a girl, because I had a crush on her and she ended up reporting me for asking my sister to pester her about giving me her contact details. She was in a relationship, but I still wanted to stay in touch because I knew she was leaving after Christmas.

After the police charged me, I rang up blackannis from RECommunity because I used a WHOIS to get her phone number. This phone call was actually many years in the making, because I was repeatedly banned on RECommunity.

She told me she had sympathy for me, but I should stop looking for e-sympathy from people online, because people on forums are very mean-spirited to people who won't acknowledge your posts.


I started using the alias Alice Johnson to register on forums, but the name was exposed through a mistake I made on Silent Hill Heaven. I forgot to add a fake DOB so when it got to my birthday, I was banned. The owner of the site is called Vixx and she also posts on Luminescence.

04-07-2022, 12:34 PM
It's not easy being a full time fucknut:

Trust me when I say I want to forget about what happened. I could care much less if I never saw any of these people again. But I have all this junk on my record that could prevent me from getting jobs for several more years. A lot of agencies for film extras state that you have to register on their websites, fill in all the red tape, and submit up to date DBS information, and that is mandatory for all their talent. So I am basically probably going to be missing out on opportunities to get a part in a major film as a blurry dot in a crowd, because I got mad at two people that I believe wronged me. It may not seem like a big deal because it's just extra work and a lot of people may not even be visible on screen in the final cut, but some of these movies are high profile feature films that would look great on their IMDb page.

The summary on my disclosure paperwork has racism, sexual harassment and stalking as the convictions, which is why I was sent to Barlinnie in 2015. I was only being like that because I was mad at being betrayed. If I could do it all over again, well... I would have been upset, but maybe I could have gotten something done about it had I known how. Even other inmates in prison thought it was 'petty' that I was doing time for that.

The protection hall in my local jail had no room at that time, and I was fully committed, so I could have been in jail for months, which ended up being what occurred. If I had not contacted any of them again, it would have been wiped from my record in 2020, because the restraining orders were granted for the ladies and one of their ex-boyfriends in 2015 to run for a total of 5 years. But last year, a sheriff in Livingston where this Spanish lady apparently may be living now, extended it to 10 years, and I was sentenced to 70 days in jail. But before I was up for release, another sheriff from my neck of the woods, gave me a concurrent sentence because I did not carry out unpaid work from earlier last year, but that was in regards to a different case where I was repeatedly contacting a singer on Twitter, that I used to be a fan of. He was the lead singer of a band called Wah! over 30 years ago, and we got on great to begin with, then he turned against me. This hurt me deeply, as the guy was like a "hero" to me. It made me feel like crap.

When I asked the officers in jail why I was going to Barlinnie when they gave me zero notice at all, they said I was down as a sex offender, so I could not stay there. And that day, my mother had been booked in for a visit and she had to be told I was being transferred to Glasgow. All I did was say to the women in emails that I was going to have sex with someone, and record us doing it. That was it. Even my supervisor told my mother that was wrong what they did, when they made up that hooey about me being a sex offender. But great insults can last a long time. The one I got from that other support worker about Eddie Guerrero being a (vulgar word for vagina) has really stuck with me, and some of the other things he said was pitiful as well. They likely fired him, but they would not reveal whether that happened or not.

In fact, the bosses kept saying to me that I could not bring escorts into my flat. Once I had no money and I told them that this was the reason why I was skint, and they said I would be thrown out if I did it again. I eventually complained to an agency about recruiting responsible sex workers for disabled people, called the TLC Trust, and I explained that it was not illegal to invite a woman into my home for intimacy. So they called them and the staff said it was fine. But if I had never challenged it, they would have kept acting like I was doing something wrong. It did not matter in the long run, because I never went back. When I was on bail, they barred me from even collecting my mail or walking near that street, and as I said, they conjured up a story to get me to willfully declare away my tenancy, after saying I had rent arrears that the council was supposed to be paying for me. Hence why I keep saying they're serial liars.

And like I said, all manner of people were blabbing behind my back, being a stool pigeon, or sending me emails pretending to know my ex. As in, the girl I met years ago who kept using me to buy her goodies from an Argos store, who had also been taken me for a sucker, and whatnot. She even left me along a canal once, telling me to wait around on her returning, and she never came back. Her excuse was that she visited her friends, and fell asleep. So... I have had it really tough.

04-07-2022, 01:39 PM
Who are you talking to, man?

You're essentially talking to yourself.

None of the users on here or elsewhere, are interested in reading your bullshit.

Again just repeating your own insecurities aren't you?

Thread by: Grace Saunders, 0 replies
By CrowingJoe79, 0 replies
Caffeine Addict Replies 0
Tommy Walls Replies: 0
Plane N SIM Pill Replies: 0
Milky Way Magic Stars Replies: 0
Thread by: Johnny Mnemonic, 0 replies
Thread by Thompson Replies 0
Health Drink Replies 0
Thread by: SCT Guy, 0 replies
Peter A, Replies: 0
by Hunter Hunted, Replies 0
Grace Saunders, Replies: 0

04-08-2022, 10:49 PM
Who are you talking to, man?

You're essentially talking to yourself.

None of the users on here or elsewhere, are interested in reading your bullshit.

He's right. I mean, at least you've given some life to this place and brought certain people back, but from where I'm standing you just seem utterly obsessed with Pedro.

04-09-2022, 12:59 PM
Gypsy, are you on the autism forum, too?

No, I don't have autism. I may have ADHD though I think.

04-09-2022, 10:24 PM
Pedro, does the autism forum only want people with autism, or can other mental disorders join?

"Anyone is welcome."


04-10-2022, 08:09 PM
Have you made an account there, Bush? I'll try to make one tomorrow

I was seriously looking at everyone and wondering "who's Bush?" Now I remember.. One of your dumb jokes with Nixon. No, I said I'm not autistic!! Well ok, I'll make the account.


04-10-2022, 08:28 PM
You're autistic for this D

I'll be autistic by the end of this!

04-11-2022, 01:45 AM
MORE lying shite!
Just like you’re lying about the severity of your crimes and wrongdoings to all these people, right? How about that time you went on an enraged, childish tirade and uttered multiple death threats towards your local police station and former support workers in a video you published online? What about your absurd attempts at suing former supports in yet another illustration of your obstinacy from accepting the unavoidable truth? And that truth is you’re just another bad apple that rightfully got what he deserved. Why don’t you just go back to jail? Better yet, could you just disappear and never return? Do it.

04-11-2022, 06:06 AM
Just like you’re lying about the severity of your crimes and wrongdoings to all these people, right? How about that time you went on an enraged, childish tirade and uttered multiple death threats towards your local police station and former support workers in a video you published online? What about your absurd attempts at suing former supports in yet another illustration of your obstinacy from accepting the unavoidable truth? And that truth is you’re just another bad apple that rightfully got what he deserved. Why don’t you just go back to jail? Better yet, could you just disappear and never return? Do it.


04-11-2022, 06:47 PM
Copy and paste in your address bar:

This is the edivence that Peter Ross Anderson (The Scottish Pedro) of Edinburgh, Scotland is trying to cover up because it exposes him. In fact, it was because of this recording that he was arrested and sentenced to serve time in his local jail. Rightfully so!

In the video, you hear him utter death threats towards several individuals and even hints at engaging in a terrorist act when he expresses an intent on bombing his local police station. After he served time, he downplayed the whole incident across message boards with comments such as that he was just "blowing off steam."

This is how delusional this convicted criminal is, folks.

07-04-2022, 02:21 PM
Sexual harassment and stalking now being equivalent to being a bit peckish. What sort of fucking demented deluded nutjob thinks this is OK? (https://forum.legaljunkies.com/forum/attorneys-courts-litigation/courts-decisions-appeals/654306-the-pigs-are-bent#post654306)

The pigs are bent...
Years ago, I had issues with support workers at a company called Autism Initiatives, which has a branch in Edinburgh. Although they are actually based all across the UK. The pigs arrested me so many times over commotion involving former employees of the agency, Autism Initiatives...

This mess basically occurred because I let my belly rumble, and I said I liked my Spanish key worker, and another woman overreacted too. It's a long story... but their bosses called "Seniors" called the police to come to my flat, in their supported accommodation, then denied it. But they got in using spare keys. So why deny it? This carry on was wrenching away at my heart, and it eventually caused me to get angry, and over the years, the system had me imprisoned on remand and sentenced, so I went to 3 prisons in Scotland. Also got falsely accused of being a sex offender over heated (dirty) emails I sent. Although a sheriff said that was not true.

2 years ago, the 5 years non harassment order ended in May or so of 2020, for one of these women. Yet the police broke into my flat with a warrant shortly thereafter, and charged me. However, their excuse was that I posted a video online, ranting about her. But it was like a year old. So going by the timing of their arrival, I think it was a ploy they conjured up. At the station, they didn't state why I was there. I had to find out the following day. All they said was that I was being taken to court, the next working day. Then they had the cow being granted a new order. It is for 10 years, so it's twice as long. And my mum thinks they cooked up a sham. The order, after all, had ended.

Years of calling other law firms, the court and people in general has ranked up so much stress. Nobody wants to know. The staff keep telling me to use links on a site they have. But I don't know the law from Adam, really. It's like Double Dutch. But they just pass me from pillar to post, over and over again. Going to advice shops is also incredibly pointless.

Just so you know, my name is Peter. Not Grace. This Grace is a character in a game, if you felt confused by my choice of identity...

07-07-2022, 02:37 PM
Still whining about SWs not putting up with his shit: (https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=12955)

Please don't book her. She is not very sane, or nice...

05-07-2022, 18:37 (This post was last modified: 05-07-2022, 23:10 by Queenie500. Edit Reason: I just wanted to spread out my paragraphs, as well as correct a few spelling mistakes. )
A year ago, this user blocked me on WhatsApp for saying I have autism. Well, I think I brought up personal issues as well. But her blocking me was kind of offensive, as I have been trying for long enough to meet girls on adultwork.com over the years. However, it's quite frankly, been a fruitless pursuit. They're all incredibly awkward.

Interesting that Peter cares about spelling mistakes, but apparently not about the fact that everything else Peter does is a fucking mistake.

The lady's real name is actually [REDACTED]. I found her profile on Facebook, as she was "recommended" to me. She probably went probing for my own profile after she declined me, but I don't really bother with Facebook. It just randomly popped up in a list of users that I may know.

Her face was familiar to me, as I had seen videos of her doing BDSM content. Otherwise, you don't really see her face often, as it's locked behind a paywall. But I did, at the time.

I sent her a lot of messages this past year, initially being a bit on the nasty side.

I wonder, does this being a total cunt opening gambit usually work for the fucknugget?

In recent months, I was usually just mucking around and trying to tell funny jokes, to see if I could get on her good side. Eventually, she told me my real name and address in an email, as some Australian wanker I have issues with online, and who I know from old Resident Evil websites, went spamming it on a site for anxiety discussions, all because it's dead. Which he still does on a near daily basis, actually, with like 6428 different identities, being a colossal bogan from down under. Besides being an arsehole in general on YouTube, this guy is super creepy.

At first, [REDACTED] was kind of sympathetic about my personal problems. She in turn told me her address is this estate called [REDACTED], that I think is located somewhere in Perth. But I don't get why she moaned about me going to dox her if she told me it of her own accord.

Presumably that'll be Perth in Australia, in Peter's head. I see the concept of consent is foreign to Peter; "I saw her touching her own tits so I don't understand why she got upset when I touched them?"

Then a few months ago, she got a lawyer to have sheriff officers deliver me paperwork following a warning letter, because I uploaded a video on YouTube, talking to my mate on my mobile about receiving it, whilst laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. Although I didn't think she was serious. But hey, she must be loaded with cash. Because initially, I thought the house belonged to [REDACTED], and that it was somewhere in Glasgow. Her location reads as Glasgow, at least.

She accused me of slandering her. I kid you not.
Literally what you're fucking doing, you fucking cuntwomble.

She made a sarcastic comment about possessing a torture room and that we could shoot a horror film in the mansion, so I got sarcastic back, and said that she caused people to vanish. The sheriff in the court questioned me about that.

Despite the fact she registered under an anonymous name to call me a cunt on a random mental health forum, and never bothered to say to her solicitor that I reached out and offered an apology of my own free will, she had me going to the civil court via a web meeting this past May. And she doesn't have a third name called [REDACTED]. That's really the name of her co-worker, from the Netherlands.

Couldn't get any legal support before the deadline they stated, so they essentially just dismissed the case, but gave her the blooming non harassment order anyway. Then she recently gloated on her Twitter feed about getting a non harassment order granted for 3 years, which I don't think I will bother appealing, as it would cost more money than I care to fork out over a bimbo with a huge ego and no sense of humour, and she has the proof of my correspondence with her saved anyway. Therefore, she would cry wolf about me abusing her, and probably win.

I don't think Peter understands what that phrase means. It's not crying wolf when you've actually fucking done it, you jizzstain.

Had one of her simping male followers threatening to beat me up too.

The thing is, it's not just her that has a funny attitude either. There is a whole bunch of these switches and so-called mistresses that she is familiar with, who also know the owner of Maison de Debauch, which is a fetish dungeon at Easter Road in Edinburgh. I'd watch out, as they will probably try to accuse a guy of being a sexual predator when you turn on them for having a distinctly, unpleasant nature about them.

You are a fucking sexual predator you rancid lump of smegma. Stalking women is your second obsession after talking nonsense about Resident Evil.

And please don't pay for any custom videos they may offer you either, as the chances are, they're thinking up clever ways to go scamming you. They also often charge you money to read replies in the direct messages section or to look at crappy 5 second, 'no effort required ' clips on OnlyFans that can be freeloaded elsewhere, and they will likely refuse to acknowledge meetings, as it's against the rules.

Someone called [REDACTED] attempted this tactic a year ago. However, I wasn't charged. The police interviewed me and then they deceptively avoided saying too much. When I went to court over something unrelated, the sheriff very briefly mentioned a section 52 offense. That's when a person is supposed to be inciting or causing prostitution, I believe.

They seem like pretty weird women overall, not to mention arrogant. I have emailed many people like [REDACTED] in Fife and several others, and they were sort of okay at first, until the feedback began to pour in. That gave them a huge ego boost. Now they're blocking me, rejecting me as a client, and mocking me at every chance they get. But they didn't start off that way. Plus, their prices are absolutely shoddy as well. [REDACTED].[REDACTED]. [REDACTED]. [REDACTED]. You name it. They're all friends with each other.

And yet you still don't take the hit you obtuse fucking potato-brained asswipe.

Yet I used nicknames to contact them, so I don't know how they know it's myself who is messaging them each time.

It's almost as though your stench precedes you, you malodorous cockroach.

In fact, several years back, a user on this very forum went privately emailing the owner of that place false crap about how I wanted to go out with a professional Spanish sub girl from there, who was going there temporarily. But they all come across as being very shallow, and I don't think it's basic kinky fun they're seeking from men either. More like legal physical and mental abuse. You cannot even message them on adultwork.com or OnlyFans about anything considerably vanilla or normal to get some small talk started, but they will act very odd right away, think you're mucking them about and demand a tribute, and then try to make out you're the one who is being a weirdo.

Peter, you are most definitely the fucking weirdo.

Mollycoddled, much?

All they want is money and power, and they seem awfully demanding. Bella did mention 'being in power' on Twitter after bragging about successfully being able to sue me. But granted, though, they probably had a lot of "bicycle accidents" in their life, so to speak. You can tell something has triggered them, as I saw a similar story elsewhere about a woman who was a top dominatrix, but eventually retired, and admitted it took over her life. But I would be cautiously optimistic about seeing any of these women, to be honest. This shit is precisely why I hate adultwork.com now.

P.S. I am not trying to badmouth Bella or say you should 100% not see her. But I would be wary of her kind, as they're unprofessional. They're kind of not your normal sex workers, if you ask me. Definitely into sadist activities, and have open hatred for men, probably because of a terrible experience they've suffered in the past.

Watch their videos. They say so many derogatory things about guys. Devils with a human appearance, if you will.

07-07-2022, 02:39 PM
But wait, the anal pustule isn't finished, theres more!

05-07-2022, 23:51 (This post was last modified: 05-07-2022, 23:53 by Queenie500.)
Double post.

Of course, this is the official adultwork.com forum, I assume. So you don't have to take my word for it.

All in all, I think the only great thing about the site now is the layout. Trying to gain a meet on there with anybody is tough, as the users write their profiles like it's a big demand list. No this, no that.

I get that women want to deter those who may be aiming to waste their time, but it doesn't come across as very friendly. Quite the opposite, in fact. Not to mention all of the fake accounts that show up on the site, making it a chore to sift through the profiles to find someone who may be genuine.

I would suggest just going to a sauna, where the chicks are often way more pleasant. Then again, it's all random as to what you'll get, so it may not necessarily be any better. But it's somewhat cheaper, and you know the place is there when you need a quick pump and go. Until the government has them all closed. I've met some really laid back women in these venues.

You mean where the "chicks" aren't aware of your presence until it's too late.

As for [REDACTED]...

I'm sure she's kicking herself for squandering over £1000 in legal costs. Seriously, doll. That was sad.

Next to the pigs, she's behaving like a real piece of shit.

The pigs in Scotland really are, what my mate labels as being the Wankers Association. Years ago, all they ever did was cater to this lying spic who was serving as my key worker, and one other ex support worker as well.

"Spic" eh? Not racist at all. Here we go....

Basically, I fancied this support worker from Autism Initiatives, so they fucked me over and had me falsely imprisoned in 3 jails, besides arresting me like, 8312 times, all because I was agitated over not being able to make amends with them. It was just 2 years ago, when the fuzz cooked up a ploy.

Life is so unfair, isn't it Peter? It's almost like they thought you were a nasty, creepy, violent, stalking, sexually harassing, recidivist fucking shitbag?

They broke into my flat, arrested me, and didn't say why I was at the station. This is because I posted a video, ranting about this [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] wrecking my life (because they did).

No Peter - you have no life, and all your troubles are of your own making.

Yet the pigs were sneaky, and waited until the bogus non harassment order ended. As in the original one that one of the women received in 2015. It had ended roughly around that time period. Then the court deferred things like 3285 times because of the coronavirus bullshit, just to grant the slag a new order for 10 years. They also did this for an actress I had beef with, because I got mad at her for constantly slandering me and trying to prevent me from being a film extra.

It's almost like they cant see the warm, witty, intelligent, kind, caring, gentle soul that we all see in Peter...

My own lawyer was a moron too, as I gave him a USB stick ages ago. He claims he lost it, then went laughing on the phone with somebody present, when he was meant to take the situation more seriously as my legal representative. He was useless in court in any case, but when I attempted to have him replaced at long last, he bitched at me on the phone once for supposedly saying his service was so shitty. Says he got me bail, and whatnot.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Murray is a fucking miracle worker to keep you out of Carstairs, let alone Saughton.

I'm not able to get anything resolved, as I rang up the court and multiple legal firms countless times, and ended up getting messed around. Once, I went to one of these advice shops fairly local to me, but the cow I seen just left the room, came back 20 minutes later, and told me to seek out a lawyer. Since then, it has been a lost cause, because when you call around, they pass me from pillar to post.

Almost like you don't have a fucking leg to stand on, you fucking mental piece of shit.

Besides those bitches, I had a guy there too supporting me, called [REDACTED]. I met him back in 2008. He then sent me malicious emails while he was still employed for that agency, saying shit about a wrestling star, like, "Eddie Guerrero was a pussy and he killed himself because he realized he was gay!" Or something like that. What a jerk!

Eddie Guerrero was a pussy...

The bottom line is, the world is full of vindictive assholes, and online, it's a lot worse because of the anonymity it provides.
At last we agree on something - the world is full of vindictive assholes, and online, it's a lot worse because of the anonymity it provides for Peter Ross Anderson, and the fact that it allows the fucking demented shut-in to harass women without even having to leave his creepy little flat.
You know the one...
Where is Peter's Flat again?

07-07-2022, 03:43 PM
[...]and even a guy I know on YouTube called you a hater.
Thanks, that genuinely gave me a laugh. I think in the entire history of human discourse that has to be the single weakest attempt at appeal to authority that anyone has ever seen.

07-08-2022, 04:18 AM
Funny how this site has nothing about Nemesis, the support workers, or even you on there.

Why the fuck would there be?
Moron can't even post a link properly.
There. Fixed it for you. (https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Grace_Saunders)

02-26-2023, 05:39 PM
So potatohead is quitting the internet again (https://www.avforums.com/threads/i-think-it-may-be-time-to-move-on-from-resident-evil.2447686/), and this time the fuckface really, really, really means it (could be for a whole week if we're lucky).
So far, nothing noteworthy there, but this bit was a new bit of entertainingly delusional arsegravy:

But it's also a case of me firing on all cylinders for years non stop, and getting burned out as a result.
What the actual fuck? "Firing on all cylinders" - you mean the cunt has more than one? Jesus Fucking Christ, I'd hate to see what smegstain half-assing it looks like if this is the twat giving it everything!

Fortunately, I plan on retiring one last time from message boards, in the summer. Although I often feel like the Terry Funk of the RE world with all the times I said I was officially quitting forums, only to last several weeks before coming back in full throttle mode. But I have been absent from forums for about 4 months on the odd occasion.
Wow. A whole 4 months eh? Presumably no wifi in HMP Barlinnie? At least even Peter's tiny little brain is starting to manage to grasp how ridiculous this constant impotent flouncing is.

When people feel sad that I'm not doing my usual complaining, they get awfully curious and sad in equal measures. So like the genie Robin Williams played, I come out of my magic lamp if enough folk wish upon my contributions.
Drugs. I can only attribute this to heavy drug use. Presumably Peter has started smoking meth or something?
Nobody. Absolutely nobody, ever was sad or curious about Peter not posting. The only resemblance that Peter has to Robin Williams, is that Mr Williams has been dead for nine years, so quite possibly is beginning to smell a bit like Peter at this point.

07-07-2023, 04:01 PM
Today at 1:07 PM (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/bullshit.108672/page-3#post-1567037)

I don't post videos on YouTube any more, because of that Australian cockroach, James Berich. If I was gonna play a horror game, I would rather play it by myself with no interruptions, since I love to have total isolation with a scary game.

Still not James. If we could keep the cuntwaffle off YouTube that'd be something, but unfortunately the little goblinturd keeps resurfacing every now and then.
The mental image of Spudanus playing with itself is indeed horrific.

I don't see the point in vlogging anyway. Nobody under Capcom's payroll cares about the truth of where the Resident Evil franchise has headed. In fact, I wouldn't say half of them are even shills for Capcom. They just want Capcom to notice them.

It's not just Capcom employees that don't care what fucknugget thinks; The senpai notice me vibes are weird here....

I do enjoy the social side of streaming, but I don't think it's good to be prostituting your life story online for every annoying radge pot to know about.

One dislike. What social side? Peter might as well just sit on the upper deck of the N30 and espouse its views on Capcom to the drunks and tramps. It's only £3, cheaper than hiring a prostitute to listen to the smegcheese's ranting and it would probably get more traction than streaming. Might even end up in traction, come to that.

It's not fair to make people mods to boot off troublemakers, either. And the guy is a knob anyway. Like, imagine spamming up somebody's dead forum, when you're 37 years old. That's seriously moronic.

I don't care if there's a grudge going on, or a mental issue that encourages him to do it. That's really childish and disgraceful when you're a fully grown man, cyber pestering a guy that honestly doesn't give two fucks about your opinions. If I was gonna take on board anything he was spouting about, he would have seen results by now. So why continue to do it, other than to be ignorant?

The pissnozzle clearly does care, as it's struggling with basic english syntax by this point. The complete lack of self awareness of this serial stalker and harasser complaining about unpleasant behaviour is just jaw-dropping.

I've actually seen what this guy looks like. Giant paedophilic spectacles. Obese in appearance. No friends. I think he had a dog called Cody, but it was years ago. And he calls me fat, when it's only my tummy that has signs of any real weight. So what he says about me is actually true of himself.

You have no idea what I look like, Spudanus. I've never owned a dog. I'm in excellent health. I think you're confusing me with someone else... oh yeah, James. But I'm not James. So none of those things are true. All you've done there is establish that you are stalking James.

Of course, he says he's not James.

Of course I will say that I'm not James. That's because I'm not James; Who would claim to be that who was not?

Then after you figure out he's the sour grape from 2004 behind the pointless bullshit, he just continues to deflect, despite me having at least four pieces of evidence. He even likes to slag off how I pronounce the word evidence, regularly substituting the V for a D. Which just makes him look a fool. And thesaunderschild is not as dumb as he may look.

Ah, the infamous edivence. Fuckwit can't even say the word, let alone grasp the concept. In fairness, I'll give it the 'not as dumb as it looks' one on a technicality, given that it's probably impossible for anything to be quite as dumb as the mingeflap looks; You could be the rotting corpse of a salmon and still display enough signs of intelligence to not be as dumb as Spudanus looks. Seriously (http://prefrontal.org/files/posters/Bennett-Salmon-2009.pdf).

Like, seriously. How many people that are aged 37 do you know that stalks a stranger in Scotland, and does this 24/7 online? You would think he would be concerned about getting arrested. And then he makes it look worse by pretending to have recruited back up, when he was caught on the active users menu logging in and out of sock puppets.

Who's laughing? Who's in support of his antics? Nobody. Nobody whatsoever.

I only post from this account you feeble minded turdcake; all those other users posting - not me.
That said, I find them funny.

I mean, the police would know if he was lying. If he was asked, "How does (my name) know you, despite not being in Australia?" And if he said, "I don't know, officer", they would know he was lying. Because it's not possible to pretend you don't know somebody when they clearly know a lot about you.

That probably sounded better in your head, eh? Maybe it made sense there?

You know? That's just being a dumb fuck. But he probably just gathered, "Ha, ha. I live Down Under. Guess what? Untouchable, is me!"

Nobody is untouchable. There's always a back door to your shit. No pun intended.

I don't know about that. Fuckface is pretty untouchable. Even when it tries to pay people to touch it, they try their best to dodge it.

But yeah, man. He's a headcase. People like him are why loony bins exist.

I think, as previously established, Kenneth failing to pull out in time and spunking in Tania's rancid minge instead of splooging across her saggy tits, is what is taxing the mental health services - at least in Edinburgh.

07-07-2023, 05:27 PM
Today at 5:20 PM (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/bullshit.108672/post-1567065)

I was supposed to save up for a solicitor in Perth. I got asked to call somebody. But some firms charge $200 per hour.

I didn't really want to sue him, per se. I really just wanted an interdict with a power of arrest taken out against him.

Seeing as how I'm in the UK, I don't know if that's possible. But I'll see what I can do.

You'd have thought that surely the scrotewart would be able to save up some money as a result of the sex workers blacklisting it.
It can't have spent that much on fruit?

10-08-2023, 03:54 AM
If it wasn't for the fact that this was posted by one of fuckface's known accounts, I'd honestly have assumed it was a parody.
Its state of constant bewilderment at the world might be endearing if it wasn't coming from such an evil, demented psychopath.
I do wonder though, was this sparked by Potatoface trying to spend its CeX money (https://biohaze.com/forum/threads/random-thoughts.323/post-11713) as sex money?
Also, what's with the janitor thing? Has Spudanus seen too many Scooby-Doo episodes and just assumes that the janitor is always really the owner in disguise?
No interpolated commentary this time, I feel the comedy shines through without any need for embellishment.

Sex workers all seem to be mental these days...
Today at 1:13 AM. (https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/sex-workers-all-seem-to-be-mental-these-days.2878746/)

There's tons of women on AdultWork.com, OnlyFans, X and all that, who are not the full shilling. You only very occasionally find someone who is normal or sincere. But any other person is a lost cause.

A lot of them are variably sinister, odd, useless, or just blatantly a time waster, which makes registering feel relatively pointless. However, you cannot deny the ladies do look hot, which is basically why you get lured in and tag them. With how they post too, you would think some of them were living rent free in La La Land. I can't say they are all like this. But here's an example...

Buy me a house, loser. Buy me a car, you piece of trash. Buy me a luxury holiday for me and my friends. The hell?


Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?


They clearly don't like men or guys with autism either. But of course, they will lie through their teeth and deny it all, while incessantly tweeting self-indulgent, misandry inspired, or otherwise just senseless babble. That, and some of them are actually scammers. But if you speak up truthfully about their attitude to expose them for the frauds they are, they begin a smear campaign of sorts with other sex workers they know throughout the UK. A practice known as blackballing.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were into witch boards too. They seem distinctively bizarre. Nothing like those making an honest living anyway.

A few years ago, I added some weirdo on WhatsApp to ask for a tickle related booking, and she blocked me for what I felt was no reason. She claims she has a posh mansion up in Scotland, where she films fetish content with some elder skank, who looks to be way past her prime. That and covering her own buttocks in poop, despite having a Facebook account under her real name with minors who are related to her.

Then she went to a mental health forum I used to be active on, calling me the C word in a DM, using an alias I wasn't familiar with.

Unfortunately, I didn't know it was her, as I usually get bothered by this worse troll I know because of him being an Australian guy from old forums I used to visit years ago. I mentioned him on here already, because he's actually highly ignorant and needs his balls chopped off.

After attempting to apologise to her, she ignored every single message I sent, and then eventually complained to a lawyer because I used counter sarcasm after she said we could shoot a horror movie.

I have had a history of being slandered and rejected by women, because I visited a dungeon one time in my city, back in 2016. They probably sensed I was a bit backwards, which I really am not. Thought it would be funny to make me feel like crap. So ever since then, many women affiliated with the domme who runs that place have been talking about me, creating a lot of nasty rumours. I even contacted the janitor who operates it once, but he's a moron as well.

If someone adds a wishlist on Amazon by the way, and reveals their real name through their delivery address, that's not actually 'doxxing' someone. That's the woman in question being clumsy with information that's best kept private. So crying wolf later on is just stupid.

Speaking of being clumsy, I told some of these oddballs I was acting in films, and let them know about my IMDb page before, which obviously has my real name listed. And so on.

To be honest, even if you're just trying to spark up a chat, it's probably better to be more discreet about what you tell people. The same goes with just about any stranger you want to talk to online. Because I certainly regret telling people my real name, my location, and whatnot.

But Facebook is a lot of rubbish as well. It's just spam too, with nothing productive. Eye candy is what it is. Eye candy. They just want you to be a simp so they can mock you and leave you feeling embarrassed for being another sucker who thought he could get lucky.

On OnlyFans, the videos don't even play for me because my connection at home is rubbish. But your direct messages aren't private. The folk running that site can see your outgoing messages to the people you subscribe to. So you cannot ask content creators to meet up in person. This would be a violation of the terms of service.

You can sometimes ask them on AW, social media, or their personal website about a session. Tipping them is important, but I recommend you don't overdo it with anyone that doesn't seem genuine. Most of the women on Twitter are into findom only as a means to get a free ride and can pretend to be a domme too, to receive more money. This is shallow and giving legitimate dommes a bad reputation, who only expect a tip or a gift as a gesture of good faith.

But be prepared to be doing a lot of separating the chaff from the wheat if you show any intetest in getting to know them as people. I also wanted to add that I don't judge their actual services, as such. I don't have to say what these are. Just use your imagination. Whipping. Tickling. Ballbusting. And whatever else they offer.

But it is a colossal waste of time being enamoured with people like this. I feel the same way about video games forums, like GameSpot or ResetEra, which are always full of radge pots. Seeing as how they are blatantly serving as fanboys for Capcom and all that rot, engaging with them is just a daft idea. For it's a non starter.

Edited for a few typos.

P.S. You don't have to quote the entire post in a reply.

Regards, from Peter.

The Scottish Pedro
10-08-2023, 05:58 AM
Not available

10-08-2023, 05:31 PM
People most certainly don't agree with you, James, as they know you follow me around like an idiot regardless of where I post, which suggests you don't have anything better to do besides tweeting to support the new shitty movies.

If anybody is an evil psychopath, I reckon it's you after seeing your recent posts.

Also, everything I post is absolutely honest about these money grabbing broads, because real statements should always be unfiltered.

Sorry, still not James. Still don't tweet. (Is it even still called that?)
When are you back in court again?

10-11-2023, 01:07 PM
What a disgrace to the family Scotty is.

Quite. And given the absolute shower of morons that the rest of the clan seem to be, that's something of an achievement.

10-17-2023, 01:53 PM
Well, after vaguely behaving itself, Spudanus is back in full force fuckwit mode.
I thought the highlight of the day was going to be this comically inept attempt at a vaguely death-threaty jibe:

I Killed James Berich 4 Being A Billy Lid Cunt
Yesterday, 11:09 AM (http://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1052045#post1052045)

It's a new PC game I am developing, which will be very gory and have nudity, and scenes one may find distressing with a nervous disposition, requiring meds.

In it, some drongo from Perth in Australia called James is slain with an axe, while he is out in the bushes near Alice Springs.

This mostly comes about due to using my name "thesaunderschild" on some crappy forums, in a poor attempt to pose as me.

Not particularly exciting, but I did quite like the ridiculous notion of potatohead trying to develop a game, having so dismally failed to develop a personality, an intellect, or a life.
Normally that morsel of mental excursion would have completely burned out the cuntflap's one sickly brain cell, but obviously it must have been at the sugar, because soon it was off again!

10-17-2023, 01:58 PM
Clearly balanitis-features hasn't been wiping up the potato salad after wanking over Barry Burton, and has consequently been attracting flatmates....

Today at 5:51 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/the-housing-situation-in-edinburgh-is-a-joke.141316/post-1583834)

I don't pay rent. That is covered for me by the Edinburgh city council. But my flat is full of carpet beetles and mice.

Right now, I only have two main bills I must pay for myself. Heating charges paid to the council. When they send a letter, I just pay for it online, or I can go to the social work department. And then there's my electricity use with Utilita. I otherwise only pay for my mobile service and broadband, but my broadband with a different company is gonna be cancelled soon because the speed it runs at is totally atrocious. Downloading anything takes an eternity.

I get a slightly better speed on my phone than I do with TalkTalk. But because it's mobile data, the reception in my flat is poor. A quick speed test usually confirms a maximum speed of 1 MBPS, while my lined connection is a mere 0.2 or something.

So, yeah. That's just hopeless.

Good to know that the Scottish taxpayers' money is being put to such good use, invested in urban biodiversity projects like this.
I'm sure that the jizzclown's neighbours must be delighted.
I'm honestly shocked that the carpet beetles can find any carpet under all those crates of of shite the moron has.
You'd think that would be enough embarrassment for one day, and that at this point the scrotepustule would call it a night.
But wait!
There's more...

10-17-2023, 02:04 PM
For some reason, at this point the turdgargler seemed to think it could talk with the grown-ups and provide its well considered opinions on world affairs and, crucially, how they pertain to the main character (Spudanaus, obviously) and its ongoing mission of shoving food into its festering cakehole.
It decided to wade into an ongoing heated discussion and throw a cumsock on troubled waters with this glorious non sequitur:

Today at 6:18 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/hamas-stops-for-cookies-and-milk.141437/#post-1583836)

My sister and I were at a fair in the summer, held in the Leith Links. Palestine people were there, selling dates and other things. I remember one of them saying they were involved in a war back home and how people only ever mentioned the Russia-Ukraine crisis and not theirs.

I told my sister to be careful with engaging foreigners for trading. We could be in for the next 9/11 someday with these security risks. I don't trust them.

Like, seriously. Why let people on planes with box cutters and mace? That's just dumb, whether it was permitted on aircrafts back in 2001 or not. I keep thinking the Twin Towers could have still been here if it wasn't for that avoidable breach.

They let people in the UK, without checking them over. This is ridiculous and we had a subway bombed in 2005.

Well, I sincerely hope the UN has been properly briefed on the shitmaggot's musings; Perhaps Biden can swing by Edinburgh to see if he can gather any more crucial insights into global security from the arsepustule (ignoring the fact that it apparently hasn't yet grasped the use of adjectives or plural nouns).

10-19-2023, 06:22 PM
You just shake your head in wonder at Scottys comments.

Yes. It isn't even bothering with oblique racism anymore - just full on 1960s style cliche racism, just like granny used to tell 'em:

Yesterday at 10:15 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/palastinians-make-large-attack-against-israel.141394/post-1584139)

Black bastards. :mad:

10-19-2023, 06:27 PM
No commentary required, really, the crazy speaks for itself.
Let's just hope Spudanus gets all the support it needs, so that it truly can be offline more. Ideally entirely.

My sister wasn't being very nice to me in the early hours of the day our mum was to be buried. In fact, her attitude was not nice at all.

Basically, the day before, my sisters got a bus to head to the parlour. Beforehand, my younger sister agreed to meet me at a shop that is literally 5 minutes from the place, because it "could close early" (her own jargon). Lookin' Trendy, it's called. This is because I spotted a great Bruce Lee shirt in the window, and my mum was a big fan. So as we were gonna be putting remembrance (parting) gifts in the coffin, I was like, wow. That looks cool.

Of course, with my sister being in La La Land a lot these days, she went to the place before me and acted rather bossy, hereby berating me, cutting me off on her mobile and whatnot, as if I was causing a scene. My dad apparently got a bit funny too, but he's just an old grumpy fart with diabetes.

So the night after at 3 AM or something, which was on the big day, she incessantly text me volatile bull crap, over and over again. I won't say what she was barking at me, due to this being a public forum, and with that drongo James being a nuisance as well and quoting me on that anxiety website, I best not say what she sent to me. Obviously I was having none of it. So she got really nasty.

I think she has been suffering from some type of delusional disorder for the last few years. Like, say we go to a Tesco store or another shop, or whatever in Edinburgh, regardless of where we end up going that day, she accuses these strangers we do not know at all, of being sent to spy on her, or being "associated" with either of her ex partners, who she endlessly yaps on about, despite knowing full well they were just using her. So I have no real advice to provide other than, "Move on and stop letting them rent space in your mind." There's nothing else I can say, really.

For example, if we are seated on a bench, she will often say stuff like, "That woman is recording me on her phone." This is nonsense, though. She was just using a video calling app, talking to a person like she has a right to. Or she believes people are laughing at her. Or she thinks our mum's shadow or scent is in the room, or that these mediums are legitimate. This I find particularly annoying. They are money grabbers.

I literally had her saying to me one day that somebody outside deliberately set a car alarm off to annoy her in the kitchen. I mean, what the hell?

I cannot be bothered with her texting me the same old complaints either. The exact same rants.

She apparently wanted me to chum her to an advice shop yesterday, even though I told her countless of times that they don't even genuinely offer any legal advice, and she attended one months ago. But I reckon I simply failed to notice what she said, as I choose to skim read her ramblings nowadays.

I attended one before, as this seems to be everyone's stalling tactic, because then if you do go book an appointment, they will say you need to call a law firm. So why waste time going there to a drop-in session, when they aren't in any way helpful? Duh!

I mean, seriously. Even though social workers can be scum, I called the social care department yesterday in the hope I can be allocated new support workers.

I feel as if my sister should not be my primary go to person any longer. I do get on with my sister in general. But she is starting to try to take charge too much, with many things I feel I could be capable of sorting out.

Now, I understand having to get accounts transferred into her name has been stressful, as ringing up these places can be a chore. But her mood is overall, becoming irritating.

If I happen to want to address something with anyone I just happen to see in the street, if she is present with me at the time, she quickly acts as if I should not do so. Yet she can let her tongue wag and tell everybody about her problems in the space of a mere 10 minutes. For example, she says her ex gave our mother a heart attack.

100% baloney, and an obvious denial of the real facts.

It was my mum's chain smoking, hypertension, COPD, renal issues and other health matters that ultimately caused her health to go downhill. So looking for a specific person to blame over it I would say is stupid. However, the nurses at that hospice did screw around with her lines. So they are certainly crooked and if anyone should take the rap, it is them.

Nope. It doesn't work like that. And nobody gets to dictate to me how I speak to others. That's my nature.

In an ideal world, yeah, support workers are not necessarily all that trustworthy or clued up about things, but I definitely cannot be living alone as a hermit in my flat all day. It just makes one feel more depressed if you do meaningless things, like watch DVDs all day, or spew on forums about Resident Evil games to members that sometimes don't behave in a polite way. Like on dreamindemon.com, their posts on there are quite sarcastic. So I declared that 2023 is my last stop for that kind of side hobby.

I mean, rest in peace, mum. The NHS are idiotic. But I bet my sister won't be in any hurry to see justice through with mum, with how she wants to focus on this fruitless pursuit of trying to beat the system I know you cannot conjure, at least without having the adequate backing.

Believe me. I wanted to get back at people who wronged me, a long tine ago. Civil cases can actually be very costly, not to mention incredibly complicated. And you need proof. But to beat these people, that takes having tons of cash, and a person with legal skills. Otherwise, you just have to bite your tongue and proceed on in life. What else can you do besides chasing your tail? She hasn't the where with all to move on and accept what's done is done.

With the right kind of support, I can be offline more. Because in all honesty, you have too many radge pots who come online, like you know who. And in general, many message boards no longer boast of having regular activity, unlike in 2006 or whenever it was they were thriving.

I mean, talking to some of these folk on gaming forums is pointless, from my experience at least, because they can be provided with proof in a debate of sorts, and still refute it. They don't like receiving a rude awakening, but sometimes humouring them with kindness is not working out.

It's like they prefer doing these mental gymnastics to convince themselves that Capcom, Square Enix, Naughty Dog, or whatever, is all the rage.

Like, gee. Sorry for stepping on your toes. You know? They always like to argue the toss with people, even when they know they just got rumbled with real hard evidence.

SCT Guy, Today at 8:18 AM (https://forums.majorgeeks.com/threads/my-mum.325392/#post-2059361)

10-20-2023, 12:40 PM
Poor wikkle sad potato.
I guess being a full time fucknut just isn't the fulfilling hobby it once was for the jizzclown.
Maybe this will be the year it finally quits the internet...?
Perhaps a change of scene would help - I hear Saughton do a nice Christmas lunch, Peter.

Tuesday at 5:49 PM (https://biohaze.com/forum/threads/why-re6-is-one-of-the-best-res.727/post-11763)

I was posting on NeoGAF and got banned. I don't think my ban was very fair. Then I rejoined and got banned a second time. They didn't even send me a PM to refer to any violation of their rules. So I think it was a case of them being shitty for whatever reason. But I was kind of annoyed about it, as I had made a lot of posts.

Yeah. I know you probably don't post about RE6 there. They will probably flame you. I once said that 6 was more RE than 4 and 5, because of the zombies. Then they just posted in a really snide way, as if I was delusional. Yet a lot of these knobs never even played the pre-RE4 era games. So like, what the hell?

Personally, I don't care about the post count one has, as such. It's not like it's a popularity contest to have a higher amount of posts over other users. But if you post frequently and make an effort to explain things, it sure feels like a kick in the balls when you get outed. Well, that and when you know they aren't interested in your opinions in any case.

Anyway, I had actually considered not posting on forums anymore. I think it's somewhat pointless in 2023 to still be doing it. People don't use forums much now because of social media platforms like X, which I cannot say I care much for. Plus, with my mum passing away too, my heart isn't in it with certain topics any longer.

As you may know, I have been dealing with this stalking nutbag for a long time, who I think is this serial troll living in Western Australia. He floods this dead anxiety forum with bizarre spam and abusive comments every week for attention, then denies having multiple aliases. He is this dude who was a member of forums I posted on in 2004.

I'm to the point now where I don't even feel like responding to his crap on that site, or anywhere else. I simply feel no motivation to fuel such a bitter person on the Internet, who probably has a sad life offline anyway. Because I did reply and all he kept doing was repeating the same nonsense.

He was even following me to these wikis on Fandom. Because these kind of sites are poorly maintained, I decided just to stop using them a while back.

Basically, he was being a moron and editing the pages I was, to be subscribed to them. Ones I started up about the American box office, and stuff. So this meant if I came back to edit anything again, even with an IP address (before guest editing was seemingly disabled), he was being notified. This was all part of his clever plan to get me riled up.

Anyway, he has been doing this now for well over 6 years. He obsessively subscribes to me on YouTube too, makes blogs or whatever calling me a potato, impersonates me on other forums like Umbrella Online, and generally just acts in a very peculiar manner. But this guy is over 30 years old. He also got my address details and provided this to people I mentioned.

Rather unfortunately, Australia is full of drongos. When you call the pigs there, they don't even bother to head to his apartment to warn him.

Yeah. He posts these stupid videos where he is kicking a bucket down stairs or throwing a Pepsi bottle, in reference to my family having a dog called Pepsi. Once, he even signed up to Silent Hill Community with that name.

The authorities Down Under like being awkward. I will say that.

10-22-2023, 06:46 PM
Oh sweet baby Jesus, please god, no.

Yesterday at 9:50 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/seen-any-odd-or-new-products-lately-ramen-noodle-maple-syrup-pancakes-sausage-and-egg-1-18.140038/post-1584474)

I occasionally make porn. If I upload it somewhere, I will send you the links privately. LOL.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8yC7iFkvzpV_AaKM6KacDGDooaliDMVx0SB_nt4_PxR fafxSWqWkYNMaXCIZfmc7Xm_1lcPh_umYvruguR9teBjGXwGGy aNa57ysVvskejIm8dsQ5HONbv4Tr98wC4PyXKZk4wRK70vX-HzUJDjVxGlpeWLIm5i2xdnWH-mKazaKCUz0P-RUzrwSbNb8/s320/Onlyspuds-thesaunderschild-potato.jpg

10-24-2023, 02:29 PM
The lack of self-awareness Spudanus displays is truly astounding sometimes.

Posted yesterday at 09:14 AM (https://forum.n-europe.com/topic/39890-the-internet-is-a-hellhole-this-was-my-safe-space-for-so-many-years/?do=findComment&comment=1906846)

If anybody gives you a hard time online, it's best to ignore them, because they probably have thin skin and it probably wasn't your fault they got offended. Most of the people who act like that are just attention-seeking losers with an inferiority complex, who want to be right 24/7 and have no friends offline to brag of. :heh:

I've been dealing with a radge pot from Australia who is a lot like this, so I know the feeling.

The Scottish Pedro
11-01-2023, 07:24 AM
Not available

11-01-2023, 02:54 PM
Well, your useless trivia (that nobody is remotely interested in) is so not appreciated.

Even by the dismally low standards of the Anderson clan (who are, let's face it, clearly paddling in the shallow end of the gene pool and can seemingly barely muster a single digit IQ between them), Spudanus is clearly an embarrassment.
What the fuck is it blithering about now?

11-02-2023, 02:23 PM
In Scottys world all news is good news. I told them it's a journalists fundamental right to be able to report and comment on all news. And if they don't want it reporting on then they should conduct their affairs in private. They didn't seem too happy about that.
They didn't seem to understand that what is said and done in public is news and can be reported and commented on.
Also you will note they don't know how to write in gender neutral.

Thanks for the context. It seems to be a compulsion. The moron seems incapable of not posting; Even when it tries to hold back it inevitably ends up releasing a tirade of idiocy when the pent up drivel breaches some internal threshold.

The Scottish Pedro
11-03-2023, 04:46 AM
Not available

11-04-2023, 11:07 AM
But that's (ironically put across, right?) what you do though, after following me about like a dumb fuck.

Correct - you are a dumb fuck, and that's why I follow you around.


Yesterday at 3:32 AM (https://biohaze.com/forum/threads/random-thoughts-biohazard-resident-evil-edition.22/post-11838)
Well, I reserve the word 'simp' more so for those puppets who pay for ladies to publish wank fodder on their OnlyFans....

Also Spudanus:

Yesterday at 4:15 PM (https://devilmaycry.org/threads/what-are-you-thinking.6920/post-700125)
I booked a lady online to worship her arse. Hehe. :D

Fucknugget should stop harassing sex workers and just stick to talking bollocks about video games:

https://i.ibb.co/vZ7Vpvd/thesaunderschild-re4-is-teh-bestest-lowres.gif (https://ia801202.us.archive.org/10/items/thesaunderschild-re4-is-teh-bestest/thesaunderschild-re4-is-teh-bestest.ia.mp4)

11-05-2023, 01:17 PM
methamphetamine psychosis?

You wouldn’t last a week on methampetamine before being hauled off to psych. Total admissions for me (ever) = 0


11-05-2023, 01:38 PM
You wouldn’t last a week on methampetamine before being hauled off to psych. Total admissions for me (ever) = 0


Weird flex, but OK. 16 months for a snappy comeback. Glad it hasn't dulled your wits.

The Scottish Pedro
11-06-2023, 04:01 AM
Not available

11-06-2023, 11:24 AM
You're better off just ignoring this cuck. He is that obsessed with me, he even asked me to publish some porn on YouTube, putting my popular channel at risk of being suspended. Not to mention the various forums, Blogger and Twitter accounts trying to pretend to be thesaunderschild.

Surely, now we have proof this is satire?
Which part of the following sounded like encouragement?

Peter Ross Anderson - Porntato
Oh sweet baby Jesus, please god, no.

Yesterday at 9:50 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/seen-any-odd-or-new-products-lately-ramen-noodle-maple-syrup-pancakes-sausage-and-egg-1-18.140038/post-1584474)

I occasionally make porn. If I upload it somewhere, I will send you the links privately. LOL.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8yC7iFkvzpV_AaKM6KacDGDooaliDMVx0SB_nt4_PxR fafxSWqWkYNMaXCIZfmc7Xm_1lcPh_umYvruguR9teBjGXwGGy aNa57ysVvskejIm8dsQ5HONbv4Tr98wC4PyXKZk4wRK70vX-HzUJDjVxGlpeWLIm5i2xdnWH-mKazaKCUz0P-RUzrwSbNb8/s320/Onlyspuds-thesaunderschild-potato.jpg

Then again, I guess that's a redundant question, isn't it?
When has Spudanus ever understood the word 'No'?
Interpreting 'No, Fuck off, leave me alone you fucking creep, never contact me again!' as 'Yes, please, be my boyfriend!' is pretty much the fucker's entire MO.
And what are we counting as a "popular channel"? This one (https://www.youtube.com/@thesaunderschild-jt4yx/channels) (1 subscriber, no videos?).

Jesus fucking christ.

11-28-2023, 03:02 PM
Apologies if this is a repost - I honestly can't tell sometimes as the ass-clown has been posting pretty much the same drivel for years.
Anyhoo, down to business.

LadyBellaBird and other dommes on AW, view men as cucks and pay packets... (https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=13356&pid=114351#pid114351) (archived) (https://web.archive.org/web/20231127223730/https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=13356)
Thumbs Down 30-08-2023, 11:51 (This post was last modified: 30-08-2023, 11:56 by Fruit-tella. Edit Reason: Sentencing. )

Well, off to a cracking start, aren't we? Nice touch with the edit comment too - Spudanus has plenty of experience when it comes to sentencing

As if AW wasn't a waste of time as it is, it continues to be worse than ever.

Basically, I have had my time wasted on that site for years, usually due to snooty users not being interested in my emails, and just because of the massive slew of dummy profiles on there that are set up to plug their OnlyFans, private pictures, or whatever. Even OnlyFans as a whole is a waste of cash, and talking about meets on there is actually taboo. But it mostly boils down to the two a penny, ten a penny type broads with an ego, expecting horny idiots to act like sheep.

Well, such a busy, productive potato, it's not like it has time to waste, right?
It's almost as if sex workers can spot a wrongun (and in this case smell it too).
"Ten a penny", it says, but still still out of the potato cuntflap's league.

Once you're no longer required, they expect you to do them the biggest favour of the lot, which is go fuck yourself. Right?

It had never previously occurred to me that fuckface might have ever lived up to anyone's expectations, but when you put it like that, at least in this instance the rancid little onanist tuber can chalk up a success; The floor of that apartment must look like an explosion in a PVA glue factory....

I added somebody on WhatsApp a few years ago, who variably calls herself ashtray, Bella, or something else. It's the member called LadyBellaBird on AW, currently listed in London, although it's normally Glasgow she works in.

Granted, I didn't make a good first impression, I suppose.

A poor first impression?
Ya think?

For a lot of people, I reckon that's the key to making or breaking somebody's decision to meet you. But this one is a ditzy cunt, and so many women like her are apparently suffering from ADHD, bipolar, or something like that.

With such a genteel, charming demeanour, it's surely inconceivable that she didn't warm the smegstain immediately!

Essentially, she went to a mental health forum last year and replied to a thread that wasn't even about her, then called me a cunt in a private message. I didn't know it was her, as she had created an account with a random pseudonym.

Must be tough for the rancid little turndnugget, having stalked and harassed so many people over the years that it can't be sure which one it is currently talking to!

She then emailed me with my full name and address because I kept contacting her, trying to work out why she wouldn't just shut the fuck up and hear me out, because I wanted to express regret over what apparently occurred. She either got that information from this creepy Australian troll who is known to abuse me on other forums, or she was looking at his spam posts elsewhere, which she likely found after looking up my YouTube handle, when I was ranting about people in videos. Her included.

Yeah. He is a weirdo, who is way worse than she is.

Brings a warm glow to your heart, doesn't it.

So she moans to a lawyer in Tayside, Scotland. I then had to do a video link to a court after I received documents from sheriff officers. I secretly recorded it (at the time).

Surely not? That would be a contempt of court, and Spudanus would never....
Also by 'secretly' does it mean 'posted it on YouTube'? To me, that doesn't seem a very good way to keep something secret, even if you have no viewers.
So it's definitely not this one then?


(As an aside, I take it that's the cuntwart's favourite t-shirt, and the closest thing it has to decent clothes, given it wore it to court and also to visit that escort recently?)

The police are bent anyway. I experienced years of hassle from them, because of two support workers and other people, who they would always cater and pander to. So when they pester me, I just call them bent pigs, or Wayne Couzens.

I think Potatoface has far more in common with Wayne than any of the local constabulary, when it comes to proclivities...

Her mistress Scarlet Domina used to be one of the top dommes in the UK, but she has seemingly fizzled into being yet another lazy part-timer obviously too picky when it comes to vetting for newbies, and using their past success to still feel important.

So no. I wasn't stalking her. I am however, very firm about my feelings, having had tons of harassment online and in person, from numerous people. That can really change a man's perspective.

No definitely not stalking her. Just following her, defaming her and constantly harassing her, whining about her on forums, and making videos about her, but not in any way an obsessive psychopath stalking her. Nope. Definitely not.
(Also, "man" - lol!)

Apart from that, if LadyBellaBird tweets crap about me, other dommes (including one named "Victoria" I previously apologized to for doxxing), then talks shit about me as well. A lot of them do this. And Victoria even agreed to meet me. But the meeting was cancelled, because my mum ended up in hospital. She was notified in a text message. So it seems like they just enjoy blackballing guys they just don't like.

I know Bella's actual name, as it appears she was hunting for me on Facebook, so I seen her profile. And I told her I do work as an extra in films. So to be honest, there's a reason why you shouldn't blurt out your business online.

Besides that, she puts up tweets of her own ass cheeks covered in fecal matter. That's fine, hen. Just tell the whole world you like to publish photos and videos, revealing you like to play with your own poop. What would her family think of that, exactly?

No, still not sounding stalkery at all. Perfectly normal.

I don't like to judge people. I really don't.

You fucking wot mate?

I believe sex work is a job like anything else. But that's not where my beef lies. It's because their attitude is incredibly unappealing, scary, and rather unpleasant. And on X, you see people getting berated all the time, prompting others to join in.

Almost as if the nasty little shitstain is a complete bellend and people take an instant dislike to and are repulsed by the obnoxious little fucker - even those with an otherwise very high threshold of disgust. I can't imagine why.
What this clearly calls for is some sort of public spirited charity sexworkers' organisation. Like a Salvation Army soup kitchen, but catering to the unmet needs of incel pariahs, staffed by brave souls prepared to swallow their pride and any sense of personal safety or hygiene to serve those least deserving of compassion.
I can practically see the fundraising charity shop now....

But, yeah. Take it from me. AdultWork.com is full of shallow tossers, and all they care about is your money. If you tell them you have personal problems, they don't give a fuck. They either block you, ignore you, or both. But then if they should post sob stories of their own accord, act all pretentious, or demand gifts from their Amazon wishlists, you're expected to dance to the beat of their drum each time, like some simp or loser with no standards would. And if you piss off one of them, you've seemingly offended their cohorts too.

It's crazy. So it is...

You make your bed and you lie in it. And in Potatoface's case, lying is all it does.

11-28-2023, 03:03 PM
Well that last post, like so many of the jizzmonkey's insane diatribes got absolutely no engagement, so rather than try a fresh tack, it tried the same nonsense again in a slightly more compact form:

My experience with AdultWork.com has been mostly negative... (https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=13416&pid=114563#pid114563) (archived) (https://web.archive.org/web/20231127223838/https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=13416&pid=114563#pid114563)
Thumbs Down Yesterday, 20:54 (This post was last modified: Yesterday, 20:59 by Fruit-tella.)

There's a lot of fake profiles and spring cleaning to do, sure. But so many women and so on have a very nasty attitude. You cannot even make any small talk on that site.

Again, almost like the loathsome little shitbag is thoroughly repulsive, and disgusts and appalls everyone who has the misfortune to interact with it....

The worst one to date is LadyBellaBird. Because she ran to a lawyer, making out I abused her. In reality, I was just angry over being treated like a social reject. It's actually something I tend to find offends me, as I have gone through life getting bullied and mistreated in different ways. All they care about is getting simps to act dumb and tip them cash, when they apparently have no respect for men whatsoever.

Uh huh...
Totally over Bella.
Not stalkery at all.
Top tip: If you don't want to be treated like a social reject, don't act like a repulsive cockwomble.
Another useful tip: if you don't like findom, stop fucking signing up to follow findom accounts!

I have had grief from many different women on there who live in Edinburgh, or visit my city. Like for example, I came across Imara Noir, a half Chinese, half Canadian escort who is also a domme. And their type always have a volatile nature.

"Their type"? What, you mean... Canadians?

I just messaged her to say I like music from Canada. I am a bit autistic, so I sometimes come across as odd or socially inept.

Socially inept? No: Complete fucking psycho fruitcake!

But she was far from nice. Others I contacted are just as ignorant, or they use a pompous screening process to find a reason to decline your custom. Since when were tarts ever the sentimental type?

Sounds like the screening process is doing its job. What the fuck is this sentimental sexworker-therapist bullshit the arsenugget seems to be expecting? Is its entire worldview shaped by 1970s American sex comedies, replete with the "happy hooker with a heart of gold" there to provide succour to the (obviously) white male protagonist?

Some of them can often start off okay, such as Mistress Victoria or Riven Mercy. The latter plays games over Twitch, and I sent her money on her OnlyFans profiles. It is once they get more notice though and they garner a bigger following, their ego just seems to rocket. However, many of them do not begin that way. But yeah. I have been getting shit from many Scottish sex workers, or ladies who tour in Edinburgh. They also shoot porn with each other, meet at reward shows, or visit dungeons for sessions.

Soooooo... Tired of Peter's shit and then otherwise just doing their job basically...

That's how they keep slandering me. So these arrogant cunts all seem to know each other. Maybe if they didn't come across as horrid, we could have saw better results...

It's almost as if Spudanus is an infamous serial sex-pest, known throughout the land....
Anyway, that's more than enough potato for now.
Too much starch can ruin your figure!

12-09-2023, 06:17 AM
Potatohead likes to pretend it's an actor but just can't get the roles and likes to list the films it thinks it should have been in, regardless of how fanciful.
Strangely never mentions this one, which you'd think the fucker was practically born to play.
You can almost see the director googling "psychopathic misogynistic sex offender who hates the police" and coming across Spudanus' videos and going, "Fuck yeah! That's our inspo right there!"


12-10-2023, 08:47 AM
Why do you think he is so demented? It seems none of the other kids in the school have turned out like him.

I think the problems started well before the potato got to school.
The whole family tree seems to have issues.
Nature vs nurture is always difficult, and Spudanus is clearly developmentally challenged. It has the IQ of a small grapefruit and the emotional stability of drunk chimpanzee - it was never destined to be a massively productive member of society.
If it had been raised in a more stable and nurturing environment maybe it wouldn't have turned out the way it did.
Unfortunately it grew up in some sort of grotesque den of unhinged lunacy.
Honestly, there's only so much schools can do but I do think social services really dropped the ball there - at least they seem to have clued up enough now that the sister's spawn have been removed and stand a fighting chance.

Particularly important, I suspect, was Tania's mindless enablement of the cockwomble's worst behaviour - both in failing to challenge its most antisocial behaviours and also encouraging it to blame others, including the shitstain's victims, for not submitting to its wants and needs. I get the impression a lot of its racism and misogyny are also parroted from Tania (and the grandmother), but that's a hunch rather than data.

Having Capcom and Hammer Horror seemingly coparenting probably didn't help.
I don't believe violent and graphic entertainment media affects people as much and as negatively as some people thinks it does, when it forms only a portion of what someone consumes, and for normal well balanced minds. In cockwart's case though, it appears to be almost the entirety of what it consumes.
A bit of WWE and Pokemon is about as wholesome as it manages to get (and even Pokemon is stalker-friendly when you analyse it - trap cute things and then make them fight each other).
When you're a cognitively impaired shut-in like fuckface and your primary socialisation takes place through badly written dialogue trees in video games, and your early exposure to sexuality takes place in the context of plot-convenient death and dismemberment in horror films, then it's probably not going to lead to a great outcome.

04-27-2024, 08:43 AM
I've let a lot slide recently.

Spudanus has had a fairly low output since its day trip to Livingston, at taxpayers' expense, but has still found time to obsess about its perceived persecutors (and leave the odd review (https://web.archive.org/web/20240423131747/https://www.sitejabber.com/users/petera1430)).

Today's masterpiece however could not pass without comment.
It's a medley of greatest hits with some added self-pity sauce.
Truly an exemplar of the genre.
Strap in/on folks, this is going to be quite a ride.

26-04-24, 22:32 (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?251793-I-had-thought-about-becoming-a-Christian&p=2098741#post2098741)

I had thought about becoming a Christian...

Since my mum passed away last year, I have thought about "giving up the life I know" to be a man of faith. A man of the church.

I pretty much spat out my coffee there.
That old bait and switch: even with the weird use of quotation marks 'I have thought about "giving up the life I know"' looked promising but then out of left field comes that shocker!
It wants to be a man!

As to the church bit, I'm sure we all, when fuckface comes to mind, marvel at its philanthropy, spreading love, kindness, peace and concern for the wellbeing of all around it.
Spudanus is less of the cloth so much as it is touching cloth, I think.
Honestly this is wild.
What church would have it?
Even the Church of Satan has standards.
That said, churches have historically been a refuge for sexual predators so maybe it will find the acceptance it craves.

On the other hand, if all it wants is to be constantly observed, and have wrathful judgement passed upon it, well I'm all up for that.

I don't know why I began to feel like this. But it probably has a lot to do with my grief with various people over the years, and how at my age, most of my life now feels like a waste because of that. With my mother being gone, it feels like a huge part of me died with her. She did everything for me, and was the one person I felt I could open up to.

Yes, when it came to enabling Peter's pathological behaviours, Tania was just the best.
Let's face it, nobody else wants anything to do with the shitbag.

I say my life was kind of a waste, mainly because every blooming time I felt I was close to having, for example, a successful film career, great sex, a girlfriend, or even a semi-famous status online from supporting a video game franchise, some idiot just came by and ruined it each time, simply to be annoying.

And the idiot that came around and ruined it each time was named Peter Ross Anderson.
If it's any consolation to the scrotepustule, it was as likely to achieve any of those things as lobotomised slug is to build a working spacecraft, so nothing really lost there.

Let's get back on track with some impotent rage.

Now I feel like I have reached the end of my rope with it all. Because as much as I want to see these people burn for how I was treated, I feel like the best form of revenge would be to do... well, nothing.

Think about it. What am I getting out of calling law firms, my GP, posting about it on forums, trying to convince the pigs I was set up to fail, and so on? Nothing.

Has Spudanus had an epiphany? Is this the cockwomble's Damascene moment?
No, of course not. It's almost endearing just quite how fixedly demented it is.
Almost, but then the self loathing turns outward to its victims and we're back in classic misogynist psycho Peter mode.

This slag called Jodie, who tried to get me sent down, I feel is profoundly mentally ill. She was claiming to be married to a man. Now she is saying she is gay. On top of that, she posted about how a man attacked her when she was young.

I knew it all along!

You see...

When people seek out men to beat up under the guise of offering kinky fetishes, it's because they border an inner misandrist grudge. Therapists call this reverse projection. She sees her mistress as her mother as well, and while there is nothing wrong with this, I feel totally disrespected. Particularly since I tried in vain to offer an apology, yet she screwed me over and pushed me aside.

Fucking hell. I'm not sure if the cuntflap has been reading too much pop psychology online, or has just spend so much time on the business end of a psychiatrist's gaze that it some random phrases have percolated through its leathery potato skin, even if it has absolutely no idea what they actually mean?

Maybe at some point it might also learn to understand the meaning of phrases like 'No' and 'Restraining order'.

Still it's not all bad. The good thing about being in prison is you get to meet like minded individuals on the protection wing.

The guy I met in jail couldn't fathom why I was remanded on an indictment, because it is not a serious case. But like I said, I tried to give sex workers a helping hand in the past. I was not gonna judge them harshly, as I feel they ought to be respected within reason. But just like the ex support workers, they are not good people. It is very rare if you meet a sex worker who doesn't just muck you about for money.

I'm sure that guy has made some great life choices and is just the sort of person that should be offering guidance and advice to a potato padawan.
See - Spudanus is a reasonable potato: Peter doesn't hate all sex workers or support workers (and they're much the same thing in Peter's head). Spudanus just thinks they're all evil for not accommodating Peter's entirely reasonable, charitable donation of it inserting its penis into them regardless of their preferences or opinions on the matter; It's highly uncharitable of them to assert their bodily autonomy in the face of such magnanimity.
Presumably the aforementioned helping hand proffered is required to try to guide Spudanus' flaccid crotch-slug towards its target. It must be like trying to squeeze toothpaste back into the tube.

But I just want to start anew, in a spiritual way. Christians are not supposed to yield anger, seek out whores or alcohol, or be violent in nature, though. So I feel like this would really defeat the purpose of being a man of peace.

As far as I know it doesn't drink alcohol, so I suppose it has that going for it.
Maybe it should set its sights a bit lower?
If it can't be a 'man of peace' (on either count), maybe it could manage to be a spud with peas. That knda works?
Even just not being a total shitty, psycho, moronic, cuntwallop would be a start.

04-27-2024, 08:52 AM
But wait, the fucker is nowhere near done yet. An hour and a half later the shitweasel feels there's more to say. Back to the Sage of Barlinnie...

26-04-24, 23:59 (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?251793-I-had-thought-about-becoming-a-Christian&p=2098746#post2098746)

My cellmate was genuinely confused by my story. He thought I had a mental problem for always contacting trolls online, like the aforementioned sex worker. He couldn't understand why I kept on doing that when they were never interested in listening to me in the first place.

Perhaps I was too quick to rush to judgement on Spudanus' cellmate.
Even sex offenders have to have someone to look down on.

Recently, I rang up some people to do with getting my welfare up and running again. They seemed gobsmacked when I went into details about the people who constantly jerked me off. Like the idiotic support worker named Patrick, who mocked that Hispanic wrestler, which I already mentioned in other threads on here. But they agreed that morons associated with Autism Initiatives and so on were just stitching me up.

I can guarantee they'd never head a tale quite like it.
'Calls may be recorded for training purposes', and in this case, I'm sure, probably shared on the case workers' WhatsApp group for shits and giggles.
Peter never seems to grasp that the only person conspiring against Peter is its own lack of judgement.
Still, nice to hear the Scottish taxpayers aren't still spaffing quite so much money on the oxygen thief.

I'm hoping to take up a civil case against that Jodie, Bella, or whatever the heck she wants to call herself. And despite what she believes, I had nothing against her. All I did was contact her on AW about a booking. What is she doing registering on a site like that if she doesn't respect male clients? It's just pointless to all it concerns. But I guess she's just away with the fairies.

Yes, I was really picking up on that 'nothing against her' vibe, what with all the harassment and libel and continuous angry ranting and such.
I'd be interested to see how the dickcheese acts towards someone it does have something against.

The police are honestly bent, because my friend said that if a female support worker got granted a non harassment order to run for so long, but it expired after like 5 years, then there was no need for them to conjure up some excuse to get me re-arrested in 2020. But I just know it was all a sham so she could be giving a new order. That they only came to my door about her and nobody else proves they were making up some rubbish to get me in trouble again.

Wait, what? Peter has a friend?
And yeah , man. I mean, like, what's up dude with like these police like arresting people who break the law man? They should just chill.

Top tip, Peter: Stop harassing people and you'll stop getting arrested for harassing people.

Now my sister is having relatable issues. She was supposed to see a gynecologist about her hormonal imbalance, as she is pregnant. Then somebody at the GP chose to cancel her appointment. My sister thinks that it's bad patter to do this, as the appointment is essential due to her health problems. But we're fighting a losing battle.

Interesting that Spudanus claims it can relate to gynaecological issues.
I suppose Spudanus identifies as a massive cunt, so maybe that's it?
Absolutely terrifying that the beleaguered Edinburgh care services are going to have yet another Anderson baby to rehome.

At that point the jizzstain seemed to have spunked its full load, but then Lencoboy (not exactly overburdened with good judgement) fluffed Peter's wizened choad, and set it off again:

27-04-24, 09:40 (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?251793-I-had-thought-about-becoming-a-Christian&p=2098767#post2098767)

It's a good thing you're not there now. I lived in supported housing up to 2014. They would call the pigs and make out they never even did so, which was just outright ridiculous.

Even called someone from a payphone once to explain how anxious I was about breaking my bail terms and everything, just to be 'shopped' by the fuzz on the Royal Mile, as my dad calls it. But yeah. That was a senior who did that.

Peter doesn't seem to grasp that it was arrested because it was breaching bail.
That's the inevitable finding out portion that follows on from the fuck around.
Besides, didn't Tania do the exact same thing - call the police to lift Peter - and that never seemed to stop the smegstain running back to seek solace suckling at her saggy teat.

As I said, I think some escorts are just ordinary people, so I like to at least do my part and keep my chin up, trying hard to not rock the boat, so to speak.


But too many of them take liberties, and I think that Bella woman is depressed, or something. Maybe she should just stick to her mistress, delete her AW profile for good, and stop being another drama llama towards men online.

Still getting that nice 'nothing against her' vibe. Seems legit.

I noticed I was blocked by a few women on X, but I don't know why.

Yes you do. You know why. You've been to court repeatedly to outline in no uncertain terms as to why.

I also stopped talking about the Resident Evil games on other forums, as I got the gist that they either don't play the old games that Capcom produced. Essentially those made prior to 2005. Or they just spout nonsense because they believe that Capcom can do no wrong.

Other than that, I just find gaming forums to be boring now. We can only talk about the same subject for so long anyway. But it seems the game they were working on has received a delay, according to Dusk Golem who always leaks info about that stuff.

Almost as if Spudanus has nothing cogent to say, and nobody cares.

Right. So I need a civil lawyer to sort out this joke of a situation I find myself in with these lousy people. I doubt I am going to be able to easily obtain one, even if I had a bucket of cash. They were already contacted ages ago. Probably more than once, too.

So Peter is harassing law firms now? This is certainly an interesting and potentially amusing turn of events.

It has been some ordeal.


04-28-2024, 08:05 AM
Awesome, Scotty harassing law firms. Scotty never ceases to amaze.

It's the only thing it succeeds and excels at - being jawdroppingly, eyewateringly stupid. I'm just surprised it hasn't declared an intent to sue the Procurator Fiscal or the Prison Service yet

04-28-2024, 08:53 AM
Unfortunately it looks like the Scottish taxpayers' respite from the leech was only brief:

28-04-24, 14:38 (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?251793-I-had-thought-about-becoming-a-Christian&p=2098849#post2098849)

Just last week there, the DWP provided a grant. It is not clear if my Universal Credit was reactivated, but I assume it has been since they unsuspended the claim. However, they will obviously take off so much money each month. Although I wish they had been clear on whether my money is going to be paid into my account as normal.

My other benefit is getting a raise. But I need to reactivate that as well.

How disappointing. So how will Spudanus be spending this unearned income?
Charitable donations?
Supporting the arts?
Investing in local businesses?
Obviously not.

I will definitely be hiring a civil lawyer about that Jodie.

Still more of that nice 'nothing against her' vibe.

Thanks to her, that piece of crud troll in Australia has uploaded images to a gallery on his profile on anxietyforum.net, which is full of filthy posts with derogatory language. The hosting information is hidden with Cloudflare, who clearly don't care about online abuse.

Do you mean me?
No, Peter.
Not Australian.
Not a troll.
I thought you liked the pictures? Which ones don't you like?
You brought us here long before any of us knew who Jodie was.
It was the other way around, remember?
When you started abusing her she found your real name and address from all the posts here - at least that's you claimed previously, or has wanking onto your keyboard dulled you memory?

If Cloudflare stopped serving data for sites where users post abuse, you would finally be silenced, so be careful what you wish for.

I would be as well to forget about seeing "dommes" and escorts and porn stars, as they are all egotistical in terms of their personality, and they seldomly visit Scotland anyway.

No really a choice at this point, is it? I mean You must be on so many blacklists by now, I doubt anyone is left that would have anything to do with you, regardless of the money on offer.

05-20-2024, 01:37 PM
In the Spring an old potato's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of sex work.

So, as well as reminiscing on all the like minded (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/martin-lipscombe-in-edinburgh-caught-with-countless-child-abuse-images.144213/) psychopaths (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/thomas-conington-giving-additional-jail-time-for-multiple-slashings.144215/) Spudanus has found common ground with over the years, like a bluebottle relentlessly head-butting a window, its incoherent ramblings have inevitably returned to the topic of sex workers.

Anyone think sex workers are lame?
Posted yesterday at 10:58 AM (https://caws.ws/forum/topic/490077-anyone-think-sex-workers-are-lame/#comment-11309603)
They ask for money and upload porn to lure you to pay for their services. Once they get your cash, though, they make excuses not to meet you or become cold. And in general, they just seem to be rather strange.

You ever noticed this?

I think Spudanus is operating under the misapprehension that anyone might ever voluntarily want to interact with it, let alone have physical contact with it other than for money. It also seems to have the delusion that it is the customer that sex workers are hoping to attract, as opposed to being the sort of occupational hazard they have to deal with occasionally. The stupid fuck doesn't seem to realise that it is the wasp at the picnic - just because it was attracted to the spread, doesn't mean it is a welcome guest.
Failing to get engagement form the wrestling fans, the cuntwomble tried again elsewhere.

Strap on, we're going for a ride:

Today at 5:53 AM (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/sexual-frustration.47985/post-1103241)

Mate, as someone who has seen countless sex workers over the years, I can only recommend you try to see one who has respect for disabled clients. There are sometimes specialist sex workers who are happy to engage with disabled people. In the UK for example, there is, or was the TLC Trust.

Not the flex you think it is, Peter. Are there any that specialise in psychotic potatoes with poor personal hygiene and erectile dysfunction?

The urge is strong, I know. You're likely browsing their profiles where they have their "too long, did not read" summaries of this, that and the third, boasting of the services they offer to lonesome, horny men like us. And they probably look super hot too, yes? Fresh out of some college? Model figure?

Quite. I mean, who cares about the person when what you're after is an object.

Well, I get it...

Dude, I feel your pain. I got suckered in a lot too. It has made me want to throw in the towel, since anything to do with dating websites and sex work is becoming more and more like a fruitless pursuit for not just myself, but many punters. You'll need the patience of a saint.

Spudanus thinks it's doing the Lord's work, apparently. Clearly wasn't paying attention in church. (Probably too busy wanking.) Perhaps it misinterpreted all those bits about the Angel of the Lord coming upon folks. Still, the prospect of it throwing in the (presumably cum-encrusted) towel is good news, no?

Earlier this year, I paid a deposit AND got a woman a gift, as she was seemingly going to be touring in Edinburgh. Silly me, I know. But granted, I did not quite wait for her confirmation. It still doesn't change the fact I was ultimately deceived out of £150 and her cold response was harsh, and made me feel lousy for the rest of the day, to be honest. I had to sleep it off. It was that depressing, man.

Well, that cheered me up enormously; A fool and its money....

This was right after I had even been nice enough to get her a gift through Wishtender. Ended up being blocked with some shoddy excuse.

Then somebody else asked for a deposit. This is somewhat common but risky, as they get funny towards guys with no recorded feedback. But if something goes wrong, good luck chasing up that refund. But anyway, I told her I could go on my online banking, provided she send her details to set up as a new contact. She only asked for 50 quid. But there was a glitch.

Even after I showed video proof to verify this was me telling the truth about the situation, she just went... crazy, to put it mildly. So I was like, to hell with this bad attitude of hers, along with the plethora of women who had been nasty in the past as well.

Yeah... that's not what happened though is it? The only glitch was in what passes for the jizznugget's tiny potato brain not knowing how to use its own online banking app, as was clear from the video it itself posted. Not only a moron, but so dumb as to gleefully post proof of its own stupidity as "edivence" of its perceived grievance.
Classic Spudanus.

But yes. Many escorts and mistresses and porn stars are extremely rough, or self-centered, and I guess it comes with dealing with men who may try to take advantage of them.

Or maybe they just aren't thrilled to be dealing with psychotic potatoes that smell of stale piss and dried cum-cheese?

You even get ones who act funny if you just try to make small talk about the weather, entertainment, or just things in general. Like this carpenter I know who whines about nobody booking her, yet her rate is £400 per hour. So I tried to ensure her I only got nasty to her because her tone was unpleasant. Yet I stuck around because, dude. The lass looks stunning.

But sadly, they don't care about you beyond receiving your cash. At first, they are mildly nice, until the money comes in. They also like to set it up to where you cannot message them without adding a tip to the message. The minimum is $5, I noticed.

Yet apparently, despite the scrotepustule's assertion that they are only obsessed with money, they are clearly willing to forgo payment to avoid having anything further to do with the shitbag. Almost like they can spot a wrongun'.

They see their subs as nothing but simps to manipulate. They start saying you are bombarding them with spam, even though just a day prior they were okay, and this is what I mean. They had a rubbish afternoon or something because they never got bookings when they were touring in such and such town, so they are acting agitated and taking out on poor lonely sub number 5,432,908. You know? That is all you are in their eyes.

Even if you tip them in any case, they rarely acknowledge you. Then on social media, they constantly post about themselves. Things about where they like to eat out, buy overpriced clothes, and all they do is hint about you having to order them goods. They just sound like they're so fanciful of themselves, which is not attractive to me. Then you get vibes they can be contradictive, misandrist types when they want to, just going by what they say about their subs, men as a whole, and so on.

How can the moron be so obsessed with findom and not understand findom? It's like a fat kid complaining about all the sugar in the sweets they keep buying.

It has made me want to wave the white flag. Even when I have a lot of money in the bank and I get tempted, it feels like you'll be running the gauntlet of arrogant females wasting your time before you can score.

I had to be honest, though. Good luck!

Probably need to wash that white flag first.

Today at 6:46 AM (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/sexual-frustration.47985/post-1103250)

I haven't checked it in years. I use the more famous sites. Shall we just say, the purple one? :D

Don't know why the poop-knife is being coy now.

It's like a minefield. You get lucky sometimes, but you're mostly outnumbered by, like I said, really snooty women mucking you about. There was a guy in my property fixing my light sockets months ago. I told him I was scammed and he just laughed and said, to never do that. They're just out to con folk.

What is annoying is that the (in my view) "best ones" are working in England. When they occasionally tour in Scotland, some dodge coming to my city in favour of Glasgow or Aberdeen, which I find to be quite annoying. Why, I do not know. Maybe it's hard to get accommodation in Edinburgh on the cheap. Although, come on. How can there be a shortage of hotels and guest houses in a place like tourist land? :p

Glasgow and Aberdeen being just a random example, I'm sure (https://x.com/LadyPhoenix_LDN/status/1792449479171326079). It's odd, isn't it. It's almost as though there were some terrible, infamous monstrosity lurking in Edinburgh that everyone wanted to avoid...

I'm thinking of getting a punting number that's not tied to a site, rather than communicating with my primary number all of the time. It's easy to trace people who use a contracted mobile number.

Pay-as-you-go (disposable) ones are better, and discretion is more important to me than ever, particularly after being harassed by this bizarre Australian troll for a long time.

You can just top it up when required. Although I'm not sure if the credit can be carried over from month to month. This usually expires after a month, if you don't use it. But maybe it's different with vouchers.

Don't worry, Peter, that burner will be blacklisted fairly sharpish too.

05-20-2024, 01:43 PM
Unfortunately, the pubic louse wasn't finished.

Today at 7:49 AM (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/sexual-frustration.47985/post-1103270)

The local sauna I go to only charges £70 or £100 for one hour, and £20 for the entry fee. This is absolutely reasonable, but you may not find every worker attractive or you don't click. But the indies advertising online are charging way too much.

Yes, saunas in the UK are really legal brothels.

Granted, they can do that all they want and it may look ridiculous. But just as they can be chancers on AW, guys can form an opinion that their pricing should be toned down considerably.

Those poor women. Imagine working in a sauna and that cockgoblin slithers in....

Also, doing low key blue movies for some wank fodder company nobody remembers should also not give them the nerve to tack on an additional £400 for extras.

On UKPunting which is used to review workers positively or negatively going by the booking, they always berate members who admit to paying that, but then they usually say it's up to them. Some even do 15 minute 'quickies' and get what they want in such a brief amount of time. Which admittedly, may be better than paying for a longer session and climaxing too soon, or not gelling with the lady.

Fifteen minutes? I thought Spudanus needed a week's head start and an online prescription just to make to the starting line, never mind finish. Fifteen minutes isn't even enough time for it to be able to spell its own name successfully.

But some bad news then follows, far from throwing in the towel, all this talk of saunas has got the potato's sap rising:

Today at 11:06 AM (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/sexual-frustration.47985/post-1103314)


That's me off to the sauna. :cool:

Those poor, poor women. Somebody warn them, please.

Things that could prevent a problem getting there.


I assume it meant present a problem getting there?
Talk Talk.
Forgetting how to breathe.
Colorado beetle.
Divine intervention.
Them seeing Spudanus coming and locking the doors.

But I will endure it all. I put the 'dure' in Durex, after all. 


Be like Sonic or Mario. Get all the gold rings and coins. Become super! 

Jesus fucking Christ, what a pathetic excuse for a ballsack and an utter waste of oxygen.

The Scottish Pedro
05-20-2024, 02:15 PM
Not available