View Full Version : James Berich, from Perth, Australia.

The Scottish Pedro
03-13-2022, 04:04 PM
Not available

03-13-2022, 04:33 PM
Bored were you Peter?
Needing a bit of humiliation but can't afford to pay someone to do it for you?
Not been arrested recently?
You just can't even go a month without trying to harass people, and dragging other people into your drama you absolutely detestable waste of semen.
You are absolutely incapable of growth and once Tania's gone I suspect you'll not see another living human who will give you even the time of day other than your court appointed social worker. Even by the standards of your fucking dysfunctional family you really take the fucking biscuit. Why don't you do the world a fucking favour and punch yourself repeatedly in the face until you're comatose so nobody has to suffer your constant narcissistic self pitying delusional poisonous fucking lying drivel.

You know the drill Peter you worthless little smegma nugget. you delete and I'll delete... maybe.

Speaking of getting drilled, which one do you prefer - this one?
or this one?

03-15-2022, 03:28 PM
Not available

That's a start, but the attachment need to go too Peter.

I'm leaving the other thread up though as the Title of these threads remain regardless and that needs to be discouraged - every time you start a new thread, so will I.
When you delete the contents of a thread I will delete my direct responses to the thread you started, but not the additional threads I've started.
You start whining like a wee bitch elsewhere and I may also start threads.

(How are you finding Talk talk BTW?)

03-15-2022, 04:40 PM
Peter has... has... umm... nobody and nothing.

I'd point out you're wrong on every point there but you're far too stupid to understand even basic logic aren't you?
(I mean, that person may possibly exist, but they aren't me)

You've devoted your entire adult life to whining about Capcom, sexually harassing women, and trying to harass and dox other random people, and (here's the delicious irony) even having set your bar so very fucking low, you still somehow manage to limbo under it.
It's almost beautiful how absolutely shit at this you are, but given what a fucking failure as a human you are it's not that surprising I suppose.
This poor James chap you've latched onto must be continually perplexed as to why you are so obsessed with him.
I'd wonder if somehow Tania's dodgy kidney is to blame. Maybe Ken's ball-mayo never actually oozed that far - maybe a backlog of piss just seeped into her rancid cunt and voila - Peter was spawned?
I still think though when her perineum tore, they confused the baby with the shit that simultaneously slipped out - they flushed the baby and stuck the turd on her droopy tit, and called it Peter.

03-15-2022, 05:41 PM
Mirrored [...]
I'm surprised you're allowed anywhere near a mirror

03-15-2022, 06:24 PM
Everybody I talk to about you thinks you're a twat, so move on.

Anyone who doesn't run screaming away from you already clearly has mental issues.
Anyone tried to set you on fire recently?

03-15-2022, 06:26 PM
...so move on.

Ah the lack of self awareness is strong with this one....

03-15-2022, 06:48 PM
Too bad for you, I saved all of the logs about your harassment.

You cannot get me to stop talking about Resident Evil.

Get used to having me around on those other forums, mate.

I don't give a flying fuck about Resident Evil. It's shit. Nobody cares about Resident Evil. Even Capcom don't care about Resident Evil. It's not the fucking 1990s you fucking brainless dickhead. I've always been very clear - you can talk about stupid games as much as you like. I don't give a single flying fuck. I'm haranguing you because of all the other vile poisonous lies you continue to spout about people and organisations online. You keep harassing people, and continue to make videos and posts in forums trying to recruit other people into your stupid deluded single minded (single braincell) vendetta against people online, including this James guy (who I am not, have never met, and only know of because of your stupid mental psychopathic behaviour).
You are fucking unhinged, you brainless disgusting, vile piece of poisonous shit.

(P.S. how do you pass the human verification to post? you're clearly not human)

04-01-2022, 03:59 PM
WTF IS ALL THIS?? This is an anxiety forum not a psychosis forum! :(