View Full Version : anyone love stress/anxiety?

12-09-2008, 07:03 PM
ok this is kinda weird but does anyone here like stress or anxiety just because its kinda exciting and keeps you on the edge..if i was at peace- which i like- i feel like i am accomplishing nothing..i dunno..its weird..but lets say that im overly stressing about work or school and it puts such a weight on me mentally and socially and emotionally- like i over stress about school- if a test is coming up- i over stress about it and after the test is finally over i feel so good because this heavy burden has been lifted off of me- i feel like i enjoy my life more and the free time that i get after a test..its kinda like life isnt as sweet without the sour..so the more stressful i feel when i have something to do..the more relieved i am when i complete it- in this case make an A or B on a test..what do u all think?

im a 24 year old college student

12-09-2008, 07:42 PM
That makes sense in your case, but for me I worry about my health and other things like that so it seems like I'm never free from the stress and the anxiety.

12-09-2008, 08:13 PM
you didn't have real anxiety/panic attack if you say you like it...

12-10-2008, 01:40 AM
hmmmm i'm not sure that you understand the nature of the kind of anxiety and stress that the people on this forum suffer. what you're describing sounds like a perfectly normal feeling to have before an exam, anxiety is a natural emotion afterall and yes it can help drive people to do better and feel relieved when the stressful evening is over and done with.

but the people here have anxiety that takes over their lives, usually they have no idea why they're feeling it, they feel anxious and nervous and stressed out almost constantly or suffer from terrifying panic attacks that just strike out of the blue. it's a kind of anxiety that interferes with their everyday lives and makes them feel isolated and often it doesn't really go away like the feeling of being relieved when an exam is done.

i hope this helps you to understand a bit more clearly the difference between normal anxious feelings and the kind of extreme anxiety that effects the people here :)

12-10-2008, 10:11 PM
Yes, some mild anxiety is fun. Such as seeing a scary movie or going on a roller-coaster produces some anxiety which can be a good experience. However, the anxiety that the people here experience is much more exaggerated. I can tell you this much, "NO! I don't love anxiety!" I think I speak for everyone here.

12-11-2008, 04:58 AM
I can understand what you are saying about average normal healthy anxiety which every person feels from time to time depending on the circumstances. However anxiety which is long lasting and happens for no obvious reason which affect peoples day to day lives and makes their life seem unbearable at times is very different. If you go for an interview or sit an exam, than most people experience some amount of normal anxiety and its for a reason but for someone who suffers with anxiety, it happens when there is no obvious reason and can make them very ill. It stopped me from eating, made me unable to sleep, made me vomit several times a day, have panic attacks out of the blue, have palpitations, had derealization and depersonalization, felt suicidal, amongst other things. It was certainly no fun and did not keep me feeling alive or on the edge. I am sure many of the others on this forum who are suffering will agree with me. I know what you are saying about excitement related to healthy mild amounts of anxiety but the people on this forum are suffering with anxiety as an illness where the amount is much higher and causes very unpleasant effects.

12-18-2008, 05:29 PM
Whenever I have alot of anxiety I get this "feeling" of warmth, and while I hate the periods where I have anxiety and I'm relieved when I don't, I kind of miss my anxiety days. It made me feel like there was something worth doing. Like my fear was the reason holding me back and I had an excuse. I also miss the feeling.

I do not miss always fearing I was going to die though.

I don't know.