View Full Version : is this anxiety? gazing uncontrollably

12-09-2008, 03:01 PM
i am trying to help my boyfriend, who has a history of depression and ocd. about 4 weeks ago he was worrying a lot about getting new glasses and contact lenses. in the last few weeks he has been having a symptom of gazing uncontrallably. for example, when he watches tv, reads a paper, talks to someone he says that his eyes kinda gaze away and he loses ability to concentrate on tv, paper, conversation, etc. the fact that his eyes are gazing away is really casusing him high anxiety. i feel it could be anxiety related to the stress of the glasses thing a few weeks before. he cannot decide whether the anxiety is caused by this symptom or the symptom is causing the anxiety. he had an eye test an all was ok. what do you guys think? is this a symptom of anxiety? have you heard of this before? please help as i cant see him get worse and go through another bad depression - ocd episode. thank you