View Full Version : Uncontrollable Panic Attacks, Insomnia, and Anxiety despite taking meds.

01-24-2022, 07:01 PM
I am fully vaccinated and got my booster in October, and despite that, I tested positive for COVID. I don't have much support. When I get panic attacks, deep breathing doesn't work and makes my attacks worse! I am on hydroxazine and already took two more than my regular dose, trazadon, and Effexor today. I can't get in to see my psychiatrist until Feb. 15 for a video visit. I contacted my psychiatrist Friday, and his nurse was very rude to me. I filed a complaint against the nurse, downed a bottle of vodka, and finally slept for 16 hours. Yesterday, I went to immediate care to find my vitals normal, and that it was a panic attack. I don't know how to stop it. Deep breathing doesn't even work and it is below zero, so I can't go for a walk. I am also in quarantine. HELP!!!!!

01-25-2022, 01:01 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but I'm afraid this forum is long dead, inhabited now only by ghouls and trolls. You should seek help elsewhere, though I doubt strangers on the internet are in any position to offer meaningful support no matter where you go, and would advise you to persist with professional help. The best of luck to you.