01-24-2022, 07:01 PM
I am fully vaccinated and got my booster in October, and despite that, I tested positive for COVID. I don't have much support. When I get panic attacks, deep breathing doesn't work and makes my attacks worse! I am on hydroxazine and already took two more than my regular dose, trazadon, and Effexor today. I can't get in to see my psychiatrist until Feb. 15 for a video visit. I contacted my psychiatrist Friday, and his nurse was very rude to me. I filed a complaint against the nurse, downed a bottle of vodka, and finally slept for 16 hours. Yesterday, I went to immediate care to find my vitals normal, and that it was a panic attack. I don't know how to stop it. Deep breathing doesn't even work and it is below zero, so I can't go for a walk. I am also in quarantine. HELP!!!!!