View Full Version : Sara de las Heras and Joanna Sharp are skanks...

The Scottish Pedro
11-30-2021, 02:47 AM
Not available

04-11-2022, 06:51 PM
Copy/paste in your address bar:

This is the edivence that Peter Ross Anderson (The Scottish Pedro) of Edinburgh, Scotland is trying to cover up because it exposes him. In fact, it was because of this recording that he was arrested and sentenced to serve time in his local jail. Rightfully so!

In the video, you hear him utter death threats towards several individuals and even hints at engaging in a terrorist act when he expresses an intent on bombing his local police station. After he served time, he downplayed the whole incident across message boards with comments such as that he was just "blowing off steam."

This is how delusional this convicted criminal is, folks.

04-11-2022, 07:09 PM
Copy/paste in your address bar:

This is the edivence that Peter Ross Anderson (The Scottish Pedro) of Edinburgh, Scotland is trying to cover up because it exposes him. In fact, it was because of this recording that he was arrested and sentenced to serve time in his local jail. Rightfully so!

In the video, you hear him utter death threats towards several individuals and even hints at engaging in a terrorist act when he expresses an intent on bombing his local police station. After he served time, he downplayed the whole incident across message boards with comments such as that he was just "blowing off steam."

This is how delusional this convicted criminal is, folks.

I had a quick look but I felt wrong watching police evidence. If he's done time in jail then it's been taken care of by the law and what you're doing is vigilantism.

04-11-2022, 07:25 PM
This isn't police edivence. It's from a much larger video this terrorist recorded some time ago and was edited down to include only the relevant bits. Much of what you've been hearing in the criminal's posts is their misinterpretation of the situation. As you understand more of the story, you been to see the fallacies.

04-11-2022, 07:36 PM
This isn't police edivence. It's from a much larger video this terrorist recorded some time ago and was edited down to include only the relevant bits. Much of what you've been hearing in the criminal's posts is their misinterpretation of the situation. As you understand more of the story, you been to see the fallacies.

It's none of my business and I don't intend to make it my business. Pedro's just a guy on an internet forum and he's never bothered me. He's been a member here for six years. Let it go!

04-11-2022, 07:45 PM
"Just a guy on an internet forum" making threats and gestures of terrorism in his activities outside of this community. What a stand-up guy to get behind!

04-11-2022, 08:23 PM
"Just a guy on an internet forum" making threats and gestures of terrorism in his activities outside of this community. What a stand-up guy to get behind!

I'm not getting behind him. I reserve that activity for @Self!!


04-11-2022, 08:31 PM
"Peter Anderson is a ugly, talentless, vile, misogynist, racist, violent, sociopathic, cuntstain who stalks and harasses people online because it is the only human interaction he can achieve."

As I've said about a million times, Pedro has been a member here since 2016. I've been here since 2013. In that time he kept to himself mostly, wrote posts but didn't bother anyone. We've had a lot more trouble with other members.

I do remember interacting with him a few times but he never harassed me let alone stalked me.

He's been here recently (when you weren't) and he got along ok with me and Self (lol). Leave him alone for god's sake. Those pics are revolting and apparently include his sick mother! Just stop.

04-11-2022, 09:32 PM
He has a history of doxxing individuals that have "crossed him."

Ask him about the time he doxxed YouTubers Tipster, BioDevil_Dom, and Renegade Operative which is detailed extensively in this video along with other crimes:

Ask him about the time he contacted the spouse of Pete Wylie via social media to "smooth things over" with the singer. They were so disturbed by the incident that they had a restraining order placed which is probably still in effect.

In fact, admissions of doxxing are evident in posts he has made at this forum. He sees nothing wrong with publishing people's personal information.

This is not vigilantism. It's retributive justice.

04-11-2022, 09:38 PM
He has a history of doxxing individuals that have "crossed him."

Ask him about the time he doxxed YouTubers Tipster, BioDevil_Dom, and Renegade Operative which is detailed extensively in this video along with other crimes:

Ask him about the time he contacted the spouse of Pete Wylie via social media to "smooth things over" with the singer. They were so disturbed by the incident that they had a restraining order placed which is probably still in effect.

In fact, admissions of doxxing are evident in posts he has made at this forum. He sees nothing wrong with publishing people's personal information.

This is not vigilantism. It's retributive justice.

I see..........

04-11-2022, 09:40 PM
He has a history of doxxing individuals that have "crossed him."

Ask him about the time he doxxed YouTubers Tipster, BioDevil_Dom, and Renegade Operative which is detailed extensively in this video along with other crimes:

Ask him about the time he contacted the spouse of Pete Wylie via social media to "smooth things over" with the singer. They were so disturbed by the incident that they had a restraining order placed which is probably still in effect.

In fact, admissions of doxxing are evident in posts he has made at this forum. He sees nothing wrong with publishing people's personal information.

This is not vigilantism. It's retributive justice.

And your legal qualification is?

04-11-2022, 09:45 PM
Ask him about the time he sent gross porn of himself over a disagreement regarding a video game franchise he continues to support:

Ask him about the time this deranged lunatic sexually assaulted his support worker by groping her breast without consent. Furthermore, why don't you ask him about the time he sat outside this person's home so he could "apologize" about his unethical behavior?

Ask him about the time he peed on the external property of a previous employer that rightfully terminated him after he pushed a female colleague against a shelving unit in a fit of rage.

It goes on and on.

04-11-2022, 09:47 PM
More edivence to have a look at:

04-11-2022, 09:48 PM
Ask him about the time he sent gross porn of himself over a disagreement regarding a video game franchise he continues to support:

Ask him about the time this deranged lunatic sexually assaulted his support worker by groping her breast without consent. Furthermore, why don't you ask him about the time he sat outside this person's home so he could "apologize" about his unethical behavior?

Ask him about the time he peed on the external property of a previous employer that rightfully terminated him after he pushed a female colleague against a shelving unit in a fit of rage.

It goes on and on.

I don't want to ask him anything. I want to ask you things.

04-11-2022, 09:53 PM
Kwambe is obviously Peter Ross Anderson.

04-11-2022, 09:57 PM
Kwambe is obviously Peter Ross Anderson.


04-11-2022, 10:01 PM
Hence the word obvious, idiot.

04-11-2022, 10:04 PM
Why do you hate me so much?

04-12-2022, 09:02 AM
More edivence of his delusional narrative here, folks. He thinks the police or "pigs" as he calls them were abusing him, when they were just doing their jobs by following up on a serious complaint from a concerned citizen.You don't just make death threats and gestures of terrorism without expecting at least some degree of consequence. Clearly, Peter Ross Anderson doesn't understand that because he thinks the world is out to get him. "It's all their fault, I tell ya!"

Mental illness or aspects of retardation aside. which are not his fault because he was probably kicked in the head as a child, he isn't a very good human being otherwise. He abuses women, hurts and kills animals, and is committing fraud by using state assistance to pay for sex with transsexual prostitutes. What a stand-up guy, eh!

He is even attracted to minors. He spoke in disturbing detail in a recording about fooling around with an underage, intellectually disabled girl. Should I post the proof of this as well? Piss off, The Scottish "Pedo."

04-12-2022, 09:10 AM
Notice how he's dodging the conversation with irrelevant spelling corrections which he well knows are intended to make fun of his speech impediment.

04-12-2022, 09:16 AM
He won't tell you the truth. He tortured and maimed a mouse over a disagreement he had with YouTubers. He boasted about the killing in messages to these individuals.

04-12-2022, 09:23 AM
There you have it, folks, He just admitted to inappropriate conduct with an underage girl. I mean, what's a mid-thirties creep doing talking with a 17-year-old anyway?

04-12-2022, 09:28 AM
There you have it, folks. He also admitted to killing a mouse over a disagreement about a video game franchise. The truth comes out in bits and pieces the further he is confronted about it. Once exposed, he dodges by irrelevant spelling corrections and other people not involved in this at all like Rod Stewart.

04-12-2022, 09:32 AM
Notice the sidestepping he is attempting to do here, folks.

04-12-2022, 09:35 AM
More edivence of sidestepping and zero accountability..

04-12-2022, 09:42 AM
Uh huh, Peter. Whatever you say, retard.

04-12-2022, 09:45 AM
Hardly. Besides, this is just more of your sidestepping.

04-12-2022, 10:25 AM
Not transphobic, right?


I dunno how seriously the cops take it here. I do know in England they take it pretty seriously. My (female) friend got in trouble after being reported by a male and her "stalking" was NOTHING compared to BJ.

04-12-2022, 10:36 AM
Australian Federal Police


Jesus, I don't know. It's probably more effective for me to just do some voodoo shit on him.

"Adult cyber abuse is when someone sends seriously harmful content to a person who is 18 or older, or posts or shares harmful content about them, using an online or electronic service or platform. It can include posts, comments, emails, messages, chats, livestreams, memes, images and videos."

04-12-2022, 11:37 AM
I can send you all the vital information, but the thing is, screenshots I take on my phone keep coming out too small.

Yeah I've already got to apply for an intervention order against this homeless idiot my mother wastes her time on. So that's enough legal stuff for me atm.

I just cannot imagine how the Australian police are going to deal with this. It must be rampant. Well, probably not as extreme as Bogan Berich.


04-12-2022, 12:22 PM

Gimpy is not restricted to only one part of the world. The movement extends across the globe.

04-12-2022, 12:32 PM
The criminal knows the reporting is useless and can share past experiences on that. That's why the terrorist resorts to seeking validation from other halfwit morons on an anxiety message board.

04-12-2022, 03:03 PM
The criminal knows the reporting is useless and can share past experiences on that. That's why the terrorist resorts to seeking validation from other halfwit morons on an anxiety message board.

"The Terrorist" LOL. And I think we both know insulting my intelligence has pretty much no impact.

04-12-2022, 03:56 PM
"The Terrorist" LOL. And I think we both know insulting my intelligence has pretty much no impact.

Yeah, pushing on an open door there.

04-13-2022, 07:12 AM
He may not be overtly transphobic or homophobic because he is bisexual and commits state fraud by paying for sex with transsexuals with his retard check. However, he is most definitely a racist based on a post he made here:

"So what if I threatened the pigs for being abusive? Does anybody care about this has been pop star who you name dropped, or the lying spic who was just saying this to get me in trouble? So what?"

There is also a recording of him using the "nigger" word. Just another racist piece of shit that refuses to check their white privilege, folks.

By the way, in an enraged state he expressed hated for America and said he supports the September 11th terrorists attacks. He seems to have no problem with terrorism, especially since he gestured towards bombing his police station!

04-20-2022, 12:19 AM
How about you tell these people about the time you beat your mother? Nah, fuck you, right? Well, let me pull this quote of something you said years ago:

In late March, I attacked my mother because I got up later at night, and she kept slagging me off for being sweaty. She always says I smell and this got annoying. I started punching her and then my father picked me up and slammed me to the floor. Then I called the police and my father attacked me before they arrived. I then had to stay with my oldest sister, and then my younger sister's boyfriend.

Below is another couple gems from Peter himself regarding one of his first arrests. Basically, he admits to attacking a female co-worker and later assaulting his boss at Instore. As usual, he shows no accountability and downplays everything.

We got fed up waiting, so we said we'd be back later and Robert called my mother saying we were not to go back to the shop. But I ran away from Marie [his sister] while she was in HMV, and I went back to the shop and pushed Stefanie against a DVD rack because I felt betrayed. I then got on a bus and started acting bipolar towards a couple of teenage girls, who ran away from me.

I ran in and attacked Ross [the boss] and Alberto apprehended me. My mother told Ross he was being harsh, but he just told her to piss off as well. The police came to see the footage of me using the glue and they barely listened to my side of the story. I ran away and then they cuffed me before I could get outside. For the first time in my life, I was cuffed and degraded. They took my DNA and fingerprints at the station and then sent me home.