View Full Version : Alright extreme worrying right now, please help and reply!

12-08-2008, 09:35 PM
i just read a topic on here about how someone is having a fear of being schizophrenic and i think i have it, its so scary! and i dont know its irrational and i just dont know! it said people "feel like theres a converastion going on when no ones around" is that different from imagining somone saying something to me if i think something, like...i would think something and someone I KNOW i imagine them and what i think they would say..its kind of involentary but then its not. is that schizophrenia please help!!
and whenever i see a symptom that ive never heard of, i feel like that could happen to me. like then i start worrying omg that could happen to me! and now since i now that like picture and stuff like that talk to schizophrenics i have a hard time looking at pictures cause im afraid theyll talk to me cause thats what happens schizo's!
im so worried right now please help me..
and it runs in my family like my moms brother had it and he already had a chemical imbalance in his brain and he used really harmful drugs such as acid and coke and all that!

do i have it please help!

12-08-2008, 09:37 PM
oh my god and theres a lot of grammatical errors in the topic i just posted and idk if thats just my mind racing or just im schizophrenic oh my god..please help