View Full Version : Peter Ross Anderson

11-03-2021, 04:56 PM
Peter is a reprehensible excuse for a human being. I have no interest in annoying anyone else here.
I'm only posting in threads Peter has started at the moment.
I am only directing my posts at Peter.
Peter is using this forum as a platform to harass and slander his victims, and so long as he continues to do so, I will continue to call him out.
If he sticks to talking about things unrelated to harassing slandering or abusing his victims, or pretending he is the victim I will leave him alone.
If he continues I will continue.
If he continues to post in threads he didn't start, I will start to post in those same threads.

Clearly I need to be careful dealing with such a techno-genius.
It can be very confusing for us luddites, perhaps I could take this opportunity to learn from a true master tech expert like Peter.
Let's see, what would Peter do?
He'd probably route his laptop through his Samsung Galaxy A51, route that through a european-based VPN (thunder maybe?) to mask his IP address, and then... umm... use it to upload a video of himself calling Police Scotland incriminating himself and in the process giving out his full address and phone number for good measure.

A typical thesaunderschild video upload transcript goes something like this:

[ring ring]
"Police Scotland, Elaine speaking"
"oh hai it's uh peetur andersun heer and i stay at two dash six greendykes hoose which is foorteen greendykes rood edinburgh eee haich sixteeeen foor jai jai"
"Hi Peter, what's your number there?"
"I doon't ken mum. have ye nae got that caller eyedee or that"
"Is it oh seven seven four three seven seven five five nine one?"
"aye that soonds aboot reet"
"How can we help you today, Peter"
"i'd like you to send the pigs roond to arrest my lawyer for stealing my edivence..." [or some equally batshit mental stupid thing]
"You what?"
[continues for another 15 excruciating minutes]

Oh yeah, and don't forget to upload photos of letters from the court, or his lawyer, or lately from the social worker assigned to his case, clearly outlining his delusional, intransigent, hostile criminal behaviour.

Maybe he doesn't care - he's going to be evicted anyways, and he'll lose the phone when they arrest him I suppose (or next time he rage-yeets it across Asda). Or maybe it's that serial killer mentality isn't it? It's not enough to do the crimes, he has to let everyone know it was him wot did them - otherwise how will they know what a fucking criminal genius they are dealing with? (The sort of genius that doesn't realise that if you turn your head away from the phone, your voice will get fainter for the person on the other end, and it's nothing to do with 4G apparently).
What a fucking empty headed belligerent moron.
I've done farts with more intelligence.
Seriously Peter stop using up valuable resources and get in the fucking sea.

Regarding your 'acting' 'career', you're not in films because you have less than no talent, and a criminal record. No one in their right mind would let you anywhere near a film set. You didn't 'miss out' on any of those films any more than you 'missed out' on winning olympic gold medals you Dunning-Kruger benighted cunt

Your only activity seems to be stalking and harassing people and you're even totally shit at that.
Maybe getting arrested repeatedly is the closest to physical contact you can achieve - is a chokehold as good as a hug?
Stop harassing people.
Stop slandering people.
That's all you have to do.

You can't bring yourself to do that though can you?
You just can't ever concede you've done anything wrong ever, can you?
It never occurs to you that you're the bad guy?
You really are a waste of oxygen Peter.
Think of all the years you've wasted being a monumental prick.
What have you done with your life?
Spread misery and irritation on in as many places as possible.
I mean you're banned from Encyclopedia Dramatica for trolling, for fuck's sake. How do you manage that? That's like being booted from a neo-nazi party for being too right wing.
Are you spotting a pattern Peter?

Joins forum
vaguely stays on topic for a bit
starts to slander his victims and pretend somehow he's the victim for women not wanting him being a creepy bastard at them gets upset when people call him out on his obvious bullshit
throws a massive tantrum

You're a very special kind of moron aren't you - the type that is completely jaw-droppingly stupid but thinks they're clever.
You think there's one person who dislikes you and follows you around everywhere you go, as opposed to even considering that everyone who has had dealings with you thinks you're a useless piece of shit, and you make fresh new enemies everywhere you go, you repulsive impotent racist sexist misogynist homophobic violent hideous belligerent odious cockwart.

The only really exceptional thing is you seem to be going for some sort of record for the longest Basic Disclosure ever! The midwife clearly threw the wrong bit away.

You've got yourself blacklisted by everyone - including all the lawyers in Edinburgh - because of your own behaviour. Frank doesn't want to tell you his address in case you turn up.
You've been blacklisted by all the 'escort' agencies because of your poor personal hygiene and abusive behaviour, and that's even assuming you can overcome your impotence. Even your own prick hates you.

Your mother clearly doesn't want to take your calls.
To think that poor woman probably had to have an episiotomy to bring your overinflated fucking potato head into the world.
No wonder your dad wanted to batter you - should have fucking pulled out when he had the chance - at least then it would only be the back seat of the bus ruined and not the whole fucking internet.

Thought for the day.
Peter - I've just realised what you remind me of - a koala.
Now I know that maybe sounds cute and nice but Koalas are fucking stupid, vicious animals that also suck at life.
They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth, further reducing the available surface area.
If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. Not that eucalyptus is a nutritious food - it's trying as hard as it can to be inedible.
This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life.
They sleep more than 80% of their lives, and when they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan.
Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently... Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they're fucking terrible animals.
Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk. When the young joey needs to be weaned, it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother's anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea, which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence.
Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn't helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is attempted rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply try to overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating.
Yes, Peter, that all sounds uncannily familiar doesn't it?

stupid ✔️
belligerent ✔️
bad teeth ✔️
poor diet ✔️
shit eating oedipus complex ✔️
sexual aggression ✔️
STIs ✔️
sucks at life ✔️

Only real difference I can see is people seem to like koalas.

11-12-2021, 12:22 PM
Stop trying to recruit other people to do your harassing for you.

11-12-2021, 12:31 PM
I'm not sure why I would be so naive, given how in nearly two decades online, and numerous court appearances, you haven't ever once taken any responsibility for your actions.

11-12-2021, 12:32 PM
You really want to resume this?

11-12-2021, 07:31 PM
Hey dude. Do you really think your any better coming into this forum and disrupting it like so? I'm not going to entertain this ridiculous mission your on, but I will only acknowledge your abuse and highlight the impact it is having on others. This is not the place for you to be airing your dirty laundry. It's pretty obvious your going to have to be ignored, but not before calling you out for the unacceptable behavior you yourself are portraying here and the impact your having on others.

Either your the one and the same person but whatever way it is - your trolling and not welcome here whilst carrying on like a goose. It's pretty obvious you need to get help, but this is not the place you the likes of you whilst you go around mindless bashing other people without a care for the impact you have on others. No one wants that kind of person here.

So on ya way and make sure you shut the door on your way out.

In the meant time - that's the last you will hear from me. I highly suggest others ignore this individual. This one is damaged goods and quite obviously beyond repair.

One ya way ... off with ya now.

Goes with one and the same person. Go troll some place else.

Bye Bye ... Iggy applied - on both accounts.


Please note* Ignored users no longer show on the forum side bar. The place will look as it usually does before said trolls began their quest. It's time to end this by simply using the ignore feature. They have been called out ... now it is time to move on.

11-12-2021, 09:01 PM
Hey dude. Do you really think your any better coming into this forum and disrupting it like so? I'm not going to entertain this ridiculous mission your on, but I will ask you to account for your abuse your impacting on others. This is not the place for you to be airing your dirty laundry. It's pretty obvious your going to have to be ignored, but not before calling you out for the unacceptable behavior you yourself are portraying here and the impact your having on others.

Either your the one and the same person but whatever way it is - your trolling and not welcome here whilst carrying on like a goose. It's pretty obvious you need to get help, but this is not the place you the likes of you whilst you go around mindless bashing other people without a care for the impact you have on others. No one wants that kind of person here.

So on ya way and make sure you shut the door on your way out.

In the meant time - that's the last you will hear from me. I highly suggest others ignore this individual. This one is damaged goods and quite obviously beyond repair.

One ya way ... off with ya now.

Goes with one and the same person. Go troll some place else.

Bye Bye ... Iggy applied - on both accounts.

I thought you said you were happy ignoring things you didn't like? I've been keeping it in this thread and I've not directed anything at other users. I have zero interest in engaging with anyone else here who doesn't engage me directly. Clearly you feel you have to stick your oar in.
And a semantic point - a troll is someone who wants to trigger an angry reaction and gain engagement. I want precisely the opposite. I want to suppress engagement. I want silence. I guess that would make me a heckler.
In another context I might would have more sympathy for you and the other users, but frankly I really don't.
On most forums where Peter decides to post, the local users are quite quick to see through Peter's bullshit and call him out on it. That's why he's banned from so many, and shunned or ignored on more.
On this forum, not only did no-one challenge his clearly sociopathic behaviour (and you really don't have to try that hard to read between the lines of his own posts to see that by his own admission Peter has been harassing, abusing, stalking people for years - but apparently they were asking for it, so that's OK), but here, uniquely, you actively offered him support and encouragement to continue in this behaviour.
When he shared a video of his own lawyer telling him that he was extremely lucky not to be in jail having - and I quote - "harassed the fuck out of these women" you encouraged him to continue harassing them.
When he shared videos saying he intended to attack police with a claw hammer (having previously shared videos saying he wanted to bomb the police station, and shoot police with a rifle) you went off on your own rant about the police.
If at any point you had actually behaved like decent human beings I wouldn't ever have have felt the need to post here at all, and certainly not in such an extreme way. He has made so many people's lives such utter misery and caused so much harm and pain and suffering in the world and you pat him on the back and tell him to keep on trying.
You gave refuge to a monster, and hey, guess what, the villagers have turned up, and they're pissed off, so best keep out of the way, eh?

And just to be clear here, this isn't about Peter having strong opinions on Resident Evil or some harshly worded forum posts. This isn't as he repeatedly states, and may even believe, anything to do with defunct gaming websites. This is about the type of monster on the internet mothers warn their children of. He has engaged in constant slander, sexual harassment, stalking - online, in their place of work, by phone, and in the real physical world - harassing their friends, their families, their employers, and sending people threats of violence and death threats. He is a misogynist and a racist and dangerously deluded. He has been arrested and sent to prison repeatedly for this shit and yet every time he's released he starts again. The only reason he isn't more dangerous is his sheer stupidity and incompetence, but he seems to sometimes be able to persuade other gullible people to act on his behalf. Some of these women have been enduring this for nearly two decades now, so if you're a bit sad by having to see some swear words in your peripheral vision on a website, for a few weeks well, boo-fucking-hoo, my heart fucking bleeds.

My objective isn't even to get Peter to stop posting entirely. I don't think that's healthy - especially as he has no other outlet, having alienated literally everyone else he's ever had contact with.
If he wants to come on here and whine about computer games, or his family, or other stuff I frankly don't give two shits, and I will leave you all alone. I have no desire to poke the bear. But that's not what he's doing. He's been using this forum, completely unchallenged, as a tool to harass other people - and that has to stop. Whether that be direct or oblique references to his former support workers, filmmakers, random people on the internet, or this mythical supposedly Australian guy he has beef with, and whether that's direct attacks here, linking from here to attacks hosted on other sites, or trying to coerce people here to swat his victims I don't distinguish - any of that will trigger a response here from me.
If he steers clear of that, I will leave you all alone.
If you want to add me to your blocklist go right ahead - I nether seek nor want your attention.
And honestly, if me calling him out drives new users away from this forum then that's maybe not such a bad thing, because as far as I can tell, this forum appears to me not a healthy place for anyone to be.

11-18-2021, 08:50 PM

11-19-2021, 09:43 AM
Weird flex, but OK...
Thanks for bumping the thread anyway.

11-20-2021, 10:12 AM
Awww, Peter has it come to this?
Am I the only one who acknowledges you?
You so desperately crave someone to talk at don't you, that even insults from strangers on the internet are preferable the vast miserable desolate emptiness of your life?
All those threads you start on the few forums you're not banned from: "0 Replies".

"Fatty boom boom"? Is that some self-deprecating humour - I'm kinda impressed, I didn't think you had that much metacognitive capacity to be honest. Have you been looking in a mirror recently (or do they all crack when you come near)?
You look like a fucking Mr Men mate.
I mean you've always had that reanimated-corpse vibe about you - but now it looks like you've been at the bottom of a lake for a few years and you're undergoing saponification and turning into a lump of adipocere (which ironically is as close to soap as you're likely to get). Seriously, I hear Capcom have been screenshotting your videos as reference material for NPC models for their next RE instalment - Resident Evil: Greendykes House. Unfortunately now you've deleted your channel again, they're just going to have to get a load of rancid badger cum, smear it on a turd, and use that as a substitute - I mean it's close enough, isn't it?

I'd tell you to fuck off back to... but who would you go to... I mean, Frank yeeted himself to 'Dundee', you've blocked your sister, your mum has had enough of your shite, your dad just wants to punch your lights out, Ponder's blocked you, that crazy jailbait's gone, and you've deleted your youtube channel (again) so you can't even scream into the void any more.
Honestly, sometimes it must feel like your life is just a colostomy bag filled with shite, and the seal has burst so it's just slowly leaking shite, dribbling down your side prolonging the pain.

But don't be downhearted by all this Peter - I sense a change coming.
I'm looking into the future, and I see a change of circumstances...
Yes a new place to live...
With three meals a day...
en-suite toilet..
a room mate (who may or may not try to set you on fire)...
Ohh! Nearly forgot! Stern men, and women in uniforms - you like that femdom shit don't you (remember not to try stalking them on social media this time though).
Top tip: if you pretend you're smuggling drugs they'll do a cavity search for you. Oh yeah baby.
You never know - if you maintain your normal level of obsessive ranting, you might even get a free trip to to see a dentist
Best of all if you want to take a beating, you won't have to pay anyone, you'll get all that sub/humiliation stuff for free. (You're probably getting excited about this already, aren't you - eyes glazing over as you stare at your phone as it sits on that wee blue elephant)
Most of all, you'll finally be somewhere you really fit in - have a sense of belonging. I feel like you'll really fit in and feel at home there.

And they have lightbulbs in all the sockets.

12-30-2021, 10:19 PM
If you've been missing Peter's forays into filmmaking, given that his ability to keep a channel up seems to be as limited as his ability to maintain an erection, then fear not, we have you covered.
His sister seems willing continue to act as his enabler and help inflict his 'acting' on the world here:

If that's not enough to tide you over, he also has a selection of self made and pirated material on his Vimeo here.
and bizarrely on his user profile here:

How he has not won a BAFTA or been snapped up my a major Hollywood studio is a complete mystery; clearly a dark conspiracy at work.
It's like watching Pacino and De Niro in their prime. (Is watching this what it feels like having a stroke, I wonder).
Seriously though, no wonder Frank went into hiding. What constantly astounds me is that he actually promotes this stuff rather than trying to bury it. If ever Dunning Kruger needed an exemplar, here it is.

12-31-2021, 06:29 AM
The thing I realised about Peter's dabbling in film is that it has disturbing parallels with his "sex life":

It's virtually non-existent, but he nevertheless tries endlessly to talk to strangers on the internet about it;
When it does happen, it's deeply awkward, humiliating and embarrassing for all concerned;
Mostly it's just him, sorting himself out alone at home, but sometimes he wanders down to the park at night to do it;
On the rare occasions it involves other people he's had to pay for it, but even then he doesn't get what he wants and it's just some fleeting appearance at the rear;
Afterwards, he just can't let it go, but they never return his calls;
It works best when viewed as some sort of satire, but ultimately, nobody wants to see it;
He really wishes he could do it with Sylvester Stallone.

I really hope that's where the similarities end though, given how often Marie and Frank seem to be involved.

12-31-2021, 07:57 AM
Sorry folks, I realise it's terrible etiquette to add multiple posts to the same thread in quick succession, but I was tired and I'd only skim read Peter's drivel therefore missed these golden nuggets hidden in the stream of watery shite that drips from his stumpy fingers:

I could have easily gotten a solicitor in Australia to deal with your harassment.

I genuinely lolled - especially as pestering Ponder to help him with this this is what caused Ponder to block him originally.
Remember when Peter dismissed Murray, and slandered him, and tried sue him, and to get the police to raid his offices (and gave him a bad Yelp review), and then realised he couldn't get another lawyer in Scotland? Even if he could afford one and hadn't spent all his money on Michael Does Life and OnlyFans fetish videos, none of them wanted to touch him with a fucking bargepole: they're dealing every day with scumbag criminal psycho nutjobs, and they know one when the see one. He must have rung every lawyer in Scotland. Before he eventually slunk back to Murray (my goodness that man must have the patience of a saint), he had this cunning plan to get himself arrested so that he could get a free lawyer appointed to him via Legal Aid... Yeah, remember all that? Because it was only weeks ago. Oh god, now imagine all that , but with added time-zones, bad lines, and comedy accent misunderstandings...
I'd pay to listen to those phonecalls.
Maybe Peter should set up his own superchat begging scheme.

After all, I have more than enough proof saved.

Yay! It's the "Edivence"! I've really missed the Edivence, it was one of my favourite characters in previous seasons. Nice callback.
Maybe Murray's assistant can magically get his life back for him!

I've saved the best for last though folks.
This is glorious.
Could not make this one up if you tried.

Anyone else would have moved on, once they figured they were not interested in speaking to you. Yet you insist, which is the definition of a weirdo.
That's creepy, and only an idiot with no life would do that.


I'm stunned.

Is there some sort of award for the most ironic, least self-aware statement on the internet?
Maybe we should start one?
We could call them "The Petey's".
A little gold statuette of Peter rage-wanking onto a bust of Eddie Guerrero or something tasteful like that?
I guess most years politicians would win it but that quote there would have to be in the hall of fame or something.
On the positive side I guess it shoes that some of the things people say to him (repeatedly for decades) do filter through his reality distortion filed and make it into his, um, brain(?), even if he seems unable to process any meaning from them.
He's a bit like a mynah bird in that respect, though admittedly an unholy, hideous, repulsive, misogynist, racist, aggressive, deviant, evil and thoroughly worthless mynah bird.

01-14-2022, 04:23 PM
Peter, It's like someone read your mind and set it to music!
You'll have to flag it on YouTube to try and get it taken down.


01-29-2022, 07:20 AM
Still not in prison, eh?
Presumably they think he's too mentally unfit for a normal prison, and the paperwork to get him committed is just so onerous...
Anyway, as he's apparently retiring form forums, we'll never hear form him again, so we have that to look forward to.

03-19-2022, 08:03 AM
Also bumping this thread for the benefit of those new to this party, as Peter seems so intent on sending traffic here as part of his weird humiliation kink.
Unfortunately it's a bit disjointed as Peter has deleted his posts, but you get the general drift.

04-01-2022, 05:27 PM

04-07-2022, 07:43 AM
Hey, asshole.

You a jobless bogan, or something?

Too much free time on your hands there, son.

Again, I love the way when you need to think up an insult, you just repeat things other people have clearly shouted at you. Sometimes I can practically hear it in your mother's voice.

04-12-2022, 04:47 PM
You go offline for a week and miss all the fun. Typical.

If you want, I'll upload the videos of me talking to him on the phone.

Oh god yes please its been a hard week and I think we could do with a giggle.

04-12-2022, 09:23 PM
No Peter, the court appointed psychiatrist said you had a personality disorder. Remember?

Pot kettle black. You are one twisted fuck.

04-14-2022, 03:00 PM
Also bumping this as a reminder as to why this is all going on here specifically

I thought you said you were happy ignoring things you didn't like? I've been keeping it in this thread and I've not directed anything at other users. I have zero interest in engaging with anyone else here who doesn't engage me directly. Clearly you feel you have to stick your oar in.
And a semantic point - a troll is someone who wants to trigger an angry reaction and gain engagement. I want precisely the opposite. I want to suppress engagement. I want silence. I guess that would make me a heckler.
In another context I might would have more sympathy for you and the other users, but frankly I really don't.
On most forums where Peter decides to post, the local users are quite quick to see through Peter's bullshit and call him out on it. That's why he's banned from so many, and shunned or ignored on more.
On this forum, not only did no-one challenge his clearly sociopathic behaviour (and you really don't have to try that hard to read between the lines of his own posts to see that by his own admission Peter has been harassing, abusing, stalking people for years - but apparently they were asking for it, so that's OK), but here, uniquely, you actively offered him support and encouragement to continue in this behaviour.
When he shared a video of his own lawyer telling him that he was extremely lucky not to be in jail having - and I quote - "harassed the fuck out of these women" you encouraged him to continue harassing them.
When he shared videos saying he intended to attack police with a claw hammer (having previously shared videos saying he wanted to bomb the police station, and shoot police with a rifle) you went off on your own rant about the police.
If at any point you had actually behaved like decent human beings I wouldn't ever have have felt the need to post here at all, and certainly not in such an extreme way. He has made so many people's lives such utter misery and caused so much harm and pain and suffering in the world and you pat him on the back and tell him to keep on trying.
You gave refuge to a monster, and hey, guess what, the villagers have turned up, and they're pissed off, so best keep out of the way, eh?

And just to be clear here, this isn't about Peter having strong opinions on Resident Evil or some harshly worded forum posts. This isn't as he repeatedly states, and may even believe, anything to do with defunct gaming websites. This is about the type of monster on the internet mothers warn their children of. He has engaged in constant slander, sexual harassment, stalking - online, in their place of work, by phone, and in the real physical world - harassing their friends, their families, their employers, and sending people threats of violence and death threats. He is a misogynist and a racist and dangerously deluded. He has been arrested and sent to prison repeatedly for this shit and yet every time he's released he starts again. The only reason he isn't more dangerous is his sheer stupidity and incompetence, but he seems to sometimes be able to persuade other gullible people to act on his behalf. Some of these women have been enduring this for nearly two decades now, so if you're a bit sad by having to see some swear words in your peripheral vision on a website, for a few weeks well, boo-fucking-hoo, my heart fucking bleeds.

My objective isn't even to get Peter to stop posting entirely. I don't think that's healthy - especially as he has no other outlet, having alienated literally everyone else he's ever had contact with.
If he wants to come on here and whine about computer games, or his family, or other stuff I frankly don't give two shits, and I will leave you all alone. I have no desire to poke the bear. But that's not what he's doing. He's been using this forum, completely unchallenged, as a tool to harass other people - and that has to stop. Whether that be direct or oblique references to his former support workers, filmmakers, random people on the internet, or this mythical supposedly Australian guy he has beef with, and whether that's direct attacks here, linking from here to attacks hosted on other sites, or trying to coerce people here to swat his victims I don't distinguish - any of that will trigger a response here from me.
If he steers clear of that, I will leave you all alone.
If you want to add me to your blocklist go right ahead - I nether seek nor want your attention.
And honestly, if me calling him out drives new users away from this forum then that's maybe not such a bad thing, because as far as I can tell, this forum appears to me not a healthy place for anyone to be.

04-14-2022, 03:52 PM

04-17-2022, 06:50 AM
Remember that time Tania called the police on her own fucknugget offspring when he was stalking one of the support workers he sexually harassed?

I'm having major issues with my autism support agency!
Former member
Nov 2, 2014


Ever since 2007, I have been receiving support from a company in Scotland that has an outreach service to aid those with autism. In recent years, they messed things up by arranging four teams. When I say that they messed things up, I mean they placed people into four individual teams, meaning I stopped receiving support from some of the people I liked working with in the past. Now, I am not sure if that qualifies as the seniors messing things up, as such, but that is not the issue at hand here.

Way last year, I got silly after a break-up (well, it was not really a break-up as such), but I asked a woman to date me post separation. One that happened to be one of my support workers.

I had known it was not allowed, but I felt lonely and fed up of my life being emptyish, especially after being financially abused by a woman I had spent years trying to have a relationship with when I finally found her after doing a lot of intense searching and she was my only girlfriend as well, but she also has mental issues and she was only interested in my money. There is a huge lack of women in my life besides using escorts, but I realize I overstepped a boundary.

I have saw my ex-girlfriend on and off, but just as a pal who seems to have an unstable mood that goes up and down like a see-saw.

Anyway, I only wanted another chance with the female support worker and they gave me a single shift with her again in the summer of 2013 as a trial or something, but they never really cleared anything up about it. When I asked about having more shifts, a guy repeatedly fobbed me off and I saw through it, so I got mad, talked about her on Facebook, then shot myself in the foot. After that, they would not put her with me any more, but I still seen her on sleepovers at my supported accommodation, as their office / sleepover flat is next door to where I resided, until July.

Around the same time that I stopped working with the aforementioned woman, I had a key worker who is a Spanish woman and she started off being really sweet. Hispanic ladies are attractive and I fell for her. However, I told a male worker I often played pool with that I talked about her online and he must have reported me. She knew I liked her and eventually, the way she behaved around me altered quite drastically, after being nice to start off with. Then she went and become rather nasty. We had also been in a GUM clinic together once, when I had an STI.

At first, during December, she appeared to be testing me, making me know she may go to South America one day and that "news" bothered me. She probably just said that to see how I would respond, as she knew by that point I fancied her and would have been watching me closely all the time she was around me, but I was oblivious to the fact she already knew I had an infatuation with her. She said to me once at a party in a venue called Number 6 I go to a lot, she was seeing a 'male friend' in town afterwards, which made me feel depressed, then just days later, I called her 'petal' in a text message when she was due to support me, then she went nuts when we were on the bus coming home. When we were back at my flat, I felt agitated over the things she said, so I put my arm around her as she was cleaning my dishes and she freaked out, by overreacting.

Whenever we had shifts after this, she seemed either uncomfortable or she acted mean-spirited. She went up a hill with me on Boxing Day (26 December). When I was atop the hill, I had vertigo like feelings and she ordered me to wear my glasses or she was leaving. A few nights previously, she moved her bar stool away from me in the staff kitchen, making out she needed to stretch her legs, while giving me an odd glance.

Eventually, in early February, we had a seminal shift where we baked a cake and it was a good afternoon. It sadly wound up being our last ever shift together. For weeks after this shift, her bosses fobbed me off about her, like they did with the other woman, but they made out she was still my key worker, but that she was busy and that they needed to utilize her elsewhere. Blah. Blah. Blah.

By the time I found out the truth, I was hurt badly. Attempts to reach out to the two girls beginning with my former key worker always ended in epic failure. Eventually, I ended up arrested several days after I was at a charity band night in July. Then I broke my bail terms a few times by sending vulgar messages on Facebook and I was even arrested near to where one of the women lives. This resulted in me being remanded in prison until a hearing took place. When I was free, I ended up apologizing to them on Facebook thinking it was the decent thing to do, but I was ordered not to contact them and it caused more trouble. So then I later ended up remanded in jail again after my own mother set me up in the park opposite her house.

Since mid-September, I have been highly anxious and I feel angry, and I have had to reside with my parents. I may not go back to my flat until in December and the police took my laptop away, and I do not have a mobile phone that can play music. It is not a good set up at all and being unable to afford all these luxeries makes me even more depressed. If I require anything from my flat, someone else has to go there on my behalf. But it is annoying because it is my home and all my things are there.

When I got out of jail, I had to reactivate my benefits including my Disability Living Allowance and wound up in tons of debt. I just feel so awful these days. And I feel like I ought to be dead, because the boss of the organization will never give me a chance to make things right. They made a 'mountain of a molehill' just over some stupid text messages, then the latter events pretty much ruined my life. Now, I understand they were only my support workers, but they are special to me.

Please help!

04-17-2022, 07:02 AM
Also notice how this close to the event, despite all the yeah-buts there is still a glimmer of recognition that he was responsible for the situation; "I had known it was not allowed", "I realize I overstepped a boundary", "Then I broke my bail terms a few times by sending vulgar messages on Facebook and I was even arrested near to where one of the women lives."

Just a few months later the narrative has shifted more towards paranoid conspiracy, and other people 'overreacting' to his 'boyish' innocence: "I realize they felt uncomfortable over some creepy autistic freak like me having boyish feelings for them, but their supervisors *NEVER* even handled the situation properly to begin with and they never will, so as a result, I ended up charged 8 darn times and jailed 2 times."

So it's official: my life is always going to suck! (https://www.mentalhealthforum.net/forum/threads/so-its-official-my-life-is-always-going-to-suck.104498/)

Former member
Feb 3, 2015

At least, I think it will. I really no longer have the confidence left in me to bother doing anything and this entire ordeal has hurt my pride. And I will never get a chance to resolve my issues with **** and ******, so there is that as well.

You probably remember me talking about my former support workers and my ex-girlfriend, and well, me bringing up that I was being arrested, etc. In case you forgot, I have a form of autism and these workers ceased supporting me once I become infatuated with them. However, I felt the higher-ups were dishonest about their status as my workers and one thing lead to another.

Rather unfortunately, the urge to contact them has not really ceased at all, even though it runs the risk of me being imprisoned. In fact, I contacted the two ungrateful aides again a few weeks ago on Facebook (****** and my old key worker, ****). Contacting them in the past to say sorry did not result in anything other than me being arrested by the persistent police, and this was no different. The two caregivers just called the police on me again. Surely they know I will get arrested when they contact them, etc. Yet they probably do not care about me in the least.

Naturally, I know contacting them is futile, but I miss them a lot and I am still bailed by the court to my parents' house. You see, the other judge who had me remanded in jail twice before retired to get another job and he was replaced by another judge who had been interested in taken up my case for a while, but they have deferred the end result yet again for to receive a psychiatry report, which means I must go back on 26 February. Now, I have been away from my flat since July and this is just irritating now.

It is totally boring living with my parents and I wasted money on a hooker recently, just because. Why not? It ain't like there is anything better to spend the money on and I am now convinced, I will never be able to move on from this mentally, so I may as well resign myself to a fate of nothingness, because I am sure as hell gonna be getting social workers on my behind and me finding a way to get over this will be too difficult.

When the police arrested me on a Wednesday which was around 2 weeks ago, I had been out much of that day trying to avoid the them. It was cold and I was shattered, so eventually I needed to rest up. Since there was nowhere to stay, I eventually just went back to my parents' house to lay in bed. They are aware I have an older friend I play pool with, so they keep annoying him as well by going to his place if they want to look for me, and they have my 3 sister's addresses on file too, so I cannot crash at theirs either for fear they would show up at one of their flats.

Shortly after going to bed, the police came and my mother let them in. They were arrogant and I was interviewed in front of an appointed adult, then arrested. The next day, I was in the holding cells for bloody ages and then I was extremely fortunate not to have been jailed yet again.

However, the arrest was only over ******, even though contacting **** was about the same stuff. The law sees it as two separate matters if there are two complaints. So I was thinking, yes, I might be arrested again. So I disappeared, feeling frantic. I called a senior and she said 'nobody had called the police, you can go home', blah, blah. Yeah, right.

Guess what? She is an A grade liar. They had been to get me, only I had gone out. My mother never even let on they had been there either, probably because she was hoping I would come in the house again so she could have me shafted. Plus, I know getting arrested on a Friday means you can be stuck in their foul cell until the following Monday.

I went and found a restroom to stay the night in. The next day, I left it at around 11 AM in the morning (this was a Saturday) and I went to a bakery called Gregg's to get a bite to eat. Right after I turned the corner, I was caught. They rang my mobile number a minute beforehand. It come up saying private, but I had my music on so I never heard the two cops approach me. I am sure they somehow traced my phone signal.

It was one of the two same police that arrested me just 2 to 3 nights previously. Anyway, these two other cops came and the guy who found me said they were my taxi home. Since I apparently felt suicidal, they took me to the Royal Edinburgh Hospital which is for people with mental health issues. We waited in there a while as there were other folk ahead of us and they were probably doing this errand not to help me as such, but just to stall until the facts became apparent, because they were getting radio information. They were probably saying "Peter is our guy" and no doubt they would have been mentioning about me breaching my court order. They've taken me to that hospital before, then arrested me after getting all the juicy facts, so I was thinking in my head there was something a bit "ulterior" about their nice ways. They are scum. But since the arrest was similar to the other one, I just got released on an undertaking after signing paperwork.

Seriously, however: I am never, ever going to get over losing my two cherished workers, who, by the way, do not give a rat's arse about me. None of this crap was ever necessary. I realize they felt uncomfortable over some creepy autistic freak like me having boyish feelings for them, but their supervisors *NEVER* even handled the situation properly to begin with and they never will, so as a result, I ended up charged 8 darn times and jailed 2 times.

My life is effectively as good as over, as I cannot get them outta my head. And I quit my support with the company too and I don't even know what will happen to my flat soon, and all my things are still there too. To be honest, I just feel like screaming. Please, can we do something?
Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2015

04-17-2022, 07:10 AM
And by the following year any recognition of culpability has evaporated.
It's just 'poor little me'.

I could cry! (https://www.mentalhealthforum.net/forum/threads/i-could-cry.133443/)

Former member
Apr 3, 2016

I lost my supported flat and my care workers due to how an autism care company in Edinburgh handled me crushing on two women employed there ages ago, and all this heartache started like 3 years ago now.

Well, their bosses lied to me a lot back then, then later they refused to give me a second chance, and I spent months feeling low. So eventually, I got remanded in jail after being arrested and humiliated by the pigs because my sadness turned to anger. The court later sent me back to jail for apologizing to them online, and this maniac attacked me in jail, and I only wanted my life to go back to how it was prior to us fallen out. They have no right to say this is 100% my fault. They also lied about the court. The court contacted them and they dragged my name through the mud while I was ordered to live elsewhere. Oh, yes.

I could not access my flat for many months as the court held off the end result to obtain a ton of reports, and the landlord who is also the assistant head of that agency, well, she later met up with me in her office and cooked up a story about rent arrears so I would sign away my tenancy. She got me to write my name on a piece of paper which had nothing on it.

I quickly breached a CPO last year and they remanded me in jail again. Once was for over 3 months. The other, just 3 days. After deferring sentencing for a stupid breach, they gave me like 2 more of these orders, so this CPO nonsense that should have ended in October now will end in March of next year.

My whole life is tarnished. Other agencies are not really going to be able to offer me suitable help, as the workers cannot always vary their hours and they won't allow me to work with women any longer either, and this supervisor has to see me every so often. He accused me of fancying my dentist.

My things were moved back in with my parents and sister. My sister lives with us now too, and she may lose her son soon due to corrupt social workers. My friend is also now in jail. And I find life stressful.

I still have an obsessive rage lingering in me. Hell, I just wanted my former support workers and myself to all make amends, but all the traitors do is have the pigs arrest me. If I contact them again, I will just end up in jail for a long time. The court have portrayed me to be a stalker. It is all lies. They also demanded me to hand over all my Internet enabled devices.

I felt what occurred was all a misunderstanding that got out of hand. The agency has never treated me right at all. Many of the workers are toffee noses. There was even an older male worker there years ago who sent me abusive emails using an alias, then after a while he acted all sweet so he could make me think things were okay. But I don't have these emails now.

Who needs a support company that lies and stabs one in the back, huh? Sadly, I cannot sue them. They've won. And I allow that to eat me up every single day now.

04-17-2022, 08:09 AM
vBulletin community

Ha! thanks! Would never even have occurred to me to look for you there given as how it's a support site for people running the software but, as usual, comprehension is not your strong point.
I found these two threads particularly amusing:

but this one is the real Peter breaking through here, isn't it?

if they lived nearby, I swear I would go to their houses and I'd probably kill them

04-23-2022, 06:48 AM
Peter! You never mentioned that you'd met a famous poet! He even wrote a poem to commemorate you (https://johncooperclarke.com/poems/twat):

Like a Night Club in the morning, you’re the bitter end
Like a recently disinfected shit-house, you’re clean round the bend
You give me the horrors
Too bad to be true
All of my tomorrow’s
Are lousy coz of you
You put the Shat in Shatter
Put the Pain in Spain
Your germs are splattered about
Your face is just a stain

You’re certainly no raver, commonly known as a drag
Do us all a favour, here… wear this polythene bag

You’re like a dose of scabies
I’ve got you under my skin
You make life a fairy tale… Grimm!

People mention murder, the moment you arrive
I’d consider killing you if I thought you were alive
You’ve got this slippery quality
It makes me think of phlegm
And a dual personality
I hate both of them

Your bad breath, vamps disease, destruction, and decay
Please, please, please, please, take yourself away
Like a death a birthday party
You ruin all the fun
Like a sucked and spat our smartie
you’re no use to anyone
Like the shadow of the guillotine
On a dead consumptive’s face
Speaking as an outsider
What do you think of the human race

You went to a progressive psychiatrist
He recommended suicide…
Before scratching your bad name off his list
And pointing the way outside

You hear laughter breaking through, it makes you want to fart
You’re heading for a breakdown
Better pull yourself apart

Your dirty name gets passed about when something goes amiss
Your attitudes are platitudes
Just make me wanna piss

What kind of creature bore you
Was is some kind of bat
They can’t find a good word for you
But I can…


04-23-2022, 06:56 AM
Just a reminder which Peter Anderson we're talking about.

Peter Ross Anderson
2/6 Greendykes house, Greendykes Rd, Edinburgh EH16 4JJ

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

04-23-2022, 02:46 PM
By the way, all of these new accounts showing up on here, are all yours.
Hahaha. Lol. So wrong, as usual, Peter.
https://media3.giphy.com/media/ceeN6U57leAhi/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47hmuee8t5nhqb5rvteqow9w54k0oi 2yblc877yj34&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

04-23-2022, 03:19 PM
But you are the only person who remotely cares about me, like it's an obsession of some sort.

No Peter. I don't remotely care about you any more than an oncologist cares about a tumour, or an exterminator cares about a cockroach. You are something to be dealt with.
You have massively underestimated the number of people you have pissed off.
Were you to die tomorrow the world would be a better place and we could all get on with our day in peace.

https://media1.giphy.com/media/WXtccLGTLB1NS/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e4711crafv3l01k2hkjzm64shtqboo4 8cuzdtdjszj3&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

04-23-2022, 03:23 PM
Were you to die tomorrow the world would be a better place and we could all get on with our day in peace.

Oh, and as previously mentioned, the average IQ of humanity would noticeably increase!

https://media4.giphy.com/media/3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611028c98fa6949c8cfadb1a84584fb 91bab58258cb&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

04-26-2022, 04:58 PM
Remember that time someone tried to do the decent thing and kill it with fire?

When these women asked not to work with me, (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/just-a-hunch.23516/#post-469188) their bosses kept being overly nice by asking how I was doing (which they never did in that manner) and saying they were just busy with a grin on their faces. After I figured out I was deceived, I threw tantrums. But they constantly used that as the "reason" they were removed, when this is complete lies. However, I did get to apologize to them in a room in front of the assistant manager once, but it ate away at my sanity that I lost people I really liked, and it just got to me so badly. My support shifts with other workers were no longer pleasant, so I quit my support entirely. So after a miserable 5 months, I got incredibly angry and sent them nasty emails, both before and after the cops smashed my bedroom door in to intimidate me, managers made a fool of me, and you name it. I was very racist in one of the emails. Yet after I was remanded in jail the first time in the summer of 2014, which was like a major punishment in itself, I had sent even more messages, but these were just apology type ones, which was still looked upon as a breach of bail. Then I was arrested again, and was put back in prison, and a guy in my cell assaulted me when I wanted the TV turned off. They fully committed me for trial in May of 2015 too, and sent me to a jail in Glasgow, probably 50 miles from home, saying I was a sex offender - which my lawyer later called just a "mistake." In October of 2015, I was severely beat up in a cell at the court, after telling a crazy guy I was in a protection wing. These cons usually think that's a wing for "beasts" or something. Then they opposed my bail and a guy in my cell tried to set me on fire.

04-26-2022, 07:18 PM
It's exactly the same as it's always been, but fatter, and uglier, and with fewer teeth.

From a decade ago:

Am I a complete moron or what? (https://members.lovingfromadistance.com/forum/loving-from-a-distance/long-distance-relationships/17878-am-i-a-complete-moron-or-what)

Now I'm lonely, horny, depressed and stung, all rolled into one. I've even wasted hundreds of pounds on escorts and they are far from friendly. I'm not even able to get aroused and people have told me to quit doing this, but to no avail. I've even tried going to singles nights. Then I got aggressive to people on meetup.com for no real reason and the founder of the dating group kicked me off the group, and said I needed CBT.

I have PDD-NOS. I'm smelly, obsessive and socially inept. All I've done for years is go on crappy gaming related forums and a lot of forums have had nasty members that have abused me too, as well as banned me and also people have created attack sites about me. One of my major compulsions is that I rub my face a lot and it is dirty. If I do that in public and anyone notices that I do that, people will just mock me over it. I'm not sure how to stop doing it. I also never feel motivated to do anything nowadays and I keep thinking Laura will crawl back to me, and things will sort themselves out. That's clearly the visions of a deluded man.

All I do is most of my days is go online and stay online until it's time to go to bed. Now I just feel lost in the world. The things I used to enjoy are no longer a huge pleasure. I just don't know what to try anymore. My life for many years was just one big crazy loop and now I'm to the point where I'm having to admit defeat. I also feel anxious whenever I venture outside alone.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

04-27-2022, 04:05 AM
And remember, beauty is only skin deep.
Yes, Peter is physically repugnant, but plenty of repugnant people manage to breed - just look at its parents, or its sister (and wonder if the world would maybe be a better place without alcohol and poor pub lighting). Peter's problem is that it's ugly on the inside too. I mean look at the scum prostitutes have to deal with, and yet they're still nopeing out when fuckface turns up, with all the charm and allure of an overflowing chemical toilet at the end of a five day music festival at the peak of summer.


Ugly all the way to the core.

06-21-2022, 07:03 PM
I'll be contacting a solicitor in Australia soon, so I suggest you start hiding these comments.

Oh please, yes!
Make sure to record the call again; last time was fucking hilarious.

06-22-2022, 04:02 AM
You obviously view this as a sick game, but you left a lot of breadcrumbs for me in the past.

Eh? No. What are you, a fucking pigeon? If I thought you had a gluten allergy I might give it a go, but the authorities usually take a dim view of people mailing foodstuffs.

06-23-2022, 04:37 PM
You obviously view this as a sick game

Speaking of sick, how did you get on on Friday? I assume a no-show once they realised what you are.

06-25-2022, 10:03 AM
Peter Ross Anderson's Address:
2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ

07-02-2022, 07:06 PM
Look, bless, Peter's just looking out for Dave's best interests, I'm sure. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?248268-Did-you-really-ban-a-member-here-called-Ponder-recently&p=2048469#post2048469)

02-07-22, 10:56 Peter A
Did you really ban a member here called Ponder, recently?
How do I contact the host of anxietyforum.net? Does anyone know?

A sad troll I know from Australia, has created many accounts there, and is spamming all across the sections of the forum. He isn't Ponder, though. I know him under the name of Gimpy.

There doesn't seem to be anybody maintaining the forums anymore. I'm the Peter Anderson that the harassment is being aimed at on this website. But the moderators are no longer active.


And edgegranny too... (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?248268-Did-you-really-ban-a-member-here-called-Ponder-recently&p=2048517#post2048517)

02-07-22, 18:15 Peter A
Re: Did you really ban a member here called Ponder, recently?
I'm sorry to hear about him doing that. Although I don't know what went on...

To answer your question, yes, both myself and a member named gypsylee had attempted to reach out to the owner, who has seemingly left the forum up despite moving on, and the site isn't looked after any longer. It's quite obvious, with all of the spam on there.

On the other forums, Ponder was quite nice to me months ago. Now since this other Australian person called James Berich has been there spamming under different identities, Ponder has assumed that I am the one doing it. But I already told Ponder that I have known the Australian troll for years, because of him being on forums with me in the past. He used to post on Resident Evil related forums that I registered on, in the mid 2000s, and even used to abuse me then with people like Lucky and Dot50Cal.

Since 2017, he has been creating HEAPS of accounts to bother me on different sites, to the point where I had to seek legal advice about how to get him dealt with. But it's not looking like there is any cost efficient way that I can. Plus, I live in Scotland, so it's way more difficult to get him arrested, than if he had resided in the UK. And he is actually 36.

07-02-2022, 08:11 PM
I had to seek legal advice about how to get him dealt with. But it's not looking like there is any cost efficient way that I can.

07-03-2022, 08:43 AM
You are the most vindictive, fucking, saddo ever!

Just parroting what everyone says to Peter anyway.

07-03-2022, 08:20 PM
I thought the last name was supposed to be Berich? You can't even get your own "facts" straight! Retard.

07-04-2022, 08:36 AM
He uses both, dumbass.

You don't say? So, you're willing to believe that but not the fact you have multiple trolls that are actively harassing you here (and elsewhere). We know you're fucking dense but the edivence of multiple trolls is so obvious. Then again, you need things explained clearly and precisely to you for your retarded brain to even process the information correctly.

Fucking moron.

07-08-2022, 08:57 AM
Moron's going to moron more, on and on.

I had to contact the court in Western Australia... (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/i-had-to-contact-the-court-in-western-australia.40363/)

I can't say any more than that. :)

It concerns some demented bogan online.

I think he just dug his own grave.

07-21-2022, 01:12 PM
I've yet to read Peter's latest posts. But to be honest, I don't think I'm over the moon about it. (https://www.cult-labs.com/forums/gaming/718-games-talk-49.html#post673528)

I'm actually fed up of Peter Ross Anderson and the fucknugget incels in general, milking franchises. Peter Ross Anderson has been messing up the internet now for years, with these half-assed posts, and rants, and their undying love for revisiting Resdidn't Evul.

Just how many takes can you do on the same story, really? They claimed to be planning to retire from forums (and maybe even from breathing (https://www.suicideforum.com/community/threads/should-i-just-move-on.36636/post-571012)) all the way back in 2008. Yet every few months or so, I hear something about a Resdidn't Evul, edivence, Support workers, police, or whatever, that is apparently all about how Peter is being victimised. Although it's more or less supposed to be the same premise, just altered each time. Then facts get cut, or changed. It's absolutely dumb, and it's not advancing things ahead.

07-21-2022, 02:23 PM
especially if you're posting the EXACT dates of these old posts I made!

Do we think the fucknugget is stupid enough to have never noticed that forum posts usually have a date on them?
Yes. I think that may be that case.

07-21-2022, 02:32 PM
I can play this game of yours too, you know, since you're a lying bogan in general.
Nope. Everything I have posted here has been true (allowing for exaggeration for effect)

Like, you seem to enjoy saying out of spite, above all else, that you don't "care" about my posts
No, I said I that if you just post about, for example Resident Evil I would leave you alone. When you post other shit I will not.

or that I even exist,
I don't think I ever said that. I would very clearly much rather you didn't exist. In that respect I'm like almost everyone else you've ever interacted with.

but you obviously care enough to look up the latest posts of mine on every forum you can Google search, on what appears to be a daily basis.
You really are a fucking luddite aren't you? What the fuck is this? 2004? You've heard of computers, right?

Just like you continue to stir the shit, by pretending like these other accounts ain't your doing.
None of the other accounts posting here are me.

07-21-2022, 05:41 PM
Speaking of Resident Evil opinions, you seem to have a problem with me rabbiting on about it on forums, but you insist on claiming you're not a fan, or that "you've never played them." AKA complete horseshit.

You may be a huge liar, James, but it's gotten to a point where you're not even that good at doing it anymore.

We're running in circles here either way. So I don't expect you to change any time soon. :)
I'm not James.
I don't care about your Resident Evil posts beyond amusement at your inability to pronounce it or put forward any cogent arguments (your basic thrust seeming to be "I hate the way they keep doing the same thing and don't change things but and I also hate it when they do something different and do change things, and I hate the way companies seem to want to make money".)
I thought you liked running around in circles - isn't that literally the point of those games?

07-21-2022, 05:45 PM
Besides, me talking all this shit about other people I know who you don't, has no bearing on anything. It doesn't even concern you. So I don't see why you feel the need to make it your mission to probe my threads everyday.

That's called being too invested in other people's beeswax.

So you want to post shit on public forums but not get called out publicly on forums for talking shit? Easily solved. Stop posting shit on forums, and you'll stop getting called out for talking shit on forums.

07-23-2022, 09:46 AM
Lance Reddick isn't a good choice for Wesker, as he doesn't have that Wesker aura about him. Plus, it's not racist of me to say a black man shouldn't be playing a white male, because if that character wasn't actually white to begin with, this is all I'm trying to say. It stands out terribly so, and they're always going back to Raccoon City in general throughout the franchise, which is ridiculous.

Aura? Seriously? That might carry weight, and not look like a retrospective attempt to look less of a cock, if you'd seen the series and known who Lance Reddick was when you started to complain, and if you had had any understanding of what good acting looks like, but your reaction to the fucking casting was not based on any of these things it was literally and verbatim :

Wesker is black. (https://biohaze.com/forum/threads/resident-evil-netflix-series-posters-revealed.788/post-7947)

Like... Wesker is black now? OK. Nobody here is racist. But, um, the man ain't supposed to even be black. :cry: (http://silenthillcommunity.com/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=545&p=1177&hilit=wesker#p1177)

They should keep their race the same, though. (https://www.joyfreak.com/threads/netflixs-resident-evil.12663/post-38868)
100% it is his race that bothers you.
No discussion about aura or mood or gravitas or anything regarding tone (except skin tone, of course). Top tip - if you have to use phrases like "I'm not racist but <<comment>>" or "It's not racist to say <<comment>>" or "Nobody here is being racist, but <<comment>>", then almost certainly <<comment>> is going to be racist, and deep down you know it you piece of shit or you wouldn't feel the need to try to excuse it in advance.

07-23-2022, 09:55 AM
To be honest, I don't trust Aries any more than I trust you, or a snake. No banned user should be allowed to do searches. He clearly did that on purpose. But that's just because he's kind of being ungrateful. At the time he founded that forum, I was one of the first ten or so sign ups, I'm sure. Yet it's not like the guy plays favourites, from the looks of things.

Even so. Why contribute to a forum if the person in charge isn't interested in putting a stop to an imbecile's harassment? Because I don't think I would want to stick around and support that guy's online business if that's the attitude he decided to take.

And yet you continue to post there. I'm sure he will be delighted to hear your endorsement of his evenhandedness when dealing with two-faced potato-headed cocksuckers.

07-24-2022, 11:50 AM
How about digging out your old PC from 2004 then, and checking out the negative reviews online? :)

What the fuck are you on about you miserable little cunt-turd? You off your meds again?

Regarding a tv series based on a game bombing, well predicting that is like predicting rain will be wet. All game adaptations are almost guaranteed to be shit because by definition visual media needs a coherent plot, whereas the 'plot' of most games is secondary and usually some shoehorned nonsense to glue game mechanics together, and (for console games) to pad out cut scenes to give time for assets to load from disk in the background. If you stick to the plot of the game, then it's gibbering nonsense, and if you change it then it is no longer really based on the game. In the entire history of film and television adaptations of games, the only one I can think of that is actually any good is of a board game - Clue (1985) - and that's probably because as a board game, the game doesn't have any plot, only characters.

07-25-2022, 10:04 AM
Aww, Poor Peter is a saddums wikkle pookums. (https://forums.majorgeeks.com/threads/silent-hill-may-be-getting-brought-back-by-bloober-team.324406/page-2#post-2053538)

I don't think I will be posting about RE on other forums much now, if ever. They started combining my threads or giving me lip. Like on the official Blu-ray forums, the users were acting so dumb. Like, it's hard to find communities now where people respect your viewpoints.
Ah, I think I see the problem here - everyone is entitled to their viewpoint but they should do the decent thing and keep them to themselves because only only Peter's opinion is the correct one. Of course then, Peter is going to complain about nobody replying to the fucknugget's posts...

But in general, forums have gone downhill and are mostly very inactive anyway. I also acquired an Australian stalker, who I first came across online in 2004. Yep. Rather sad guy, if you ask me. Very creepy too, in fact.

Plenty of active forums Peter - but they're the ones you've been banned from. Also don't underestimate yourself - you don't have just one enemy - you have several (and I'm going to guess most of them are not Australian)

The other day, he linked to a suicide post I made from 2008, but 14 years to the date I posted it. I was really just venting. Talk about a wacko. This was back when I was pretty depressed. But that was enough to convince me that people like him aren't good news. Not that I considered him to be in any way good to begin with. But that was like the final nail in the coffin for acknowledging him anymore.

Don't be sad little Peter. Look how far you've come since those dark days! How much better your life is now! All the things you've achieved, all the friends you've made, all the smiles you've brought to peoples faces, all the people you've helped, all you've contributed to society as a whole...
Maybe best not (Although you've probably justified some overtime for professionals in the criminal justice system, so you've got that going for you).

What a fucking waste of food and oxygen you are.

I really have to be careful, as he's highly obsessive. On joyfreak.com, he uses an account called "Rub" to log in and look at my posts, so I will probably have to abandon all of my accounts now. But I attempted to get in touch with a legal firm in Western Australia, but they probably won't reply once you tell them you're not in their country. I've also called them and you either get cut off because the signal sucks, or they give you spiel about their lack of commitment to arrest him if you're overseas.

That's right Peter - the problem is the phone signal - not the fact nobody wants anything to do with the bag full of batshit rattling around that demented potato head of yours.

07-25-2022, 10:13 AM
Come on Peter. You know you can do it. (https://www.mentalhealthforum.net/forum/threads/i-am-having-to-retire-from-forums-because-of-a-stalker.508766/post-3086087)

I am having to retire from forums, because of a stalker...

I never retired. I plan to soon, but I won't say when.

I just gave up caring about his antics, though.
All you have to do is... nothing!
Just fucking stop fucking posting you fucking rancid fucking cockroach turd!

07-26-2022, 02:14 PM
Just because I don't care about Peter's Resdidn't Evul related posts, doesn't mean I don't find them inadvertently hilarious.

Saturday at 8:15 AM (https://forum.beyond3d.com/threads/resident-evil.62733/post-2258479)

Picao84 said:
Remember when you asked if you were too obsessed with Resident Evil?

This thread is about Code: Veronica, though. Not RE in general.
https://i.ibb.co/hCYZZJh/fr-dougal-jaws-2.gif (https://https://i.ibb.co/hCYZZJh/fr-dougal-jaws-2.gif)

07-27-2022, 06:50 PM
Nobody gives a fuck about your attention seeking shit, James. How about getting a life that doesn't involve bothering me? Meh.

Lol. Bet you've heard that one before. Nope. Not James.

07-27-2022, 07:09 PM
Aye. You'd like that, wouldn't you? But fuck what you want, just the same. :)

Having second thoughts?. Silly me - that would require first thoughts, and any kind of thought is clearly beyond the capacity of Peter's tiny little crumb of shit that passes for a brain.

http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showt...-Ross-Anderson&p=254577&viewfull=1#post254577 (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?38232-Peter-Ross-Anderson&p=254577&viewfull=1#post254577)

He reads my posts on here.


But that's so typical of him. Although he isn't very smart, to be honest.

Yeah. I emailed one firm. Nobody has responded.

Weird - it's almost like they think you're clearly a lunatic.

His full name is James Philip Kevin Berich. Years ago, I knew him under the user name, Nemesis556. This Australian clown really has no life.

SCT Guy, Today at 5:28 PM (https://forums.majorgeeks.com/threads/silent-hill-may-be-getting-brought-back-by-bloober-team.324406/page-2#post-2053606)

Lol. Also wrong on all counts. I wonder is Peter going for some sort of world record for stupid?

07-27-2022, 07:16 PM
Too bad for you, I don't really care about your flawed opinions on who I am as a person.

You can waste your time following me around online everyday, and spamming. But I'm not changing my ways, just to appease you...

Ha! "as a person". You mistyped "potato".

07-27-2022, 07:23 PM
You're just deflecting, because you alreday know fully well that I'm right, since you had to be a dumbass years ago and post pictures, and an IP address.

Nope. Not me.
It's almost like there's more than one person on the internet....

Oh, and by the way...

Wesker ain't bad. I'll keep reminding you of that, for as long as you spew crap about how I'm supposedly racist for offering up criticism.

No, I point out you're a racist because you're a racist who says racist things.
In the same way as I point out you're a misogynist because you say and do misogynistic things, and I say you're a cunt, because you are irredeemably a cunt.

07-27-2022, 07:34 PM
The police may not agree, mate.

Haha. I'd have thought you'd be wanting to keep as far away from the police as possible...

Yes please tell us all when this is going to happen, not James. toot toot just passing by.


https://i.ibb.co/3kGdTZH/thepigs.gif (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=2000&d=1636909921)

07-27-2022, 07:40 PM
This is childish. FUCK YOU. Have fun talking to yourself on this dead forum which I'll abandon, and read my posts all you want, but you'll be barred though.

P.S. I actually meant to say, "Wesker isn't black." Which of course, is true enough. Go woke, get broke, after all. And I'm not sexist either, as I gave fair and accurate opinions about women who had been acting like tarts before. So what? It's not like you know me outside of the web and care enough to have any interest in what I do with my time, right?

Anyway, it's now after 1 AM here in Edinburgh, so please excuse me while I go to my bed, Jimmy...

I mean when you think Peter can't be any more deluded or wrong...
That's not true is it though Peter - and you have a very long criminal record that rather proves the point.
You toddle off and have a rage wank now. Enjoy your evening.

07-28-2022, 03:10 PM
Oh, and by the way...

Wesker ain't bad.

P.S. I actually meant to say, "Wesker isn't black."

Ah, incompetent moron racist problems - when you try to be racist, but are accidentally not racist, and have to issue a correction to make sure everyone understands that you really wanted to be racist and failed.

07-28-2022, 03:34 PM
She's a scumbag spic. I'm real glad I exposed her lying Latin ass all over those shitty forums, in the past...

Yes, I really can't see how anyone might mistake Peter for a racist or a mysoginist, when it's clearly all just some sort of fight for justice?

I wonder what the ghost of Peter Past thoughts were on the subject?

October 19, 2014, 07:31 PM (https://members.lovingfromadistance.com/forum/loving-from-a-distance/long-distance-relationships/21790-my-support-agency-screwed-me-over-royally-or-maybe-i-screwed-me?p=537368#post537368)
Yes, but I have never intended to hurt them. They are two great women and I love them to pieces. So it hurts not having them around any more. The whole point of me bugging them and moaning to people is because I only wanted to go back to how it was between us prior to losing them. It is that obscure and far into things now in a legal way, that I hardly even know what started what and when. All I know is I am shafted, must do what I am ordered to, or I am finished.

I will confess that nobody should rule out that possibility of me hurting somebody. I may go cuckoo if I get rejected. That is not fair. Jealous men are dangerous men. You would not want to see me be giving a label like that. It is not me.

It very much is you Peter - and the court agreed.
Or how about:

20 Sep 2015, 5:14 pm (https://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=292988&p=6782422#p6782422)
OK. I was a jackass and I sent some inappropriate emails, that I got justly punished for. It scared them and I should have known better, but I was really feeling very upset and it was my anger that made me do that.

I'm not a supporter of racism or sexual harassment against care providers, and yes, maybe I was viewing women as sex objects for a while. Guess the buggery with these cheap hookers and their tight arses was a bit too much fun. Sorry if that sounds crass. But I know I'm capable of loving a woman, for real. It is just that I cannot get a girlfriend because I am unsure of where to look for one.

All I wanted was a chance with these two support workers, to do better, but they no longer wanted to know me. It was not right that the staff belatedly confessed that the lying was wrong, considering how much I begged prior to being remanded in custody. Their excuses are also pretty lame and well thought out too. Once the court got involved and the court had my number, they made out it was too late, like it were all my fault, when it was just as much theirs.

Anyway, add up all the Internet crap and the crap with my ex, Laura, then tell me I don't have a right to be wary of deception. The fact that this autism agency went down the same road as them made me realize that no-one can be trusted in life. Sometimes, it takes a real stinger like this scenario you see before you to get that all important wake-up call.

Underselling yourself there a bit Peter with 'jackass' - more nuclear-grade shitbag.

Also genuinely curious - how are you able to post on here? I mean you have to solve a captcha to post, and we all know that you are both terminally stupid and incapable of following simple instructions! Do you just click random squares until it goes away?

07-28-2022, 04:16 PM
Of course I'd have loved to have been able to have posted something from this day exactly in 2014 (I know how much Peter enjoys that), but there aren't any - probably because Petey boy was packing his grubby things and heading off for a short two week city break in HMP Saughton.
Maybe this day the following year - ooops, no, middle of a two month stretch in Barlinnie with the other sex offenders.
Peter. You should have said something! I'd have got you a card!

07-31-2022, 03:15 PM
I see Peter is trying a fresh start: anyone want to take bets on how long that'll last?

Jul 18, 2022 (https://residentevil.org/forums/threads/hey.13184/)
Caffeine Addict (https://residentevil.org/forums/members/caffeine-addict.22547/)

How's it going?

Y'all will probably know me from Biohaze. :)

and also as
Mine's Real Butter (https://residentevil.org/forums/members/mines-real-butter.21141/)
Toe Foo (https://residentevil.org/forums/members/toe-foo.21139/)
Kinky McCaemey (https://residentevil.org/forums/members/kinky-mccamey.21144/)
(how does Peter come up with these - I'm surprised we haven's seen 'Trolly McTrollface" yet)

Have we forgotten so soon? (https://residentevil.org/forums/threads/hilarious-fanboy-melodrama.12081/)

Clearly having run out of forums to be banned form, Peter is now having to get re-banned from forums the fuckwit has previously been banned from (I mean it must have been killing the rancid cuntwomble to have to post all those RE threads on the Devil May Cry forum (https://devilmaycry.org/forums/members/health-drink.41929/) when there was its sister Resident Evil forum sitting next door, looking all innocent and vulnerable...)

Black Wesker
08-08-2022, 06:44 AM
Peter, I challenge you to a duel, you son of a bitch!

08-12-2022, 08:24 PM

Black Wesker
08-13-2022, 11:06 AM
Peter Ross Anderson is a paedophile.

Black Wesker
08-16-2022, 12:16 AM
The Scottish Pedo

08-17-2022, 04:58 PM
Awww, poor little potatohead....

Got court again this morning...
Paul Lee (https://www.autismforums.com/members/paul-lee.18284/)
Well-Known Member
Today at 1:27 AM (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/got-court-again-this-morning.40906/post-886266)

Over the same crap as before. People making up allegations, and the police showing up randomly, months after the fact. Like, they came 2 years ago after a non harassment order ended, just so one of these female ex support workers could get a new order. They're not supposed to carry out dirty operations like that. However, it seems the police can just do whatever pleases them.

The PF tried to get my bail opposed not that long ago, but my lawyer challenged it because she had no proof. You cannot try to get somebody remanded and then provide no evidence. Idiot. Plus, I didn't feel like seeing this supervisor either. It's just a drag.

In general, though, I think I'll have to save up over £5000 or more for a civil case. It's rather ridiculous. Nobody has that kind of money or patience, let alone the know how. But it's a mess either way. I'm honestly pretty sick of the commotion this brings me.

Tell you what Peter, here's a radical notion you demented recidivist cuntsmear, that you should probably try to let seep into that greasy smelly potato head of yours: Maybe if you don't like being in court for harassing people and breaching your fucking bail conditions, you should fucking maybe try not fucking harassing people, and not fucking breaching your fucking bail conditions, you fucking terminally stupid evil little shitbag.

Black Wesker
08-18-2022, 04:41 AM
Sorry for bumping this thread.

I hope you don't mind me doing so.

My situation with that nutter never really improved. He kept signing up to this one particular site, calling me names, following me around Wikipedia, and just being a wanker. Somehow, he got my address, and sent people to my flat, with takeaways. Yeah, how childish of the simpleton? Plus, he read stuff about me saying the family dog died, and he went signing up with the dog's actual name on some forums I stopped going to, and he kept on making stupid YouTube content. He was in the videos, but you could not see his face at all. He was wearing white gloves and messing around with stuff. But honestly: I wonder what the hell possesses people to be THAT moronic.

08-18-2022, 03:46 PM
So true...

I don't know what it is with Resident Evil fanboys in particular, but there's just no getting through to morons like that. (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/resident-evil-4-remake-is-releasing-on-3-24-2023.1637361/post-266473911)

08-23-2022, 02:28 PM
Don't you have anything better to do with your days, besides cyber stalking strange men and deliberately spamming on dead websites, like only a childish attention seeking twat or meaningless idiot does?

Again Peter resorts to recycling what people say to him.
(Also some corrections - evenings, not days; cyberstalking is one word; strange yes, but not 'men' by any stretch of the imagination...)

08-23-2022, 02:32 PM
You know that thing in horror movies when the soon-to-be-victims take a happy photo, but then when they look at it there's some unspeakable evil monstrosity in the background (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpookyPhotographs)?
Exhibit A:

09-10-2022, 08:29 AM
As Peter is again trying to drive traffic to this site to serve Peter's weird humiliation kink, here's a little throwback to that time Peter conceded some women deserve not to be assaulted (https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=10482&pid=95793#pid95793)(and that Frank is even more of a misogynist than Peter).
This post would be almost be peak Peter - including Peter's attitudes to women, sex workers, benefits, physical assault, racism, victim blaming, 911 - but it fails to qualify unfortunately as Peter fails to link it to Capcom in any way, and it's relatively concise by Peter's standards. (Does Peter have 'standards'? Can I use the word standards? MO maybe?)

My mate cannot stand females. He says they deserve to get a beaten up, and I cannot say I really blame him for thinking that way. While I do think some women out there genuinely qualify for protection, and don't deserve to be treated that way, many hookers (i.e. you) do deserve it, because you're lippy, full of shit, and think you can get away with all sorts because you have a pussy.

It's like America. Nine. One. One. Self-inflicted. Greedy country that deserves to have millions more die. You see? America brought that on themselves by poking their noses into silly daft wars. So it's not at all surprising a gang of Sambo son of bitches did WTC. Who really did WTC, though? Yep. The US of A did WTC. So I ran home in a hurry, to see the action on the telly! Americans have slaughtered people in Asia for years, yet you don't really hear fuck all about it anywhere. Do ya? Yep. Gagging orders, and whatever America does, Britain must follow.

Women in general have gone downhill for decades. Who are we kidding here? You lie on your back shagging and popping out babies 24/7 just so you can get offered up a free council house, while people with disabilities and who actually earn a living miss out because houses are being reserved for the wrong sort of people. So, yeah. Call this sexism all you want, but I'm just throwing some truth out there, but I can see it's gonna be a waste of my time as usual.
Clearly no mirrors in Peter's taxpayer funded lair.
Also, "the wrong sort of people"? Who might they be, fucknugget? Presumably the bit about "You lie on your back shagging and popping out babies" is a reference to the women in Peter's own family?

Oh yes and Peter deals with criticism of potatohead's beliefs so magnanimously (https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=10482&pid=95772#pid95772):

My own personal research has shown that the low IQ of modern day women is why they go into prostitution. Unqualified and no real talent to back up their claims, then use their status as a woman to make up shit that isn't even true, as if male rape and fabrication on their behalf doesn't exist, yet it does. You can try to prove me wrong all you want, but I'm still correct.

Ana X here is a grass, who got me into trouble with Inka (who is a few fries short of a Happy Meal anyway). It wouldn't be that hard to get her sorted out, as I could just come a-knocking under the little shutter. Also tried to who.is her ass, but she has a private domain. Too bad. Would have loved sending Ana X here a few love letters about a lesson in respect as well, but she does the same thing. One thing she seems to command is respect, but has never gave out any up to date in her whole life. I'll bet she lives in a dusty house out in the sticks. Again, don't need to be like Einstein to work out that the ladies on here are just money grabbing, mindless sheep who cannot get real work, so they lie on their backs all day shagging without a condom.

Totally disgraceful. Judy Garland, however. Now she was a real woman who actually had talent (unlike Ana) and who wasn't a dirty little bitch. Besides, I've got my ways of dealing with certain morons.

09-11-2022, 08:30 AM
Today I learned:

Peter still has the logins for its multiple accounts

Peter was sufficiently embarrassed by the above quoted posts to delete the thread some time in the past 24 hours (Though as I cut and paste the text I'm not sure what Peter thinks that achieves? Then again I'm not sure Peter thinks...)

Fear not, good fucknutwatchers, police, etc - the Wayback Machine has you covered (https://web.archive.org/web/20190406073456/https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=10482).

While you're at it Peter, you might want to get some of your other posts removed - like this gem (https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=10515&pid=95792#pid95792):

Fuck me. What good is an IP address gonna do, huh? Ha-ha. There's hundreds of them online too, so it's really pointless mentioning such tech-talk. You need to stop living in 2002 as well.

Threatening you? Ha-ha. On your bike, asshole! I couldn't give a shit if you got your skull crushed in with a bat wrapped in razor wire, Glenn and Abraham style. I actually liked them. I don't like you, or your kind. Oh, that's really meant to be threatening huh, because like you, I'm being a keyboard warrior? I can actually see why a lot of you are whores. You'll never be fuck all else because you take the easy route. Maybe "I'll shut that shit down too" and say it was your fault.

I wasn't banned before, nor could I care less if I was banned today; I asked for my account to be deleted ages ago because most forums like this are a piece of shit, full of cliques like your kind anyway. You're almost like a bad lingering smell. If you actually read my post the other day when it was still there intact, nothing was really aimed at any members. It was just general comments about what I think of AdultWork.com, which is what this shitty forum is about, but y'all act like that ain't allowed. Well, that's why there's freedom of speech, and one can still get their points across without flaming anybody, which you did to me first. It also happens Ana X is someone I don't like for turning some strange women against me. Obviously, it's not the end of the world when a skank warns another skank abut shit that is none of their goddamn business, nor relevant to my sex life, but it's still wrongful accusations.

09-11-2022, 09:12 AM
Not Peter, but this response to one of Peter's posts (https://adultworkforum.com/showthread.php?tid=10502&page=2) made me lol so I thought I'd share it. Spot on.

Someone's jealous that op is a fitty who's going to make bank like the rest of us whilst he lives in a fantasy land thinking he's the speilberg of YouTube, making videos about mentally questionable geriatrics.

No wonder you can't get a woman on aw or anywhere else! You make my skin crawl with your bizarre obsessions and compulsions. I've seen enough documentaries about serial killers to know you're most likely a candidate... Mr bates...

Maybe you could set up an online dating profile. I'll help with your bio.

Hi my name is Norman

Hate writing things about myself but I'll try!

I'm an average guy, hobbies include harrassing women, obsessing over web cam models and hanging out in forums where no one likes me. I'm super intelligent and make really clever comments on there but the prostitutes are too stupid to get it.

Um what else. Oh yeah I make these really bizarre videos about this old guy who's actually my only friend. Now don't judge me just because the only person who will have anything to do with me is mentally not right, it's actually not my fault it's this woman called ana. I'll tell you more on our first date!

I'm looking for a woman who is female aged 18-98 and doesn't have any family that will notice she's missing.

Send me a message!

There. I helped you.

09-11-2022, 11:37 AM
You will be glad to know, I reported you on behalf of Eve Catherine Stobbe yesterday.

Delighted to know Peter is wasting police time in more than one hemisphere - not sure what edgegranny did to warrant such harassment from Peter though? She seems to have enough of her own issues to deal with right now.

PS: did you record it this time, Peter? The last time was truly entertaining.

09-11-2022, 11:56 AM
... not sure what edgegranny did to warrant such harassment from Peter though? ...

Ah, Answering my own question:

The only rational conclusion is that you are having some kind of psychiatric issues and have created it all yourself. Explain to me why you don't just leave this corner of cyberspace. You aren't physically trapped in an abusive relationship with James. Surely you can understand our confusion and the conclusion we've come to?

Well I'm sure given her harassment and threats of violence against James (who I am not) in this forum, and her persistent substance abuse issues, she'll be absolutely delighted to be visited by the constabulary.

Also - lol (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_police-related_slang_terms#W)
Wankers Association
Scottish term for the police overall, coined by Frank Anthony, and further made popular by Peter Anderson.

Hello Peter Anderson. (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_police-related_slang_terms&type=revision&diff=1049551164&oldid=1047816481)

09-12-2022, 02:38 PM
Awww. Poor wikkle potato.

Dear PeterAndersonIsARacist,

You have received an infraction at Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.

Reason: Being a cunt.
Australia sucks.

This infraction is worth 9999 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

... not sure what edgegranny did to warrant such harassment from Peter though? ...

Ah, Answering my own question:

The only rational conclusion is that you are having some kind of psychiatric issues and have created it all yourself. Explain to me why you don't just leave this corner of cyberspace. You aren't physically trapped in an abusive relationship with James. Surely you can understand our confusion and the conclusion we've come to?

Well I'm sure given her harassment and threats of violence against James (who I am not) in this forum, and her persistent substance abuse issues, she'll be absolutely delighted to be visited by the constabulary.

Also - lol (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_police-related_slang_terms#W)
Wankers Association
Scottish term for the police overall, coined by Frank Anthony, and further made popular by Peter Anderson.

Hello Peter Anderson. (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_police-related_slang_terms&type=revision&diff=1049551164&oldid=1047816481)

All the best,
Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks

09-12-2022, 02:50 PM
Again, desperate for attention and lacking any original thoughts, Peter recycles the things that others said about Peter, that hurt its tiny potato ego.

Dear PeterAndersonIsARacist,

You have received an infraction at Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.

Reason: You are fat.

This infraction is worth 9999 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

Awww. Poor wikkle potato.

Dear PeterAndersonIsARacist,

You have received an infraction at Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.

Reason: Being a cunt.
Australia sucks.

This infraction is worth 9999 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

... not sure what edgegranny did to warrant such harassment from Peter though? ...

Ah, Answering my own question:

The only rational conclusion is that you are having some kind of psychiatric issues and have created it all yourself. Explain to me why you don't just leave this corner of cyberspace. You aren't physically trapped in an abusive relationship with James. Surely you can understand our confusion and the conclusion we've come to?

Well I'm sure given her harassment and threats of violence against James (who I am not) in this forum, and her persistent substance abuse issues, she'll be absolutely delighted to be visited by the constabulary.

Also - lol (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_police-related_slang_terms#W)
Wankers Association
Scottish term for the police overall, coined by Frank Anthony, and further made popular by Peter Anderson.

Hello Peter Anderson. (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_police-related_slang_terms&type=revision&diff=1049551164&oldid=1047816481)

All the best,
Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks

All the best,
Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks

09-19-2022, 06:01 AM
Poor Potato

Posted 2 hours ago (https://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/32956-how-do-you-report-a-guy-in-australia/&do=findComment&comment=362610)
This guy is nuts. But I have emailed them before. I also contacted my local police on numerous occasions.

On an abandoned anxiety site, he is posting my address and saying disgusting and disturbing things about my family and I.
Must make a change for Peter to be the one contacting the police, rather than the other way around. Funny isn't it how Peter goes running to the police - you'd think Peter would want to keep that potato head down.
Apparently it's completely unjustifiable for the police to interfere with Peter's totally reasonable hobbies of assaulting, sexually harassing, stalking, doxing and sending death threats to people but when the shoe is on the other foot it's not so much fun, is it Peter?

Friday at 9:08 AM (https://forums.majorgeeks.com/threads/drinklifting.324677/#post-2054315)
I used to steal money from the museum. I'd put my hand in the water to kid on I was touching the catfish. :D

I see, Peter started early - both the life of crime and the unsolicited touching - assuming the reference is to the fish that used to be in the National Museum of Scotland.
Either way, a good excuse to repost this:

https://i.ibb.co/3kGdTZH/thepigs.gif (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?285640-PeterAndersonIsARacist&tab=aboutme#aboutme)

09-20-2022, 03:21 PM
Shut your face, James.

Such rapier wit.
How does the tuberous potatohead manage these cutting jibes.
Who is James?
Why didn't Peter quit the internet after Tokyo Game Show as promised?
Will Peter ever learn to google things so as to get at least one thing right occasionally and not embarrass itself with incorrect definitions (https://forums.majorgeeks.com/threads/turkey-time.324715/#post-2054314)?

09-30-2022, 07:05 PM
As a general rule I don't repost Peter unless Peter is being one, more or all of a misogynist, racist, psychopath or a cunt - which is most of the time let's face it - but I found this otherwise innocuous gaming related post amusing.
Not because of the predictable 0 replies but because of the site Peter is linking to: I feel like I've heard of that site before? Something about someone who works there... I'm sure it'll come back to me at some point.... (https://press-start.com.au/team/)

Silent Hill: The Short Message (https://forums.serebii.net/threads/silent-hill-the-short-message.731403/)
Thursday at 8:53 AM
Delibird (https://forums.serebii.net/members/delibird.320/)
Well-Known Member
Thursday at 8:53 AM (https://forums.serebii.net/threads/silent-hill-the-short-message.731403/post-19481087)

This has my interest.

Silent Hill: The Short Message Has Appeared On The Korean Ratings Board (https://press-start.com.au/news/playstation/2022/09/26/silent-hill-the-short-message-has-appeared-on-a-korean-ratings-board/)
Silent Hill: The Short Message Has Appeared On The Korean Ratings Board

10-02-2022, 06:31 AM
A bit late with this news, but I see Peter has managed to add another restraining order to its ever growing collection (https://mobile.twitter.com/thelilprincessa/status/1540403668524142595). That we may have helped in any way makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Lets see if the fucknut pays it any more heed than the others.

For anyone else needing to identify the incel harassing them, or serve Peter with legal notices, a quick reminder:

Peter Ross Anderson
2/6 Greendykes house, Greendykes Rd, Edinburgh EH16 4JJ

Spawned 26/01/1986

associated email accounts:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Also known as (and this is a mere selection of the ridiculous number of aliases):

Aniseed Toffee
Bag of Seeds
Caffeine Addict
Candy Stick
Chocolate Milk
Crystal vase
Cwaazy P3nguin
Da Lonely 1
Deer Rest FOA
Draw on the fire!
Ex-Deputy So & So
Grace Saunders
Green Shield
Gold MD
Gun Shop Kendo
H.G. Fan
Health Drink
Highland Spring
Hunter Hunted
John Rambo
John Roe
Johnny Mnemonic
Mentals Fan 4 Lyfe
Milky Way Magic Stars
Oh Range Deuce
Paul Lee
Peter A
Peter SC
Plane N Sim Pill
Rambo was a pussy!
Re Beck Ah Chambers
Rebecca Chambers
Rice Pudding
Shield Key
5wiits 4 Ma 5wiit
The Non Romero Zombie
The Saunders child
The Scottish Pedro
The Tickle Pig
thesaunderschild _
Tommy Walls
White Rock
Yahoo Answers

10-07-2022, 01:06 PM
Peter didn't always hate Australians...

Topic: Aussie Eva (https://www.ukpunting.com/index.php?topic=25586.0)
March 05, 2014, 08:01:57 pm

I met this babe earlier today. I've been in bed with a headache because of the Viagra I took, so this is me just reviewing her now. I've created a field report for her, so hopefully it gets approved in due time. :hi:

I must say, I was totally losing interest in Adult Work because of half the fucking annoying broads on it, but I guess you shouldn't let a few sour grapes spoil a bunch of perfectly ripe, juicy grapes. So "grapes" are my new term for sexy women. Ha!

She's from Perth and currently working in London. She come to my flat around 11 AM and we had doggy sex right away in her (what she described) little pussy. She said my cock was really big. I hear that a lot, so it's now too bad if I want some anal action as it's getting rarer to gain this service. As usual, my cock wasn't 100% hard. It comes and goes, sadly. But this girl was really nice and understanding, and her accent is so hot. God, is it so hot?

I asked her to sit on my face and I let her dominate me by rubbing her butt and cunt all over my face. Her cunt juice tasted sweet for some reason.

Eva even knew a lot of the bands I was singing to. Like, I asked her if she knew Mental As Anything and we were going, if you leave me, can I come too? We can always stay.Etc. :dance: :music:

This is the first time I've ever fucked an Australian chick, but they are so damn good. I hope she'll be back in Edinburgh this summer.



I was originally going to book Lily who was only offering anal sex for some reason. I see she's now deleted her account, though. I guess it wasn't meant to be eh?

Pedro would have owned a bitch. FUCKED IN THE ASS! :wacko:

Ahem... Quite...

Topic: I've always wanted to shag an Australian. (https://www.ukpunting.com/index.php?topic=25477.0)
March 09, 2014, 07:20:35 am

I'd love to see her again. But unfortunately, it's probably not a good idea to get too attached to anyone you have a paid relationship with, whether it's your care personnel, your boss at the office or yes, an escort. Yes, we can have favourites when it comes to the opposite sex and all, which may be taken out of context if you are outright vocally admitting you are fond of them, but they will sadly move on with their lives. I do think it's easy to get quite interested in people you have a close proximity with, including hookers, provided you don't engage with others socially. I doubt you guys are like this, and I wouldn't judge anyone who was.

I find I get lonely a lot due to being socially inept in a way, and having a soft spot for the wrong sort of people can be problematic. I kind of latched onto my support worker a wee while back, but it's just a job to her to look after me. I was a chancer with one other lady who is also a support worker, so she no longer works with me as I got discontinued from working with her. I have a condition. Won't say any more than that, but you have to watch and not make it obvious you like someone if there are rules and consequences to breaking these rules. So what I'm trying to say is, while I do like Eva, I will be sad when she goes, but life will go on. ;)

11-15-2022, 01:48 PM
Dumb fucker doesn't understand CDNs.

Trolling on anxietyforum[dot]net (https://community.cloudflare.com/t/trolling-on-anxietyforum-dot-net/418221)
ToffeeLollypop (https://community.cloudflare.com/u/ToffeeLollypop)
10 Sep
There’s this idiot spamming on anxietyforum[dot]net, and when I looked at a who.is, it states Cloudflare[dot]com is “hosting” the site. Not true, obviously.

Can you let me know who the actual host is for this website? The forum now has hundreds of posts with my name and address splattered in them, because some sad Australian jackass registered heaps of profiles and spammed all over each section. This has went on for almost a year on that site, but he has harassed me on many other forums as well. That’s because the forum has been abandoned.
Oh noes! Where will Dave post about his wank? (Literally (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?39729-Dave-s-Space-Perseverance&p=255428&viewfull=1#post255428) - Dave, please, TMI dude!)
Good luck with that.
Fucking hell Peter, do you not think that that was one of the first things I tried?

On boards where there are proper channels in place, I use them them when you step out of line. Mostly board moderators are reasonable and responsible (though some seem to have given you far too much leeway - is it something about hosting with Matt Worthington that makes people act like dicks?).
Even on boards where there are no moderators anymore there are occasionally ways and means (shed a tear for Umbrella Inc. (https://weskerrocks.proboards.com/)), but this shithole seems determined to stay online, for now.
I thought I'd been pretty fucking clear previously that my overt activity here was very much a last resort, prompted by the absence of any other obvious way to curb you posting your rancid evil shit.

Well, I say last resort. Not quite the last resort, but the one at the optimal intersection of effort versus effect for now.

11-15-2022, 05:29 PM
Are we sure Peter has english as a first language?
The dumb fuck seems to have trouble with comprehension.
(Also, wouldn't an early night be a good idea, given the business in the morning?)

15-11-22, 22:55 (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?249117-This-guy-is-stupid&p=2060668#post2060668)
Re: This guy is stupid...
So apparently, to further prove my point about Aussie Jimmy not having a life to brag about, he seemingly makes secret accounts on bunches of forums to not only spy on my posts or peak at my profiles on forums where they are hidden to guests, because I either set it up like that or that's how it is anyway, he contacts moderators on said forums to basically moan about, well, my moaning.

Uh... that's pretty funny, actually. If it bothers him that much and he would rather do that as opposed to getting laid, hanging out with friends, or whatever, I guess I will just double down on doing it to irritate him to the core. Although I hope he realizes I could just start vlog rants and put these on something like BitChute, where removing content like that is tremendously difficult to achieve.

Maybe if he kept his trap shut, I wouldn't have clicked on to that. But intelligence isn't one of his strong points.

He's incredibly easy to predict anyway. Like for example, he's probably going to use one of his stupid alternative profiles to instigate something on that anxiety website, which he will then reply to in a thread with his primary sock puppet account, "PeterAndersonIsARacist." As he has been doing constantly for the past year, by this point.

He replies to his own crap in the third person, to make it seem like he's replying to someone else's crap. And he thinks using people's real names and information about their whereabouts (flats, parks, and whatnot) makes him hardcore, or something.

He certainly ain't no tough guy in real life, even if he does visit a firing range. I'm quite sure of that!

PS: I'd almost forgotten how badly Peter mispronounces "vlog"

11-16-2022, 05:26 PM
Peter Ross Anderson is the following:
- Faggot
- Retard
- Incel
- Worthless piece of shit
- Criminal
- Pedophile
- Woman abuser
- Rapist
- Stalker
- Racist
- Sexist
- All other applicable terms that are similiar to the above you can think of

01-06-2023, 05:27 PM
I don't even have to translate this one - it's delusional comedy gold already.

Re: Internet forums are dead now... (http://silenthillcommunity.com/viewtopic.php?p=1745#p1745)
thesaunderschild Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:08 am

This is an obsessed radge pot who lives in Australia, named James. He constantly denies he's from there, but I have proof. I knew him from websites from as far back as 2004 to 2006.

I happened to see in 2017 that he was asking about a film I was in on the IMDb support forum. How odd...

I found his post after I looked up the URL, and I wondered why a random guy would be asking about a student film I was in just a matter of days before. Then around 4 months later, he came to Biohaze which is a RE fan site, and called me Grace Saunders when he seemingly recognized me.

After that, he posted a photo of himself and a dog in the members picture thread. Not long after that, he spammed up a dead forum for relationship advice with multiple creepy posts, and came to other forums as well, including legal advice message boards to leave guest replies.

He also kept subscribing to my YouTube channels, contacting sex workers about me to give them my name and address, and often went impersonating a guy who was watching my streams, because this follower had a habit of telling me how many likes my videos received. Yet according to the troll's profile on vbulletin.com, he is 36. :roll:

On Wikipedia and other wikis, he was editing the same pages in order to be tagged to them. Literally kept doing it for 2 years, then he closed the accounts, and kept stalking my contributions on a wiki for horror movies. But he left an IP address from New Zealand on Wikipedia, which was his first boo-boo.

I then got curious and decided to search for a guy I knew from an old Capcom forum, who I knew was an Aussie. So I found his Twitter profile (with a similar user name to the one from his IMDb enquiry) and the same dog was in his profile. He has denied ever since that he is from Australia, and posts extremely vile and obsessive things about me on an anxiety forum, basically because the only admin on there last logged in nearly a decade ago.

The same crap, for 6 years. He also has his house and apartment in some videos, which is pretty dumb considering that I was planning on hiring a lawyer in Perth.

01-25-2023, 05:55 PM
Oh look, it's Peter's monthly flounce:

Random thoughts. (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/random-thoughts.1543278/)
Today at 5:06 AM (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/random-thoughts.1543278/post-267401837)
I'm gonna be abandoning all my online profiles today, due to some lunatic constantly stalking me online, and being a dick. It's been fun, though. No regrets! :)

I'm sure potatocunt really, really, really, really, really means it this time.


01-26-2023, 03:57 PM
Well that lasted a day.

Random thoughts. (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/random-thoughts.1543278/)
Today at 8:51 AM (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/random-thoughts.1543278/post-267412311)

Nah, why run? The Aussie loser wants that. ;)

Happy birthday to the ball, by the way. I am 37 today. 🎂

Since he loves my "racist" criticism, I reckon it's only befitting that I keep pissing James Berich off by spewing about Capcom's mishandling of their dumb, Raise Ah Dent Eve Val games! :p


Why run? Well you should consider it; You might shed some of the fucking lard you repulsive blob of lard. Breakfast at Greggs isn't going to help things either.
Give it 10 years it will be you lying there in a cardiac unit with a DNR....

01-27-2023, 10:46 AM
Peter already has high blood pressure, so a full blown cardiac infarction is around the corner specially carrying all that extra fat around the tummy. Looking at some of his videos it looks as though he has had a few mini-strokes as it is. He did state in one it felt as though he had one. Not surprising. And he suffers terribly bad with GERD, which can lead to Barrett's esophagus.

Yes, and throwing Viagra into that mix is just asking for trouble. It's not even as though a repulsive smell emanating from the flat would alert neighbours to the fuckwit's demise - that's just par for the course with potatohead.

01-27-2023, 07:19 PM
Certainly is an interesting specimen to watch.

It seems to be a nominative determinism thing for the name 'Peter': it's been done before (but with more charm and pathos):


01-30-2023, 06:31 PM
Potatoface getting a bit hot under the collar.
Despite all the fuckface's declarations of apathy (and retirement) the cuntwart is still being rude to people who give accurate answers, instead of just parroting what the little shit wants to hear.

I’m having problems with contacting this website’s hosting service (https://community.cloudflare.com/t/im-having-problems-with-contacting-this-websites-hosting-service/467398)
Basically, this demented moron is creating multiple accounts on this forum for anxiety discussions, called anxietyforum dot net, where he is endlessly posting my real name, my address in the UK, and uploading multiple obscene images in an album you can only see by signing in. That, plus just being an idiot overall.

No moderator has logged in on there in years. I cannot even see the list of moderators (if any) as it seems the link is corrupted. He has also adopted a user name I go under which is “Thesaunderschild” and has been incredibly persistent with his obsession of me.

Since late 2021, the same guy has been abusing me on that forum and just the Internet in general from many years beforehand. And I suspect he’s this Australian guy named James, that I knew from gaming forums from way back in 2004. He of course will deny that, and he has been harassing me non stop on many other websites since 2017.

I have already filled in numerous report forms, and gotten no reply; I therefore want to ask if you can just provide the name of the host of this site, so that I can email them directly myself. So once again, the URL to that site is anxietyforum dot net. I’d appreciate the help here, as this bum is rather ignorant and creepy.

Thank you.
Impatient, entitled little shit follows up...

So where’s my response?

Oh dear, then in response to someone trying to be helpful:

Well, no sh*t it’s a legal matter.

Do you have any idea how many other threads I had to start elsewhere because of him? Too many to count.

He did this on another forum 5 or so years ago, and the spamming only ended when the admin turned off registration. He basically keeps finding my whereabouts because of a certain alias I use.

Maybe I’ll have to abandon all of these handles. As sad as that is, a lot of these type of message boards aren’t very active nowadays anyway.
Still residual anger over the failure of the world to celebrate the glorious day that is the anniversary of Peter slithering into the world, perhaps? No cake, no card, nobody cares.

01-31-2023, 03:40 PM
Oh my, such anger towards someone trying to be helpful.

Yes, the poor potato got so itself so worked up and upset, it deleted the thread!

02-05-2023, 03:36 PM
I asked chat GPT for a poem about Peter.
I find the output from the AI is often biased towards toxic positivity, but this wasn't too bad for a robot, I thought.
A bit doggrel a la McGonagall, but anyways:

In a tower block in Edinburgh, a lonely spud did dwell,
In a room with just a TV and a PlayStation, what a smell.
He spent his days and nights, immersed in Resident Evil 4,
Fighting off the zombies, his digital foes.

He longed for friendship, for a hand to hold,
But the screen was his only companion, it never got old.
In this virtual world, he felt alive and bold,
A hero in his own right, a story yet untold.

But when the game was over, and the credits did roll,
The spud was left alone, his heart felt cold.
He sighed and looked around, at the empty room,
Wishing for a friend, a hand to hold, a life to resume.

Yet still he kept on playing, for it was his escape,
From the loneliness of reality, and the bleak, tower block landscape.
So he battled on, this lonely potato in Edinburgh,
In Resident Evil 4, his virtual world and kingdom.

(I specified RE4 in the prompt, as I know it's Peter's favourite instalment in the franchise.)

02-06-2023, 02:27 PM
Um, RE4 isn't my favourite sequel [...]
Yes, I know, you may have mentioned that several hundred times. Sarcasm is lost on you isn't it, you moron?

[...] and the game doesn't actually feature zombies.
Ah well, you see there I think you've confused me with someone who gives a flying fuck. As I may have mentioned before, I've never played, nor have I any interest in any of the games. It goes without saying that ChatGPT hasn't played them either.

Seriously: How the fuck do you manage to be so fucking stupid and still somehow actually function? it's a miracle you don't accidentally strangle yourself trying to get dressed in the morning, or drown brushing your teeth. Nope - scratch that - you clearly don't brush your teeth on a regular basis. Jesus fucking christ - I've seen fucking soap bubbles that demonstrate (https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0031-9120/10/7/004/pdf)more problem solving abilities than your addled potato noggin.

02-06-2023, 07:00 PM
That's kind of funny, because for a guy who keeps on saying he doesn't play horror games, you sure do tweet about Doom and Resident Evil a lot.

You've been rumbled, James.

Also, you shouldn't be calling me fat, when judging from your photos, you look like a real plump bastard who is more overweight than I am, and I'm not even really overweight anyway. So calling me fat, makes you a hypocrite. How's that feel?

It feels like Father Ted trying to explain to Dougal the difference between small and far away...
That might well be true regarding James, Peter, but, and this bit is important so pay attention, it is of no interest to anyone because I'm not James.
Any information you may scrape about James has absolutely no relevance; it is in no way pertinent to me because (again, for emphasis) I am not James.

I don't tweet, Peter.
About anything.
I don't play games very often (I played shellshockers for about 20 minutes sometime last month but that's the first time I've gone near anything that might be considered a game in about a year).
Your tiny little potato mind is so fixated on some random Australian blogger, that you are incapable of considering the possibility of there being more than one person on the internet.
I guess this is probably because you've never previously managed an original thought, so having had this one, despite it being clearly incorrect, you've fixated onto it like Gollum lusting after the fucking one true ring. You make fucking flat earthers look like fucking beacons of rationality.

You are obese, Peter. Your weight might not be that great in absolute terms, but it is entirely made up of lard and skank; You have no muscle tone, a poor diet, poor hygiene and get little or no obvious exercise because you're a fucking shut-in headcase, and a lazy fucking repulsive wankstain to boot.
It's not even like you can blame lockdown. it has been a slow, steady, self-inflicted accumulation of fucking podge, driven by a sweet (rotten) tooth, greed and laziness. I'd be amazed if you can bend down to tie your fucking shoelaces without giving out one of those old man fat-bastard wee grunts.
Actually I'd be amazed if you can tie shoelaces in any fashion.
You contribute nothing. You produce nothing. You enrich nobody's life. You provide nothing of worth to society or to your community. Your existence has no positive aspects. You vex, and you consume, and you contaminate. You are a fucking waste of time, money, resources and oxygen - a drain on your family, the state, and the fucking planet as a whole.
You are a fucking pestilence; a blight on humanity.

02-23-2023, 05:53 PM
I see fuckface is back posting again: illiterate waffle and tiny, tiny thumbnails of irrelevences, as usual.
Anyone have idea what rattled the creepy little fucker's cage this time?
Bored with nobody answering its endless fucking vapid threads about Resident Evil and Silent Hill games that don't exist yet?
Humiliated by not understanding how cultural references work?
Overcome with the Valentine's day mood, bringing the fucknut's obsessive infatuation with a certain Australian to a head - both figuratively and literally?

03-03-2023, 09:54 AM
Poor wikkle potato has its panties in a twist.
Despite previously slagging NeoGaf (https://www.joyfreak.com/threads/neogaf-bans-me-for-telling-the-truth.11885/post-36619), it seems to be fuckface's new go-to place to post its delusional wall-of-text whining:

Got any stories about fail trolls trying to rile you up? Share yours here!  (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/got-any-stories-about-fail-trolls-trying-to-rile-you-up-share-yours-here-%F0%9F%98%85.1653739/)
Today at 12:04 AM (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/got-any-stories-about-fail-trolls-trying-to-rile-you-up-share-yours-here-%F0%9F%98%85.1653739/post-267681317)

For 6 years now, the same Australian prick with the surname "Berich" has been stalking me online, trying his best to be a downright nippy cunt, and a colossal weirdo to boot. The loser practically does every week too, by the way. Maybe he's jealous of me, or wants to shag my skinny wee arse. Too bad I'm not for sale. 

The sad thing is, that this guy is actually 37 years old, yet you would think he was much younger with the way he conducts himself. And I came across his date of birth on the vbulletin.com support forum once.

Considering I have known him for two decades on the Internet, I knew he had to be an adult roughly about my age anyway. But that doesn't make it any less sad to find out this pathetic bastard is the same age as myself. 

Anyway, in 2004 he ran a Capcom website, and he was on a lot of Resident Evil forums I registered on as well, so he knew all of those clannish RE admins on these crappy message boards. They gave me so much hassle for a really long time. But I hadn't heard from the creep himself in a long time thereafter, as I went to so many other forums. Many of those old forums closed down regardless.

I knew he was asking about a short film I was in on IMDb's help forum, though, as I found a guy asking about this production I worked on, back in March of 2017. This was just from spotting the URL on Google within weeks of me appearing in it.

So he signed up 4 months later on Biohaze, a RE fan forum run by a guy called Yama. He pretended to be some dude who retired from writing for Rely on Horror, which is a survival horror news site. He got banned for being an idiot, then soon came back. Then he registered on other forums using proxy servers, and spammed them up with dozens of accounts, hurling a lot of vile comments directed at myself, as well as occasionally saying nasty shit about my mother's ill health, and my sister's children, and referring to me as a retard and a potato. I mean, really. Give this clown down under an A for effort in the brainy department.

My family used to have a dog called Pepsi. So he once signed up to silenthillcommunity.com with that name, only to be reported and banned. But he did more or less the same shit elsewhere for a number of years. My attempts to get him barred from many of these websites were often met with mixed results, even though he was banned once as "Rub" and then re-emerged as the mirrored alias, "Bur."

He found out I was seeking work as an extra in films, so he tried to bugger up my filmography entries on purpose, and I also think he was contacting the personnel involved in these movies on social media, to prattle on about personal matters regarding former support workers.

He keeps on saying that I'm a talentless retard, who only gets to be an extra because I pledge money using my retard checks. In real life, I have a form of autism known as PDD-NOS, hence the radge pot's stupid "retard" fabrication. Well that, plus also harassing my disabled friend by sending random people to one of his previous addresses.

In addition to doing childish shit like that more times than I care to remember, he was joining wikis and editing every page I was, to basically be subscribed to them. I don't think you can tag pages for to receive updates to your email address unless you edit them first. He literally kept this up for 2 or more years for probably over a hundred articles, as the only moderator on this horror films related wiki basically allowed it to go on. The only other guy who was on there with power said he's a nurse. He left during the Covid situation, or something. But I don't even bother with the wiki any more, to be honest.

Recently, I found out the envious Aussie dumb fuck had been placing delete tags on pages I made just to be obnoxious, so I reported him for not only doing that, but for signing up under my most commonly used pseudonym in order to do it.

There's a forum to do with anxiety support, and since late 2021, he has been spamming it up on a weekly basis because it never gets maintained. The host is hidden using Cloudflare, and they wouldn't reveal the name of the genuine hosting service.

He also listed my user names in his main profile with a lengthy tangent about negative stuff that happened to me. Bullshit that he claims I was responsible for having caused.

Another two Australians were previously active users on this forum, so I asked them to report him. Unfortunately, they're apparently arseholes too, so that never happened. 輦

So how do I know he's from Western Australia, rather than New Zealand?

From himself, essentially!

He posted a picture of himself and a dog, which he said is named Cody, and uploaded YouTube videos with his own accommodation featured. And while he wears gloves to hide his large hands, he once posted a Kiwi IP address on Wikipedia, which is how I found him on Twitter after I got suspicious, and did some detective work as to who I felt was following me around. Then what do you know? He had a picture of himself... with that very same mutt!

His YouTube videos are super bizarre as well. Have a look...


Since then, he has basically pretended to have recruited back up, and frequently uses weasel terms like "we" and "us" and says it's all part of the mythical 'Gimpy Movement' he invented, or some dope shit like that. All of this just to try to make people think he has convinced other people to do the same shit he is.

Again, this moron is supposed to be 37, right? What the fuck?

Basically, he claims he's not even Australian, that he doesn't play badly written games, and that he is not called James either. Even his family members like to damage control for him. Because I contacted someone on Facebook related to him a few years back to ask her to tell him off for being such an obsessive and demented bogan online, and she said somebody was probably impersonating him, because he'd never do this type of stuff, that he's likely being set up to take the fall, and sundry. Seriously! 

Why move goal posts after somebody has sussed you out? That's rather pointless. Because then, it's too late to hide yourself after you yourself got exposed. Even so, that's all he does. Which is why I seriously don't give a flying fuck when it comes to acknowledging his posts anymore. Been there, bought the shirt.

He'll just keep on replying in a snide manner and completely skip over anything you say about him, and only point out your so-called flaws to make himself seem powerful and intelligent, when he is anything but smart.

Sadly, the Australian police don't even bother warning him. I called a police station in Perth a few times, and they gave me some spiel about not having the jurisdiction to arrest him just because I'm in Edinburgh, Scotland. Although they did tell me he lives in Western Australia. So then why not arrest him for his cyber antics in general? Surely what he's doing is still considered to be illegal under any state's bar.

So what are you supposed to do if you're contacting legal firms or the cops in that country, and getting no response? 

If you have had any similar issues with an ex-girlfriend or whoever, let me know about it and if you got the problem resolved in the end. I could use a laugh. 

But yeah. This waste of space guy? He absolutely fucking sucks balls, and cannot EVER take the bloody hint. 

03-03-2023, 09:58 AM
But wait, there's more (character limits be damned!):

Today at 1:22 AM (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/got-any-stories-about-fail-trolls-trying-to-rile-you-up-share-yours-here-%F0%9F%98%85.1653739/post-267681558)
P.S. Months ago, his old buddies were damage controlling for him. It didn't at all surprise me, to be honest. They really never liked my company, none.


I did provide proof in a PM on that forum, contrary to what they're saying about me failing to provide any evidence.

You know? A man cannot unsee what he has previously uncovered with his own eyes. Yet this admin on there still insisted it wasn't James behind the harassment, but that a random troll from Encyclopedia Dramatica must have been responsible.

As if a random person would really hold a grudge for that many years and be doing what he's doing. Yeah, okay. It's also because of them that this shit about me was dumped on ED in the first place.

Getting it removed was quite the chore, but I was only temporarily successful. They moved to a host overseas that doesn't follow the DMCA protocol, meaning it soon returned.

Why lie, though? That makes zero sense...

Speaking of ED, one of their old admins who they later betrayed like a lot of their admins (Ryan Cleary), once tried to mock me, only to get arrested the following day. Then he made national headlines within the following month.

That must have occurred way back in 2010. I would have to look it up, but I remember it happened roughly a decade ago with this autistic script kiddy getting lifted by the authorities, his computers were seized, and everything. They were even considering having him tried stateside for his crimes, but I don't know if that was the eventual outcome. His mother claims she didn't even know he was a hacker.

He was basically slagging me off because I couldn't get something removed. I emailed him. He said that they, "tunnel faster than The Pirate Bay." The feds eventually tracked him down for hacking the government in the US, and I believe he has kept a low profile ever since.

Same old trolls; I see that they always try to be so witty and pass themselves off as being untouchable, but much like James the gimp, they're not terribly adept at covering their tracks.

If there's one thing I've learned about the web, you're not supposed to be playing you. You're only meant to be like any other John Doe out there, being casual yet careful with what you share about yourself.

I mean, just look at what happened to WWE's Sonya Deville. She recently got arrested for carrying a gun. But hell, I don't blame the woman one bit. The criminal charge is certainly worth it in my opinion, especially after what she endured a few years ago with a madman breaking into her house.

Plus, I know what perpetrated harassment feels like, as I had a caregiver admitting to sending me strange emails once, talking shit about my ex and following my Gumtree ads, responding with a Hotmail account he knowingly signed up. The abuse only ended once he departed from the company.


In other words, do not ever post your personal information, like ever. But if you've already did so, then it's probably too late to undo the harm. And I wouldn't recommend using the same nicknames everywhere you contribute to online either, even if it means you'll be inclined to forget all of your identities and passwords, which I can admit, will be quite an inconvenience. But it will be worth it in the long run if it ensures your safety.

That just makes it easy for pieces of shit like him to connect the dots.

Poor little potato has got itself in a right tizzy; It can't up from down, or Australia from New Zealand, or arse from elbow, or truth from fiction, or reality from its own elaborately constructed psychotic delusional narrative.

03-05-2023, 03:50 PM
Looks like the NeoGAF mods finally caught up and nuked that thread, but don't worry folks. The Wayback Machine has you covered (https://web.archive.org/web/20230303130537/https://www.neogaf.com/threads/got-any-stories-about-fail-trolls-trying-to-rile-you-up-share-yours-here-%F0%9F%98%85.1653739/).


03-06-2023, 01:58 PM
It's a hard life, being a potato of little brain. Poor fuckface is browsing bareback these days. All these confectionary based usernames - no wonder the obese little tube is so lardy.

How do you use a Google Chromecast with a VPN? (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/how-do-you-use-a-google-chromecast-with-a-vpn.42991)
Feb 25, 2023 (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/how-do-you-use-a-google-chromecast-with-a-vpn.42991/post-954269)

Right now, I'm having to use Opera's VPN. Chromecast has to be on the same Wi-Fi network for it to cast the phone's screen to my TV.

Feb 26, 2023 (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/how-do-you-use-a-google-chromecast-with-a-vpn.42991/post-955014)

I found out you need to put a VPN on a router, as it doesn't work if you alter the IP address on the phone itself. Sounds too technical for me, though..
I mean, basic English spelling, syntax and grammar is too much for the fuckwit. I don't think networking is something the fucker is ever going to master.

03-06-2023, 02:14 PM
I'm bumping this, as James Berich is refusing to stop stalking me.

Well, I may even start putting all of this acquired proof on every forum, to be honest.

Again with the tiny blurry little pictures. I almost feel sorry for this James guy, but Peter's monomania regarding him, and (quite literally) impotent rage is almost verging on infatuation.
Admit it Peter.
After a long list of targets of your obsession, James is just the latest.
You just want to bake a cake, and maybe go on a long bike ride together.
Maybe you could get a kitten?
Or go for long walks in the park.
James could carry you when your feeble little potato legs got too tired to propel your obese potato body....

03-06-2023, 02:32 PM
Potato is getting properly vexed and apparently feels the need to recruit new enemies to add to 'team Gimpy':

Dear PeterAndersonIsARacist,

You have received an infraction at Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.

Reason: Spammed Advertisements
I just looked up Shannon Grixti's private information to keep tabs on what I'll be doing to get your ass sorted out for abusing me online.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

It's a hard life, being a potato of little brain. Poor fuckface is browsing bareback these days. All these confectionary based usernames - no wonder the obese little tube is so lardy.

How do you use a Google Chromecast with a VPN? (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/how-do-you-use-a-google-chromecast-with-a-vpn.42991)
Feb 25, 2023 (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/how-do-you-use-a-google-chromecast-with-a-vpn.42991/post-954269)

Right now, I'm having to use Opera's VPN. Chromecast has to be on the same Wi-Fi network for it to cast the phone's screen to my TV.

Feb 26, 2023 (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/how-do-you-use-a-google-chromecast-with-a-vpn.42991/post-955014)

I found out you need to put a VPN on a router, as it doesn't work if you alter the IP address on the phone itself. Sounds too technical for me, though..
I mean, basic English spelling, syntax and grammar is too much for the fuckwit. I don't think networking is something the fucker is ever going to master.

All the best,
Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks

04-09-2023, 11:04 AM
After a brief respite, where the fuckpotato was distracted by the RE4 revamp, and even a glimmer of miraculously looking like it was trying to not be a racist, misogynist, psychopathic cunt (https://biohaze.com/forum/threads/lily-gao-is-being-targeted-for-abuse-on-her-instagram.1025), (though this immediately descended into the usual woe-is-me garbage) it seems that the twatcheese is reverting to type and the wee cuntstain is picking old fights again

Today at 3:19 PM (https://www.neogaf.com/threads/the-silent-hill-thread.1636865/post-267811558)
Well, I still think the Resident Evil fanboys are way, way worse. Throughout my time in the Silent Hill community, I cannot name any bad experiences with anybody, apart from that slag Vixx banning me on Silent Hill Heaven because her dickhead mod was flaming me, and I was defending myself and staying on topic. Other than that though, I will stay true to my guns by saying that RE fans are always hissing and spitting at people like venomous cobras.

I have honestly had such a hard time talking to their dumb selves on other forums, whether those are actual RE forums or just lousy gaming forums in general.

You can tell they aren't very bright. They only appear to genuinely like RE4 and over, which is obviously because they are action oriented titles. Because I don't think anybody who says they're a so-called "hardcore" or "die hard fan" and they proclaim RE4 as the best entry, while sometimes admitting that they either never played or liked the older games, cannot be a true fan in my view. But whatever. They are just losers living under mummy and daddy's roof on welfare no doubt, and when they post trying to act intelligent, they expose themselves as hypocrites.

This is probably the only forum where people are more laid back, for the most part. Elsewhere, it's either a case of the forum being absolutely dead, or the forum is filled with pretentious little butt pirates thinking they know it all.

I've realized that talking to them is about as pointless and productive as watching water dripping from the bath taps. 

Not an entirely accurate recollection of the turdnugget's psychotic behaviour towards Vixx there, but really what made this post stand out was the completely unironic glass house stone throwing jibe of
[...] losers living under mummy and daddy's roof on welfare no doubt, and when they post trying to act intelligent, they expose themselves as hypocrites
I suppose technically that doesn't include fuckface but only because "mummy and daddy" won't let the fucker under their roof, and have offloaded the cunt on the council to house.

05-01-2023, 12:08 PM
The psychotic cuntwomble is at it again; The wretched, psychotic little queefstench, Spudanus, is tilting at (chubby Australian) windmills, it seems.

Yesterday at 5:03 PM (https://biohaze.com/forum/threads/random-thoughts-biohazard-resident-evil-edition.22/post-10691)
I have serious issues with a guy in Australia, who was on old forums like The Horror Is Alive. The dude is called James Berich or Mitchell, and went by the name Nemesis556 years ago.

Basically, he hates my guts and we are the same age. We are both 37.

This idiot makes countless accounts on this anxiety forum, spamming my address and mocking me. He is also making fun of my mum having an aneurysm. Her health is pretty bad now, and she agreed to a "Do Not Resuscitate" order. She had a heart attack a year ago, kidney failure and a stroke occurred 7 months ago on her way to her dialysis treatment.

The idiot also edits articles on wikis using heaps of nicknames. He does this on purpose to be annoying. I contacted a lawyer recently in Western Australia, but they said they need to know his address. I could get that information from the civil court in Perth. It's not that hard, to be honest.

He is a moron. So, yeah. I know the feeling. You just need to ignore radge pots that try to act tough online. In the real world, they're pussies that don't get any respect or attention. So they think it's okay to fool around online, harassing complete strangers. Because I'm actually in Scotland.
Poor unwanted, unloved potato. James probably isn't even aware the fuckwit even exists. It all has serious "Notice me, senpai" vibes, tbh.

05-01-2023, 01:45 PM
The idiot certainly does live in some delusional fantasy land thinking they can easily obtain someones private address from a court of law. And if it's that easy as they say it is why has it not been done. Pure fantasy at it's best.

Given the moron's past incompetent form and clear difficulty understanding even basic English, there's every chance the fuckwit has contacted an escort in Perth, Scotland, and they've agreed to the feasibility of securing a private dance in a dress.

05-08-2023, 11:01 AM
Peak potatohead: using the "I'm not a racist but..." Wikipedia article completely unironically to support the premise that fuckface isn't a racist...

38 mins ago (https://www.neoseeker.com/forums/directmessage.php?m=41379307)
Fake thesaunderschild impersonator, getting up in my face...

Uh, I'm not racist. But I may accidentally use racist slang.

Even Wikipedia agrees.


Peter - Here's a version of Wikipedia you might find more on your level (https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page)

05-09-2023, 02:59 PM
There is one thing that has been proved is that the idiot reads every comment on here on an hourly basis.

Yes. Not that the moron is bothered. Nope. No siree. Totally calm and collected. Zen-like in its indifference.

Meanwhile, I see that last whingefest earned it the banhammer (https://www.neoseeker.com/members/Highland+Spring/) (yet again).

05-09-2023, 04:37 PM
Poor potato.
Still haven't figured out how to add a legible screenshot eh?

05-09-2023, 07:14 PM
I mean, it would be quicker at this point to list sites fuckface isn't banned from, but even so, twice in as many weeks is a bit of a roll. Should we take bets on where the little shitcake is going to get banned from next?

05-10-2023, 03:00 PM
... Should we take bets on where the little shitcake is going to get banned from next?

Cult Labs, from the looks of it.

05-11-2023, 02:11 PM
Nice Job Chief

05-17-2023, 03:03 PM
I see cuntface has just been kicked from Kingdom Hearts Insider (though what the fuck the nutjob was doing there in the first place is beyond me; Clearly Potato is running out of forums to get banned from).
Meanwhile, on Fandom, it seems the jizzcheese is busily continuing in its crusade to get its own IP addresses banned and pages locked.

23/04/2023 (https://movies.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000060299)
This Australian idiot has been harassing me online for years...
He previously edited numerous articles so he can then sign up accounts thereafter and then attempt to add delete tags, plus reverting me.

Spamdeleter (https://movies.fandom.com/wiki/Message_Wall:Spamdeleter)

This abuse isn't isolated to just Fandom, unfortunately. He basically harasses me on other wikis, YouTube and a lot of different forums, subscribing to me endlessly with various pseudonyms, even though his ass gets blocked.

He shows up and leaves disturbing comments on other forums about my family too, particularly abandoned ones with no moderators around to ban such vandals anymore. I.E. he has flooded anxietyforum.net, etc, with utter bullshit.

This guy has been following me around since 2004, just because he banned me on a site he was running. He is also known to dox me as well.

Cool story bro. Anything else?

25/04/2023 (https://movies.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000060299/r/4400000000000537194)
This guy is unbelievable.

He posted pictures of himself and his dog, and when he did similar antics on Wikipedia, he slipped up.

After I got an IP address from Spark in New Zealand, it eventually made me locate his Twitter profile... with the same guy, and dog. Yet he just moves goal posts. Says it's not him. But I knew him in prior years, so it's not like it's just a coincidence he can deny.

I've been dealing with the same bullshit for 6 years with him registering multiple accounts to abuse me elsewhere, but I first came across him in 2004 on a Capcom related website. It's looking like I'll just have to sue him in a Western Australia civil court.

I edited this post to correct a minor typo. My phone is sluggish.

(edited by BetterCarrotTeen)

Sherlock. Sounds like solid edivence. Someone call NCIS Potato!

30/04/2023 (https://movies.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000060299/r/4400000000000537416)
Yeah. The dude is a horse's ass, who denies being this James fellow from Australia. But I definitely know him from old survival horror games forums.

Banning his proxies won't do any good, unfortunately. He even caught on I was using the Opera VPN on the Horror Film Wiki, so he edited pages using the same IP address because it's a shared connection. Then he left a lot of dumb comments. He also used a lot of log-in pseudonyms to edit the same pages, as it basically subscribes that person to updates. Then he knows what time you contributed.

In fact, he came back to Legal Junkies, an unreliable law advice forum that's poorly moderated. They also allow guest replies. So he keeps reviving old threads I posted months ago, saying my real name and just silly nonsense in general.

On the anxiety website, he made accounts to mock my mother's aortic aneurysm and my deceased grandmother having dementia, among other things, and added them as "friends" on his main account. He uses different sock accounts to flood this forum with spam and threats. But I couldn't get in touch with the web host. I tried. But Cloudflare disguises it for them, and their support forum is totally useless because they refuse to reveal the hosting provider. But I did email a lawyer in Western Australia not too long ago. They asked if I knew his address. But I only know his legal name and date of birth, which is redacted.

It would be in his best interests to stop bothering me.

(edited by administrators)

Well, we'll all be holding our breath to see how that one works out. (Do lawyers accept in game currency as payment?)

05-18-2023, 05:07 PM
Another week, another "I'm retiring form the internet (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/im-retiring-from-gaming-forums-soon.139350/)" thread from fuckface. This one is particularly unhinged though, even by cuntflap's standard, with Potato requesting to be shot and comparing people who like RE4 to flat-Earthers.

I'm retiring from gaming forums soon...
Saturday at 5:42 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/im-retiring-from-gaming-forums-soon.139350/post-1559628)

Sorry if this sounds a bit random, because it is. I need to rant a bit just now. Getting things off my chest will do me the world of good.

So anyway, I tried to keep going with these crappy gaming forums, but they are absolutely pointless now. Social media killed off most message boards a number of years ago, which is why the ones that remain nowadays are generally so inactive, or full of arseholes that pick on other members for to get their kicks.

Seriously. When you go on GameFAQs, all they do is shill. I've never been like that for any company, whether I like their products or not. If you play a game and it's good, be honest with yourself. If it's genuinely terrible, the same rule should apply. Say why it's awful. Don't just make up something to be accepted by other people. Especially strangers online you don't even know.

I don't like it when gamers give into peer pressure and just do it to suck up to their favourite YouTubers. I guess that's just how they hang, though. But I believe that's false.

But forums? Oh my God. It honestly feels like I spent the last few years posting obscure tangents on them, that only one out of a billion people even acknowledged. The other day, I got so browbeaten by the nonsense I've endured, I vowed to make this my last week posting on them.

But besides the lack of activity, I don't think the people on those sort of forums are doing too good upstairs. I'm being serious when I say that.

Some examples...

These are the same sort of people that probably think 9/11 was an "inside job" because of how the Twin Towers fell in New York. OK, if a building crumbles a certain way, oh no. It couldn't be the jet fuel from an airplane that melted the beams. I mean, Jesus H. Christ. Wikipedia articles can be hilarious sometimes. So I guess they just never saw the second plane coming in.

Why can't you create Chris Benoit in the WWE games? There's another dumbass question I see being asked on Reddit, or Quora.

Erm. Because he killed his family, then himself!? Perhaps!? Maybe that's the reason. Duh!

I think the planet is flat. I have evidence it's round.

You know what I mean? I mean, it's a joke.

They're so stupid, I don't think they can comprehend how stupid they are.

The minute they say "Resident Evil 4 is the best game" in the respective series, I struggle to accept that's the case because any real die hard fan of survival horror video games knows full well that part 4 was the beginning of the deviation from horror to action. That of course doesn't make it a bad game. But when they post stuff like that or hate on the older games for supposedly being outdated, I don't believe for one second they're day one fans who experienced all of the subsequent alterations to the franchise.

But in all seriousness, they're mental. I even had some moderator PM me on a forum today, kind of hinting that he thinks I 'hacked' the admin control panel, despite being just a regular member, seemingly because I could change my user name every so often. Every 90 days, or something. But it's in the settings.

I don't know. Eh? Somebody please shoot me.

Anyway, do you find the Internet kind of sucks in this day of age? I think it's just relatively pointless, but it took me long enough to realize that. Why be stuck in that mental prison?

In the grand scheme of things, it just makes you feel more lonely or bored. I don't think they do you any good. Plus, you don't know these people from Adam. They could be nice. They could be nefarious. How do you know?

Awww. Poor potato is lonely. Never mind, it has friends here, doesn't it?

Sunday at 7:10 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/im-retiring-from-gaming-forums-soon.139350/post-1559646)

A huge reason as to why I want to quit forums is because like I said, they're not very active. That's the main reason. But this Australian guy kept harassing me elsewhere, being incredibly peculiar and annoying. In fact, I honestly became so bedeviled with his antics that it was beginning to affect my mental health.

He knows me because I was on a website he ran, all the way back in 2004. For the past 6 years, he's basically been making tons of accounts to pester me online. Essentially doing to me what he more or less claims I did to him first. He also sends creepy messages to film directors I met for the purpose of being a background extra in their productions. People I only met for that reason.

There's one forum he goes on for anxiety sufferers that no longer has moderators to keep an eye on troublemakers, and the long and short of it is that he just posts a lot of nonsense with multiple accounts, that is variably evil in nature, or downright ludicrous.

Like, judging by how he is, you would believe he has bipolar, or something. It wouldn't at all surprise me if he does. But I did attempt to report his ass, and there was even two Australians besides him lurking on this forum. One of them actually uses a forum for talking about narcotics. It's called "Blue Light" or something like that.

Well, she posted her full address and phone number, saying she had nothing to hide. This is why I don't care about forums any longer. They're full of screwballs with no redeeming qualities to them.

Potato has mental health? Surely for that fuckface would first need a mind?

05-19-2023, 03:46 PM
It's tough being an artist, casting your pearls before the uncouth swine.

Posted November 22, 2022 (https://www.36styles.com/kungfufandom/topic/22529-cheung-lik-cheung-nick-chang-lee/?do=findComment&comment=378818)
Maybe some actors don't leak out much personal information because that's how they preferred working in the industry. Keeping it friendly, but basic. Although, I cannot say I blame them.

I acted in several low key films too. I would like to say that my work speaks for itself, but I don't like to mingle with people I meet on film sets any more, as it had led to some hassle in the past with being talked about, followed around the web, and so on. I had bother with trolls in the past from being a regular user on different gaming forums, so it's best not to reveal too much about yourself, including your real name and location.

I think actors that understand when their heyday is up get my respect more too, as you have ones like Arnie and Sly that used to be awesome 40 years ago in action movies, but are just phoning it in now for the cash. It's kind of sad and embarrassing.

Yeah. Stallone was a big draw in the 80s, but his films dipped in quality over the past decade or so, as was the case with numerous other film stars. I think it's just what happens when things change.

Also, teenagers these days honestly have a terrible attention span when it comes to appreciating complex characters. Art house movies just aren't up their street. They just want to see the same type of violent, mundane stuff every week.

Yes, Potatoface's body of work definitely speaks for itself. Much like a muttering nutter on the upper deck of the night bus though, it's best not to listen to it.
Of course, being in the spotlight, one has to suffer the unwanted attentions of the hoi polloi; If only the constabulary could be roused into action...

Posted Tuesday at 04:06 AM (https://www.36styles.com/kungfufandom/topic/22529-cheung-lik-cheung-nick-chang-lee/?do=findComment&comment=389072)

Speaking of insane people, I get this Australian guy bothering me. I get told off on other forums for mentioning him, but he basically creates accounts on an anxiety help related forum that, for some reason, still exists. He also edits wikis to be subscribed to them, so he can go be annoying if he knows I've been busy contributing.

No moderators or staff of any sort log in there anymore. So maybe the owner just pays an annual hosting fee to keep it running. I don't know why he left it like that.

Anyway, this lame troll has spammed all over the forum with multiple pseudonyms since the fall of 2021. This guy is 37 years old, and has a pretty weird YouTube channel as well, that I had to frequently report so many times for terms of service violations. Most of the garbage that's on it now is just childish nonsense.

I've actually known this James guy since 2004, though. But I reside in Scotland, so he can only be annoying online.

Unfortunately, he knows my name and address. Other people found out my personal information thanks to him spamming it, or messaging them directly. He was also apparently contacting professionals I met for extra work in films. But the cops in Western Australia don't act on complaints from overseas callers. I know, because I tried it already.

06-12-2023, 04:14 PM
...Potatoface is back. Still insane.

All good things come to an end.
It was a blissful month where the rabid spudfucker was offline (I was beginning to wonder if it was one of fuckface's regular visits to His Majesty's Holiday Camp).
Unfortunately it's back, and after a week or so of gentle warm up, it's straight back to form with a greatest hits medley - pointing the smelly finger at everyone except the potato in the mirror:

JoyFreak (https://www.vgr.com/forum/topic/16255-joyfreak/)

Posted 1 hour ago (https://www.vgr.com/forum/topic/16255-joyfreak/#comment-178350)

Yeah. I think it's just a news dump forum now, to promote upcoming games. I find most gaming forums are just not active any more to make sticking around on them worthwhile. This is because they became less popular once Facebook and Twitter grew so large.

I know what you mean about the snappy moderators. I asked the main admin to once again get rid of this guy from Australia, who was impersonating my friend from my college days in a profile which he could still log into. Then he came back with the same name, just reversed like a mirror. My mate and I made some low key films, and this guy basically stalks me and floods this anxiety related site with my address while using my previous user names because they were not yet registered, as well as ones he just made up to abuse me.

Of course, he keeps on saying he is not this troll in Australia. This is a lie though, because I found pictures of him once and an IP address from a Kiwi network, and I then found his profile on Twitter. That I knew him from prior years was no surprise. So he just chooses to be ignorant, despite being 37 years old and still doing pointless things like spamming on dead forums. Which is what 10 year olds would enjoy doing. Not guys pushing on 40.

The only really active gaming forum is on GameFAQs or NeoGAF, but the users there on the former are just shills. When you post something semi-negative, or at least a little bit heated or combative, they say you're somebody's alt.

I was kicked off NeoGAF twice. I never had any issues on there. It seems they just ban people for stupid reasons. But at my age and with my mother being in a bad way, I only post on forums occasionally to counter the cravings, or I would be in my flat all day doing nothing but watching movies. Because I mean, in real life, I have not got the slightest idea how to fit in with anyone, as I have ASD. And I find people with ASD usually have to be friends with other ASD related people, as the normal people are too mainstream. It makes life feel lonely, empty, and whatnot, when you cannot get a spouse either.

Being hurt by various people like ex support workers did not do anything to improve my situation. But the clock is ticking for me to start enjoying my life, while I am still fairly young. It's just that everyone is vying for something, and they win every single time. You feel like you have no chance.

The delusional cuntstain just never seems to be able to bring itself to accept responsibility for its own behaviour - that the problem isn't everybody else, the problem is Peter.
(And a new delusion, I see: "fairly young"? Jesus fucking christ! Balding, fat, and stone's throw from middle-aged, with nothing to show for it but a bunch of DVDs in plastic crates and a criminal record that needs a ring binder, but hey, a potato in its prime, apparently!)

06-13-2023, 03:38 PM
And the floodgates have opened...

Sunday at 5:56 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/im-retiring-from-gaming-forums-soon.139350/post-1563502)

So I lasted 3 or so weeks without posting on any forums. Kind of like a meth head who manages to stay off heroin before getting urges again. Or some guy who watches Sasha Grey taken it up the ass on Pornhub, then she calls you out for choking your chicken and not paying for your porn. Haha. :)

In reality, I don't think video games forums are that busy compared to say, 15 years ago. Even websites aimed at hiring escorts are a sheer waste of time. These mistresses on Twitter and OnlyFans seem to be living rent free in La La Land. So having gotten tired of their antics and getting my time squandered, I just decided to stay keen for life.

What is rather annoying about Facebook is that you know it sucks, but the one time you want to look up something important on there, you discover you are barred from logging in, because the folk running it have placed you in another checkpoint.

This is where I'm coming back and saying that aspects to the online lifestyle makes for a disappointing experience. Maybe just use it for news, recipes, hooking up with buddies and finding work. But everything else is a lost cause. By no fault of your own, either. It's really because people who are not a full shilling, use the Internet as a means to berate people who get more attention than they can ever muster up.

I sit in my flat, feeling isolated. My mum has health issues. She had another stroke not too long ago, so I worry about my future.

I don't trust support workers. Social services are absolute scum as well. Some weird guy who supported me in 2008 sent me bizarre emails, slagging off a wrestler who died, then confessed to saying stuff about the 80's bands, Tears for Fears and the Smiths, comparing me to their songs and thinking it was witty and powerful to mock a client with ASD. But that is very unprofessional, creepy, and pathetic.

So much to unpack there, and the notion that potatohead is using teh internet to look for "work" is genuinely hilarious.
But wait, there's more...

06-13-2023, 03:50 PM
...And spudface continues:

Monday at 7:27 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/im-retiring-from-gaming-forums-soon.139350/post-1563508)

My favourite porn star is Jodie Taylor.

I know you are not allowed to discuss meetings with women on OnlyFans. It's just a policy that you have to abide by on that site. But on AdultWork where you can arrange a booking, their attitude is anything but approachable. They seem rough ones too, that have been around the block a few times.

Some of them do tours, but despite how sexy they look, they act like the sun shines out of their arse and are highly narky, seem to view men in an unfavourable manner, and are so full of shit, expecting money and gifts through their apps. I'm astonished at how mollycoddled a lot of them are.

Now granted, I guess they probably receive a lot of tricky customers, making having a filter system of sorts somewhat of a necessary practice. But I think they have something worse than just being a cunt. Something incurable called Sadistic Personality Disorder, stemming from a bad childhood or a relationship gone haywire.

The entertainment industry has a lot to do with an overly sexualized culture. Back in the 40s, women were genuinely talented singers who could cover up, but look attractive just the same. Now you have Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Madonna, Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus, who demand attention with meat dresses, pretending a sledgehammer is a phallic object, and shaking their butts while some drum machine plays the same flipping note. Plus, they cannot sing very well anyway. They have this advanced technology that corrects the pitch of the human voice for them, and every singer is basically almost sounding the same now, so there is no reason to care about who is dominating the charts.

Jo Stafford, huh? Now there is a real singer for you. God rest her soul. ;)

Back in the day, if you could not sing or play any instruments, sealing the deal with a major record label was impossible. Now with this oversaturation of the industry where having a cute ass and a handsome face is all that is concerning to the masses, it's obvious they can cater this junk to all of the little people with zero taste.

I see only two musical vanguards. The 60s and the 80s. Maybe the early 2000s as well, even if I am not a big fan of that era. But just about everything in-between has sucked.

Generally, I love new wave and post punk from 1977 up to 1985. After that, they started to constantly release this syrupy cheese with bland production values. Music was no longer interesting in the mainstream after a certain point. It picked up with Britpop and alternative rock in the 90s, but the 90s was a decade that gave way to these girl groups and every kid in school just wanted to copy them.

It got worse once that 'house music' or 'acid house' movement crap started, where they had this irritating club beat type stuff replacing synthpop, and the groups were always being sued for using sampling, but they never sought permission to do this, so they had to pay royalties back to the artists they were ripping off.

They just shamelessly decided to extract the joy out of good tunes. As strange as Boy George looked as well, at least he had a great voice.

You know who else was lame around 1989?

Milli Vanilli.

*Speaker suddenly jams. :(

Girl, you know it's...
Girl, you know it's...
Girl, you know it's...

*Leaves the stage, feeling like an idiot. :p

Acting is the same. They just milk everything, reboot franchises, do a billion spin offs, soft-reboot a franchise, or whatever. But I don't need an essay on a celebrity's death because they made millions of dollars every month, but when someone normal with a 9 to 5 job dies, you never get anybody talking conspiracy theories and shit. All they're bound to get is a tiny little mentioning in the news.

It's crazy. And I find it kind of annoying. Although what can I say, really?

It is what it is. :D

Ah potatoface wants women to behave like in the good old days, when boobs were black and white, and humans reproduced by filling out forms. Yes. That's totally how it was.
Lets have some nice, quaint, respectable, oldey-timey music to play this one out.
(Bonus points, given how much potatocunt loves the word 'bogan')


06-13-2023, 03:54 PM
But fuckface isn't done yet...

Yesterday at 5:55 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/im-retiring-from-gaming-forums-soon.139350/post-1563620)

I like those chicks too. There's one I want to see, but I think noticing a babe with fake boobs is a bit off putting. She also keeps having breaks from sex work, tediously. Like, she comes back for a week, then announces she is to have another break shortly thereafter. Then she blogs about it to brag of what she's doing in her personal life.

She's had enough breaks by now to rival the Kit-Kat factory. Saying you're on a break every other week just comes across as being an attention whore, but I get that people like to do other things besides being pumped. :D

Anyway, she's this gothic girl into Twitch streaming. She probably has a boyfriend. She often publishes content on her OnlyFans page with a goth "male model" and claims to be a dyke on Fetlife. Likely this is just to deter horny simps from messaging her all of the time.

Yeah. Fetlife really sucks. Most of the women write their profile like a novel. All seems good and enticing until they say at the end of the last paragraph, that they only see women, or couples. Maybe put that part at the top of the wall of text next time, honey.

Jesus, man. What a tease!

Anyway, Capcom has a showcase starting online in 5 minutes to plug their latest shitty ass games. But I honestly don't care much for the Resident Evil series any more after that rubbish they had in the latest sequel, with this Karl Heisenberg guy turning into the Godzilla, robot looking thing. It just looked bloody stupid, and the plot is laughable in all of their new games in any case. The remakes of the classic titles are quite frankly, lacking in quality as well.

Like, seriously. A guy hitting you with a shovel in a house, with a dead crow in the microwave oven, and being dragged on top of a car in the dude's garage just isn't representative of the franchise. ;)

Just can't get the sex workers these days, eh? Yes, quite, if only everybody had Peter's work ethic!

06-13-2023, 04:01 PM
And to round things off, well, it wouldn't be Peter without a wee bit of breaching of court orders, would it?

Yesterday at 8:25 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/im-retiring-from-gaming-forums-soon.139350/post-1563644)

Capcom's latest event was garbage. They talked about that new dinosaur game that is clearly not Dino Crisis. It is called Exoprimal. But they added a character in it with red hair. She kind of resembles Regina.

When that initial trailer dropped ages ago, I suspected it was a dick move on their part to get the haters talking. And it's sad, because this new game will soon be forgotten about.

For fuck's sake. What a way to screw over your devoted fans. To be honest, I saw through their shit years ago. I seen that Capcom were copying ideas from other games and movies, then they made out it was their way of paying homage. Yeah, okay. And there's pink elephants at my local zoo.

You see, nobody would believe what I said is true, but they believe what they say.

Anyway, once I get paid, I may or may not book a woman. I don't know a thing about their personality on AdultWork. It's a blooming minefield, because I have gotten lucky in the past with the site, and then there's times I was left feeling cheated. But this momentum never lasts. They will move on, retire, pass away even.

I know at the end of the day, they only care about your green. You have to try to not get attached to them if you can help it, because they could be gone as quickly as they showed up.

What do you think of her in this link? I think she is nice looking, but clearly she has her head in the clouds. Her tweets don't really give off a good first impression.

Lady Bella Bird of Glasgow | UK Mistresses Dominatrix Guide
An experienced Scottish switch. Book me for your fantasy and see all your kinky dreams come true. | Dominatrix Mistress
www.professionalmistresses.co.uk www.professionalmistresses.co.uk

Um no Peter, don't you remember being taken to court?
Apparently not...

Today at 5:58 AM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/im-retiring-from-gaming-forums-soon.139350/post-1563682)

In the past, she went to a forum and called me a cunt, after blocking me on WhatsApp in 2021. I said she made men disappear, because she joked about having a torture room. That seemingly really offended her thin skin.

I don't think she's worth a toss. Women have certainly gone downhill.
Fucking wow.

06-19-2023, 07:03 PM
So fuckface is back in a thread gloriously titled "I'd rather stay single, than be a fool!" (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/id-rather-stay-single-than-be-a-fool.139817)
Seriously? Why not both?
Jesus fucking christ, strap yourselves in guys and gals because this is a rollercoaster of a ride.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin...

Yesterday at 6:54 PM (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/id-rather-stay-single-than-be-a-fool.139817/post-1564426)

It is what it is, I guess.

I'm really just sick and tired of these adult websites. All of them. While I think the main one called AdultWork is a colossal waste of time, at least profiles have feedback to show that they're meant to be genuine. Although if you notice anybody claiming to be an escort and all of their feedback is for 'DirectCam' bookings only, then just skip that member.

Yes, fuckface can't be doing with any of this internet malarkey. Peter is all about analog.
Fuckface continues...

Years ago, I had a girlfriend.

Cool story bro.

Not that she was really much of anything, other than a scrounger.

On second thoughts, a perfect match.

But we met in 2005, and I didn't see her again all the way until 2012 right after my paternal grandmother's funeral. Within a week, she pressured me to buy her an Apple iPod, which she ruined while I was paying it up on credit. After I paid to have it repaired in some shop, she still treated me poorly. Then she was a blooming bipolar bitch at random moments, constantly mucking me about, threatening me, lying about stuff, making me go on wild goose chases, and then changing her tune when I said my previously suspended welfare was reinstated. So it's pretty obvious she was just interested in my cash.

Lying, psycho mentalist? Yup. Made for each other. Practically a catch from potato's point of view.

The other day, I tried to book some woman on Viva Street, as I couldn't get anybody on AdultWork. The usual shit commenced. Nobody replied. They were not answering their phones. The same old boring ass shit happens day in, and day out. They don't always respond to your voicemail either. So I'm now convinced that AW is like, 90% fake. The greedy admin doesn't give a damn, because I've seen people complaining about similar shit occurring on the official forum, which he just brushes off.

Ah poor potato: when all the local sex workers are ghosting you (in a cost of living crisis no less) then you [B]know[B] your shit really stinks.

Of course, it is June, and with June comes plenty of hot, sunny days. They're likely not working, but they should be less lazy and simply update their page to say they're unavailable. Although granted, the more established women normally state when they're available. Whether they truly are or not, is another matter.

That's right Peter - they're all off on their holibobs and forgot to set their out-of-office. Not diligent industrious productive members of society like Peteboy!

Anyway, some woman did reply about her Viva Street ad recently, wanting £250. A step up from her advertised £220 for an out call. Then she had the cheek to want another £30 for what she referred to as uber. I'm sceptical about her pictures as well. Plus, I got asked if I was alone. The photos are probably taken from a random Instagram model's gallery. So I just left it, but I did feel pissed off yet again that I didn't come anywhere close to getting laid.

Is Spudanus really unaware of Uber? I mean I know it doesn't get out much, but still.
Don't fret Peter - you were no closer to getting laid anyway - even if she'd been desperate enough to come to you, the stench would have driven her away before she got through the front door.

I'm sure these text messages are likely being sent out by a bot, as I vaguely recall getting plaintive messages like this before, where you'll send a message proposing a meeting and there's a time delay between each response you receive, essentially to deter you from being suspicious. And I bet a lot of gullible guys fall for this nonsense, because they're thinking with their dicks too much.

It's almost like professional sex workers have an instinct for when someone is a creepy psycho fucknut, and try to pull out as non-confrontationally as possible....

Really, the long and short of it is that these arrogant piss takers find jerking you off to be funny. Which also sounds ironic as fuck, since they're, well, not actually jerking you off. Sorry for sounding so crass there, but it's genuinely annoying as all hell when you're in the mood for sex, with money to spare. Because I mean, there's nothing worse than feeling like you need a shag for some much needed relief and you are skint at the time. But these morons are such libido killers, I swear.

Oh there's definitely something worse - having no money and having to degrade oneself for money by touching Spudanus's putrid saggy cock.

To be honest, I just decided to keep my money. I then purchased a batch of overpriced exotic fruit online, but a lot of the things I want to try are just never available either. Jesus H. Christ, huh? If it's not females, it's munchies.

What's guineps like? They look tasty. Supposedly, they have a similar taste to limes. I hope I'm gonna be happy with my purchases, because rare tropical fruit ain't cheap.

But yeah. Just take it from me. I don't mean to sound sexist or anything, but some women are just tossers that get some sad pleasure out of knowing they've been wasting your time. So you're better off just wanking to Lana Rhoades getting butt fucked, or whatever. As a man can certainly dream. Or maybe there's a decent dating site where you can chat up ladies who are hopefully sincere and sane, but to be honest, I doubt it works out for us little people.

So that was quite a post, eh? Let's catch our breath while Peter fucks a mango (or what ever exotic things it does to fruit) and gird our loins for the next instalment, because cocnutfucker isn't finished yet. No siree.

06-19-2023, 07:05 PM
So after 90 minutes of shagging a kumquat, Potatofuck is back online, spunking more of its load...

Yesterday at 8:33 PM (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/id-rather-stay-single-than-be-a-fool.139817/post-1564439)

I've never flown; I was on a ferry twice, when I went to the Isle of Arran and back. Even though I have a bus pass, I get claustrophobic using public transport. I just walk everywhere I go, to be honest.

(Breaks out tiny violin)

I never had anxiety when I was young. None whatsoever. I could walk up high hills, go over bridges, or be in busy places. You name it. I was never plagued by any such mental illness.

Then in 2009, I had a severe panic attack. I'm convinced it fucked me up, because I have never felt the same after that night. I used to feel pretty weird from then on out. It was like I had too much adrenaline building up in my system, so the least bit of nervousness set me off.

Awwww... Poor potato!

I don't have support workers any longer due to a problem where I liked this Spanish woman I had as a key worker, almost a decade ago. I have ASD and was living in a supported flat for about 3 years. She and this other woman asked to be removed at separate times. Then the people in charge told lies, and it escalated from there. They started to become hostile, but I don't recall ever really saying anything afterwards.

No, Peter, you don't have support workers because you sexually harassed and assaulted them. Remember?

I happened to be in a club once. I met one of their boyfriends, and I just had a quiet word with him outside. He seemed okay. Months later, I sent him a letter and then he screwed me over.

The boyfriend of one of Peter's victims didn't want to be Peter's friend? Whodathunk?

Over the years, I had to keep going to court after outlandish accusations were made. The pigs in Scotland are corrupt, unfortunately, because one of these anti-molestation orders ended in 2020 and they cooked up a scam.

Days later, they came and arrested me at my flat, by entering my flat after tampering with the lock. They never told me why I was arrested. She got a new order for 10 years, just like that.

Whenever I got slandered by other people too, like some actress I never met, I would say something to vent about it, which they would use against me to say they felt threatened, or something. You know? They were just making it sound like I was a stalker, and whatnot, to get one over on me.

Well, I called various legal firms and got nowhere each time. I was at it for a considerable amount of time, and the lawyer I had was useless.

Typically, if you call the court, some idiot will say that they cannot give legal advice, or that you should go to a bureau for citizens to receive advice there, or go to their website to download the necessary paperwork, or they just hang up the phone. But then if you do visit one of these places they palm you off to, they say you just need to obtain a lawyer.

Support workers at Autism Initiatives are generally not qualified. They just end up working there, for it's a job that's easy to come by.

I had an older male worker in 2008 who was sending me shit from Gumtree for 2 or so years. He said some odd things about a wrestler who died, called Eddie Guerrero. He said a lot of other bizarre things too, and he admitted it was him who sent the messages.

You cannot even pay for your own support to avoid undergoing such hassle. This is because it is funded by social services in any case. Even if you get to pay them yourself, they still need the approval from these tossers in charge. So I reckon you are snookered either way.

Blah, blah, blah. It's all everybody else's fault. Peter's the real victim here. LOL.
Hang on, incoming non-sequitur...

Prostitutes are low class, quite frankly. And I generally don't judge their services, as I know they may be forced into doing the job.

You fucking wot mate? Most of Spudanus's time that is not spent moaning about Capcom is spent slagging off sex workers; The cognitive dissonance is impressive, given the lack of any obvious brain with which to perform it!

More so, it's their cold attitude. Their manners got lost with their suitcase in Jamaica, it seems.

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Is this one of grandma's anachronistic racial slurs or something?
Anyway, Peter had to go off for a wank at this point to calm down, so go get a hot beverage of your choice and we'll return to the craziness momentarily.

06-19-2023, 07:14 PM
Yesterday at 8:41 PM (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/id-rather-stay-single-than-be-a-fool.139817/post-1564443)

Have you used escorts too? What was your best experience?

I just want to start enjoying my sex life again before the male menopause kicks in. Whenever the fuck that will be. Ha-ha.

I shudder, both at Spudanus having something that might be described as a 'sex life', and that it thinks of itself as male.

Today at 4:25 AM

I'm happy you got those experiences, but I really wouldn't be able to travel abroad or to anywhere outwith my town. My agoraphobia makes it hard for me to even pop along to the shops. I only go to the shops with self-service machines, so I can get out in a hurry.

Aye, self service machines are probably all that are in Spudfucker's future. I'm sure Lovehoney will have a sale at some point, Peter.

In Edinburgh, I visit the saunas, which are actually brothels. Most of them have been closed. There was a time when there was at least seven of them. Now I think there's only three left.

Carol's. Blair. New Town. The others like Ambassador on Lothian Road and Paradise at Haymarket are no more.

Ah, the sad loss of a proud Edinburgh institution. You should write to the council, Peter.

The dommes in Scotland are very nasty, to be honest. I know in terms of their traits, they're probably always like that. They're not very approachable. I think they've been triggered into doing this work, because of depression. So you're gonna get berated for having the same shit they do, just for having a cock.

At some point someone will have to sit cuntface down and explain to it what a domme is. The spunkwit seems to have great difficulty grasping the notion.

I remember I contacted her from this tweet in 2019 to talk about Canadian music when I seen she was from Canada, because that's a subject I know a lot about. I didn't get a very nice reaction. She basically accused me of sending spam. Almost like a woman on a folding seat swatting away a mosquito. But this happens with most of them.

So the dumb fuck spams her like a crazy weirdo and then is surprised that she complains about it spamming her like a crazy weirdo. Go figure.

It has started to put me off from ever chasing after a mistress. Most of them are too icy with their personality, making talking to them harder than ever.

Well that's certainly good news for Edinburgh's dommes, at least!

"Beauty is only skin deep."-A Wise Person
Post automatically merged: Today at 5:24 AM

Go yourself, Cliff! :p

A weird little bit of randomness to close out.
We done now?
Clearly the viagra was kicking in,

Today at 12:27 PM (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/id-rather-stay-single-than-be-a-fool.139817/post-1564515)

Yeah. You're just like a barcode to be scanned.

It's rather pedestrian.

Somewhat ironic phrasing to use, given the earlier statement about only using self-service machines and walking everywhere.

But wait, there's more.

Today at 2:48 PM

I've said to my sister that to meet people, you have to do activities. She complains about her allergies, her asthma, her kids, her ex, or something else. She runs back to the guy, then makes out he was drinking and become abusive. Maybe don't return to him. Sorted.

I will probably never meet anyone at this rate. I am certainly not gonna join dating sites, because the "neurotypicals" don't want to go out with aspies.

Fuck me! Poor Marie. How low do you have to have sunk in the world that Potatohead feels it is in a position where it can give you advice?

Social services said I am on a waiting list for support, but I reckon that's more of their bullshit. They even said to people before not to give me support. But I never kept the letter that stated this, which was good proof. However, I asked somebody about it I see because of a court order, and they said they said it.

I need to stop impulsively discarding everything, because then I will have lost the only evidence I may be likely to obtain. But since nobody gives a fuck at the court, they'd probably fully ignore it anyway.

Oh dear, Peter losing the edivence again?

Nearly done. On the home straight now.

Today at 3:18 PM (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/id-rather-stay-single-than-be-a-fool.139817/post-1564527)
There is just saunas. They banned hookers from standing at the shore.

Josh, it sounds like you and I are in the same boat when it comes to being a dweeb with no luck. And yes, I know they only care about your dough. I have always known that.

Believe me, if I were a stud muffin, I wouldn't need hookers, nor even the online world. And I look like a stick with glasses in real life. My Scottish accent is so thick as well, that I don't think I am the greatest person for having a conversation with.

A 'stud muffin'? What is this, the 1950s? No Peter, you could probably get away with being as physically repulsive as you are if you weren't also a psychopathic misogynistic cunt (and washed occasionally). I'm also not convinced you can claim that a Scottish accent as a hinderance when you live in fucking Scotland, you demented shitpile!

I've grown tired of forums because there's hardly any ones for video games that are active.

Translation: Peter's been banned from all the active gaming forums.

Plus, that Australian guy I bring up a lot is constantly being a bag of shite as well. Basically, he follows me around the Internet, quoting stuff I say and even trying to be snide by replying to his own posts with aliases.
Not Australian.
Also, hiya!

He's never gonna take the hint anyway. So I am past caring. He probably has the misfortune of having the same mental problem I do, because there's no way that guy isn't autistic when he acts like that. Of course, that's probably going to come across as insulting to genuinely well behaved people with ASD.

Did we mention that Peter is also pretty much shunned on the Autism forums too, given as how acting like a lunatic and then trying to excuse it by waving the aspie card doesn't really go down so well there.

Well, he has to be suffering from something that causes him to be so daft, just the same. So he can continue being a moron and spamming on that dead anxiety help forum. But I kind of pity him.

The only two message boards I post on are Biohaze and Silent Hill Community, and they are like a barren wasteland.

I'll occasionally post on forums about horror films too, but no matter the website that still has a forum of some sort, it's always dead.

Well it's been quite a ride.
Have a good evening folks, safe in the knowledge that no matter what awful fate may befall you, you'll never have to suffer the true horror of looking in the mirror and seeing Spudanus looking back at you.

06-20-2023, 09:06 AM
Awesome. The best yet. Even that Australian guy gets a mention.

One might even say that Peter was obsessed with him.

Stefan Mandel
06-20-2023, 09:24 AM
12 * 22 * 31 * 35 * 45 * 49

The Scottish Pedro
06-26-2023, 07:07 PM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
06-26-2023, 07:11 PM
Not available

06-26-2023, 07:12 PM
Potato is getting all hot and bothered again. Maybe it's hyperglycaemia from all that overpriced fruit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYABFA-Dv9I). Maybe just Cloudflare winding it up again.
Either way, a change of username, but the rant remains the same:

Name somebody online you know who is an asshole...

I will start with three. You can cast up one or more people if you want to...

#1: James B.

A weirdo Australian guy from Perth, who is supposedly aged 37. Despite that, you would think he is 5. He makes all of these accounts to slag me off, stalk me, and spam a lot of bullshit on forums. But this is usually something he prefers doing on unmoderated forums.

Constantly subscribes to me on YouTube as well. The guy gets blocked, but this doesn't stop people from viewing your shit.

Unfortunately, Google doesn't give two fucks when you complain about harassment and privacy breaches, and it's a tedious process that involves completing a form each time somebody is being a cunt.

Even so. That's sad how a fully grown adult does things like that for attention.

#2: Nicola M.

Goes by the stage name Nicolette McKeown. An established indie actress who has been in many no name, zero budget movies.

I never met her, but I acted in a film she had a speaking part in, some 7 years ago. I was one of the zombies.

After she blocked me on Twitter, for supposedly having seen tweets I made to porn stars (which was her official excuse), she claims I was harassing her. Yet, get this - I had zero interest in her.

She got a plethora of producers to blackball me so I lost out on being in some films. It took me a while to really pin it on her being behind it, but a special effects guy she met on a fan film for a game cost me a part in a short film called Glitch. Then this happened with other films too.

Yeah, but the arsehole took my money on Indiegogo. As part of the perk, I was supposed to be giving a part as an extra. This happened with a lot of other people too. People I didn't know, nor give a shit about. All I was interested in was being an extra. Which if you think about it, that's really sad. An actual actress slanders a background extra. Because typically, background extras don't get lines or even much screen-time in a movie.

In 2019, I was talking to idiots on Discord. They broadcast this shit to YouTube. I was arguing with them about games. Then they mentioned her at random. She was also contacting a singer about me. Pete Wylie from the band Wah! in Liverpool.

My lawyer was an asshole. I put proof on a USB stick. He didn't even bring it to court, or mention it. So she got her way. But of course, the judges are retarded and incompetent anyway.

She's got fibromyalgia, but it apparently doesn't affect her tongue.

Granted, the pigs are bent in any case. They came to my flat 3 years ago, but they arrested me over a lot of pointless shit in the past. This time though, it was a complete sham. It was a ploy.

Now being what my mate refers to as being the Wankers Association, I know that Police Scotland loves to tell lies. They attempted to get me done with a section 52 charge once for supposedly inciting prostitution. This is because I essentially called a ho a ho for not sending me a custom video I paid for a few years ago. Or I said she should be one.

Due to her already being a fleecing skank, the fuzz cannot irreversibly fuck up your record because what you're saying about the trash bag bimbo is actually true. But yeah. They lay it on a lot. Other times, they had me going to a station for a chat. But this was to interview me and potentially arrest me when other morons were accusing me of false shit as well.

Anyway, their main beef with me is because I had issues with two ex support workers from Autism Initiatives called Joanna and Sara, who are scum. They got these no contact orders granted in court, and my life has been utter dog shit for years now. One of the women had it expiring in 2020 though, basically during the era of "Kung Flu" when the lockdown commenced. Calling this law firm and that law firm and this NHS hotline got me fucking nowhere. Seriously. It was a colossal waste of my time. Now I am at a loss of what to do, so I consider myself to be retired, living on disability welfare.

Then they came in June that year, to cause more trouble. Literally days later after the order ran out. It was always shoddy as fuck with the piggy tossers regardless, but even still.

They took me to the station and violated my rights. They never told me why I was there. I went to court the next day and my lawyer said I put a rant video online like a whole fucking year previously. So that's how I know they conjured up this arrest to gift her a new order on a silver platter. Then she got a new one for 10 years for essentially fuck all, as did other people.

Damned oinkers. Don't trust them. Don't dial 101 and don't pretend they care.

#3: youngdefiant.

OK. I have no quarrel with him. But I think he makes really shitty clickbait YouTube videos, just for views and attention. He says every game sucks, but rarely bothers to say why the thing he is speaking of, actually sucks. Yet this fool has thousands of subs who seem to think he's the shit. Although he's not the only YouTuber who has made a career out of being deceptive.

I always just say it how it is, unfiltered, and yet nobody watches me. And to be honest, I don't expect any donations for your time. I just do it to spread awareness, as a passionate fan or critic. Yet that bothers people, because they're just shilling for Capcom and whoever else.

Go figure!

Anyway, let me know who you believe is a total asshole on the Internet. There's certainly a lot of them going around...

Classic Spudanus: Paranoia, misogyny, xenophobia, sex workers, support workers, police, actors, directors, singers, Murray, the famous USB stick with the 'edivence', the courts, James B and, of course, Gimpy. Mostly the same old same old - it's everyone else who's to blame, not fucknugget itself. But who's this youngdefiant? That's a new one; Is this Peter's next stalking victim, do we think?

The Scottish Pedro
06-26-2023, 07:12 PM
Not available

06-26-2023, 07:18 PM
Not available

Sorry Peter - no idea what that said. I'm sure it was golden.

06-27-2023, 04:41 AM
What is going on here


Not sure. It appears to be a deformed potato stuffing trifle into its anus while having some sort of seizure?

06-28-2023, 02:25 PM
@Frank Anthony; Yes, Potatohead seems to be a bit like a wasp - when it eats too much fruit, the sugar ferments and it goes a bit crazier than usual.

The Scottish Pedro
07-03-2023, 03:07 PM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
07-03-2023, 03:07 PM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
07-03-2023, 03:09 PM
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The Scottish Pedro
07-03-2023, 03:15 PM
Not available

07-03-2023, 03:19 PM
Ah the tuberous mingegoblin is at it again.
Honestly, why don't games developers just tap into this genuis' insights into what really matters in character design: death.

Posted 1 hour ago (https://www.vgr.com/forum/topic/16268-survival-horror-remake-fatique/?do=findComment&comment=178449)

I think the problem with modern media as a whole is that they put in a lot of unnecessary things like gay and lesbian people kissing or dating, like anybody cares. It's like they want a group of characters to feel as mixed as possible. This is something the director of Days Gone claims made the game get all these woke attacks. When like I said, none of that matters to me.

Even in similar games like The Last of Us Part II, every SJW person loves that game because of the themes it puts across with making women tougher than usual. But I love it because it's a thrilling experience and one of Naughty Dog's best titles to date, despite the death of Joel. Not because Ellie and her girlfriend are making out, or because you have a transgender kid helping you.

Honestly could care less about these people's sexual orientation in a movie or game where their goal is usually to run away or get slain by the killers, or something lurking in the forest. LOL. Unless you're the hero that overcomes the problem. But still.

Yeah. RE7 was a decent effort. Still hate what they did to Chris by not hiring an actor similar to the guy who portrayed him in RE5 and 6. It doesn't look like him much, because of his face and the voice is different. But it was a more commendable effort than the last slew of sequels. Especially RE6, where Capcom just didn't know what the hell they were doing.

But if they can keep it up, RE will be restored to its old glory by RE10. The new animated movie looks like a fan's dream come true with Jill, Leon, Chris, Claire and Rebecca teaming up, so this is something to take note of if you're working with Capcom.

i mean, why would you want any diversity or depth of character or anything, when ultimately the purpose of other people is to die for Peter's entertainment.?
Says quite a lot about Spudanus' world view.
And of course, as we all know, all true gamers are psychopathic, misogynistic, off-white Scottish potatoes called Peter, so catering to or representing anything else is a waste of pixels.

The Scottish Pedro
07-03-2023, 03:20 PM
Not available

07-03-2023, 03:24 PM
Not available

Peter - you're literally just talking to yourself - I never get to see whatever inanity it is you've posted before you delete it.
Thanks - saves a lot of time.

The Scottish Pedro
07-03-2023, 04:31 PM
Not available

07-03-2023, 07:02 PM
Imagine being your age, and still doing sad babyish stuff like all of the above, plus a lot more.

Peter just repeating what it's been told by the social worker, again.

I must admit, I quite like Thesaunderschild (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?285765-Thesaunderschild)'s stinkyleithboy schtick. Amusing but also clearly effective as it seems to have the douchecanoe all riled up:

Today at 5:56 PM (https://www.joyfreak.com/threads/gamergate-an-examination-of-the-controversy-and-its-lasting-impact-on-the-gaming-industry.14406/post-44413)

The truth of the online world is that sad pricks use the anonymity it provides to be bigger pricks than they'd be in what you call the real world.

Just look at my situation with that James guy in Australia. Every single day, I see more spam and snide remarks from him on that dead anxiety forum, even though everybody I have mentioned him to thinks he's a pathetic piece of shit.

But when you're 37 and still spamming crap on forums like "Peter poo poo bum" and other nonsense day in and day out, you truly have no life. I don't care if he quotes this post when he sees it (as he will, because stalkers have nothing better to do). He's a moron.

Between that and Spudanus wandering about the internet, asking forum admins to preemptively ban any users called thesaunderschild (https://devilmaycry.org/threads/ask-the-staff-anything.7898/post-699681), maybe the twatwaffle will get around to expunging itself from the web for once and for all..

The Scottish Pedro
07-03-2023, 07:27 PM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
07-03-2023, 07:30 PM
Not available

07-03-2023, 07:32 PM

Yes, I like to think that when they asked the demented potato to specify a subnet, it was probably trying to figure if it needed a dommenet too. Watching Peter blunder around technical forums like that is much like watching a pigeon when it ends up on an underground train; if it just ignores the fact it's not equipped to be there and bluffs it out, maybe it will get lucky nobody will chase it away.

07-03-2023, 07:38 PM
Quit pretending like all of these accounts aren't yours, James.

I'm still not James, Peter, and this is still the only account I post from. You should get to bed. It's weevil season - a lardy potato like you needs to be careful.

The Scottish Pedro
07-03-2023, 10:12 PM
Not available

07-04-2023, 07:38 AM
You're just lying as usual for a cheap little reaction.

Mea culpa.
I'm sorry.
Yes, you're correct, that statement was factually inaccurate.
Blackleg is much more of an issue for potatoes in Scotland just now; I just thought that weevils were easier to visualise and therefore had more comedy value than pectolytic bacteria, which is why I said that.
I'll try to be more accurate in future.

07-04-2023, 09:27 AM
A lot of activity here today. The psychopath seems unusually excited.

Yes. Probably getting excited at the prospect of potentially having new support workers to harass.

The Scottish Pedro
07-04-2023, 09:49 AM
Not available

07-06-2023, 03:47 PM
Did you know that this stupid guy, called James Berich of Western Australia, is a total fucking fanny?

07-06-2023, 04:02 PM
Ya fucking daftie.

07-13-2023, 03:05 PM
https://i.ibb.co/PwG5Hc6/Spudlover.jpg (https://twitter.com/LoveOonagh/status/1651684457571577862)

Can't imagine what it was about this woman that attracted Peter's attention....

The Scottish Pedro
07-15-2023, 10:30 AM
Not available

07-15-2023, 05:05 PM
Who's this the lunatic is after.

The latest sex worker that the fucker has decided to mock online (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/she-wants-a-flat.140148/post-1567967). I'm sure she won't be the last.

07-15-2023, 05:17 PM
Apparently it's your inbred cousin, from the rocky hills, located in the Australian outback.

A bit risky Spudanus alluding to inbreeding, glass houses and all that.
I mean, the Anderson clan couldn't rustlelup an average IQ even if they added all their addled brains together.
Certainly, Potatoface and its broodmates are as good an advert for prenatal screening as you could hope for; if it's not from inbreeding then Tania must have been knocking back vodka and fuck knows what else, because it's not like any of them are developmentally normal. I mean if they all turned up at an inbred hillbilly convention, they'd still stand out as subnormal fuckwits.

07-28-2023, 12:26 PM
While we wait for Spudanus to finally quit the internet, it continues to entertain by screaming into the void.
Aside from delusional rants (https://www.techist.com/forums/threads/an-impersonator-troll.405688/post-3384035) - repeatedly (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/im-retiring-from-gaming-forums-soon.139350/post-1563781) - and desperately trying to engage others in conversation (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/ask-ketchum-finally-becomes-a-pokémon-master.140357/#post-1570417), and abandoning Tania, what's the cuntwaffle been up to?
Well for one thing, impotently (literally) complaining about sex workers, um, not treating the servicing of its vegetal needs like the rewarding vocational calling and privilege the cockwomble seems to think it should be:

Yesterday at 7:26 PM (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/id-rather-stay-single-than-be-a-fool.139817/post-1570426)
I more or less feel like calling it quits with AW, as I was saying.

In fact, I get impotence a lot. Not all the time. I think it could be linked to having anxiety, or just from fatigue.

For a long time, I haven't used buses. I do own a bus pass. I have this problem now with being around people, so I cannot go to busy places like shopping malls. But they're usually too lazy to do what is called an out call. Where they come see you at your address, basically.

Most of these sites like AW are just carrot dangling for their other sites, such as OnlyFans. I recently noticed they have began asking for ID, along with a screenshot of your face, your email address verified, and a deposited amount to be entered into your profile to confirm your debit card. It may seem overly done, but it is their call to make. But really. It all boils down to the women and their demeanor.

Free money, please. You know? I would happily donate a little if I knew I was worth a shit. But the reality is this...

You're just guy or girl number 1643. Roughly estimated. That is all that matters.

Poor Potato.
It's almost like this is a (shitty) job for these women, eh? It's not like when they were children and were asked "what would you like to be, when you grow up?" there would have been many whose answer would have been "I'd love to visit dismal, cluttered, apartments in sketchy tower blocks (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-63503640), in dodgy neighbourhoods of Edinburgh, late at night and try to coax a limp, smelly, sex-offending potato's saggy rhizome into life.".


Let's face it, if you're a sex worker desperate enough to be considering servicing the stinkmeister, you're probably not at the top of your game, are you? From that point of view, the cost of living crisis and the prevalence of post-covid anosmia are probably a slight boon to the midden-faced jizzmonger, but unless the sufferers are also blind and deaf they would want to have a strong constitution to tolerate being in the same room as the arsepustule, let alone touch its broken cheese factory.
Even the rats and mice try to avoid direct contact with the shitnugget. (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/baby-winter-white-hamsters.120870/post-1570424)

The turdgargler also continues its idiotic campaign of whining about financial dominatrices behaving like, well, financial dominanatrices. It's almost like the potato has difficulty understanding words and concepts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_domination). (Or maybe it's invented its own fetish - freeloadingmashedpotatodom?)
Given how much it seems to dislike them, you'd think it would maybe consider not following them on twitter....

Yesterday at 11:16 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/id-rather-stay-single-than-be-a-fool.139817/post-1570460)
I'd love to, but it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. :)

I think what I need to do is not focus on getting a girlfriend, and just concentrate on having fun. I think if you show you're desperate, they're either gonna be put off, or piss take, and no-one needs that when they're trying to make adjustments to their routine.

By the way, I was on Twitter earlier. Some fanny was at it again. I basically just sent a tweet and then she acted mollycoddled. But whatever. I'm already over it.
Post automatically merged: Yesterday at 11:20 PM



Mirror, mirror, on the wall...

Who's the most egotistical of them all?

Read more on Twitter (https://twitter.com/explore?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed% 7Ctwterm%5E1684261080564891668%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5 Es1_&ref_url=)

That's it. I'm totally done with women now. :D

Women are relieved to hear that. Just as well really, given how women have been done with Spudanus for quite some time now.

The Scottish Pedro
07-29-2023, 07:49 AM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
07-29-2023, 09:26 AM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
07-29-2023, 09:33 AM
Not available

07-29-2023, 11:23 AM
Why in the blue fuck are you still trying to impersonate me (as thesaunderschild) on other forums, besides being a twat, and spamming on here? And yes. These sock puppet accounts are all your making. How do I know that, then? For starters, you posted your usual junk in every section on here again, which in all honesty man, nobody reads or cares about, only to leave this one alone so I could easily see your comment.

So, yeah. I'd say that this tactic is a hefty confirmation that you're James, the drongo.

Imagine being in his 30s, like you are, and still being an asshole over old, long forgotten of Resident Evil post board shit, that actually unfolded decades ago online. So someone needs a new hobby.

Sorry, still not James.
Nobody could ever truly impersonate you Peter, not without being lobotomised and being injected with dangerous amounts of bile and fat anyway.
As I've said before, none of the other accounts on here are me.
That said, even the ones on here posting as "thesaunderschild" aren't impersonating, they are mocking you. Different concept, different word. You should maybe start looking up definitions of words before using them. It might make your ranting a bit more coherent. You might even learn something.
Sorry, what am I saying.
You'd need a fucking brain for that.

Yeah. You're gonna come here later saying you're not James and so on. So there's no point in entertaining your nonsense any further.

Yes I am, because I'm not James. You say you don't care, and yet still you continue to post endlessly about this imaginary James.

By the way, you can stop lying about other stuff too, because you definitely seen the porn I was in once.

I saw you signing up as tricks.

Oh, and that was right after I spoke of tricks while doing the deed with her, in the clip..

What the blistering fuck? How is that even a thing? Or is this some new easter egg buried in that tedious Dulvey shite, with Frank force feeding sildenafil down your gullet in an attempt to get your saggy potato prick working?
No I have never seen porn with you in it. I know this absolutely, because I haven't had to gouge my eyes out with a rusty, acid soaked teaspoon - which is something I would undoubtedly have to do if I had seen that.
Does it look like this?

07-30-2023, 10:38 AM
Starring in porn flicks with tricks. The idiot Scotty is more delusional than the psychiatric report says.

Quite, although given the potatofaced moron's insanely low bar as to what constitutes acting or appearing in a film, it's equally likely it has confused "starring in porn" with catching sight of its own reflection on the screen as it wanks off to the latest Silent Hill press release.

Meanwhile the revisionist recidivist continues to try to spin variants of the same old "they had it coming" victim-blaming spiel in this totally unironic "it takes one to know one" sex offender thread:

Today at 4:27 AM (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/i-know-this-guy-too.140375/post-1570761)

I don't remember having any problems with him. He seemed the quiet sort.

A bunch of Number 6 associated people began blocking my sister on Facebook recently, due to her falling out with somebody. I haven't gone to that place in ages, because the company Autism Initiatives is full of tossers.

Number 6 is a place for service users to attend in Edinburgh. The outreach support is something that gets arranged separately through a diagnosis or a request.

Yeah. I moved into one of their supported flats and got fucked over for liking my key worker, who is this Spanish woman. They kept calling the police to screw me over and then kept lying by saying they never called them, which is utter nonsense. When I got remanded, they tried to smooth things over with my mum, by admitting they didn't handle things properly. But they were just trying to save face, since they knew they were bullshitters.

So while some service users are odd, like the chap from this news piece, the staff are just as questionable. But of course, I had to get mad and act like a tit over the situation. Hoist on my own petard.

Imagine having a guy sending you dumb emails though, about your ex. That happened before the Spanish woman started working there, so that's a different problem entirely. It doesn't really matter how long ago it was. It's still inappropriate. Then his stupid ass confessed to doing it as well. I traced an IP address to a hotel one time. It's beyond a joke.

I haven't had support workers in years, to be honest. I'd only trust them as far as you can throw them. They don't answer to you either. They're connected to social services. My sister has had it awful with them for years.

Now perhaps some of them are okay. But you should probably watch what you say to them. They have to make out reports on your support sessions, which are filed away.

It baffles me how the cuntwomble never stops to ponder that maybe the reason it gets on so well with other sex offenders and psychopaths is because they are all cut from the same cloth...

The Scottish Pedro
07-30-2023, 03:47 PM
Not available

07-30-2023, 03:49 PM
And what better way to round of a busy weekend of being a potato, than with some pithy old-school 1960s style casual racism.

15 minutes ago (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/theres-an-obvious-immigration-problem.140137/post-1570855)

My mate Frank keeps calling foreign people kebabs. :D

Never let a Paki take a corner shot in football. They'll build a shop there.

07-30-2023, 03:54 PM
Hey, how about you stop posting shit on this forum and shut the fuck up, you dolt?

Yet again, Potatohead just parrots what everybody else says to it on a daily basis...

The Scottish Pedro
07-30-2023, 04:34 PM
Not available

07-30-2023, 04:44 PM
Nah. That's crap.

Which is what Tania said to the midwife - but nevertheless they took you home and named you.

The Scottish Pedro
07-30-2023, 04:50 PM
Not available

08-15-2023, 04:15 PM
Spudanus is doing its semi-regular "retiring from the internet" (https://forums.majorgeeks.com/threads/going-forward.325332/)grand tour - albeit in the diminishing pool of sites it isn't permabanned from.
The fucknut tends to do this when it's under increased scrutiny, and especially if it thinks it might be incarcerated for a period, presumably as a preemptive explanation for its absence.
As well as forswearing YouTube forever (https://www.joyfreak.com/threads/theres-aspects-to-the-internet-now-that-just-makes-me-want-to-retire-from-it.14750/post-44966)†, the anal wart has tried to redact some of the 'edivence' of its pathetic existence (https://movies.fandom.com/wiki/Message_Wall:JustLeafy?threadId=440000000000006105 5), which is certainly a welcome development, though sadly incomplete (https://horror.fandom.com/wiki/Peter_Anderson_(actor,_born_1986)).

† I give it a couple of months, tops, assuming the cuntwomble isn't banged up.

The Scottish Pedro
08-15-2023, 04:22 PM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
08-15-2023, 06:14 PM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
08-15-2023, 06:15 PM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
08-15-2023, 06:17 PM
Not available

08-16-2023, 03:23 PM
You just edited another post like a dumb fuck, and spelt "for" wrong.

There you go, you've finally been useful. Just a typo though. You should probably worry less about spelling and more about sentencing...
BTW, you've misspelled "The Scottish Paedo".

09-30-2023, 05:51 AM
After a brief lull, it looks like we're back to business as usual, where the fucknugget seems to think it has some sort of global exclusive trademark on 'thesaunderschild' despite most of it's post these days explicitly saying that an user with that name is not potatoface.
The delusion is strong, but it's doing our job for us, by essentially wandering the internet asking moderators to ban anyone calling themselves thesaunderschild.

Beware of fake thesaunderschild users...
1 hour ago (https://forums.doyouremember.co.uk/forum/everything-else/member-s-lounge/298183-beware-of-fake-thesaunderschild-users#post298183)
Some annoying idiot I know likes to register as my name thesaunderschild on other forums, to just behave like a moron.

Please ignore this level of stupidly.

You know, i suspect that maybe isn't the real Batman?

The Scottish Pedro
10-08-2023, 07:02 AM
Not available

10-08-2023, 06:41 PM
I'm not really all that interested in your stupid sarcasm, stalking for 6 years antics, or jealous streak, while you live in a vacuum aimed at being remotely relevant.

Only been two and a half years, Peter. Might well feel like longer, but only two and a half. At this point I suspect any attention gives you some sort of sexual thrill.

11-10-2023, 02:09 PM
I just don't think she's that into you, bro...


11-18-2023, 09:36 AM
Good news folks!
A month and a half and it will finally all be over.
Thus spake Spudanus: (https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/internet-forums-are-dead-now-aint-it.2837835/page-2#post-19752212)

Ironically, I came across this thread on Google while looking up people's rants about how they believe web forums are dead. And I have to agree, sadly.

Once 2023 is up, I'm going to be done with forums for good.

Fingers crossed that the jizzclown actually means it this time...

I have unfortunately noticed that they have dipped in activity apart from NeoGAF (where some tosser banned me ages ago), making being a contributor feel rather pointless, to be honest.

So it finally seems to be sinking in that it isn't that all forums are inactive, it's just that the cuntwomble is only really tolerated on the ones that are reluctant to ban anyone - and that's sometimes on principle but more often because they are quiet and can't afford to lose any members, no matter how repulsive and obnoxious they are.

It feels like I'm talking to myself most of the time these days. Because I posted a lot of threads on this site and several other forums recently, but now I find that the lack of activity is so very low, that it's actually ended up feeling like a bigger waste of time than ever before.

It's almost as if nobody likes the little shitstain and it has nothing interesting to say... Still, wasting time is something that you think that fartbreath was comfortable with. It's not like the cockcheese has anything else to do, other than wanking onto a kumquat: No job; No hobbies; No friends; Remaining family want nothing to do with it (https://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=417339&p=9397318#p9397085); Can't even get escorted to Asda (https://forums.majorgeeks.com/threads/my-mum.325392/#post-2059604); So many empty hours to fill - and tidying the hovel, personal hygiene and exercising clearly aren't on the agenda at any point.

Now I feel like I'd rather just watch movies, or play a game if I can be bothered.

So long as it keeps it off the streets, and off the internet...

11-18-2023, 04:31 PM
While we wait, unfortunately, we can still expect to see insightful gems of geopolitical analysis such as this:

14 minutes ago (https://dreamindemon.com/community/threads/young-women-are-gushing-over-osama-bin-laden-on-tiktok-and-agreeing-with-his-views.141940/post-1587967)

Osama bin Laden was a black bastard. He never shaved. He was always in his jammies too.

Well, 9/11 was sad and people shouldn't mock that dark day for Amerians. But I half blame the shite security in U.S. airports for how it played out, as well as the FBI for ignoring prior warnings about the hijackers, how they got visas and were able to blend in, etc.

How did these Sambos get on four jets with mace and box cutters anyway? I keep thinking that if items like this had been disallowed on commercial airliners, maybe they couldn't have gotten away with seizing the aircraft to begin with. But meh.

The sad part is, fags nowadays probably don't even know what the fuck the Twin Towers were to begin with. Outside of 9/11 articles, they used to appear in a lot of movies and games set in New York City. Then they got removed from things made after 2001. Stamped outta history, almost. So I guess bin Laden work.

Poor Spudanus can't even do racism right...

11-19-2023, 12:41 PM
Why procrastinate? Never put off to tomorrow, that which can be done today.

6 minutes ago (https://www.techist.com/forums/threads/random-chit-chat.358494/post-3384661)

I'm gonna be giving up forums at the end of the year, because there's not enough activity on them thanks to garbage like X (formerly Twitter) and similar social media platforms being what people mostly use. I've also been dealing with this idiot for years, as he targets me online, following me about and posting abusive comments.

This guy on this abandoned anxiety help site: http://anxietyforum.net/

He took it upon himself to register using my usual username thesaunderschild, as I signed up there as The Scottish Pedro. But PeterAndersonIsARacist, takealookpedro and various other handles are all his accounts as well.

Again we see the failure to comprehend the simple notion that different users are different people; Compare and contrast:

Oct 27, 2023 (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/what-kind-of-mental-illness-is-this.45919/post-1047046)
For a few years in a trot, if I happen to go somewhere with my younger sister, she incessantly believes people are, for example, spying on her (or us), watching her, recording her, laughing, and so on. This happens practically everytime we go out somewhere, regardless of where we end up. She makes up stories about how they know her ex partner, or somebody else who apparently did her wrong somehow. Yet they are strangers.

Yes, nothing at all like the perfectly sane belief that everyone who dislikes Spudanus is the same person.
No, that's not delusional at all.
Totally different.

11-20-2023, 08:07 PM
They say that blood is thicker than water, and surely none can be quite as thick as the Andersons....

Today at 12:00 AM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/why-are-you-here.2228/post-1588179)

Well, it's looking like I won't get justice for my mum's cruel death, since my sister had to be a cunt last month.

She was acting awfully weird in public over the last few years, claiming people were watching her and so on. They just had to so much as laugh near her (at something unrelated to her), and oops. Anyone doing that in her presence automatically means they "know" her ex, who she got pregnant to last year, by the way. Then about three weeks ago, she went mental and accused me of pretending to be her, and making up stuff in general. I did already mention that her text messages were out of line on the day of the funeral, which caused me to talk to the guy in the parlour when I arrived that morning. But she's turned into a real skitzo, I swear.

For some reason, she thinks she can get into the real estate business and get the income needed to sue the court for her three kids being taken away. For a start, she has no qualifications for real estate. I understand it ain't nice to lose your children, but civil cases cost thousands of pounds. Thousands. So there's no hope of her gaining anything without the funds. Even then, I reckon she'd be wasting her time and money, because of how she behaves. These bright ideas are exactly that. Bright ideas. The court would simply whitewash her.

She got that bad with her paranoid delusions, she was thinking people were hacking into her WiFi, and then she was wanting to waste money on mobile data, to access the Internet that way. She definitely needs help. Because one time in the kitchen, she said an outline of something on the wall was our mum, or she said she was playing with her hair, and she mentioned wanting to blow money on seeing a medium. Blooming radge pot.

Radge pot indeed.
The Spudsister is clearly delusional: Next she'll be proclaiming she's an actor, thinking everyone is Australian, and trying to sue everyone including the police, the court and her own lawyer.
It's the last line that slays me though:

If she's gonna be a mess about and mistreat people who have supported her ass, that's it. Fuck the bitch.

Well, quite (https://www.talkaboutmarriage.com/threads/i-cannot-get-over-losing-my-support-workers-should-i-move-out-of-my-flat.232706/page-2).

03-09-2024, 06:08 AM
So Spudanus' latest self-pitying whine about a disappointing daytrip to Livingston wouldn't normally merit a mention, other than adding another data point for Calhoun and Weston:

Yesterday at 11:47 PM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/bullshit.108672/post-1602800)

So 2 days ago, I got arrested. Seems the pigs got the concierge to look out for me coming back to my property and then called them. Was in the police station from noon on Thursday to basically noon yesterday, since I had to be driven to court in another town.

This is just a summary complaint from December of 2021, so it's just a minor case. No idea why it's being dealt with now, but I always did believe this old drama with my key worker from Autism Initiatives was a right big shit pile. Much like the time they sneakily arrested me in the summer of 2020 so this one other person could get a new order for free, immediately after it ran out. That time, they violated my rights by not even explaining as to why I was arrested. But I mean, meh.

Anyway, if you think that's bad, there was no lawyer to represent me. Not even the duty one they usually have at hand. So the sheriff seemed surprised that nobody was there, and asked if I had fallen out with my previous lawyer, to which point I explained I did. I said my mother died last year, and I get agoraphobia having to travel around. I ended up having to get a bus back alone, but the court is situated near the bus terminus.

Fortunately, it's only 14 miles from there back to Edinburgh. If you drive though, you can go along the motorway. The bus route is just various housing schemes such as East Calder, so it's kind of quiet.

So, just the standard delusional fucknugget whine there. At least it got it out out the city for a while. Livingston is a low-rise suburban mediocrity with nothing much to see, but the trip home would have passed the bings - massive waste heaps from oil mining - which would have been a nice boost for the shitstain: to see that there was at least one thing in Scotland that was a bigger pile of discarded waste than itself....

Anyway, the bit that made me spit out my coffee and make this post was the follow up comment:

Today at 1:34 AM (https://www.dreamindemon.com/community/threads/bullshit.108672/post-1602808)

It looks like I'll have to call up old Murray again for my upcoming court appearance.

Mind you, the lawyer really needs to speak up more.

Poor Murray. I'm sure that call will be something he can look forward to.


Perhaps Murray can dig out that infamous USB stick with the mingecheese's Edivence while he's at it?

03-10-2024, 09:33 AM
Some good news, let us hope the incel gets put away for a long time.

At this point I'm not overly optimistic.
The legal system seems to be constantly deferring actually dealing with the little jizzstain, perhaps hoping the problem just goes away if they ignore it.
It's not like Scottish police have a great track record (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68285168) when dealing with complaints and warnings about aberrant shitbags when it's sex workers that they are targeting.
Maybe the fucktard will do the workd a favour and topple out the window whilst trying to get a better 4G signal, but I suspect nothing will be done until the mingestain does something newsworthy.

03-11-2024, 02:52 PM
It's amazing how after all this time that they still think everyone on the internet is this James person. Omnipresent everywhere.

It's almost beyond parody, isn't it? It still never ceases to amaze me just how stupid the cuntwomble is. I suppose it is very hard for a potato to have any thoughts at all, so on the rare, once a decade occasion that it actually has an idea, no matter how clearly batshit that idea might be, it clings on to it as though it were the one true ring.

03-18-2024, 03:16 PM
The festering scrotewart continues to increase its travel options. Having had a recent daytrip to Livingston at Scottish taxpayers' expense to waste the court's time, the shitbag seems to have its sights set on a jaunt to Glasgow next:

Mar 18, 2024 (https://biohaze.com/forum/threads/some-love-for-re6.1161/post-12150)

I've felt kind of depressed and browbeaten for a while. It wasn't easy losing my mum. That made me lose interest in things I used to enjoy, and I am being hounded by the police to go to a court in Glasgow over something I said to someone online. It's ridiculous because I don't go outside of Edinburgh. But they were thumping away on my door this morning.

It's almost as though actions have consequences... That's the joy of the internet, isn't it? The shitstain can harass people well beyond the range of a Lothian Buses DAYticket.

03-19-2024, 04:05 PM
Leave Scotty to his own devices, wait long enough, and he will hang himself.

Or pretend to, again.

03-20-2024, 04:06 PM
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiUS3zWfeasF2-EDMW-01S0X9whJU05tpzS7esltFOWvteW91-bd_HLeKvwaOdv1p88sLrwp5lgNenTR7eyfM8GXElEHF5GA5G8X yFTK9N36rhLnqUJIV_xrKBKGJcLosAvv5WDXYC17RzgL4tbjgc RUXM2hMEuXf_3fE2aUYwfC8dzXfqSaH6HDtykawI/w644-h464/potato_summer_homes.png

03-21-2024, 03:55 PM
Livingston Sheriff Court (https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/current-business/court-rolls/sheriff-court)
Tuesday 26 March 2024


Accused Details
Court Ref No
PF Ref No
Court Room
Hearing Time

Court 4

04-05-2024, 09:44 PM
Spudanus is still on its best behaviour and trying not to post anything (apart from a toe-curling YouTube video at Easter).
At least it can console itself that it has managed to get another date...

Livingston Sheriff Court (https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/current-business/court-rolls/sheriff-court)
Tuesday 9 April 2024


Accused Details
Court Ref No
PF Ref No
Court Room
Hearing Time

Court 4

05-26-2024, 03:51 PM
You sound triggered, my guy.

The Scottish Pedro
06-02-2024, 04:17 PM
Not available

06-03-2024, 04:04 PM
What about Toffee Penny, or Sacred Water?


Wasn't Member #4143 SynchPedro86 though (mainly because the fuckwit couldn't spell Synth)?

06-07-2024, 03:03 PM
Spudanus isn't bothered. Not bothered at all.
Still obsessed with this mythical Australian.
Still thinks we are all one person.
Peter should try Perth police in Perthshire - maybe they can help?

Cloudflare (https://www.techist.com/forums/threads/cloudflare.406118/)
Today at 2:50 AM


I need to have objectionable content (abuse) removed from a forum. I emailed Cloudflare to tell them about the situation with a stalker, who gave me the name of the host and the email address to write to. They no longer give out the IP address of the host, which I think is kind of suspect.

Anyway, the forum in question is anxietyforum.net. A troll has created numerous accounts to spam harassment, upload images of me, and so on. The moderators and admin have abandoned it, so the same Australian idiot has been flooding it with spam since 2021. Although I got a reply once, but they didn't seem to think they were the host.

I attempted to report this guy to the police in Perth, but I got told they don't have the means to arrest him because I reside in Scotland. But the guy is a weirdo. I have actually known him online since 2004, but he has been an issue since 2017. Follows me about every week, leaves comments on YouTube videos I post, and had edited all the same wiki articles I did, just to follow me about.

If he shows up here (as he did once before), I will report him. He really likes to monitor my whereabouts, then list my user names and email accounts as they're updated.

How's that working out for Spudanus, do we think?

The Scottish Pedro
06-07-2024, 07:46 PM
Not available

06-07-2024, 08:06 PM
Yes, you constantly lie about everything and say these sock puppet accounts are not yours, when we know they are your doing.

Nope. Not Me.
Spudanus on the other hand has used so many socks at this point, I'm surprised it can get its shoes on!


06-08-2024, 07:25 AM
I thought Scotty said he had given up reading what is on here. Must find it too exciting to stay away.

I'm sure when Spudanus was a little seed potato, its first words were along the lines of "I will be retiring from forums at the end of the month"
It has certainly been claiming to want to disengage for a seemingly interminably long time (https://www.retrojunk.com/forum/1/22020/what-can-i-do).

The problem is, nobody in the real world will go near the fucker with a bargepole, so after a few hours of watching old horror films and wanking into dragonfruit, it runs out of things to do.
Presumably then it starts looking for porn online, one thing leads to another and, before you know it, it is ragewanking to a picture of Bloober team.
The inevitable crushing, shameful self-loathing that follows leaves the benighted shithead looking for someone to blame for its predicament.
Lacking any mirrors (they all shatter if it comes too near) it fails to identify the real culprit, and so some sort of magic 8 ball rolls in the vacuum of its skull and usually comes up with one of the default options: women; Capcom; James Berich; Support workers; dommes; forum moderators.
It thinks to itself:
This is why the labial wart's life is such a disaster.
This is why it is such a miserable failure.
This is why it is so very alone.
This is why it smells of piss and has teeth like a smashed block of cheese.
This is why everyone everywhere tells it to go fuck itself.
It's not Potatohead's fault - it's all the fault of Capcom/James Berich/Support workers/dommes/forum moderators scheming behind its back to ruin its 'life'.

Having had this thought - a precious thing given how hard thoughts are to come by for Spudanus - it feels the need to share it.
But it can't.
There is nobody else there. (Except the cum-encrusted dragonfruit, and that still has PTSD).
So it must share the thought online.
But where?
it has been banned from pretty much everywhere by now.
So it tries the gamers, but it gets no replies.
So it tries the techies, but it gets no replies.
So it tries the depressives, but it gets no replies.
So it tries the aspies, but it gets no replies.
So it tries the cinephiles, but it gets no replies.
So it tries the crime junkies, but it gets no replies.
So it tries the actual junkies, but it gets no replies.
So it comes here.

That's the thing with Spudanus.
It loves the abuse.
It's like some sort of weird online self-harm fetish.
It was clearly not shown any affection as a spudling and is unable to discriminate properly between positive and negative interactions.
On top of that it is such a demented assnugget that it is unable to develop any positive online presence, so it is happy to court outright contempt and hostility, presumably because at least a negative interaction it is still interaction and acknowledges its existence.
It confuses contempt and hostility towards its presence with caring about it as an individual entity, and so treasures it.


The Scottish Pedro
06-09-2024, 04:18 AM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
06-09-2024, 04:18 AM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
06-09-2024, 04:25 AM
Not available

The Scottish Pedro
06-09-2024, 04:40 AM
Not available

06-09-2024, 07:39 AM
I'll break it down in small chunks for the potato....

Since you're the same guy just using alts,[...]
I have other accounts I've created on here.
None of them have posted.
They were created to push something else off the "newest member" slot, with a response-in-kind level of offensiveness.
So, for example PeterAndersonFucksMarie was created to displace (presumably Potatoface's) account KiddyFiddlerJamesMitchell (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286145); I'll Tania Hide was created to displace JamesBerichAussieDick (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286216), etc.

The ones I can recall are:

Peter The Sex Pest Potato (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286227-Peter-The-Sex-Pest-Potato)
BlueberryHillThrill (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286566-BlueberryHillThrill)
Anne Yeurism (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286174-Anne-Yeurism)
I am the thesaunderschild (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286182-I-am-the-thesaunderschild)
I'll Tania Hide (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286217-I-ll-Tania-Hide)
Peter Anderson's a Potato (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286442-Peter-Anderson-s-a-Potato)
PeterAndersonFucksMarie (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286146-PeterAndersonFucksMarie)
Potato Pervert (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286301-Potato-Pervert)
Silent Shill (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286163-Silent-Shill)
Spudanus (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286462-Spudanus)
The real thesaunderschild (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286155-The-real-thesaunderschild)
Hispanic Jill (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286424-Hispanic-Jill)
Indian Leon (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286429-Indian-Leon)
Japanese Leon (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286405-Japanese-Leon)
Blue Leech Charm (https://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?286255-Blue-Leech-Charm)

[...] maybe it's not a good idea to put your real name in the replies, James.
Might be a fair point if I was James, but as I'm still not James, it's completely fucking irrelevant.

Oh, and why are you so obsessed with where I post online? None of the users on those forums care that some bogan like you has a 20 year old itch to scratch (which in of itself suggests you lead a sad life).

I track Peter for the same reason the WHO tracks bird flu - because it's highly unpleasant but impotent now, but might become something far more dangerous in the future.
I'm not interested in the users of those forums, they can take care of themselves. Peter is the one who constantly tries to direct users of other forums here.
I'm not Australian.
It's not been 20 years, it's been 3.
I have a great life.

Try taking a shower. Maybe that will help, James.

Why would me taking a shower help James - I've never even met him?

06-09-2024, 07:42 AM
By the way...

I have Dot50Cal's dox too.

It seems the dude moves around New York a lot, so cheers.

Good for you.
And we should care why?

06-09-2024, 12:25 PM
Not available

Probably the sanest, most meaningful thing that Spudanus has posted all year.

The Scottish Pedro
06-09-2024, 04:06 PM
Not available

07-10-2024, 06:32 PM
After being relatively subdued and (the odd bit of casual racism and misogyny aside) mostly sticking to the subject of video games and horror movies, Spudanus is back in full psycho self pity mode in the rather wonderfully titled thread "Absolutely sick of sex workers... (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/absolutely-sick-of-sex-workers.48404/)"

It starts off with the usual failure to understand why sex workers aren't fighting for its custom, but gradually escalates in increasingly demented instalments.
Much like its malfunctioning wizened pizzle, it struggles to maintain anything that might resemble any sort of coherent point, but it's worth a read for an insight into what passes as a train of thought in Spudanus' noggin.
The last post is a particular gem of comedy:

34 minutes ago (https://www.autismforums.com/threads/absolutely-sick-of-sex-workers.48404/post-1118394)

Here are some of my unlucky experiences.

I will be polite and only give made up names in place of their known pseudonyms.

# Canada Goth Gal

Blocked me prior to the pandemic, pretty much just for talking about music from Canada. Later found out she's a domme at my local dungeon. Hell of a pompous attitude.

# BBW Tattooed Goth

98% of her posts are her talking about how lovely her great big arse is. Let her know her ass is amazing, and you will meet the block party.

She says she likes to hang out in graveyards, which I find is somewhat disrespectful to the deceased. But I keep that to myself.

Yeah. Agree with somebody's 6,854,320 wank fodder posts about her rear and you get blocked. How stupid is that?

# Spanish Thief

I don't know if she is Spanish, to be honest, but she could be Romanian.

Took a big amount of money I sent as a deposit earlier this year, called it a 'generous gift' and blocked me. She never came to Edinburgh after all. Works as a domme in England.

# Weird-O-Rama Chick

Asked for a deposit, did not buy into my honest take when I let her know that there was a glitch with my online banking, and then the daftie went nuts, as if I was purposefully wasting her time. Threatened to expose me on some site called National Ugly Mugs, which means if somebody looks up your mobile number, email address, user name, etc, they may see a report on you. Then not long after that, she registered on some crime forum full of trolls, trying to stir up trouble.

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

# Thai Ladyboy Big Mouth

Said that I, and I quote, "deserved to be born with autism". I kid you not. Not even sure what I said to merit that remark.

# Hell's Bells

This one was arguably the worst. Sent me an email with her address for some reason, saying we can "make a horror movie" in a sarcastic tone, after blocking me on WhatsApp. Recently claimed she was raped aged 18. Has barely any feedback on AW anyway. Went to a forum in 2022 with a name I did not recognise and was referred to as the 'C' word.

# Blonde Slag

This one said after the session, "You don't get tea in this house" in 2009, I think, then said my foreskin was saggy and weird on her blog. Said I had the mind of a boy, and "Who asks for tea?" - when I meant the drinking kind. Also said, "You could tell he is a loner". Or something to that effect.

# German Booty Call

Randomly blocked me a few days ago before I deactivated my X profile. Cut and pasted some of my emails on X when I had different accounts. This has nothing to do with me being blocked lately, though. Her recent posts indicate she hates men wasting her time, so must just be blocking randoms. But my last post before I got blocked was just a general reply. She even liked one of my comments last week, I think.

All the others I have dealt with? Not even worth moaning about. They all seem to know each other from attending these kink award ceremonies.

Awful attitude all around, unfortunately. And yes. It certainly would turn you gay.

It seems to be genuinely a mystery to the shitbag as to why these people aren't all clamouring to spend time with it.
I suppose at least the cockwomble is learning not to be so quick to directly name its assorted victims these days, which is some sort of progress.

The Scottish Pedro
07-25-2024, 06:01 PM
Not available

07-26-2024, 10:41 AM
You're an actual tool, by the way. Why do you list user names that nobody will find, or remotely care about? Maybe the heat in Australia is getting you down, James.

Sorry, not James, not in Australia.


07-27-2024, 07:44 AM
Scottys grasp of the Australian continent and the seasons is abysmal. Scotty seems to have the idea it's always hot. What a dingbat. Then what can you expect from the idiot who didn't know what the Soviet Union was.

I mean the moron struggles with basic concepts like 'No'. Even if it was taught geography at school, I doubt it managed much beyond colouring in a map or two. The notion of a globe and seasons would probably cause its little potato brain to melt.

I don't think Spudanus has ever been anywhere outside of Scotland's central belt (and even then the bulk of its longer trips have probably been in a prisoner transport).
It's missed its chance there - following brexit it would need a clean phytosanitary certificate to cross the border.

07-29-2024, 02:30 PM
Quite. Spudanus knows nothing at all about anything. It should just shut up about everything

The Scottish Pedro
08-10-2024, 07:34 PM
Not available

08-10-2024, 08:53 PM
Another thing. Are you like a poofter or something? You talk about my appearance and just a lot of similarly pointless, dumb shit like that, as if you're enamored with me proper. But yeah. We know you're creepy and obsessive that way. You should be more concerned with why you speak that way to begin with. Just some food for thought, James.

Homophobic much? I would hope that it was very clear by now what a low opinion I have of you - if you are in some way confusing abject disgust with affection, then it is very clear how your problems with women arise.
Also, still not James.

Instead of ducking my debate, I'd like to ask you a few questions. Were you sending poison pen letters to film producers about me? You hinted about it before. However, if I'm so talentless as you constantly take jabs at me over, then why do you watch anything with me in it? I'm not gonna claim to be an expert on nutters by any means, so I always assumed that if you did not like a person, especially a stranger you are likely never gonna meet for real, you would not follow them around online trying to catalogue every aspect of their online presence some 20 years after the fact, let alone view movies they are in, and just as an extra. So not to play your armchair doc here, but what's the attraction? People rack their brain trying to understand why you keep doing that on this forum, as well as elsewhere online.

It's not a debate. For it to be a debate you would need to be capable of making any sort of coherent point, and that would require a smidgen of intellectual capacity - which you clearly lack.
Don't exaggerate - it's only been a few years Peter. I realise that may seem a lot longer in potato years, but it really isn't.
Nobody needs to tell any director not to hire you - a quick criminal record check will do that, but failing that, seeing you will definitely convince them.

Also, what is your fascination with whether my threads on other forums receive a reply? Like, I mean, that's actually pretty obsessive. Your view on that type of thing is mute anyway. You know the actual reason I gain little traction is because at least 95% of message boards lack activity. You even said it yourself once, albeit in a rather sarcastic way. You said to me on YouTube, "What kind of a loser still uses a forum in 2021?" But yes. The definitive answer is that I receive little response, because certain members are morons. Although it is mainly because a lot of people prefer using X or Facebook.

Awww, snookums. Do you need a hug? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you receive no response because you're the moron?
Also, "moot" not "mute" fuckwit.

The Scottish Pedro
08-10-2024, 09:52 PM
Not available