View Full Version : James Berich, the Aussie weirdo, is now back on autismforums.com...

The Scottish Pedro
10-21-2021, 08:50 PM
Not available

10-22-2021, 12:28 PM
:) ... Hey there Pedro. Srry for late reply. Being king is no title I would ever want. I'd say it's pretty overrated.

I can't get into the website because I have been banned. Probably a good thing. I found that site to be ruled by those big on telling others what to do. Bit like those run of the mill facebook groups where most of the content is filled in Caps constantly hammering out the rules.

But I pay them no mind. I can get into other forums that are based on this or that label. I find those kind of forums (this being an exception due to low traffic) overly focused on being a certain way which I find too restrictive and somewhat both and irony and trap.

I hope today that you are feeling as well as can be and that the weather is at least agreeable. Is find it is nice when that happens. : ) - Have you got any home projects on the mind? I've kind of been head deep into mine of late.

Nice to touch base with you again and hope you are doing well enough. Thanks for the kind and candid words. :)