View Full Version : A court where you cannot sue somebody!

The Scottish Pedro
10-15-2021, 02:16 PM
Not available

10-15-2021, 03:11 PM
I clicked on your link and watched via for forum. I was unable to make out what your former lawyer was saying. Sorry you're still having a hard time with it all. Unfortunately once the system labels someone and has them recorded like so in their legal system, one becomes tarnished for life and it matters little what they say. I know this from person experience on many levels.

I guess you have taken another step in doing all you can with whatever it is that lingers inside you after the system passed judgment and handed out their conditions. I hope you don't feel the need to keep pushing yourself like so because the way I see it, it's best to leave things well alone. Everyone behind the legal counter including all government servants, on all levels, will judge you by what is on record. Don't take it personal. It's just how we humans be in this system the way it is. Everyone on the other side of the fences subject to law (all humans) also judge each other like so.

Anyways - I feel for ya man. I really don't know what else to say. Find a new point to look towards - a distraction of some kind that does not impact you or others negatively. Easier said than done I know. All to often those of us that struggle like so have a tendency to leave an unhelpful wake. You'll get past this Pedro.

I think is time to say goodbye to that USB stick and also all involved. Easy for me to say, but none the less I say it anyways instead of saying nothing.

I hope you have find some new direction sooner than later.