View Full Version : Is this Anxiety or am i dying?

12-08-2008, 09:17 PM

I have all the anxiety symptoms you can think of as u can see in my previous posts.. and im constantly scared im dying or i have cancer.

This evening after dinner i got a lump that feels like its on the roof of my mouth.. its hurting when i swallow and my mouth feels really dry.

Its 4.15am and im frightened to go to sleep and i am actually scared im going to die when i go to sleep.

im going to ring the doctors in 4 hours when they open

But does anyone else have this? is it anxiety.. im scared.

12-08-2008, 09:23 PM
thats really crazy, i think you have hypochondria

12-08-2008, 09:38 PM
I know everybody says that,

The thing is though, if i fall asleep now, ill will set my alarm for 8.30am when the doctors opens, and i will wake up, and think what the hell was i worrying for i went to sleep and im still here, then i will not make an appointment, and tomorrow night the same thing will happen and i will think i need an appointment. Its like a vicious circle and it annoys me!!


12-09-2008, 03:45 AM

I have all the anxiety symptoms you can think of as u can see in my previous posts.. and im constantly scared im dying or i have cancer.

This evening after dinner i got a lump that feels like its on the roof of my mouth.. its hurting when i swallow and my mouth feels really dry.

Its 4.15am and im frightened to go to sleep and i am actually scared im going to die when i go to sleep.

im going to ring the doctors in 4 hours when they open

But does anyone else have this? is it anxiety.. im scared.

Don't worry :) I am 14 years old, and I had that problem about 2 years ago, when I was in Argentina for a few months. There was a lump in my throat, and it got to the point where I couldn't swallow without water, and where I was just so worried that I had cancer or something.
When I came home from Argentina(which was extremely hard with all the anxiety attacks at the airport where I wasn't allowed to bring water), I was diagnosed with Separation Anxiety, and I was put on Zoloft and Abilify. They both have been working wonders for me :)

12-09-2008, 11:29 AM
>>>s this Anxiety or am i dying?

definitely you are dying- we all are, but it can take another 80 years or so...

12-10-2008, 08:13 AM
I am sorry you are feeling as you do. It is part of anxiety what you are experiencing. Feeling like you are dying of some disease - it is a very common part of anxiety. Anxiety causes us to worry about so many things and then we imagine the worst case scenario - catastrophizing I think it is called. There is a lot that can be found about the subject online. The first part in dealing with it is reconise when you are doing that and then answer back in your mind or even out loud. For example: I am dying of cancer - answer back to yourself by saying Ok what evidence do I have and for every negative thought you have, replace it with a positive sensible one. It does work! When I was at my worst suffering with anxiety, I found it very hard to swallow food as I thought I would choke. I hardly touched food and lost loads of weight. Over time as I learned how to relax, replaced negative thoughts with positive ones, I gradually stopped thinking about the choking and I improved and now cant stop eating! lol As you deal with your anxiety, be it by therapy, or medication or both, your feelings will ease considerably. Please tell your gp everything about how you feel. He/she will have heard it before I can assure you. The number one complaint for people going to their gps (in the UK anyway) at the moment is depression or anxiety. My therapist told me this. I hope things improve for you. Please keep posting and let us know how you are.