View Full Version : This wicked SOB is a dead man walking!
The Scottish Pedro
10-08-2021, 02:34 AM
Not available
10-08-2021, 04:42 AM
Hey Pedro ... My video just processed. I hope it helps. Give it another try:
salvator here
10-08-2021, 02:03 PM
HI guys..
I hope you both can fine some peace and relaxation this weekend. No plans other than to hopefully get to starbucks and perhaps to the village and see my fish friends.
I try to take each day as it comes and live day-by-day now as well.
wishing you both well.
10-08-2021, 04:31 PM
Thanks Sal ... I got some plans of my own to move one with my day.
Hope you end up having an good blend and meet up with your friends.
Yea, sounds like a good plan Pedro. I will do the same.
10-09-2021, 07:18 AM
That's a really interesting video. It's fascinating how he's trying to manipulate the situation. He realises there must be evidence or witnesses to him doing some of the things he's done, so trying to play completely innocent won't work. Instead he tries to shift the blame, and absolve himself of agency by saying he's been driven by some imaginary persecutors - make out like none of it is his fault, and he's a victim here: "well I'm in some financial s*** and I'm beng leant on by, I don't know who they are", "I've got nothing myself, I've got no choice" "I'm on my own but I'm still being threatened".
Then, audaciously he's trying to make them feel sorry for him, like he's the one who's vulnerable needs protection: "I'm here off work with stress" ,"they threatened to take my family away".
You've got to wonder how much of it is he doing conciously and how much is some sort of instinctive behaviour.
10-09-2021, 11:13 AM
The heinous crimes were definitely planned.
Clearly. I was referring to his little story he invented to try to cover his ass and try to make himself look sympathetic.
10-09-2021, 07:34 PM
Deleted - reason - not feeling the vibe.
10-10-2021, 04:41 PM
The police are puppets just like people. It's just that the majority of them (across the world) carry guns to teddy bear picnics. Sadly many puppets want it this way. Such it life today.
10-26-2021, 03:06 PM
Welcome to the 'uk anxiety forum' Lemon Sherbet. If you don't mind me asking, how did you find us? A crime website perhaps. lol ... just kidding.
Thanks Ponder. You jest, but not far off the mark. Certainly a criminal on a website brought me here - a dime-store Richard Pusey if you will. The forum doesn't seem very active; I take it the admins/moderators have long since abandoned ship?
10-26-2021, 06:27 PM
Thanks Ponder. You jest, but not far off the mark. Certainly a criminal on a website brought me here - a dime-store Richard Pusey if you will. The forum doesn't seem very active; I take it the admins/moderators have long since abandoned ship?
Yep yep - indeed was in gest. At this point I am finding it hard to keep up. Not because of the activity in here. hehe. I've been quite busy compared to usual. Too busy to get caught up in such drama. I mean if it's mainstream news I care less for it. No offense. You kind of become what you focus on - I closed the door on all that media decades ago. Again, I mean not to minimise another's passtime with such. Whatever works. Just saying I speaka no english when it comes to such things. That's all gobbledygoo for me.
Regarding the Admin and Moderators. I don't know how that works. Personally some of us here LOVE IT! Much of that drama also becomes gobbledygoo - just feeds the anxiety and quite counter productive. Sadly people feed off it but is OK - they can stay in those forums. This is not place for such things. Rules constantly spelt out in CAPS telling others what they can and can' say. DO THIS or DO THAT ... OTHERWISE THIS OR THAT WILL HAPPEN. Although we don't often get foul mouthed - we do at times so FUCK THAT SHIT.
Now - regarding the activity. Sure it's low. Sometimes quite dead. BUT what we do have is a much more of a connection. We do get frustrated to be sure which I was able to express so freely above. I am doing a little better these days thinking about the impact that may have on those few connections that we have. So it is that when I am not down or busted like so - I do make an effort to help other by being tolerant and not judge. We just don't have the numbers to end up with little gangs of chickens that go about pecking others who are deemed as unfitting / do not fit. There are way more benefits to be had here for those just wanting to chill ... just read ... or open up in their own way at the own pace. We are not perfect - but the one thing I can say best about this place, for those truly struggling ... if they stay here long enough - the will be all the better for it.
Man - I do go on. sorry about all that. I really have been under the pump and looking to make a quick grounding post in my owh thread. You can do that here as well. Just go anywhere - Make a title that one feels best suits and say whatever works for them.
Having said all that - I wish you well with wherever and whatever you do.
10-26-2021, 06:40 PM
it is not dead if I am here ;)
10-26-2021, 07:05 PM
it is not dead if I am here ;) Nailed it for me.
10-27-2021, 02:55 PM
it is not dead if I am here ;)
:) Are any of us really here though?
Regarding the Admin and Moderators. I don't know how that works.
Unfortunately it looks like it doesn't - if they still exist they aren't doing their jobs. Robust speech is fine, but there's illegal activity here. I know on some forums moderators act like little Napoleons, but they are necessary on public forums to keep everyone safe. In many ways they serve as janitors. This forum is running on extremely outdated software with known vulnerabilities, which puts everyone using it at risk. It also seems to have become a safe haven for bots - presumably as a communication and control node which puts others at risk. The bots appear to outnumber real people by orders of magnitude and some have clearly been here for many years.
It's nice to have somewhere to vent, but you need someone to keep the roof patched, the doors secure, take out the trash, and make sure nothing illegal is going on - otherwise eventually the whole building gets condemned.
Drifting back to the original topic, I'm fascinated by the connections between narcisism and criminal activity, particularly when it comes to criminals trying to exculpate themselves. I found the following interesting.
10-28-2021, 02:04 AM
:) Are any of us really here though?
Unfortunately it looks like it doesn't - if they still exist they aren't doing their jobs. Robust speech is fine, but there's illegal activity here.
It's nice to have somewhere to vent, but you need someone to keep the roof patched, the doors secure, take out the trash, and make sure nothing illegal is going on - otherwise eventually the whole building gets condemned.
Those few of us that have been here years have never had issues and I'm yet to see anyone else raise the issue.
What illegal activity are you talking about. I think you need to be a lot more clear if your hinting at our safe haven being under threat. The few of us that do frequent and enjoy this space without issue regarding these claims, will not take kindly to the forum being promoted like so.
What illegal activities are you talking about?
Clean out what trash? Please be more specific. A few bogus adverts and trolls floating by, is not enough to make this building fall. I do feel you need to be clearer given the safe haven this has been. We have an ignore feature that still works well enough. I use it often so I don't have to deal with said antics.
Please could you be more specific and provide links to this trash?
We really could care less about such things, but not people who hint of the the forum shutting down ... I think that is more of a threat.
10-28-2021, 09:37 AM
(Deleted previous version of this due to annoying spelling errors on my part, only some of which are fixed)
We really could care less about such things, but not people who hint of the the forum shutting down ... I think that is more of a threat.
Hi Ponder, I'm sorry if that came across as a threat, that wasn't my intent, and I wasn't suggesting that was a desirable outcome. It was meant as a statement of inevitible cause and effect - if you don't eat, you will starve; if you dont wash you will smell; if you don't actively maintain a production website it will fail (sooner or later). Ignoring unpalatable truths doesn't make them go away.
We have an ignore feature that still works well enough. I use it often so I don't have to deal with said antics.
That is entirely your perogative, but perhaps ignoring the issues is why you don't see them? I have flagged the issues using the proper channels and had no response and was therefore trying to establish if the moderators were just very slow, or entirely absent. I'm neither wanting nor expecting you personally to feel you must get involved, I was just responding to your statement that suggested you percieve the lack of moderation as an entirely good thing.
Clean out what trash? Please be more specific.
OK. Only since you ask. You need to stay on top of production software applications. Unwanted data accumulates over time - log file entries, old crash reports, copies of files attached to unposted messages, inactive users etc. You need to stay on top of that stuff, and clean it out or allocate more space as appropriate, otherwise eventually one day you hit a limit somewhere and the site falls over. Additionally http-only sites are on the way out, and in a few years it's likely your browser will just flat out refuse to load any site without a valid https certificate.
A few bogus adverts and trolls floating by, is not enough to make this building fall.
It is and it will eventually fall. The forum software dates from 2009 and the last indication of any moderator activity I can see dates from around 2015. You're already getting PHP errors on some of the forum actions. Eventually even if miraculously nothing else breaks and teh site isn't brought down by hackers, the hosting provider will flag it as a security risk and take it offline. The negelct will probably be reflected financially too - eventually if someone doesn't pay the bills, the lights will go out.
The bots are a different story and bring two types of danger to the continuation of the forum - depending on what specifically they are up to, merely by being active here they will end up eventually either
- breaking the forum itself, and/or
- get the site blacklisted as being unsafe/associated with illicit activity, which in turn will lead to the registrar or the hosting provider taking it offline and/or
- attract retalliatory action from rival bot-herders which will take the site offline.
The lack of moderators also cruelly defeats the stated purpose of a forum like this, which is to provide help to people - if someone signs up to ask for help, but their post gets permanently queued for moderator approval, then at best they will just give up and go elsewhere, and at worst they will just give up. I wish I could say it was otherwise, but I've seen many forums, even those with active user bases and reasonably conscientious moderators disappear as a result of this sort of neglect.
10-28-2021, 04:26 PM
Forum is not going anywhere.
10-29-2021, 01:34 PM
As I was going to be hanging around here anyway, I thought it only polite to try to interact in a meaningful way with the locals, and contribute to the forum. I realise now this was incredibly naive. I can't tell if this is maybe some kind of forum hazing ritual, but as there seems to be some proactive and determined effort to feel personally attacked, I'll retreat back into the background. I shall leave you in peace to tilt at your own personal windmills.
10-29-2021, 04:12 PM
Allow me to tell you that I removed that because I was not doing well at the time I read you and understood you would not understand how it is that I or others may get anxious at the suggestion that the forum is in such a state and liable to collapse. At least you know I deleted and did so for good intention. Best I can say regardless of your choice to bring it all back up is thank you for sharing. I think it's clear how we both feel on those points.
This forum is self moderated and the day that changes I am leaving. It is much healthier than the proposed methods being used to control people in other forums.
I deleted my post because I don't want to talk about it anymore as well as thought it was the right thing. I knew you would take offense. Sorry you still viewed it and felt the need to bring it back up. There is not much I can do about that. There is no need to retreat. That said, you should know that people in here can not rely on moderators to defend them when users bring up issues in a way that plays to their sense of power. That being just another fault with forum moderation that way it is done in mainstream. This is a unique forum in the way it self regulates. We kind of just sort stuff out organically by people coming and going and those who stay long enough either right their boat by endlessly talking to themselves or wind up toing the line in order to make connections. None of the BS in-between being swept away in a busy body forum full of control freaks. What remains is typically a very small group of quality connections. I doubt this forum will ever become overloaded which is why many of us find it as a safe haven.
If your looking for forum moderation I know a great place called No More Panic. Why not go over there if that is what your looking for? We don't want it here and I doubt it's going to change anytime soon if at all.
Now all that said, I welcome you to say as others have done. We each have our own take on how things are done but for me I think I have pretty much spelt it out how it's been for years. Another reason I deleted my post is that despite advocating saying whatever, I was trying to be mindful because on such topics I have a bad habit of talking to blunt. Hopefully I have self moderated/regulated to a degree that is not demeaning, restrictive or punishing. The only posts we deleted here is our own. We take responsibility for ourselves. Much better that way. Say whatever you want, but when talking about this safe haven toppling like a deck of cards, you can expect some resistance.
Sorry I offended you. I also forgive you. lol Just kidding. Seriously though, I really don't want to drag this on so will also retreat to my Journal and touch base with others whom better understand me. Your welcome to reach out in my thread and I suggest you keep posting now that you have reached that limit that allows for links and so on. I've been pretty polite towards you previously and don't see why that should change. I suggest we agree to disagree on these points and perhaps re-reading my suggestion above. This forum is not going to be moderated in the way you are used to and it's not going to change. The forum is also not going anywhere.
I won't delete this one. EDIT - additionally I will say that I feel the same with with Pedro that no one was trying to be rude. Even that last entry where I said I won't delete this one, but at the end of the day we don't know these things unless we can explain it. It really was just the topic being a sensitive one that you brought up. I am always altering my posts - but more so just another form of self regulating which plays into what I mean about this forum.
Please do not take offence and you are very much welcome here. It just that this place is different and takes a bit of getting used to if your more into main stream. We need something different that the mainstream ... please give it a try for a bit more. I am sorry that I struggle with trying to connect myself. My bad ... I do hope you stick it out and know that doing so does often end in a rewarding way Vs not. The type of growth that happens here is more positive than not. Quality over quantity.
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