View Full Version : I broke my phone's screen when I dropped my phone...

The Scottish Pedro
10-02-2021, 09:16 PM
Not available

10-03-2021, 03:58 AM
I know that one well Pedro. I babied my new Galaxy Note 8 for ages. You know how glossy they can be when you don't have them in a cover? Mine phone slipped out of my hand like a well oiled baby whilst I was busy with my other hand. I got to tell you that the glass backing on my phone and the ceramic toilet bowl don't go well together. I was so pissed off at myself for that slip. Could of been worse. I kind of sanded the sharp bit away with a non abrasive surface and thankful it was not the front of my phone. I got a few hairline fractures on the out sides down the bottom but can hardly notice.

Sorry you lost your grip as well but ... Congratz on your new phone! I can only imagine what they are capable of now. :)

salvator here
10-03-2021, 09:50 AM
I can only imagine, as well. Would you guys believe I've never owned a smart phone ;)

10-03-2021, 02:48 PM
https://i.ibb.co/qkdV1Kz/police-coco.gif Alert, Alert, Alert, Alert, Alert ... we have a non believer! Alert, Alert, Alert, Alert, Alert ... we have a non believer! Stay where you are authorities our on the way.

Actually, I think that is commendable! I have been using mine a LOT less and leave it at home often. When I get to the store I'm like 'OH *&^% - now I have to sign in manually and can't remember my god damn *&^%ing number!' Often some people get all narky about having to go into the shop having provided a phone number rather than the details on my state pension card. This mentality about 'must have a phone', makes me want to destroy mine phone all the more.

10-03-2021, 10:54 PM
I've got my own quirks Pedro but think this goes beyond that. Whilst I have a history of not holding back myself when it comes to letting it all out, I've learned over time it's best to admit our faults first and foremost so that when others bring them up their acustations lose their sting. Mostly because I have already admitted them. Denial is something we all struggle with, but not many of us are prepared to accept it when we are kidding ourselves. It was not easy when I first started and I kind of wish more people called me out, [although pointless unless I see it myself and only ends up in more a mess as it often did] but I eventually just started reading myself where inthe end I could see just how pent up I really was. Fuck what others think at any rate. At least when your in a venting state. It's best not to post questions but rather just make statements.

Right or wrong does not matter when it comes to roasting others for whatever reason. I find the act in general makes one as guilty as the other regardless of whatever claims. The whole autism label thing, I find is best left with only those who know first hand what such it about. Most people completely misunderstand that diagnosis. Especially those who either do not have it or have anyone living with them. It's easy to say 'I know plenty of people with autism' however that is not enough to claim one knows what autism is really about. It's a dirty world for most people in society where they think people with autism are intellectually inferior and deserving of the struggles they encounter. Where in many cases that mindset is just an excuse to bully and push those impaired like so around. That said, it does goes both ways and there is a reason autism has been put on a spectrum ... but the think is, most labels today are put on a spectrum when it comes to assessing. But let's leave that lay where it is ... something for both sides to think about.

My advice is to either readdress your own words - not in terms of right or wrong, but as an opportunity to reason where and whilst others are too busy wrapped up in their avatars with all the tar and feathering as they relish in the banding together to give one a good flogging. I saw it happening over at No more panic. Once again ... another person wishing to express whatever on autism. They too were read as self deserving of whatever trolling would follow. It's a classic case of school yard bullying where the victim is misunderstood and tolerances are low of those who claim they are too tired of being abused. Something like that. I went back into the postings and could see what I deeded as a classic case of OP venting in classic spectral style. But one again, the word Autistic is as tainted as the word God. People will roll their eyes at the mere mention of it. Or even at the mere symptoms/traits of it.

Being aware of how people, cultures, generations and evolutionally mindsets are always changing within a hierarchal society pent up on having mores and being winners with no tolerance for those that might bring about a social penalty just by association ... well it all takes time to work through that shallow bs.

I'll often just start talking about said topics in my own spectrul way ... lol and smiles ... To be sure there are times I lose the plot and post my complaint letters, but I do so without giving two fucks! I also often do it within my own public thread that I have made my own. AKA my whatever online journal of the month. I pick my stories and my audience despite being online. Hell I am probably not making anymore sense. After I hone my skills on whatever topic, I'll venture out and pick my words carefully so that I can express with emotion as needed yet do so in a way that is primed for those with avatars leaning back with sick pack on full display with their private parts just off screen most likely being suck by whatever fish in the stream. The others that then joined in with avatars with as much meaning ... but fuck them dude ... that kind of shit is typical when people such as us reach out in the main. For sure write about the shit as you experience it ... but fuck feeding back to others if all they can do is pick you and your words apart.

Some of us need to fall over ourselves but it only works when we can see it ourselves. Not meaning to pass judgment either way but just make a point. I try not to say anything at all if I am unable to or in conflict with what is being said. Those that troll like so are very weak individuals but if we react in turn, then we will never get our of our own ring.

Best I can say. I was not going to say anything - but figured fuck it. I just share how fucked up I am and how I deal with others and myself.

I apologies if any of that comes off the wrong way or makes no sense. I'm just trying to offer what little advice I can give.

I've been overdue for a good write up. I might try a bit later on over in Dave's Journal. I advocate always writing whatever the fuck you want. I think I might start adding a little more to that with respect to much of the above.

Is all good man ... I hear ya pedro and make no judgments whatsoever. I am glad your here and positing whatever. Just say what you fell you go to say. If people take it personal, that says more about them. This is just a place of ones and zeros where what follows is all us ... no one else. They are just ones and zeros. Spit em out as you need.

10-04-2021, 01:53 AM
....................... https://i.ibb.co/278TbHb/Dog-Phone.png

salvator here
10-04-2021, 09:34 AM

This is my phone ... JK :D

I did catch it briefly last night, but the thread was removed. I'd bet you spoke your mind and that is good.

Yeah, Pedro, sometimes mental health forums can be more detrimental than helpful. I'm only on 2 and that is quite good enough for me. What I will say, though, here, you can speak your mind without judgement. I hope this place keeps going.

Chin up :)

10-04-2021, 03:09 PM
Thems were the days. :) I don't suppose you have an answering machine as well? That would be awesome.

salvator here
10-04-2021, 05:55 PM

This is my answering machine message :D