View Full Version : I finally decided to retire from video game forums...

The Scottish Pedro
09-08-2021, 09:44 AM
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09-08-2021, 02:20 PM
Are you talking about this moron from Australia? or another?

I love playing games, writing novels, being over 50, a few sandwiches short of a picnic and love taking up huge amounts of space. Well actually not the last one, but that is on other people if they wish not to post. It's annoying but I have learned not to let that stop me.

You know I just reached out in another post to you, but now wonder if that was a trigger given the wording of this post. I'll take it as a coincidence unless you would like clarify it? Fact is, there are loads of morons from Australia, just as there are from Scotland, Ireland or anywhere else in the world. Why limit it?

Thinking about how toxic this world is all over helps to alleviate thinking it's just only in one or two areas. Becomes less an issue once you start focusing on the bigger picture. That said if you start writing about that, it helps if you can teach yourself to enjoy writing books.

Thanks for the read but sorry to hear your having a hard time with it all.

I hope coming back to this forum and dumping like so was helpful? These spaces and others like them are what we make them and ultimately it is us that is responsible for the places and directions we go. Well ... I guess that is a grey area too.

Edit - here maybe this will help:


09-08-2021, 10:00 PM
:) Good to know.

Yes that can be annoying. I don't have personal experience with it but know of others who have been attacked like so on other platforms.

Have you done work on Wiki?

09-10-2021, 02:44 AM
Truly sucks. I know Sal on this forum has an interest in horror films and would of been really interested in that. Me too. What to do Pedro?

Now that you have been able to offload in here and share this trolling act, perhaps don't give him the reaction he is looking for and instead ...

hmmmm ... have you the desire and means to maybe sub a WordPress site for extra security and blog it instead? Or - just create space with no action for a while and then start again?

Like the places you mentioned do seem to be a better fit?

&^%$ it! It sucks when people get in the way of you doing things you love. There has to be a way?

09-11-2021, 04:40 AM
The world has more issues than that but yea I hear ya.

I cut and past my response on that to my diary.

I hope things improve for us all soon enough ... something each of us can only work on I guess but discussions can help.

09-11-2021, 04:04 PM
I've found that algorithm to be quite a depressing one. As for the game itself I can see why there would be a cult following over that one. A Psychological Horror Playthrough:

I take it this is the game you mean?


Interesting how I keep seeing Norman Reedus (walking Dead actor) in various PC/Console games of late. He does seem to have traits that fit a traveler navigating for that genre.

OR or mean this one: (seems like a popular game considering the price as in not that cheap for the age of the game? Or is appropriate given its following)

I too have found myself making posts, telling others my intentions then making a request of something I don't want. Even when I would try to make others understand, in the end I could sense that somehow I had just dug a hole for myself. I understand how it is that some of us communicate like so, but as far as I can tell it does indeed make us targets' attracts trolls. Those less obvious trolls will highlight the conundrum of posting like so, as begging the question or in this case, begging for people to go against your request which is why in many cases people write like so. Given it can be a ploy for people to deal in such a manner I kind of changed the way in which I express. That said, I'm not reading you like that at all but shedding light on why sometimes such a tact can invite what we don't want. It's a merry go round to be sure and often we do in fact do these things to ourselves both consciously and subconsciously.

Hell, the algortytm of which you speak re super chat is as much ploy to the conditioned expectations of audiences demanding what content they must have and how it must be presented and so on. The bonuses and guidelines is what makes people drones, where the content whether co-created from demanding audiences or puppeted presenters winds up with barely anything that resembles original thinking. Those creators that do tend not to be tied up limiting algorithms. This is just my take. I've seen many channels change the way in which they present since super chat. But hey - I can't blame people for wanting to make a buck. Just noting how shallow its getting.

I only use Youtube like I do for hosting images and not much more. I'd love to connect with people on topics I enjoy but like you say the algorithm is brutal and I would not change who I be in order to get likes and subscribes. This hits on a topic I have wanted to write about (writing my better for me) re how society has become a very lonely place despite it's numbers bursting at the seems. So many bright shining stars out their casting long dark cold shadows kind of thing where more and more people are less able to think for themselves but fully reliant and controlled by said algorithms.

In that, people can't let go of the concept of their insensate need to agree or disagree. Hence people just say what the masses want which is dictated by something other than ourselves. YEP - it's a tricky one full of all kinds of reactions with many toxic ones. This is why that although I expect responses to my meager videos that I currently switch of the likes and comments. This is not uncommon for those just using youtube as a image hosting site ... kind of thing.

I wish you all the best with whatever you want to do. Sounds like you got a good grip on how it all works. If your interest is in something popular than maybe it's not an issue. Some people can BS better in front of the screen and do will with said algorithm. It's not for me. YouTube is nothing like it used to be BUT good for the current generation of thinking. It's not impossible to push you way in - Learning to settle for less or look at it in a different way may help. I shall only see it as a hosting site for a few online friends and family as well as a trap like Netflix and so on. Balance is key.

Link me up with your next vid. I searched and read up a little on that game. You got me interested enough to do that ... download a pick and slap on some corny text. ;)

Keep posting in here if it helps ... if you like what you do - maybe turn off the comments, likes ... give those forums a break or even better yet have a go at making your own. Be your own presenter and audience in one go. Whatever works. Let others be as they be. If people don't want to post in here because I or others don't like what they read, then that's on them what they decide to do about that. Blaming me is not going to do jack. I'll keep on keeping as long as I decide or until the creator of this forum decided. LOL at the last one.

Creative freedom only comes when you not bound by the rules but yea - an element of respect goes a long way. I've said too much.

Back to you. Interesting dynamics to be sure.

I'm off to play - Metro 2033 Redux is on sale. hmmmm ... Think I will stick with KC2 for now.

Be careful what you request. Trolls love that kind of talk. Does that make sense?

09-12-2021, 03:02 PM
You certainly don't communicate like someone that needs appointing a guardian whom has the legal authority to care for one's personal and property interests. If in fact that is what you mean by guardian? That said, I understand how the ability to articulate does not account for invisible impairments that can indeed be considered a disorder when it comes to functioning in a disorderly world. I completely understand your apprehension with legal representation in the courts. The language is designed to disable those appearing whilst allowing for all kinds of bantering between those who've either spent or owe a fortune in learning how to speak. The connection between client and representation has very little to do with the content but everything to do with the hierarchal structure of both individuals and proceedings as well as one's career. This being more about the wigs, suits and most everything else external with little regard for that which we like to think makes us human. Everyone in between is just complacent within the machine. It's not the kind of workforce where you find people in it because they have other people's be interest at heart. Ironic as that may seem in such a pinnacle of community service. Speaking of which, sadly I see this mechanism entrenched within the disability sector with likewise legal constraints. It makes me wonder about the type and qualtiy of guardianship services that are regularly enacted. It can be used more as a control ploy just as psychotherapy/medication can be forced as a means to an end when it may very well not of been appropriate, but more so as a point to be latter used in a court of law or just to save face where one's career is more important.

I remember you talking about the events within the supported accommodation long ago or at least a string of events very similar about two female staff members and thus the ongoing struggles as your outlining now.

Generally people who get to a stage where they warrant legal guardianship, have their level of impairment used as a defense having been charged with whatever, in order to have such charges dismissed. Is this like something of what's going on in your case where the response of guardianship has come up due to the way and level your impairments have been brought up? In this light, such a response can be quite challenging on many fronts. I'd say this challenge looks at the cycle of the charges (reoffending context from prosecutors view) Vs the validity to personal accountability in terms of defendant's ability having been used as a defense by highlighting one's disability?

Don't get me wrong here as I am not implying your in the wrong or propose to know what is going on when clearly I now jack about your case, but I do now how representation works with my first paragraph being what it is. As defendants we know well in our own minds what has and is going on but that content means nothing in a court room with such drones all playing along. My mussing's on this are more like queries and reasonings as to what could be going on with what I have read in here and what comes to mind as I remember your previous posts. The guardianship is not something I would want until I am handed over into the care of the state that being an aged care home. Even then I would prefer to be dead. It's a hard one to fathom to be sure. Sadly some people do not get a choice and in such cases it's a serious thing to be that far gone. BUT - not everyone is as far gone or impaired as one may think when it comes to individuals who've been appointed guardianship and in some rare cases it is very much for the benefit of client, patient, citizen or whatever one wishes to call them. Generally I think such individuals are more at risk in this part of the system as it is constantly under scrutiny for its negligence. Sadly nothing of consequence is done as the issue is a runaway train in a world now bursting at the seems.

Yea - the world is nuts and many people are like that and they will not lose any sleep being that way. Those high in prestige basking in their success are the first ones to turn up their noses when dealing with people they do not understand but more so people they see beneath them. That hierarchal structure that is so limiting and binding within the courts is the same process in which people are conditioned to act outside it. Status being high on that list with fear leading the way when it comes to everyone on all levels seeking to fulfill their wants which they are taught is their right/s. I'm in that category that stumbles with such a complex web because I am too busy just being simple when it comes to such complex ways of being. Not a part of the game that I was even cut out for. I can only just imagine how much more toxic this way of being is in the movie industry. Is it any wonder that most famous actors and producers are all insane. Not that it makes up for the inhuman practices. Ponders how many narratives propose that section of society pulls the strings of those being voted for. Those be psychopaths emplaced under the pretense that they were voted in by a community of insane peoples. What a world to be living in!

Righto - sorry Pedro. I guess this ended up being my morning post. Glad to be talking to someone other than myself. I don't know man ... just saying is all. If I have missed the mark my apologies. I've tried to relate where I can.

Peace Bro.

09-13-2021, 12:12 AM
Thanks for opening up. Good read. I'm seeing clearer now. I get 10 hours a week cut back from 17 with some additional support to assist me whilst away from the family twice a year. I guess regarding the court, I would see that more as a court appointed referral. One would think where the service is more accountable. I know what it is like changing staff and not really a service where that can be done lightly. Totally understand about that. I've been though many agencies and workers for many reasons on both sides of the coin. I've found myself at one time moving or another requesting another worker simply knowing it would be for the better. Sure it's hard to get back into routine, but if the process to keep one's self in familiar territory impacts mental health, then eventually something must give one way or the other. Not so easy to gauge for others but being flexible as scary as it seems can in the end be a really great thing.

There has been a big shift over here in the way supports have been rolled out. It's was hard enough being assimilated whilst existing supports where absorbed into a new way of delegating that for the most part has seen most people that were clinging to a net slip on through with now next to no support for those predisposed/long time unemployed and what not. That's another story. Hard for me to stay on track. Political changes that I have talked about before in terms of centralization are seeing communities less connected in humans services. This relates to the GPs role who is overused but at the same time ill-equipped to make expected calls. This fits well to stem the tide lest a flood gate of people end up utilizing campaigned services that led to votes. An impact statement regarding the effect whatever period/events that has had or having on your mental well being is far best coming from a phycologist in the form of a support letter. Is that what you mean? GPs can't write those letters because you need to build of a rapport over time with the required professional and even then they might have to refer you on depending on the case you wish to build. ... and it is like just like that ... running around and seeing all these health care professionals for said purposes is in fact building a case.

Try to forget about a GP passing judgement because of what they might or might no know about your case Are seeing them under your own steam without a trust? All these support workers, doctors and therapists and whatever are there to serve us. We are not there to serve them. Sadly the way people talk about them show just how much power we give away just in the way we are taught to think.

Re-educate on your goals is what I often have to do and at times some of my supports remind me by taking out all that anxiety and worry about what ifs, others peoples perceptions and all that. All of a sudden I understand its like X,Y & Z. If you learn a little more then you can object more clearly when others are playing cards that don't relate. In this case it might be more the case of helping those serving to be dealt the right cards in the first place.

STEP ONE TO GET A SUPPORT LETTER GOING THROUGH A GP (This will take time as is part of building a plan)
My suggestion is if you don't already know of any subsidy plans re funding for a psychologist, is to ask if the doctor knows of any welfare schemes that you can use to request a mental health plan specifically to see a psychologist. If your not in America there is a good chance your country has this.

Step one to see a psychologist over a GP re the writing of an impact statement re mental health is simply because it's not the job of a GP to do in the first place. I'm just stating a fact is all. Unless there is more to the story regarding your rights as an individual who can make sessions for themselves there is zero reason why a GP in your situation would not refer you on with such a plan. GPs for all the good they can be are in fact just another link in the chain where step 2 might have to lead to step 3 and so on. The same way it's good to keep the same supports, so too it is with doctors, therapists and so on.

Step 2 is just working with the therapist and taking the time it often takes to navigate the maze and hopefully in that journey one can make the most with said services for the right reasons. The problem is not so much just based on clients not ready or unwilling but also with a system that invalidates reports according to how they wish to stem the tide which goes back to the reliance on GPS without knowing how the current dynamics work with constant changes in the system. This includes the possibility in having to see more educated people whose had their credentials upscaled and so on. Generally speaking a support letter re impact is good enough coming from a registered psychologist.

My experience with courts is to let charges run their course. I consider them and those that invest in them to be a joke. Keep fighting if you think you can handle it, but my advise in this is to let it go in much the same way I would any support agency and their delegated staff, GP, therapist, physiatrist and so on. Much better to make a formal complaint that does not focus on getting blood from a stone. Sometimes that complaint can do good for others but moreover be a good source for letting go and moving on.

People are people Pedro ... but ultimately we have to learn to live with ourselves. As far as being honest goes - YEP know that one too. Yet I have to admit out of all my frustrations with deceit, nothing is worse than when I do that to myself. Point and case is that all this focus on community interaction ... and especially on the industrial belt upon which you and I sit ... that it is designed to keep us from ourselves. The more they push that agenda the more I care less for it.

To be sure it's nice to socialize and your points about doing it online are valid to me. Yet community facilities and the people in them are just as digitized with the same wants and desires online.

I know what it's like to run out of options but I also have learned that I don't need others in order to find a tiny spark. That has been my secret to keep breathing as well as keep reaching out.

When there is nothing left ... that's a great place to begin all over again. Good way to keep going when you got nothing. The little things take on new meaning and all that other shite no longer matters.

Here's to moving on regardless of what comes.