View Full Version : Deprogramming In a World of Hackers - 101

08-28-2021, 05:11 PM
Wow. What a messed up world it is out there. The amount of social engineering going on at the moment is too insane to get a foot hold anywhere. Finding a title this time around for another comeback 'episode' reveals to me just how fractal this prison really be. Such is the program. Finding a string or words that best defines the complexities of breaking free from a never-ending cycle of continuous self identifying; is as fractal as it gets. So it is that I begin outlining the next pattern where I pick up material that allows for another bout of stimulating posts that lead to my own style of personal programming that I'm known to do, or rather feel I must continue to do. However to do so in a world full of hackers is no easy task.

Deprogramming in this world takes a Life Time!

More thoughts to come. 010101010101010101010101

I am currently unvaccinated, however am not overly concerned knowing that it's just a matter of time before I am. (Another fractal statement that goes around and around) The Us and Them mentality spawn from 'influencing programming' being part of the self identifying algorithm, is what keeps the whole separated and will be key to my ongoing revelations. More so how such a key is used as an anchor to keep the mind from breathing whilst its chained to the bottom of the sea.

Until next post ... I pause whilst holding my breath.

08-29-2021, 03:03 AM
Rather than be printed upon, I’ll see if I can upgrade my skills to do my own imprinting. – is one of the best ways to kick start a new regime of deprograming. Back in 2014 with a little encouragement I picked up some pencils and pastels. I never ventured beyond sketchy attempts because I ended up giving up. I tried picking it back up in 2017 with the sketch in the middle left of below image but also gave up due to the episodic nature of living point blank. Part and parcel of clinical episodes:


Not sure if I shared the following but I had another accident.
I ended up with some minor tearing pulling my major chest muscle and impacted my shoulder which had a major operation a little over a year ago. I just can't help myself. Whilst the weight I bought are not considered heavy, I loaded up the dumbbells' and started to some graveyard chest exercises that are frowned upon for good reason. That combined with my shoulder not quite ready and most likely will never be the same again - I injured myself just 100 grams shy of loosing 10KG!!! (22lbs!!!) I could not beleive my fucking luck. Although luck had nothing to do with it. It was all me once again.


It's actually a good little setup! I also got new shoes which has made a huge difference. Sad thing is I have quickly put the weight back on. That being said all is not lost. I've really had to accept the I can't keep pounding away like I used too and I have indeed fucked my shoulder and it will never be the same. HOWEVER - I refuse to give up!!! I still have my little weight setup and going to start slowly once again. I'll time my bouts to when the sun is up and drag all that kit out into the backyard where I can exercise under the SUN! I've experimented and found the rays and heat helps to warm and loosen my up. I also got myself some new stretchy band to easy on back in:


I'll just do some chest pulls off the side of the tramp instead of doing those graveyard flies. Without doing the resistance exercise the weight loss is a huge struggle. I was doing well with food for a whiles too. I started making bulk meals and freezing them which worked out really good:


Tomorrow is Monday so figure I will start ALL OVER AGAIN! I have to beef roast in the fridge that I will slow cook and make up a bunch of meals. Get back into eating the same meals and the same times as well as doing the same with the treadmill and weights. I am supposed to wait 6 weeks minimum with my injury but will just take it easy. It was line just a very minor tear - ALL GOOD - No Scales this time ... at least not for now. I dropped that 10 KILLOS in like 4 to 5 WEEKS. I know I can do it again. Sigh ...

The only thing I need to consider is how the dreaded JAB will effect me when I go to get it. The fitter you are the more it can impact you after you have it. hmmmmmmmmmmm - right now the drama of going out to get the CV JAB is too much for me. That said, I do no trust authorities and only getting it because of all the hate and discrimination being generated towards those who don't get it. That's another story. I also do not trust those against it. I think they are also misguided and just as judging. In fact the way many anti establishment and cult groupies are carrying on, they have more driven me to get the *&^%ing Jab just despite them. The irony is that I am all for anti establishment but attempt to go about it a different way. Too much fear mongering among that crowed as well. You can't *&^%ing win either way. Given I am either for breathing or I am not - I just sense I have nothing to lose because I really don't care if I get sick and die a slow painful death. lol as I think famous last words. We all grow old - get week - have accidents - endure a LOT of pain and so on and so forth. The response to CV is absolutely reveling in terms of control freaks which I think has done some good yet the anxiety and drama that others say needs to happen is something I am sure we can all do without.

So it is that I am looking to start drawing again and despite fucking up my chest this time around - I'm going to start rejecting the media, the sheep and all the other followers and influences and start writing my own pages once again. So it is that I say FTW and go back to doing my own thing. Yadda Yadda - bends over and passes wind wishing everyone a productive day and or a restful evening. Tomorrow morning I estimate that I will most likely break a leg!

Until then ... 11000110101001101010101110101010101010110110101010 11010011101010010101011010100101100

08-30-2021, 03:23 AM
So today I am told I have no rights when it comes to saying no to having a wireless fire alarm installed in my bedroom. It was not enough to have a stand alone one at the front door of my room where it's always been legal for decade running. Now the the vaccine rollouts and centralization of local government across the entire world, now people have no right to say NO to wireless devices being install in their bedrooms. Whilst I do care about being WIFI sensitive and the capacity for even more surveillance than what already exists, what matters more to me is that my bedroom was my last place of refuge in a world ramping up for total control. To now live in a world where I can't even say no to the type of device being installed in my bedroom is the last straw. This was the final straw for me. I have decided to look into getting a Do Not Resuscitate Health Directive. I won't commit suicided, but I will ensure that health care puppets do not bring me back if I have a heart attack which I sense will be the way I go. This world is so fucking toxic. Way more than any ramped up and pre-released virus a Western co-created terrorist agenda.

Good news is the guy installing it, 'backed down' over the phone after citing the LAW to me ... and then proceeded to tell me how to release the device from its installed chassis so as to remove it from my room! He just says you did not hear that from me and make sure you put it back for 'house inspections' and when moving house. Fact is - he admits a LOT of people do not like the wifi aspect but also moreover being told they do not have a choice. It's been the same for smart meters attached to the house. There is WIFI for everything these days and the science re interference with the human body has been tainted in the name of convivence. Just like all the fucking toxic food 99% of us eat. I definitely got to get the health directive! No-one is going to accept the dangers. Especially kids that have grown up in the digital age and don't know what it was like back in the day of high powered transmitters. The things is - whilst the radiation emissions from devices are lower than the bricks of the past, people did not use those devices anywhere near to the extreme humans do today. People back then also did not have microwaves being projected either side of the brains like we do today with Bluetooth technology. Here is an interesting statement that's worth a read:

250 scientists from over 40 countries have signed a petition to the WHO and UN to warn against (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-6796679/Are-AirPods-dangerous-250-scientists-warn-be.html) radio waveradiation from wireless technologies (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?38212-Deprogramming-In-a-World-of-Hackers-101) ...

If you don't think such articles warrant heeding then perhaps a University Seminar regarding - The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwyDCHf5iCY) - But hey, what would university professors know right? Best to just go with whatever marketers tell you and or your local Governments ... right? The irony in that lecture is that it took someone from another country to come go another in order to be heard. Looks like it did fuck all good as it's Australia that is forcing all these WIFI devices to be installed into our homes.

The trouble is - the amount of devices and there location around us 24/7. Smart Electrical Meters constantly sending information back an forth to local towers, Smart Tvs, Now WiFi Fire Alarms, WiFi Routers to multiple devices (I was told by the guy recently upgrading lines in our house to never ever have the router in your room) Smart Watches in direct contact with the body - Watch above link re the truth about wireless radiation as told by the Melbourne University and you might be surprised about the legal disclaimers now being attached to the 'About Section' deep within the settings of your phones! LOL - fucking sheep to be sure ... narrrr she'll be right mate. No fear of the shit happening to me. Ye right! Just give it another decade or two. Smart Meters - Smart Tablets - Smart Keys - Smart Cameras - Smart Phones - Smart Fridges - Smart Glasses - Smart Chairs - Smart Beds - Smart Cars - Smart Headphones - Smart Buds - Smart Bags - Smart Batteries - Smart Readers - Smart Displays - Smart Pillows - and on and on and fucking on.

To be sure it's a case of each to their own and those who have been conditioned just don't see it. Elon Musk has alone put up over 1700 satellites in like the last year or so [More than was already in space since the the first went up] - that is nothing to what is coming next - see below: It's an old article - but sill on point as again Elon is up to 1700 Sats and climbing! I've been watching the rocket launches.

https://i.ibb.co/XZzvHtd/starlink.png (https://www.newscientist.com/article/2220346-spacex-plans-to-put-more-than-40000-satellites-in-space/)

The thing to consider here in not just the output power like 5G but the conditioning taking place relative to the abundance and consistency of exposure taking place. It all adds up. Now that it's been officially stated by phone providers NOT TO HAVE THE PHONE TOUCHING THE BODY - so to things like location either side of the brain make the 35 X less radiant excuse pail to those now seeking medical advice re the damage being done. Of course your not going to hear about it - your not even going to bother looking into it given the extent of how we all now live. It is what it is. For me however, whilst I care not to exist in the 1984 world - more so - Brave New World - Jab Jab Jab - all this shit rolling out at the same time is quite something. Hell - main stream media has even now covered ET disclosers as now admitted the Pentagon and so on. It's a national security threat! We need more budgeting $$$

I thought this was just another tinfoil hat bashing episode but was surprised to see the journo taking it seriously. Not exactly new stuff to me - but seems mainstream is starting to accept Aliens are real. Something else people just don't want to know. Have been conditioned to laugh about such thing, but now for some reason they are looking to admit it. Very CHEESY in the start but ended up being worth a watch.

[I]EDIT I Love it when they start blocking people - just shows how much more there is to hide ... Sigh ... Not to worry ... up to people so search for themselves. There is more than enough info out there if you know where to look.


It's clear enough that there are a lot of cults, wing bats and as many sheep on either side. All I know is that I can't say NO to what devices get installed in my room. Like I say ... that was the last straw for me. For now I will simply follow up on the tips the install never gave to me - and be sure to not have that fucking thing transmitting in the room were I sleep. I just offloaded a $500 pair of Bluetooth headphones to my youngest son as I use the WAY more than he does. I have gone back to wired and in fact better qualtiy head phones. I power down all my devices from the back when fully shut down - cover up all the led light still on my display when turned off. I ensure there are no lights of any kind and that my room is completely dark - I also ensure there are no wireless devices. Since doing that I have been sleeping pretty good. I often leave my phone at home - the only thing I am going to switch back to is Bluetooth ear buds for short durations for my phone calls when I am multitasking. I have found since going back to wired I have having to hold my phone with is actually 35X more radiant than the buds and whilst those are in fact either side of my brain and I do heed the warnings by said peer scientists who no doubt have been shunned - it is a risk I am willing to take whilst awake. I know I am going to die within the next decade or in my late 60s. I am OK with that and in fact welcome it. What I am about for now - is simply minimizing what I can and above all - having the right to actively reject what society oppresses upon me. That is to say ... disengage all those devices it seeks force upon me. I will NOT comply and I will NOT participate.

There you have - that is where I am at with such a shallow and deceptive world. Einstein warned this would happen. With a little luck - American will trigger WW3 soon enough. The way they are aggressively moving on the political world stage - its another hope I have.

In the mean time - I have nearly finished collecting my drawing materials and looking forward to start practicing. Perhaps then I can draw about this madness as I perceive it - lots of lost sheep with PCBs and Neuro Chips all hooked up to those 40 000 Sats! ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Nigh Night - is good to be back!

Oh Yea - I managed to do another batch of slow cooked roast beef, mash and vegies. Like I say - I might not want to live in this fucked up world, (and I will continue to call it what it is) but I will do all I can to ease my pain and accept my end when it comes! I'll sure as hell do what I can to stop those control freaks from letting me go and you can be sure as - I won't be coming back!!!

salvator here
08-30-2021, 10:49 AM
...Back in 2014 with a little encouragement I picked up some pencils and pastels... You did those? Those are amazingly beautiful! I hope you will continue to work on your art.

Been reading, Ponder, and I just don't have the words. Sad to say, I don't think very highly of this world either right now. I keep to myself these days and enjoy my music and TV. People are toxic and secretly depraved with bad intentions. I won't pollute your thread with my negativity, and please let me know if you'd rather keep this thread personal and I'll (of course) respect your wishes and delete anything. You know that. To tell you the truth, in some way(s) I've given up and I'm not even going to continue with my case this year and I just don't care anymore about the future. I don't know. I guess I've lost the drive and hope.

Yeah, I don't even have a scale anymore and just go by the belt. I think losing weight is good for your health. Yeah, do your thing and enjoy the little things again and try to filter out the toxic media. Know its hard though. Hard to get out of bed sometimes and face this reality. Need to keep it simple and ignore the bullshit somehow.

08-30-2021, 03:27 PM
Thx Sal. Much appreciated. Of course you are welcome in my threads as is anyone. My intentions are plain to see despite the disconnections that plague my mind. Having a space to write about such thing is very important if I am to reengage with my creative side.

I hear what you say … I’ll ask in my more appropriate thread. See below. I’ve decided to make two threads and rename with a little more care. Sometimes my own titles can drag me down before I have even started my text.

Dave’s Drawing Thread (A place open for creative expressions that deals mostly with inspiration on ‘all’ levels)

Dave’s Diary (Self Explanatory)
OK – I’ll go create those now so in the future when my musings pop up the titles won’t freak me or others out. hehe

PS Love the Avatar!

09-26-2021, 02:02 PM
Yeah Dave has a potential, but his problem is the same as mine, we get bored easily and need to learn something new all the time, :)
Dave do not give up, to medical tyranny, Do not give up man, It is ending , soon enough, I know the news from your country are blocked but a lot coming out, The coppers are really (most of them) not coppers, rather hired security guards, stay Tall and do not give up to demons , Hugs

09-26-2021, 03:45 PM
You know me well D. I have always loved that about you and still do.

Yes - censorship is huge in Australia. In fact, one of the leaders in perception management in today's timeline.

This kind of contemplation I make about world events and my own perceptions is more good for me than not, but yea - definitely requires grounding from time to time using one's ability to find or reinventing things to do.

salvator here
09-28-2021, 09:08 AM
...stay Tall and do not give up to demons , HugsHard sometimes, but I'll try.