View Full Version : My Story, please read

12-08-2008, 09:00 PM
I have been having bad, bad, BAD anxiety for like 2 weeks now i think and it know pretty much why. I freak myself out about certain things, the main thing amoung most is my HUMONGOUS fear of becoming schizophrenic..and it seems like this fear has overcome my life..or i have it! idk...and thats scary to say. the main fear is just losing everything i love and know, my life, my knowledge, everything..i think this fear has to do with other things in my life or happened in my life to trigger it, but im not sure. but thats what mainly triggers it and when i worry and stuff its BAD i get that thing where its seperation from body and mind thing but once i focus just on myself, i goes away a little, but if i dont make myself it just comes back. i think i need xanx or something for this but im not sure, do you think i need it? cause self-talk isnt really working too much anymore

i think im getting social disorder because ive been worrying about what people are thinking of me, like "oh my gosh does he/she think i have schizophrenia" or "oh my gosh i really hope im not making he/she awkward and stuff" and i have a really good amount of friends! but only my good friends know about my fears and my anxiety, thank god i have really good friends that help me! but anyways when i get all worried and stuff, mainly today, i was worrying. DAMN are thinking bad of me?? and i know i should think you know it only matters what i think but its been hard since my anxiety has made it hard to think straight and tell my self good self-talk! and i even have a hard time doing stuff for myself, like enhoying music i always think, is this what i really want to listen to? cause my anxiety blocks all my other emotions! its so annoying...

but yeah my main anxiety that i get when i get it i feel that seperation from mind and body and i feel very nervous and its VERY hard to look into peoples eyes! thats probably and hurting thing for me...
so...thats my story :/
and do you think i should get on xanx and see how that works out?

12-08-2008, 11:30 PM
im right here with you! just hang in there. its nothing more than anxiety. ive had those same feeling for the last 8 months on and off. ive seen a dr. about it and got on some meds including a small does of xanex, and i got a lot better. in saying this sometimes you will almost seem to get worse for the frist week or so while your body is trying to adjust to the medication. also if you do get on anything dont just stop taking it because you think you feel better. im sure some people can do this and be fine, but i know it didnt work like that for me. i thought i was feeling alot better after taking everything fro about 3 months, so i just stopped taking it. then about a week later i had the worst panic attack ive ever had. and it then took me another 2 weeks to re adjust to the medication. i know its scary and at time you may feel like you goin insane! but its all in your head. the mind is a very powerful thing.

so i would sagest making an apointment to see someone. also close friends and family can help alot. i know it may seem embarrassing and hard for them to understand, but they can really help you if you have someone that will listen.

anyway, hope you get to feeling better soon! keep us updated on how your doing :)

12-09-2008, 05:02 AM
hi there sorry to see you have such a tough time :(

you might find it comforting to know that your fear of schizophrenia or going out of your mind is actually quite common with anxiety. lots of people feel this way but of course it never happens :) counselling like cognitive behaviour therapy can really help you to deal with irrational thoughts like these, you might like to look into it?

i just wanted to ask what have you been doing to help out with the anxiety? have you looked at your diet or lifestyle or talked to a doctor or counsellor? there are lots of things you can do, you might like to have a look at this thread for some advice:

my suggestion is that you make an appointement with your doctor, but let them make the decision as to weather or not you will need to take meds. my own feelings are that medication is not a solution but only masks the problem, what's more important is that we look at why we are feeling anxious and deal with the root of the problem directly. meds are great to help people to calm down from bad states of mind, but they don't seem to be a good long term solution. for me my anxiety stemmed mainly from diet and stress, but once i sorted that out things got better :)

i hope you find this is a bit helpful & that you're feeling better soon.