View Full Version : Alone

12-08-2008, 08:02 PM
I will start my story with a little history I have always had anxiety I think. I was always the shy kid.. Around 15 I started smoking Pot and Drinking Smoked Pot everyday for about 4 years then I just drank I was a full blown drunk by 19. I went through several rehabs before I finally got sober at the age of 23. The only thing that got me sober was the birth of our first son. That was 8 years ago and I now have 3 boys. I am a stay at home Dad mostly because of my anxiety. I am able to go out and do things with my kids that I love dearly. Things have been okay with my anxiety up untill last night. My wife and I are planning on adopting a little girl we have to have physicals done for the adoption process which I have been dreading because I have a panick attack everytime I go to the doctor. Well I dont have medical insurance so I went to one of these occupational clinics for the physical because it was cheap. So I go in already freaking out they did my sight and checked my urine for sugar and then they wanted to do my blood preasure I knew it was going to be sky high and it was. So the nurse goes and gets the doctor to finish the exam I could here them in the hallway talking about how high my pulse and blood preasure and I heard the doctor say I needed to go to the ER.
So the Doc came in and I told him I was having anxiety and that when I do my blood preasure at home it is fine. He went on to tell me I was going to have a stroke and needed to get to the ER he also went on to tell me that I going to have a stroke holding my Baby or slipping on ice. So I drive home freaking out when I get home I broke down because of my freaking mind. My wife talks me into going to the ER when I get there I have calmed down quite a bit and the er nurse told me of white coat syndrome and said he had that which made me more calm. So all of me BP readings and pulse were fine. But now all I can think about is what the first quake Doctor told me and that keeps racing through my mind and not what the real doctor told me along with the ER nurse. I just thought I would write this and see if anyone has had similar experiances sorry for the spelling and one very long paragraph...

12-10-2008, 10:17 PM
Now you can see why the first doctor was so cheap! Relax man, it is normal to react that way. I'm sure we all would react in that same manner. Give it some time to pass away (the thoughts and worries).

12-11-2008, 06:34 AM
Thank you, Ya the more I am reading the more I am feeling not so alone in this thing...