View Full Version : Waking with Anxiety

12-08-2008, 07:55 PM
I used to have bad anxiety when the time came to go to sleep, but now i'm waking with bad anxiety. Is anyone else having this issue and have you found something that helps? Sadly to say Xanax seems to work

12-08-2008, 09:13 PM
lol yeah xanx is a scary thing to me, actually i wake up with no anxiety then im like "oh crap!" and then i remember alllllllll the things i get anxious about. i think going to sleep with a very good relaxed mood, and nothing on your mind, you will wake okay. but its understandable if you wake to the very things that make you anxious, like for me today when i woke from a nap my brother was RIGHT there and he makes me anxious, im pretty sure it has something to do with your surroundings. maybe change your surroundings like close the blinds in your room or open them

12-09-2008, 04:50 AM
waking up with anxiety can be down to low blood sugars from the fact that you haven't eat all night. the best way to combat it is to eat as soon as you can after you wake - don't skip breakfast, have something wholesome and healthy to eat (no sugar frosted cereals or coffee!) and try a vitmain B complex to help soothe your stressed out system. i eat a boiled egg and wholemeal toast for breakfast and it makes me feel pretty good :) a little exercise in the morning can also help het good hormones flowing naturally

if you'd like to read more about the blood sugars thing take a look here: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

12-10-2008, 07:30 AM
I used to wake with terrible anxiety every single morning and sometimes if I fell asleep at other times. I would wake with my heart pounding and racing and feeling absolutely panic stricken. I used to cry so much because it scared me so much. I would wake feeling awful and gradually as the day went on I would feel better. Evenings were my best time. I used to put off going to sleep earlier so I cld make the most of the good part of my day. I dont recommend that tho as sleep really does help to deal with anxiety. I found that getting straight out of bed in the morning, and having a drink and eating something healthy (such as a banana or cereal) to raise sugar levels helped. My anxiety has totally disapeared now. All I can put it down to is by improving your diet to a diet that helps to ease anxiety symptoms - Northstars posts are very good for this.
Before I went to sleep I would have a bowl of cereal which was oat based. I also had a milky drink too. I had a glass full of blackcurrant juice or orange juice by my bedside plus a banana. This over time really lessened the morning anxiety and now I dont get any anxiety whatsoever. I have done nothing apart from change my diet, took every herbal supplement there is for anxiety, and read lots on anxiety, so that it doesnt scare me so much - so i know what is happening to me and I make a lot of time for relaxation, plus positive thinking which I learned by having CBT. This forum really helped. I went from having what I now think was a complete breakdown, where I spent months being sick ever day several times a day, feeling like I was dying and losing loads of weight, having I think every aspect of anxiety which included derealization and depersonalization. It was the most horrific time of my life. This happened from March onwards. I am now 99% recovered and looking back I can only put it down to diet and lifestyle change. I never touched medication. I still come back onto this forum cos it helped me so much and I hope that whatever I have learned about tackling anxiety, I may be able to help someone else in some way.

12-10-2008, 07:31 AM

12-10-2008, 10:44 AM
hi xrummer
Just to say ur not alone i wake in the morning with anxiety also, it's like i dont want to get out of bed because of the way i feel but also i know if i get out of bed and get ready for work i will start to feel better.

i have suffered from anxiety for about 9 months now and i have to say i feel much better now than i did in the early days, i dont know how long you have had anxiety for, but all i can say is learn as much about anxiety as u can which helps you to understand the symptoms ( this really helped me). knowing that what u r feeling is not going to do you any damage can really sart the process of accepting anxiety and moving on.

so people who have never had anxiety will say "just get up and get on with it" that is easier said than done and is usally not said sympathitically, but in a way their right we need to stop fearing anxiety or panic what ever it mybe and start living life

All the best


12-11-2008, 03:23 PM
I used to wake with terrible anxiety every single morning and sometimes if I fell asleep at other times. I would wake with my heart pounding and racing and feeling absolutely panic stricken. I used to cry so much because it scared me so much. I would wake feeling awful and gradually as the day went on I would feel better. Evenings were my best time. I used to put off going to sleep earlier so I cld make the most of the good part of my day. I dont recommend that tho as sleep really does help to deal with anxiety. I found that getting straight out of bed in the morning, and having a drink and eating something healthy (such as a banana or cereal) to raise sugar levels helped. My anxiety has totally disapeared now. All I can put it down to is by improving your diet to a diet that helps to ease anxiety symptoms - Northstars posts are very good for this.
Before I went to sleep I would have a bowl of cereal which was oat based. I also had a milky drink too. I had a glass full of blackcurrant juice or orange juice by my bedside plus a banana. This over time really lessened the morning anxiety and now I dont get any anxiety whatsoever. I have done nothing apart from change my diet, took every herbal supplement there is for anxiety, and read lots on anxiety, so that it doesnt scare me so much - so i know what is happening to me and I make a lot of time for relaxation, plus positive thinking which I learned by having CBT. This forum really helped. I went from having what I now think was a complete breakdown, where I spent months being sick ever day several times a day, feeling like I was dying and losing loads of weight, having I think every aspect of anxiety which included derealization and depersonalization. It was the most horrific time of my life. This happened from March onwards. I am now 99% recovered and looking back I can only put it down to diet and lifestyle change. I never touched medication. I still come back onto this forum cos it helped me so much and I hope that whatever I have learned about tackling anxiety, I may be able to help someone else in some way.

Carla!!! wow well done :D i'm so pleased for you!!! this is excellent news :) what great progress, you must be delighted and proud of yourself for working through things and being strong enough to make those changes. i'm so glad you're figuring out things that work for you!

once again i'm convinced that the best way to combat anxiety is through changes in diet & lifestyle combined with good therapy! i wish you all the best, it's fantastic you're doing so well now :)