View Full Version : Major life change after experiencing a severe trauma?

11-30-2020, 12:04 PM
Tell me your stories. Feeling personal and professional burnout and after going through a major emotional and physical trauma a few years ago, I feel like I may be ready for a lifestyle change, but I'm not really sure what.

12-01-2020, 12:42 AM
It might help if you go first. What's your story? What are you a professional of? How incapacitated are you now and what is the nature of your physical trauma. What are you hoping to gain by hearing other peoples stories. What kind of stories are you look for?

12-01-2020, 08:35 AM
I have been through a number of life events. I was mentally and physically abused by my mother briefly as a child. I had a fractured vertebrae at age 20 and was hospitalized for 6 days and wore a brace for 3 months. When I was 18, I had a gun stuck to my left temple and was told if I moved I was dead while working at McDonald's. While I was driving, I have been involved in 2 head on collisions, one in which my car was totalled. I have been through a divorce. While flying, on two different occasions, the jet had to land before the flight was over because of engine trouble. I have had a number of health scares, including basal cell carcinoma, esophageal ulcer, eye disease, etc. I think that is it.

12-01-2020, 01:16 PM
Let me guess ... Planet Earth Kirk? I'm sure there is plenty more to come. :) You sound on top of things these days. Cool story. Most people know mine and since I'm too busy dismissing mine, I'll sit back and break out the popcorn and give life reviews. lol - Just kidding. Here's to all those wishing for a change and may it be a smoother one.

12-01-2020, 01:45 PM
There is an old saying, expect the unexpected. My mother used to say instead of here today and gone tomorrow, here today and gone today. My father said to me once, as you get older time will go faster as you have less time left. My ENT physician once said to me, unfortunately, as we age more and more people will be going around us and we just have to hope we are not one of them. My internal medicine physician once said to me, you know how it goes, your feeling good now, but 10 minutes from now you are in the ER. All negative but true. No one ever said life was always fair, so I think you have to try to make the best of things and plow forward and don't give up.

12-02-2020, 09:18 AM
If people think they have problems, I will tell you about 2 people who come for disability services at a client of mine. One woman is a dwarf who is 4 feet tall and is blind. She takes the bus every day and has a job. The other person has no arms and has fingers coming out of his shoulders. He has to eat and drink like an animal and he too has a job.

12-02-2020, 07:39 PM
Consider this my deluded story and viewpoint:

In Australia we call employment for challenged people 'Open Employment' where they are given extra support. Not everyone is equipped or blessed living in a town or region that is well equipped with the required skill sets and liaising/linking services that are needed between agencies and employers to make long term Open Employment sustainable. Such opportunities do occur with little support and whilst they make for great stories, they are often short lived. I would consider working alongside my skitzofrenic friend in the previous town I migrated from if the region in which I now live had such supports. Then again, I personally do not consider paid employment as a high achievement. For me and many others, I have come to see that there are infinitely more important things in life that can be rated as vitaly ... more important. I do however still do charity work from time to time, which is as much a contribution as any other.

Now whilst I myself have come to see employment as no more than a bitter word often used to demean those seen as undesirable or even worse; deemed lazy ... I much prefer to consider that indeed there are many more important areas of my life that would indeed benefit from a healthy dose of inspiration as experienced by people such as Nick Vujicic. If you have time, you might appreciated the following as a good watch no matter your own world view.

Everything he does, he does with finesse. I smile to think yet another link with a touch of God ... that said Nick does not preach it from a street corner. Or at least I don't think he does? If anything he seems to validate his core beliefs simply through the way in which he lives. I see no hero's journey here, just someone who is making the best of what he has and doing what 'he' wants. He certainly does not push it on anyones else just because he can. Now that is probably what I like about him best. He knows how to sell a concept without casting a shadow.

The linch pin is not the J-O-B that this reporter uses in his opening statement ... if you listen carefully to Nik himself - you will see there is so much more to life than seeking rewards.


12-02-2020, 08:28 PM
Amazing video. What I don't like is people who are lazy who take advantage of the system and are like human leeches.

12-03-2020, 12:42 AM
I am sorry that you feel that way. That sounds awfully draining. Taking advantage is playing it smart - exploitation ... now that is something that most people with money do. I would advocate by saying the system itself has a lot to answer for. My charity work involves helping those in need regardless of their story. People only grow when we show compassion. Currently I am not doing any charity because I am struggling with people point blank. (More so myself) However, I won't add to the problem by continually judging them.

12-03-2020, 06:19 AM
I will clarify my prior post. I believe everyone should do whatever possible as long as it is within the law. What I don't agree with is when people take advantage of others and don't follow the rules and law.

12-03-2020, 06:34 AM
I have been an accountant a long time. I had a situation once where I was subpoenaed by the US government attorneys office to testify before a grand jury because a client of mine hired someone who did not want to pay taxes. He thought the constitution exempted him. He did not want me to issue him a statement of earnings and threatened me. After the grand jury trial I was subpoenaed again a few months later to testify at his criminal trial and he was convicted and went to prison for 15 months for tax evasion. No one that I know of wants to pay taxes, but that is the law and we have to abide by it whether we like it or not.

12-03-2020, 12:39 PM
How are you enjoying our stories so far aprilmay? Any more of an Idea what to do for your new profession? Perhaps Law Enforcement or a Justice of the Peace?