View Full Version : Stay the fuck @ home - covid-19

04-01-2020, 04:23 AM
I figured since I mostly ware a tin foil hat, I would go the other extreme and share this video for those wanting to give a virtual bitch slap to those who think COVID-19 is nothing but media hype. I do think there is always an agenda associated with such epidemics, but don't deny the seriousness of COVID-19.


05-09-2020, 12:15 PM
Although you don't want to live in fear because of the coronavirus, you don't want to deny the seriousness of it either. That's why you must stay safe.

05-11-2020, 01:36 AM
We don't live in fear because of coronavirus, but because of those that control you so easily. I say it like so because I am not afraid of those you follow so easily.

05-11-2020, 05:33 AM
YES - Mr Ponder does deny the media hype and I am not the only one. MANY people who are not bound by main stream media and main stream social networking are denying what those sources are saying. Those bowing down so easily are the type that cite main stream information sources - BS stats. They may as well let a newspaper dictate their lives. Currently behind the sensationalized news are many doctors speaking out against main stream media responses and revealing the cons to which everyday followers will never accept. So it is that I can deny whatever I want and not your place to tell me what I can or cant do.

Dr. ANDREW KAUFMAN ~ "A DOCTOR SPEAKS OUT: Secrets, Lies, Fake News & Coronavirus" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APaUEgfeAYE&t=419s)

Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ "INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political Power Structure" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAE8C0iEoRQ)

Now because of what I understand of your own stance on the medical model; that to assume you would likely define the above links as no more than just yet another conspiracy theory (a term fervently used to demonize those exposing truth) - I'm now going to link a guy most indoctrinated mainstream duped followers think is just plain crazy.

David Wilcock 4/18: New Intel and Celebration of Imminent Freedom! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33nO3uu4VaQ&feature=youtu.be&t=345) (I'm not a fan boy of this guy - but love to keep on open mind and just find this kind of challenging fascinating. I don't even think things will pan out as he suggests - but he is more optimistic than me. I think its going to be a hell of a lot worse yet - the coronavirus is not the threat. That's just my point and case.)

I understand that this will be way too much for anyone to take on board in here. 5 minutes is too much for today's crowed. The point is that you are gravely mistaken to tell me that I can't deny this or that. I can deny anything I wish to do so and whilst you can make whatever counter with whatever claims - I will see it as I see most citations as no more than fake reports and continue to deny as I do. I don't care about the those claims - I don't care for anyone representative of main stream society telling me anything. More and more people have had enough and are sick of the lies and deception. Just because you read and heard it on the news and go read it online does not mean it's any more true than the links I have provided. In fact, the more BS with the winners and losers being what they are in this now society - only pushes people to call out the way they do. You and anyone else who may or may not adopt the mob mentality to counter me will never silence me. I'll just keep adding more sources for those sitting quietly no doubt intrigued. That's enough to make me happy.

Thanks for denying and spurring me on. Please do continue as I think I have sown enough doubt where it counts. The room is all yours and those that wish to murmur as they do.