View Full Version : How to overcome any symptom

12-21-2019, 11:36 AM
I was always dubious of quick fixes or integrating advice I got from other people into my own experiences with anxiety and the overwhelming aches, pains and symptoms that were born of stress, panic and anxiety.

If you're experiencing an unpleasant symptom right now, you might be worrying when it will end? Often it ends when another comes along and distracts your focus. However, any symptom can be diffused with your mind. This is because it is your mind that created the symptom in the first place. A symptom created by stress will get worse if you react to it with more stress.

Think of it like this - as with anything in life, the more you practice it, the better you become. The same goes for anxiety. You can invest so much time in it that a symptom born of stress can continue.

Through worry, fear and concentration I've allowed some symptoms to last days, weeks or months. One even lasted a year before I finally accepted that it was anxiety. The quicker you come to accept a symptom as one born of stress, the quicker it will begin to disperse.

Honestly, take it from someone who spent over 5 years with almost 24/7 symptoms - it does get better. You can reign in these symptoms if you realise that the motto "mind over matter" is exactly why you feel the way you do right now. A stressed mind leads to a stressed body.

From that motto comes another which also helps in the road to recovery with anxiety - "If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

12-21-2019, 04:45 PM
So right .............