View Full Version : Brain zaps- Need help

11-13-2019, 07:33 PM
Hi all!

I've been having a lot of trouble recently with my anxiety and the brain zaps that are accompanying it. They scare the living daylights out of me to be quite honest, even though I've had them once before and they went away. I'd really just like to hear some of your experiences with brain zaps and whether they went away on their own with time. (I'm hoping they will again, but I did some reading on them that say they're caused by chronic stress, so if that's the case I'm not sure how they'll go away if can't stop worrying about them.)

Thanks in advance.

11-14-2019, 07:54 AM
welcome to the forum, Could you tell me what Brain zaps are, I know only tongue zaps when i am checking if my LS is ready

11-14-2019, 11:31 AM
welcome to the forum, Could you tell me what Brain zaps are, I know only tongue zaps when i am checking if my LS is ready

Yeah, it's sort of like when your head feels like when your head feels like it's vibrating or buzzing. Anxietycentre.com explains it like this: "It feels as if your head or brain has been suddenly jolted by an electric shock or electrical charge.
It feels as if your head or brain has been zapped, buzzed, shocked, jolted, or had a sudden "brain, head, or body tremor or shiver."
It feels as if your brain has had a sudden shiver, tremor, or vibration.
Some people feel this brain zap in just the brain whereas others feel the brain zap in the entire head.
Brain zaps, brain shakes, head zaps, brain shivers, tremors or sudden vibrations generally last only for a few moments.
Brain zaps, shakes, shivers, jolts, tremors or vibrations occur without warning, although some people say they can feel them coming on.
Brain zaps, shakes, shivers, jolts, tremors or vibrations most often stop just as suddenly as they begin.
Some people say they also experience a burst of bright light with the brain zap.
Some people say their eyes shake with the brain zap.
Some people say they experience momentary dizziness or lightheadedness with the brain zap, which can linger after the brain zap has stopped.
Some people say they experience ringing, buzzing, or pulsing in the ear(s) during and after the brain zap.
Some people become nauseate or sick to their stomach during and after the brain or head zap.
Many people become frightened that the brain zap is an indication of a major medical or mental health problem.
Some people are quite shaken by the brain zap, which leaves them anxious and concerned about having another one, or another brain zap that is far more serious and lasting."

11-14-2019, 01:04 PM
Thank you so much Shadowcat, I did not know about it

11-16-2019, 10:37 AM
Shadowcat, are you on psychiatric medication, and if so, could the medication be causing your brain zaps?

12-19-2019, 08:33 PM
Hi all!

I've been having a lot of trouble recently with my anxiety and the brain zaps that are accompanying it. They scare the living daylights out of me to be quite honest, even though I've had them once before and they went away. I'd really just like to hear some of your experiences with brain zaps and whether they went away on their own with time. (I'm hoping they will again, but I did some reading on them that say they're caused by chronic stress, so if that's the case I'm not sure how they'll go away if can't stop worrying about them.)

Thanks in advance.

I get them too! You aren't alone. Usually I get then if I forget to take my antidepressants for a few days however sometimes I get them if I'm just extra anxious. It scares the crap out of me too but I really don't think they're harmful. Just unnerving.

12-19-2019, 09:25 PM
Shadowcat - I would highly recommend checking out this article. There is a lot of good information contained in here. Hope it helps! :)


12-20-2019, 06:32 PM
Hi all!

I've been having a lot of trouble recently with my anxiety and the brain zaps that are accompanying it. They scare the living daylights out of me to be quite honest, even though I've had them once before and they went away. I'd really just like to hear some of your experiences with brain zaps and whether they went away on their own with time. (I'm hoping they will again, but I did some reading on them that say they're caused by chronic stress, so if that's the case I'm not sure how they'll go away if can't stop worrying about them.)

Thanks in advance.

I've been on a few different SSRIs (Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro) and an SNRI (Effexor). Yes, the brain zaps go away but they're pretty awful. When I first had them I had no idea what it was and thought I had a brain tumour or something. Probably my biggest lesson in brain zaps is that Effexor was definitely the worst for them and a GP I saw recently confirmed this.