View Full Version : I want to take two women to court!

The Scottish Pedro
09-21-2019, 04:59 PM
Not available

11-17-2019, 12:52 PM
Which country are you in?

12-25-2019, 05:40 AM
if I remember your problems are on for the last two years. I had seen similar posts of yours, Nevertheless; good luck with UK justice system

12-26-2019, 04:57 PM
you can fill up your papers for small court but it will wait forever, You can pay thousands of dollars and take a lawyer, The best option for you is to quit this
For the sake of you just stop it, It is all nonsense, I do believe that you are bullied or were bullied but not court will give you justice, Justice does belong to bullies and rich people.
It would be nice if you just tried to live your life the best way you can,
They need to claim that you practice the hate speech toward them and you will end with hefty fine or even the jail, If they can incarcerate Tommy they will not listen to you
your case is not complicated, . Sorry to say but you have no case no case for court, I may be wrong.

12-28-2019, 04:45 AM
Tommy Robinson