View Full Version : test anxiety

12-07-2008, 04:25 PM
Hi. Didnt really know where to post this.

I have been having problems recently with anxiety attacks durring tests (at least I think thats what it is). I first had this about a month and a half ago when I was taking a midterm exam at my university. I had a good amount of anxiety already going into the test, just as i always do. Keep in mind i spent many days preparing for the test.

When I started the test for some reason I couldnt do any of the problems. I blanked out like I never have before. I looked through the entire test and for some reason every problems seemed impossible. I began to get nauseous, light headed, a feeling of being cold (although the room in of itself was cold), tunnel vision, and general feeling of being faint to the point where I almost felt like passing out. I really felt like my life was somehow going to be ruined by this stupid test. So I asked my professor if I could go outside for a moment and he let me and told me that I was incredibly pale. The professor allowed me to take the midterm during his office hours. When I retook the midterm in his office I felt very much calm and collected. I got an 'A' on that midterm.

I thought maybe because I was studying too much and because I was possibly hypoglycemic (I had a bullshit breakfast) that It caused these symptoms. So 4 days later I took my chemistry midterm (different class) and I had almost the same thing occur. This time I realized what as happening and I controlled myself by trying to calm myself down and telling myself this is nothing. After about 3minutes (3 minutes after the test began) I was able to start doing the test because I controlled my anxiety. I got a B+ on this test. Om second midterm I took relatively large dose of kavalactone (herbal anxiolytic/ 400mg of it) and I was able to not have an anxiety attack; I am not sure if it was the herb or the fact that I had already experienced an anxiety attack that allowed me to control myself better.

I have fall exams coming up very soon and I am worried that what happened during my first anxiety attack may happen again. I really do not want to relieve that moment because the final is worth half my grade.

Can anyone give me advice or tell me if they have had the same problems. How did you cope with it?
