View Full Version : Passionflower? CBD?

07-02-2019, 06:43 PM
Hello, all. I have not been here in a while. The forum seems very slow these days, though I still see a few named I recognize, including Dahila, who was the first person to welcome me here when I arrived. When I first arrived here, there were LOTS of posts. The forum was very active. But it was also pretty confrontational -- including a lot of unproductive battles concerning religion, and a few people who insisted that they had the ONLY way to cure anxiety. So there were major downsides. On the other hand. there was lots of activity. Now it seems so quiet. I think that is sad. This could be a terrific resource, but only if people actually use it!

In any event, I did not come here just to make comments about the forum; I actually have a question. Has anyone used Passionflower tea to address anxiety? How about CBD oil? Passionflower has worked pretty well for me. I have not tried CBD but I plan to. I am trying to avoid going on an SSRI, if I can.

My anxiety can be low for months at a time. But then something happens and it skyrockets. I am in skyrocket mode now, sadly.

I hope someone is reading this. If so, I wish you all the best.

salvator here
07-08-2019, 09:21 PM
Hey there Kuma..

Yeah, its slow here and I also don't know exactly why. The software is easy on the eyes so that's a plus. I shouldn't say much because I'm not as active as I used to be here myself. I'm going to try to support others here when I can ;)

I've used Passionflower and didn't find it helpful but that's awesome its helping you. I've yet to try the CBD oil and my therapist recommends it so I should. I just don't know if it would mix with my current cocktail. I'm on far too much already and I feel most of the time numb and drugged these days. SSRI meds only work for a short time and then they just stop for me after a few months. I don't like them at all and understand why you would rather avoid them.

I'm sorry you are in skyrocket mode now.. I hope things have improved somehow.

Best wishes.

07-09-2019, 07:03 AM
wow Kuma I take CBD for a month, the difference is incredible, the pains are gone and anxiety is so low. I had always problem to fell asleep even with sleeping pill. Now I will try to lower sleeping pill and maybe quit it all together. I fell asleep like a stone. My heart seems to calm down they arrhythmia (slight one) I had, does not give me any symptoms. Ask you doctor for prescription for CBD. For the first two weeks I did not get exited cause I thought it is placebo effect but not. I do not need my muscle relaxer , The spasms in my back stopped, I had not have cramps in lower legs for a whole month, even is such hot weather, it usually adds to spasms .
It is not awfully expensive and it does work on anxiety, I know a lot of people who take it and first is the calming effect :)
Kuma you do meditate, passion flower did not work for me as well as I thought it would. Valerian root is good though but you only can take it for a short time. I regularly use Melisa aka Lemon balm. It helps. I also drink white tea which is known for calming properties ;0
Oh all that religious freaks, It was a difficult time on forum. I like the peace and quiet, Please stay Kuma, :)

07-09-2019, 05:46 PM
that guy is incredible ; https://youtu.be/liEPFoj4qfw

07-11-2019, 11:50 AM
Thanks for the responses. It is good to see a few people still post here. What happened to me is I moved on to some forums that have more activity. Maybe I will check here more and see if there is increased activity.

I wonder who owns this forum? Eventually I would think they would just shut it down if it is not being used, since I am sure it costs something to maintain it. But I don't know anything about that.

With reluctance, I started on an SSRI (Zoloft) a couple of days ago. I just felt like I needed to do something because I am not doing well. I started at a very low dose. The only side effect so far is insomnia, but that is pretty bad. I have to take relaxing tea (Passionflower) and sleeping pills to get even an interrupted night of sleep. And that is at a very low dose. When I see the psychiatrist, he will almost surely tell me I need to increase the dose. And with that, more side effects. It sucks.

I would really like to deal with all this without meds. And for a long time i did that. But recently that is no longer working. Anyway, I don't really know what i will do in the longer term.

07-11-2019, 07:27 PM
you can be on meds for some time, the first weeks are awful heightened anxiety, insomnia, headache but it will eventually go away, If it helps be on it for some time and put your life in order, get the personal power back and then you go off them. You see I still take 0.5 mg of clonazepam a day to take edge of my day. I do have no idea if it works after so many years of taking it. You do whatever helps you :)

07-12-2019, 03:01 PM
I am trying various things, to see what works. Have not found it yet. So I keep looking.

07-12-2019, 05:49 PM
I am trying various things, to see what works. Have not found it yet. So I keep looking.

is not cbd oil the safest route? I do not know if you can mix it with SSRI's

salvator here
07-12-2019, 06:36 PM
Good luck Kuma with what your trying and I hope it works and you start to get some relief.

07-12-2019, 09:02 PM
Good luck Kuma with what your trying and I hope it works and you start to get some relief.

Thanks Salvator!

Dahlia - I did try CBD. Helped me a little but I’m nervous about mixing it with the SSRI bc CBD can apparently interfere with absorption in the liver of the SSRI. So I m holding off on CBD for now until I can discuss with psychiatrist.