View Full Version : Free Helpful Resource for those wanting to learn more about their anxiety symptoms

05-06-2019, 08:38 PM

If you click on this link, you will be sent to the public portion of the anxietycentre.com website. This is a helpful page - if you scroll about halfway down the page, you will see an enormous amount of anxiety symptoms that you can click on, and it will tell you what causes the symptoms. It was very helpful for me when I was able to find out why I was feeling the way I was. Nothing is worse than having debilitating symptoms and not understanding what is causing your symptoms.

I haven't posted on here in awhile, but some of you may know that I am a big advocate of this website, as they single-handedly helped me overcome my anxiety disorder and depression. They have many free resources on their page, along with additional help for a fee, if interested. Check out the page and their other resources if interested!
