View Full Version : Just looking for support

04-28-2019, 07:37 PM
I haven't posted here in a long time, because my anxiety has been good for a long time! Yay! But now it's REALLY bad. (Not yay.) It seems to have been triggered when I got really sick on a vacation last year, which really stressed me out. This week my anxiety has been OFF THE CHARTS. Worst I've had in years. This time it was triggered by passing out one night while I have a head cold. The ambulance had to come because it looked like I might be having a seizure (luckily I wasn't). I'm looking into starting therapy again, but in the meantime just wanted to reach out to the community. I think just having some support from others really helps in these times :)

04-29-2019, 03:51 AM
Sorry to say but it's no where as active as it used to be in here. Pretty dead actually.

I try not to let that stop me from talking to myself though.

That said, I'll pose you a question.

Will you be paying for the therapist or applying under some kind of government funded scheme? They tend to cost a lot without any funding. If your paying the full cost, how many times will you be seeing them. It usually takes quite a few visits to work through 'stuff'