View Full Version : Whirring in ears.

03-26-2019, 12:02 PM
Has anyone else had a ringing/whirring in ears that WILL NOT go away? It’s been a steady sound for like 2 weeks. I obviously think I’m going crazy or have a tumor. I haven’t been to the doctor due to work and the fact that I need a new one. (That’s whole nother story for a different thread) Please help!

03-26-2019, 12:33 PM
Penny, have you been around any real loud noises lately? Maybe that's what's causing the ringing in your ears.

03-26-2019, 01:26 PM
No.... I mean, I’ve been a flight Attendant for 13 years and I definitely have over time been exposed, but this was super sudden. It never stops either. I’m literally losing it.

03-27-2019, 01:25 AM
Hope this helps:

Many of us suffer with this condition. Please feel free to ask any further questions if they arise after reading up on the above link.

Might not be the best link as they wish to sell you something ... tinnitus is something everyone eventually gets. Just keep researching up on it but filter the agendas when it comes to selling products. Learning to live with it is a much better approach. We have posted a couple of times in the forum however the search index is not the best here. Worth a try though.