View Full Version : "The Relationship Forums" are closing down soon...

The Scottish Pedro
03-07-2019, 11:15 PM
Not available

03-08-2019, 12:14 AM
As long as there are two people on any forum still communication with each other - then that forum is still active.

You could even say, "Even if only one person is journaling in a forum and people are reading, then that forum is still active."

I think the main issues people have with claiming forums to be dead, is more a personal view where the claimant is not receiving the feedback they are looking for then considers low activity as dead. Hell, even the busiest of forums where individual claimants are not connecting will of course view that busy forum as dead. Or, in my case ... it can sometimes seem I am the only one making regular posts ... yet I care less for the feedback from new blood. It's just nice when old friends that I connected with have the time and energy to either feedback or simply post. I just consider it a blessing when I make new friends ... but am learning not to base my activity on that of others. I used to ... but this place is one of a kind. I'll keep posting while the admin is able to keep this site up and running. I am thankful for the time I have had and for whatever is left.

It's interesting how this forum is still going as the Admin could easily claim the same reasons as the one you have posted ... however one's view on dead or active forums is very much relative to ones position.

It's not for us to be telling others what is their business and what is not. Forums are another means of social media. Not everyone is into FB, Twitter and so on. I only use it to keep in touch with family and care less for the shallow opinionated posts. I much prefer long walls of opinionated text. lol Forums rule the roost in my book and once again ... as long as one person is still posting and one person is reading ... then it's not dead. :)

In 2025, I bet you fourms and message boards will be still up and running just like before. Hell, I bet I will still be here in another 5 years time.

03-12-2019, 02:31 PM
Yea, I find it works for me. However I find this one just as simple and my preferred layout. At the end of the day ... content is just as important; minus the shallow meaning often refereed to in social media.

salvator here
03-13-2019, 12:22 PM
Yeah I agree, vBulletin and IPBoard are the only ones my mind can see quickly (even when my mind is foggy), the other software gives me a headache for some reason.

03-22-2019, 03:48 PM
I think it's true that online forums aren't as popular as they used to be.

However, there's still lots of forums out there about many different subjects. And not all of them are dead forums...or at least not yet.

I for one enjoy commenting to online forums. So I hope they're not obsolete by 2025.

04-01-2019, 03:38 PM
Using text to communicate has both pros and cons.

It helps to find things of common interested. We live in a selfish world, thus when people are not receiving something back that means something to them ... disconnection quickly ensues.

I often struggle with one liner replies myself, however coming to see it's just as much an issue of my own. That is to say, I would do well to accept that blibs, blabs and tweets is just the way it is for most people today. I try not to take it personally. Your mention of becoming the observer is generally my best course of action when able to claw my way out of my own selfish agendas.

I know man ... I miss those days too. They can still be had, we just have to work harder to experience them. Do not let the science hem you in. Keep on doing as you do, unless you find that course of action unhelpful.

There are times where words fail - and I guess it's then that those more able ... use less words because they can. Then there is the tired among us that start off but then lose focus, the frustrated, the confused and so on with similar loss of cohesion. However in general most people are just thinking about themselves and in that are blinkered. You can have groups that are as blinkered, operating as one fixated individual prone to the above imperfections ... Then there is the way the digital medium is designed to ensure blibs. blabs and tweets go on to segregate and divide.

I don't know ... that's just my take on current events.

I'm more into focusing on what works for me. If you keep focusing on what you don't like - regardless of being an observer ... it will have no positive effect. Which is why I keep getting back up and redirecting my attention to where it's yield a more peaceful response.