View Full Version : Typical Anxeity Side Effects

Eddie Maloney
02-28-2019, 09:51 AM
I have been battling Anxiety for 7 years, and really haven't done enough to fix this. What are your side effects? Mine are GERD, exhaustion, aches. shortness of breath. I don't even know whats causing it right now. I try not to actively think about any worries.

02-28-2019, 01:23 PM
Anxiety is not really something you fix. However we really can't blame each other for thinking like so. We really are working against a mentality that seeks to have us all looking at ourselves as broken, defective and incomplete. In fact every Advertising Campaign from something as simple as selling you clothes to a gym membership is designed to leave you feeling in need. That without their products or services that we are all somehow missing something - somehow ... just not right. These adds are 24/7 and adding to that embedded within all facets of out society. But let's not go there. My point is, that if any of us are ever going to be able to get a grip on the negative symptoms of Anxiety, we would do well not to approach anxiety from this perspective that leads us all into such negative mindset; that we all need fixing. Doing so plays right into the dynamics that are feeding today's anxiety issues like a plague.

In Mental Health practices that deal with 'affected' individuals, choosing the language in which we talk to ourselves and others is key. In such groups it's a regular practice for facilitators to often present how we should not see ourselves as broken and in need of 'fixing' Clinical practices are now even starting to discuss how this dynamic is effecting individuals.

That's all I have to say for now. I perhaps drop a another word - RECOVERY - I struggle with that one too as it implies being broken, however it is better than fix. Working out the deeper meaning to that word and how it applies to oneself has more potential for healing rather than seeing ourselves ... in need of a fix. The latter summing up quite well how our society leads people into reliance of both chemical responses and long term servicing.

Keep posting if it helps.

02-28-2019, 01:31 PM
When I used to have anxiety issues, my hands would get real shaky, which was a little embarrassing, as others would see it.

02-28-2019, 03:17 PM
I like how you say issues ... Anxiety never leaves us. In the so few words of a TWIT mentality - Accept It. Alas ... short responses often fail to deliver context. Thus sound more like - ACCEPT IT!!!

salvator here
02-28-2019, 11:45 PM
My anxiety takes on some strange manifestations as well. You're not alone. Hard to not actively think about it when it hits. Music help to distract me *sometimes*.

03-01-2019, 11:53 AM
Ponder, what I mean by anxiety issues is that my anxieties years ago were abnormal. I'd get too anxious and nervous much of the time.

But nowadays, my anxieties are where they should be. They aren't too high or too low.

03-01-2019, 01:21 PM
Genuinely I am happy to hear that Mike. Please excuse my twisted sense of humor. Whatever I was trying to say, included that I like how you think.

03-02-2019, 08:50 PM
shaking hands, .......... for over 40 years I would not eat soup in any company, I had never ordered soup in restaurants, My hands were shaking like alcoholics have, I went through all possible tests and finally they all agree that i am stressed out, Small dose of meds took care of it, later on I stop taking anything , they stopped shaking when I got the idea that I need ignore it, I get shakes, hands and body when extreme situation causes a lot of stress but it is temporary.
With the age a lot of that goes away, new things are coming

03-03-2019, 04:56 AM
Yep ... when you get older you can't be freaking out at every symptom. Although in this world today as loud and frantic as it is ... it can be hard to work out what is normal aging and what is not. :) - I guess there is no gracefully getting older any more D?

03-03-2019, 06:08 AM
I do not believe that getting older is graceful at all, It is cruel to take away all your functions.........eh