View Full Version : Has anyone been on bluelight.org?

The Scottish Pedro
02-11-2019, 05:45 PM
Not available

02-12-2019, 01:03 PM
Hi Pedro. sorry your having a hard time finding a place more suited to your liking. I've been looking for quite some time and in most cases just come back here and keep in touch with my 'UK-AF' friends. I don't need the number people look for on say FB. I actully have better connections in here than in there.

I took time out to checked the link you provided. Everyone's view point will undoubtedly be different. For the most part I personally have no probs with how the OP is expressing. We should all be given the opportunity to say things as we feel fit. Some of the responses can sound heartless but then people are generally apathetic these days as the world continues to regress. I had a bit of a flick through the main forum index (https://www.bluelight.org/vb/forum.php) and skimmed a few posts and found the site not too bad on moderation. Just my opinion of course. Not too many power trippers. However the side effect with not having moderators 'add to the discussion' as a means of moderation, results in a lot of online abuse as the trade off to freedom of speech. This abuse not unlike in dysfunctional families. This being why I typically stay away from what I term as overly populated main stream mental health forums. I guess it would be the same here if we had too many active users and no one to add to the discussion in a way to keep ourselves and others grounded.

Re getting drug advice online. Totally agree that is not a good idea. Especially in places with dysfunction. Yet, I think is OK to share experiences. People just have to educate themselves on how to discern and how to effectively use such information. In this regard anxiety leads to unwise decisions and also distorted information. The latter being why in the end we should only rely on our own experiences. This even applies to when seeking professional advice. No doubt a better option to begin with Vs trolling unstable mental health forums. Once you work out how to navigate like so, it can then be possible to extract a couple of nugget of gold from even the most toxic of places. However you need a lot of insight and tolerance for that.

Here is the home page (https://www.bluelight.org/vb/content/) of that site. Looks OK on the surface ... but not my kind of mental masturbation. I prefer to knock off in here instead. :) Create my own topics within my own threads. All that said, it would be nice to see more traffic coming through here. Possibly because those few of us here tend to talk about hard core truth ... this might put a lot of main-streamers off. I'm just guessing ... for now ... I and a few others seem content enough to make the most of it here.

Hey dude ... that game is out now hey. I am kicking myself I did not get it. It is still however on my wish list. I got 7 Days To Die instead. Hope you are doing well enough.

02-15-2019, 12:05 PM
That's was my point about main stream forums

02-18-2019, 12:01 PM
Hi Pedro. By 'this forum' ... I take it the one you mean in the one you linked? Then yes - I agree. This forum we are in, is barely active and quite unique as far as mental health forums go.

Gaming forums. LOL. Blizzard Forums are the most toxic I have seen of all. Mostly talking about Diablo 3 in that regards, however I imagine its much the same with most gaming forums. That said, I have had good relations in Sims 2/3 and 4. Farm Simulator and Cities Skylines also being enjoyable experiences as well. I guess it goes to show that the more violent games attract negative people. Sounds feasible to me and has been my observations from much of my extensive experience. I say extensive as I started playing when the PC screens had glass and came out in green. Way before the internet hit the scene.

Those gaming forums indeed make FB bullies look like Angels.

02-18-2019, 12:03 PM
Yea man - Hard Core your story and how you feel about the support workers. I am genuinely srry you feel the way you do. I'm not going to even attempt to make excuses for them.

I think you once said in another post that your now unable to receive support? Is that right?

02-19-2019, 01:37 PM
Not sure anyone can be black listed here in Australia from actually receiving a benefit or even a government service. Every one can apply and reapply several times under an appeals and review process no matter what they have done or what others think of them. I am an Xcon/Criminal (not hard to end up one in this world) and whilst mud does certainly stick with law enforcement and other agencies - when it comes to welfare rights as a basic human, all citizens have a right to apply, be review and also appeal. Now that said - the system does complicate matters for the purpose to reduce the likelihood that such claims do not come flooding in and thus kill the so called allocated budget. My point here is that a service provider can not hold a disability client's behavioral issue against them in a way that stops them from receiving government assistance. Sadly - unemployment is quite the opposite.

I guess my question to you is - Do You Still Qualify For Assistance and or Has Your Funding For Assistance Been Cut?

I am not sure how things work in the UK - although what I am hearing from my daughter who is about to go spend a couple of years over there - it's sounds dicey in a lot of areas. Having to pay up to 200 POUNDS simply to apply for a house? I am sure there is more to it, like you get your money back? If not FUCK THAT SHIT! What a fucked up country. Please explain that? The homeless or squalor of council housing must be massive with policies like that? I don't much like the word 'council' or care for how it operates - BUT - it sounds like you might have to research the shit out of it to find out your rights.

I hate to say it man, but the whole movie thing is secondary to your current needs. Unless of course your doing OK without support? In that case you could just forget the whole support thing and just get on with life. We ALL tend to hand on to crap for the sake of having a good bitch and it's unhealthy at best. On the other hand if you feel you could benefit from ongoing support then:

A: Do you still 'Qualify' for disability support? (Warrant it)

B: IF So - What type of supports would they be?

C: IF not - What are the technicalities stopping you from receiving it? (Black listing cannot be official - but yea I hear ya ... Service providers can do it off the books - Very Rare that they do it)

If you feel No service provider wants to touch you, then and you still want support - then if in fact you still qualify for government assistance in this area, you could approach different service providers (This few that don't know you or just know you have been flagged as 'High Needs' [this might not even be the case] Just be open and transparent to the companies you approach. Take someone with you.

If it were me and I had no one to help me - I would find some free charity workers. To find a free social worker, (In this Country) I would look to the Red Cross - st vincent de paul - Life Line - and so on. All thought I don't know where you live and what it's system is like, the easiest way to find free unbiased social workers is to start with the religious one's first. (Huge Irony - I know) - I much prefer the secular ones (although I some church related ones do surprise me from time to time.)

Basically find yourself an unbiased social worker who can give you ideas on more supports from another approach regarding disability services - but more so for the context above for them to come with you or make contact with these other services that you think are seeing you as flagged.

I guarantee if you explain your situation, acknowledge whatever, that you will eventually find a service will to take you.


Actually dude my support person just turned up - I got to go.

If you want to further discuss ... no probs. Srry if I am reading you wrong or simply getting it wrong.

Catch Up later.

02-21-2019, 12:55 AM
Srry for late reply. I did read yesterday when you posted and thought to myself it all sounds fair enough Pedro. I am exhausted with all the complaining I have had to do of late, despite getting reasonable results. The whole court thing is as you say it is and I can tell you there is even more reasons why it's not worth in on such a level with who so small and insignificant we wronged be considered.

I apologize I have no energy to reply in full Pedro. I am reading ... keep posting if it helps.