View Full Version : I want to take two of my former support workers to court...

The Scottish Pedro
01-12-2019, 10:00 AM
Not available

01-12-2019, 05:02 PM
I am so sorry you had to go through it,
yes there is not justice and very difficult to get one. I am in Canada and we went through courts after awful accident, There is nothing worse that dealing with today justice system. I can only support you here and listen (read) to you. I am sure someone will pop in and maybe help you with some insights

01-12-2019, 07:09 PM
I am so sorry you had to go through it,
yes there is not justice and very difficult to get one. I am in Canada and we went through courts after awful accident, There is nothing worse that dealing with today justice system. I can only support you here and listen (read) to you. I am sure someone will pop in and maybe help you with some insights

Now Dahila knows what she is talking about

I’ve missed her and she makes great soaps

01-13-2019, 08:30 PM
yeah Dahila makes not only great soaps, but great lotions, awesome shampoos and she is an excellent cook, Can get anyone with my cooking :)

01-16-2019, 04:36 PM
Now that I have taken the time to read up properly and despite having mixed feeling as I've been on both sides of the fence; (Disability Support Worker and now receiving Support myself) I'll share my thoughts.

Break the law and you go to goal. Sounds simple enough, right? However many of us here know it can be a lot more complex than that. People tend to play down the amount of Police Intervention with regard to Social Media, however such intervention is now quite common place with regard to social media. In fact I recently endured an episode where a family member was threatened with police action, if they did not stop contacting an unwilling participant . It matters little what is said; or not. If a person keeps repeatedly contacting another who does not want to be contacted; the police can be called in. Having the police step in regardless of what happens is just another black mark that is taken into context later when looking back on a case.

I mention the above as a legal fact or more so to give more of an objective overview ... without meaning to make any judgment to one's events. I now do the same with the following comment:

With regards to 'making amends', I think about steps 8 & 9 as refereed to in a recovery program used for alcoholics and drug addicts:

Step Eight: Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
Step Nine: Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Once again these points I make I do so as objectively as I can from my own experience. I don't mind saying whatever the fuck I want in forums like these, however on FB, I know all too well how the system uses such to keep tabs on all. It's a play ground were people can BS, but they do so at their own risk. Employers, Real estates, Welfare and other 'so called' Protection Agencies use FB as a first point of call when investigating individuals. (More like sheep) It's how the game is play. If you play games on FB long enough ... expect to get caught. I only use it as the bare minimum to keep in touch with family members that do not use other forms of internet messaging. Sometimes I get sucked in ... but then quickly remind myself how FB is used to provide people with a platform that allows all forms of abuse - much of which fits into our own fallibilities as humans ... more so our compulsive disorders and addictions. Fact is we bring most of the shit on ourselves. FB just makes that an easier thing. lol

This is why I use FB less and less ... and abide by step 9 above. Anything less is self destructive.

Moving on:

So you have no care package now I take it? It's all run out and you are not in a position to be granted another?

Generally when you have a history of police intervention and incarceration, that makes ongoing assistance less warranted. Not unless it has been many years and one's condition in fact being supported and currently stable. Such stability regardless of disability is actually a prerequisite for anyone looking to receive welfare assistance of any form. More so when warranting health care packages. In fact I am in a redress case for victims of abuse that have their claims forfeit if they have spent X amount of time in prison. Oh the irony. I've been in a couple of prisons myself, but thankfully my so called sins did not warrant more than 5 year. I still think that clause is rather pious regardless of the crime when considering act vs impact ... but hey, I digress. I will say though ... and I will try to put it mildly. ... "being in prison next to sex offenders or others that we deem to be less than our fake sense of self, is yet just another ploy in which we pass the buck without having had any true reflection on ourselves." It keeps us blaming others and also distracted from the real issues of societal oppression. I leave that talk to my other thread ... let's consider the corruption in the work place as pertains to Disability services.

High Needs Clients. I bet you have heard of that one. Some you can only do so much to help. It then comes down to the wiliness of participant. Despite my own Resistance, Ramblings and Frustrations regardless of fault or imperfect system, it really does come down to how we play the game. Rules are rules. If for whatever reason (minus the sad and sordid stories) if one is an unwilling participant ordered by the courts and thus an involuntary patient ... then yes ... one is truly fucked. Your a prisoner in your own home. But there is another way you could look at it. There is a way to grow from such a low point ... but not when caught up in our own sense of injustice. I've been prisoner and still trying to escape that deluded sense of self for a very long time.

This reminds me, I need to make a call today regarding my own supports. "Do I want to participate or do I not?" If I don't like the drama one organisation vs another, or one worker vs another, then I will take charge and make the choice to move from one to the next ... or even inform the so called system, that I no longer want it's support. The thing is once you are walk out of prison, it's your choice in which direction you go next. Steps 8 and more importantly 9 come to mind and whatever you do ... by very Very careful with FB. I chuckle somewhat thinking on that. We really are responsible regardless of all our limitations, labels, defects, or any other excuse embedded or projected.

Forgive my ramblings ...

I'd suggest if you really feel like you could get some solace from taking action re your own story, that you consider making a formal complaint instead of pissing in the wind re court. From what you have said here, I doubt anyone would take it seriously. To make a case of abuse you will have to outline in great detail having a good knowledge on the companies policies and list all the relevant breaches of conduct in accordance with the establishments health codes and practices. (research research & more research) It goes on from there and quite a task to achieve. I have done it several times with good outcomes as both support worker and client. Perhaps having support of others and decades experience with a high sense of justice helps ... but I also see in the latter how that can play into such a toxic system. Finding balance is where it's at. lol ... I actually have one last formal complain to lodge re one of the mental health facilities in my local area. That one has been in action for about a year and only just now moving up the ladder where one can hope that some kind of lesson will take place for all concerned. Yadda yadda and yadda.

I best make some calls regarding my own supports.

Thanks for the stimulating post.

Keep positing if it helps.

01-17-2019, 01:39 AM
I'm feeling hopeful that your at least sharing as much. It takes courage to tell it like so. This kind of drama is not healthy to be holding onto. Better out than in I always say. Kudos to you for trying to find something you enjoy doing regardless of what others may or may not think.

01-17-2019, 01:33 PM
The day that happens is the day I finally leave for good. This mental health forum is unique to other mental health forums in that way. That said I can name several popularized culture driven forums that have that as their man feature.

Basically some forum developers like to encourage people to express their opinions with a little more effort than one click. It also allows for positive vulnerability (growth) whilst also negates negative contrasting that comes from not 'enough' likes which only feeds addiction ... sadly some forums go as far to allow for dislike which in a mental health forum is just creating more pain.

Now from a YouTube culture point of view I get that attraction of like and subscribe, and even though I have made a few vids myself ... it's not my kind of motivation. It does more to lower my confidence and see people acting like clowns than really being themselves. Of course that's not a bad thing for people who want to be a clown and for those looking to watch them.

I'm just saying, this forum is great the way it is. The last thing we want to do is turn the forum into Facebook or Twitter. Perhaps a mental health diary section would be nice. Other forums do have a section for people to journal, but the moderation is generally over the top seeing people with mental health issues 'controlling' other people with mental health issues. (A problem we have in many communities outside the internet.) An imperfect system if you will. I find a good medium exists here in that this forum is purely self moderated. Peers mostly on the same level without the need to tote an admin/moderators hat or silly icons to match (... or abandoned and not by choice ... I feel the owner or admin pops in from time to time??? What do others think?) If you want YouTube like interaction, then is best to stick to YouTube, same with FB and Twitting. This is more a forum where people can express in the only way they know how. They are afforded the space to say whatever they want.

In that regard let's not change a thing. If someone likes a post and wants to express it, then they can choose to either do more than left click or actually type nothing. If unable to do so, then perhaps they are better off in those culturally driven forums. In this forum, people don't need to be driven according to how many people like them. Of course that is the way we are conditioned. Just yet another unhealthy aspect of living. Let's leave that aspect to the other forums where popularity is more important than the core of peoples problems.

Although this may be just my opinion, I know a couple of others in here that feel similar. These be close friendships that have now spanned a number of years.

Anyways Pedro ... you have me curious? What is the age difference between you and this support worker that you liked? You male she is female? You remind me of my younger days when I was homeless and fell for a social worker. Hmmm ... actually I think it was the other way around, but that's another story I write about some other time. Perhaps best not to entertain it if it's still all fresh and maybe lead you back into some kind of trouble re trying to making unwanted contact. I was just curious. Those kind of relations rarely work out for the best.

01-17-2019, 10:53 PM
Cheers ... For all my disliking of liking, I gave your 'My attempt at the RE2 demo' youtube video a like! I will watch more of it tonight once I climb into bed. Hope you do a new video on the remake?