View Full Version : anxiety and asthma driving me crazy

12-14-2018, 03:26 PM
For weeks i have felt like my throat is tight and i cant breath properly, i have seen a couple different doctors and all have said its my anxiety and asthma working against me. When one starts they both do, my asthma peak flow is ok as is my pulse,bp and oxygen levels.
Has anyone had or still get this and can recommend any coping tactics or lifestyle changes they made to help this get better?

12-14-2018, 03:57 PM
you do realize that meds for Asthma add to anxiety?

12-14-2018, 04:46 PM
no i didnt kno that, how so?

salvator here
12-14-2018, 08:27 PM
prednisone, especially so.

12-15-2018, 05:18 AM
I have asthma from very early childhood even salbutamol will cause your heart beat to go up. What meds are u on. BTW modern medication as long as does not contain ephedrine is much easier on the body.
Prednisone i life saving but it is dangerous medication, I can not even be on it, cause it causes massive changes in blood glucose, I mean it will make diabetes worse

12-15-2018, 12:03 PM
Drink more water and less tea, coffee, soft, milk and sugary drinks. Begin an active routine based on mild aerobic activity combined with a dedicated stretching program. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet and get adequate sleep. Look into 'stress reduction programs' that typically utilize meditation and breathing techniques. Reduce your exposure to your computer, TV, mobile and electrical devices and instead go outdoors with the intent to seek out nature.

Do this for 4 weeks and not only will you be breathing much better, you'll most likely ascend to a higher lvl of existence. Lol.

No easy task living like such this day and age. Just do a little of each and do it regularly. Somthing I'm starting to get back into.

Good luck with whatever path you take.

12-15-2018, 12:12 PM
thanks for your advice. ponder- what food is classed as anti inflommatory

12-15-2018, 01:41 PM
Hey there demigod ;) ... Hmmm ... There is no short way to answer that. My best effort not to overwhelm you will still require much reading. Please do not let that put you off.

My understanding from personal experience.

1. Read up on the importance Hydration.

2. Read up on The Benefits of a 'Plant Based Diet' Diet is not an appropriate term. Think of is more as Plant Based Eating. Nevertheless most search results will end in "........ Diet"

The thing to understand with ant-inflammatory practices and foods, is that it's not any one type of food that magically restores inflamed areas. It is the accumulation of drinking water and eating foods with a high water content over a period of time. It's also important to cut out the unhealthy foods which add to inflammation. All processed foods and and most animal products will stress the human body. The way we prepare and cook food also contributes to the way our bodies absorb and break down and react. I'm not meaning to sell you a vegan take with plant based eating ... in fact I use the term plant based because that's all it is. Basing your food choices on plants. You can still eat a little of the inflammatory foods. The focus is on eating less animal products and processed foods with plenty of water and high water content based foods such as plants.

It's not just about having water in your system and less anti nutrient based foods, but having the knowledge - understanding how it is that water transports nutrient content, allows for the release of toxins caused by unhealthy foods and so on. This understanding will require reading up on 'the benefits' of plant based eating in 'relation to inflammatory disorders.' Also read up on Hydration in the same context.

Unfortunately none of the yummy drug laced foods we all love to eat (I am currently addressing my own addiction to this) are high in water content. In fact they draw water from us.

Yadda yadda ... That's the best advice I can give you without overwhelming you. I have linked the following book many times ... in it ... it talks about asthma!
Your Body's Many Cries For Water (https://www.amazon.com/Your-Bodys-Many-Cries-Water/dp/1452656975)
It has close to 500 reviews. May I also suggest reading some of those. Doing so may inspire you to make the positive changes that many of us are currently in need of doing - in order that we need not suffer as we so often do. I know it's not easy. Many of us struggle in here with many debilitating conditions that CAN be relieved with the most simplest of steps ... yet the addictions to the lifestyles we are so easily led and deeply entrenched in require a HUGE amount of effort in order to break the negative patterns.

Forgive my passion on this subject as I myself am in great need of breaking free. :) It's episodic for me and many others. I'm getting good at getting back up. Stability is my struggle. It really comes down to living a number of healthy practices and giving up those that stress us and our bodies. There is no quick fix, but to start you off in regards to anti-inflammatory and asthma ... please do for your own sake read the above book and look into 'why' plant based diets are so effective against inflammatory diseases /conditions. Main Stream Medicine does not adequately cover these issues - in fact it only adds to them. That's another story ... just focus on the positive stuff.