View Full Version : If I ever relapse - AliasEQ

11-22-2018, 11:54 AM
Although the forum is much quieter nowadays - this forum has helped me out a ton. Getting a panic attack again after 4 years of not having them was nothing but a reminder. Reminder to be appreciative of the life I've been given, a reminder that there's people that have it much worse than me. I won't make it a post on how "it changed my life" with this one attack - but it did change the way I look at life. I've been going around with a very unhealthy mentality, chasing a false perfect image drawn by society. I wanted to live up to other peoples expectations. I did everything I could and when I failed, which was obvious, it took a tool on me. I'd push myself harder and harder in a not so healthy way. Eventually the stress got to me which led to a full blown panic attack.

Reading through the past threads and posts on this forum helped me out alot. Some of the information I was given is very valuable. A big thank you to all of you. Not all heroes wear a cape.

I'm making this thread for me to read through if I ever lose control again. And for others on this forum. This is what helps me personally and I hope it can help someone else aswell:

Relax. Breath.

The world is not going under. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. You're completely normal. You just have alot of emotions rushing through that you can not control. The best weapon for you to use to relax is your breathing. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds and breath out 4 seconds.

You've been through this before. And you've beaten it.

I'm going to quote "Im-suffering". Changed the entire way I was looking at it.

"So turn 'I need to get rid of this shit' (fight, frustrate), to ' i will allow and accept how I feel and see it through, understanding they are normal physiological responses given the conditions and stresses, I will not fight, I acquiesce , still, relaxing my body, breathe, and when finished, move on with what I was doing' (allow, accept, loosen the body,).

During an attack the breathe shortens and the muscles tense (rigid, stiff). So you focus on your breathe and drop the appendages or let loose the vice grip. Open the hands and let them drop. Let gravity pull all of you down as you let go.

You do all of this as the heart thumps, the head spins, the glands sweat, the stomach churns. You let your body throw every trick in the book at you, and yet you sit, still, loose, and accept. Soon you will stand up and continue with your day.

Accept panic, anxiety attacks willingly 'bring them on' as a way for you to practice all of this. Anxiety does not make you deficient, personality wise, or weak. It is just an aspect of who you are at the moment, and it is healable to the extent you accept, loosen, learn and practice."

Stop fighting it.

"By not fighting, the chemicals do not affect the muscles in such a way as to cause fatigue and residue for days after. Only fear upon fear(fear of how you feel, double fear, double chemicals, double duration, extended effects.)

In 20 minutes by not fighting, running around, the sweating will stop, the heart will return under 100BPM, the senses will clear, and you will feel the comfort of bed and relaxation in waves. You will have beaten that attack.

Now, as you show yourself you can beat the attacks, symbolically, you no longer need the attack. There will be setbacks because sensitized bodies do not need much stress to tumble over the edge, but, handle them the same way. You may never stop them fully, but, you will be able to live your life, and enjoy it."

Take precautions.

If you're starting to have panic attacks again, it means you're way too stressed. Make sure you relax by exercising, meditating and by cutting down on how much you're carrying on your shoulders.

I will stick around and try to help if someone does need it. Forum is not so active right now, lets get it rolling again. Helping others helps me.

~ Elias

11-22-2018, 12:36 PM
Although I am struggling atm - full respect to you! Excellent guidance and encouragement. Very pleased for both you and this thread. Heart felt words.

11-22-2018, 04:27 PM
Thank you, Ponder. You've always been very helpful! You deserve the best!

I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling right now. I know though that you're strong enough to overcome whatever it is you're going through. If I can be of any help just let me know! :)

11-23-2018, 03:17 AM
Laughs out loud at hearing the word again. he he he - All good ... You probably have not read, but I'm not into the term strong anymore Alias - However thank you very much for the sentiment. I believe I am resilient enough to bare what comes. :)

11-23-2018, 05:50 AM
I think Alias means like I do using word "strong" it means that you do not give up you fell then get up you are a fighter Ponder otherwise you would be gone long time ago.

11-23-2018, 03:16 PM
Yes ... agrees about the part about disappearing a long time ago. I don't suppose you have a magic wand with you?

Please do excuse the banter Alias ... Please do keep posting as we are indeed reading. Have been enjoying your encouraging posts.

Wishing you well.

11-25-2018, 12:51 PM
You not holding your breath on us now Elias?

Is it Elias or Alias ... just wondering because of you signature in OP.

11-25-2018, 05:27 PM
Hey, I'm still here haha. I've been very busy so haven't had the time to respond.

I'm very bad at expressing myself :D "I think Alias means like I do using word "strong" it means that you do not give up you fell then get up you are a fighter" - yet you seem to understand me perfectly Dahila hahaha.

I can see you what you mean though Ponder. What I mean by strong is having the knowledge and experience to handle whatever life throws at you. That's probably a completely different word though...

Name is Elias but the name was already taken so I put an A instead :)

There's days where I'm not doing so good and days where I'm doing better. Just relearning to accept that I have to live with my anxiety and that it's going to take time for me to cope with it fully again. Living my life like I would without it because I don't want to waste any more precious moments because of it.

How is everyone else doing though? Hope all is well!

11-26-2018, 03:01 AM
A very insightful explanation - Totally my hang up. A couple of the others have also said similar. I agree and prefer it when overrated terms are more mindfully expressed. I guess that was all I was aiming for. Just getting tired of worn out terms.

As for how I am feeling ... is all in my thread. I prefer not to rock your boat. I like the stability you have to offer :)

Yep sir re ... LEARNING TO LIVE WITH as in acceptance is KEY. You nailed it again for me. TY There is so much in that I feel stability coming over me. No judgment in thems words.

Please do come back! ... Elias :)

12-05-2018, 01:54 PM
HOLY SMOKES!!!! Alais, Ponder, Dahila....... You are all still here!

Its been a while, I just look to see the most recent post and there Alais was.

With that YES, having another relapse as we speak...... Also looked at my Post trends from years ago and the relapses it seems consistent. While I dont remember the recent past years 2017,2016 im sure it relapsed but it was insignificant enough to forget about it.

With that being said..... ITS Normal and funny seeing us all back year to edify that the fact that guess what? We are doing well enough to battle through it. Its a challenge but we seem to be persevering!

It will pass I know it will as much as it has since we started posting... Its uncomfortable. Its not fun.... but We somehow find ways and other things to move on from it. Heck Alais looking at your avatar and I am assuming that is you, The natural smile says it all.

Its those moment we need to search out. Look for and remember!

Hang in there everyone..... I am going to blame the tense holidays season and the renewal of a new year!

12-05-2018, 02:15 PM
Nice to see you again Exactice ...I like your thinking.

salvator here
12-05-2018, 09:37 PM
Welcome back and yes, holidays are brutal for some of us.

We can all get through it together. Glad this is our home so to speak. We lean on each other during these times.

12-06-2018, 11:10 AM
Welcome back Exactice , I am not happy about your relapsing but happy to see you. How good that old members come here from time to time. i really miss Jesse, he is gone from fb and he does not come here anymore, the same Gypsy :)

12-07-2018, 12:51 PM
Pollyfama usually when people dissapear it means they are better, I think she is still on Fb , I am not much there. I keep my fingers crossed that she is ok.

12-07-2018, 03:21 PM
It's very quiet here without Gypsy. She had a warm soul and enriched every thread she was in. I hope she's doing ok.

To assist you in finding a more appropriate forum for your needs:

How to Choose a Social Anxiety Forum (https://www.verywellmind.com/what-are-the-best-social-anxiety-forums-3024423)




Me ... I find this one works well for me.

12-07-2018, 03:23 PM
Pollyfama usually when people dissapear it means they are better, I think she is still on Fb , I am not much there. I keep my fingers crossed that she is ok.

Usually. :)

salvator here
12-07-2018, 04:10 PM
Depends, sometimes I take a break when things aren't going well so as to not bring others down with me. I always hope one day to come here when I'm doing better and support others.

I wish Gypsy well, was always kind and supportive to me and even offered friendship off the forum, but I have serious trust issues from being hurt to much in the past, so I stay on the forum only now with correspondence.

EDIT: She is and always will be on my friend list so long as I'm here :)

12-08-2018, 01:04 PM
It's still a good site. I just feel her absence sometimes. Nonetheless, thanks for the links.

I hope Gypsy is doing well too. I have a feeling we have not heard the last of Gypsy.

12-08-2018, 05:45 PM
I hope Gypsy is doing well too. I have a feeling we have not heard the last of Gypsy.

Same here, she will be back closer to Xmas it is hard time for her. We will see Gypsy soon

01-12-2019, 07:18 PM
Same here, she will be back closer to Xmas it is hard time for her. We will see Gypsy soon

Gypsy is likely enjoying the summer in Australia

Dodging the koala bears that jump out of trees and bite you

She must be doing well since she is absent

01-13-2019, 02:15 AM
Summers in Australia are brutal these days. Hopefully Gypsy is doing well. I think it fair to note that Gypsy was also doing well at times whilst supporting others here.

01-13-2019, 08:27 PM
Nixyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy why the heck you deleted your account on fb at least I knew that your are alive, I am so happy to see you !!!

01-30-2019, 09:23 PM
Nixon and Exactice! Happy to see you, hope you're not doing too bad!

I'm sorry haven't been on here much. Been trying to cope with this and I didn't want to have a "safe-place" to go to whenever I'm feeling anxious. It felt like it somehow made it worse considering I already know how to deal with it.

Update: 2 months later and I'm fully coping with my panic attacks again. I went so long without a panic attack, I forgot all about the mentality and the attitude I should have towards them. I was also in a very bad state before I started having panic attacks again which was really what made it bigger in my head.

I'm grateful and thankful for the people here. It's amazing how much information a person could get from this place. You all deserve a medal!

Life can be sh*tty sometimes and when you think you've hit the lowest lows - life will find a way to drag you even lower. But sometimes we got to meet our lowest lows to appreciate our highest highs and getting back up is worth it.

Take it easy! :)


salvator here
01-31-2019, 10:07 AM
I agree, getting back up is always worth is. Gets harder when down for long periods of time, staying inside for days starts to compound the problem. Have to force ourselves sometimes to get out even for a coffee somewhere. Get up and make the bed helps too.

Good to hear you're improving and better dealing with your panic attacks. Keep up the good work and its definitely worth it. One thing about anxiety that I've learned, is, it does let up eventually and we need to take advantage of those times to repair.

Wishing you well.

02-01-2019, 06:03 AM
Proffesor deReal are you better?

03-09-2019, 03:29 AM
Helloo Elias. Cimi here.