View Full Version : Another nervous breakdown. In need of help.

11-21-2018, 08:44 PM
I'm suffering my fourth nervous breakdown. I can't escape the negative thoughts and my body is in a constant state of panic. The only thing that works is to knock myself out on Xanax. I haven't been out of bed in three days except to go to the doctor. Otherwise, I'm in a constant state of panic attack. I lay in bed and just cry and cry. I feel helpless and just want to die. Anyone, please help.

11-22-2018, 12:11 PM
Hey Butters11,

I know what you're going through right now is really tough. I can relate to anxiety you're feeling, as if you're imprisoned and there's no way out. Try to get control of your breathing. Alot of people told me that breathing is important, but I never really understood how important it is. It's the quickest relief you can get. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds and breath out 4 seconds. Really focus on this and be very strict with the breathing.

Once you have some control, understand that everything your mind is telling you right now, is not logical. Fear is irrational. Your body is getting ready for war, that's why it's putting you in this condition. You're always expecting the worst scenario to be ready for it. That's why you're having these negatives thoughts. Let all of them just flow through. Don't take any action on them. Accept you're having a breakdown. This is NOT permanent.

You say that you lay in bed and just cry. You need to change that asap. Do stuff. Distract your mind. Do random shit that you'd never do. I know while I'm typing this that it's really hard to actually get going. Try going out for a walk. I promise it will make you feel better.

When you're feeling abit better, try meditation. I thought it was bullsh*t at first. But it actually helps ALOT.

I haven't taken any medication but I know you shouldn't depend too much on them.

This is helping you to get stronger. Think of it that way. Don't see yourself as weak. You're NOT weak. You're one hell of a warrior for dealing with this sh*t.

Stay strong. I believe in you. Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. You WILL win over this fake "monster". Face the fear. That's how you get rid of it. Don't run away from it. That's how it catches up to you.

- Elias

11-22-2018, 02:13 PM
Hey Butters11,

I know what you're going through right now is really tough. I can relate to anxiety you're feeling, as if you're imprisoned and there's no way out. Try to get control of your breathing. Alot of people told me that breathing is important, but I never really understood how important it is. It's the quickest relief you can get. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds and breath out 4 seconds. Really focus on this and be very strict with the breathing.

Once you have some control, understand that everything your mind is telling you right now, is not logical. Fear is irrational. Your body is getting ready for war, that's why it's putting you in this condition. You're always expecting the worst scenario to be ready for it. That's why you're having these negatives thoughts. Let all of them just flow through. Don't take any action on them. Accept you're having a breakdown. This is NOT permanent.

You say that you lay in bed and just cry. You need to change that asap. Do stuff. Distract your mind. Do random shit that you'd never do. I know while I'm typing this that it's really hard to actually get going. Try going out for a walk. I promise it will make you feel better.

When you're feeling abit better, try meditation. I thought it was bullsh*t at first. But it actually helps ALOT.

I haven't taken any medication but I know you shouldn't depend too much on them.

This is helping you to get stronger. Think of it that way. Don't see yourself as weak. You're NOT weak. You're one hell of a warrior for dealing with this sh*t.

Stay strong. I believe in you. Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. You WILL win over this fake "monster". Face the fear. That's how you get rid of it. Don't run away from it. That's how it catches up to you.

- Elias

Thank you so much for your helpful words. I've been trying to do those things I just feel so paralyzed with fear. I want like this a week ago. It just came one day and bam, it was here to stay. I'm so scared. I'll continue to keep trying though.

11-22-2018, 04:34 PM
Is it your first time dealing with panic attacks? There's some great threads that you can find here on the forum. You're not alone dealing with this!

It's a horrible feeling. But you need to challenge it, face it. Question your fears. Does this and that fear make sense? You'll find out that they just don't make any sense. What are you fearing right now?

Don't worry. Distract yourself. And most importantly breaaaaaath. I can't tell you with words how much controlling your breath does. Breath in to your stomach and not your chest, hold your breath for 4 seconds and breath out all of the air for 4 seconds. Give it a try!

Don't ever give up. It's not worth it. Stay strong!