View Full Version : anxiety and asthma

11-21-2018, 04:22 PM
its driving me insane if you saw me you wouldnt think i look like i feel breathless, its almost like that throat feeling when your up all night laughing and you get that wheezy tight throat if that makes sense, i know that description sounds weird though haha my asthma peakflow is a little less than normal, its usually 600/650 tonight its 550/600
does any of you guys suffer with anxiety and asthma?

11-21-2018, 04:36 PM
I do, I think my anxiety has a direct link to Asthma, I am old woman and got my asthma when I was 3 months old, The meds they were feeding me caused shaking and anxiety, like ephedrine, Right now it is so many medication for it, not when I got sick. Constant stay in hospitals added to it,
The constant fear that I will die (asthma attack) all of it caused my anxiety. When you can not get any air it is like double anxiety. Fear is awful. Right now I am pretty good but there was time when I could not even laugh without shortness of breath, I bet many people have similar experiences
BTW welcome to the forum :)

11-25-2018, 01:42 PM
I also have severe asthma i have 3 inhalors and get steroids to relieve my breathless i have to use my reliever as a nebulizer i have to take 10 puffs 8 time a day it makes me feel very shaky for a time so i can relate to how you feel my anxiety makes my breathless worsen i feel you're not alone