View Full Version : Issues not sure if they are anxiety related

11-15-2018, 05:12 AM
Folks I am healthy 60 yr old and recently have felt as if my body has an internal tremor. No shaking externally that you can see. I have now not been able to sleep for about 2 weeks because of a stiff shoulder and don't ever remember hurting it recently. Last nite I woke up a couple of times with the shoulder pain and noticed a spasm like tremor with it as well.
I ran down to my doctor yesterday and he took some blood all came back normal ( thyroid, sugars etc all ok)
So not sure what this is …..I am up walking around now and every so often I will get the pain coming and going
Anyone ever have this? I also have been getting itchy scalp and even my ears

Hoping its not something like Parkinsons as stiff shoulder apparently can be an early symptom

salvator here
11-16-2018, 07:21 AM
Hellow towzer, and welcome to the forum!

To be honest, I would rule out anything medical before I chalk those symptoms up to anxiety.

That's great that your blood work came out fine, but as you know, not everything is detected/diagnosed by blood work. I would still mention it to the doctor and possibly ask to see a neurologist if you have good insurance. If not, it can still be done but its more tricky (I know because I have poor insurance). Still can happen.

Anything going on that you are aware of that is causing you stress? Sometimes anxiety can do funny things.

Good luck and keep us posted :)