View Full Version : Help work effexor. "Please."

11-08-2018, 03:11 PM
I tried four different antidepressants since being taken off of effexor in August. None of them have helped. I got taken off the effexor in August because I didn't think it was working after being on it for five years.

After nothing else working the psychiatrist decided to put me back on it in hopes it will work again. I'm scared it's not going to work like it used to. I have missed a lot of work and school due to my recent breakdown. I have also been sleeping for two days straight because of the anxiety. Any help is appreciated. Thank you

11-09-2018, 06:44 PM
the first time I was on Effexor it was my magic pill. It helped me tremendously. Then it stopped working after 8 months. Then I switched to some other anti-depressant I can't remember the name of. Now I'm back on Effexor and it works half-ass not as good as before. Hopefully it works again for you because it's a great pill to be on tbh. I used to be on 225 MGS, but now I'm on just 150 MGS... IDK I need to switch it again I think. But I hope it works again for you! :) That would be great if it did mate!

11-10-2018, 04:05 PM
the first time I was on Effexor it was my magic pill. It helped me tremendously. Then it stopped working after 8 months. Then I switched to some other anti-depressant I can't remember the name of. Now I'm back on Effexor and it works half-ass not as good as before. Hopefully it works again for you because it's a great pill to be on tbh. I used to be on 225 MGS, but now I'm on just 150 MGS... IDK I need to switch it again I think. But I hope it works again for you! :) That would be great if it did mate!

Fifth day on 75mg and feel completely debilitated. All I do is take Xanax and worry and sleep. Every minute awake is a nightmare. I really hope it gets better and soon.

11-10-2018, 06:18 PM
Fifth day on 75mg and feel completely debilitated. All I do is take Xanax and worry and sleep. Every minute awake is a nightmare. I really hope it gets better and soon.
What do you mean debilitated?

11-10-2018, 08:01 PM
What do you mean debilitated?

All I can do is lay in bed and take Xanax for the panic. I even get panic in my sleep. I just can't function like a normal person should be able to.

salvator here
11-16-2018, 08:25 AM
Effexor does indeed work but the main problem is trying to get off of it - the hardest compare to tramadol in my opinion.

How are things going Butters?

11-17-2018, 06:19 PM
[QUOTE=salvator here;246859]Effexor does indeed work but the main problem is trying to get off of it - the hardest compare to tramadol in my opinion.

How are things going Butters?[/QUOTE

Times are tough. Up and down. Mostly down. I can't seem to get control over my racing thoughts. All I do is dwell on everything that is negative in my life. I'm anxious and depressed.

Thanks for asking though.

salvator here
11-17-2018, 06:21 PM
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope things improve.

11-20-2018, 05:56 AM
Is anyone else currently in a situation like mine. I had a breakdown yesterday where I could not get out of bed for the entire day.

salvator here
11-20-2018, 02:53 PM
Its a daily struggle to get out of bed for me, but, if I give in it gets even harder to get up. You should get out of bed everyday and take care of your body.. even if that is all you can manage to do. Rough some times, I know. My breakdowns usually lead me to a inpatient hospital stay when mania turns into psychosis. Try to not let things get too out of hand if possible and take your Xanax (I remember you were given that to come off effexor a few months back). Whats been helping me is going to bed when its dark and getting up (even if I don't sleep) during daylight.

Hope today was better for you.