View Full Version : Anxiety From Marjiuana

12-05-2008, 11:57 AM
Hi.4 weeks ago I smoke Marjiuana.I had a very bad panic attack.I felt like i wasnt there and was screaming to call 911.I figured i had a panic attack because my heart was racing and i was shaking bad.I had never had this feeling.I really though i was gonna die.Well I ended up going to the hospital and they told me I just had a bad exprience.The next day i was fine.Well about 2 weeks ago i was with the same group of friends.And someone strated smoking it.Well the smell triggered it off again.Not as bad because I knew what was happening.Afterwards I went to the doctor again and they said i just had some anxiety abunch of people do this and it will eventually go away.I just wanna know will I be like this forever or will i get better?Thanks alot

12-05-2008, 04:41 PM
Hey bsn12,

I had the exact same experience. I smoked a joint in August of this year and I had a panic attack. Luckily I have a very strong will so I talked myself through it. I thought it was a one-time isolated case but when I tried again in October before Canadian thanksgiving the same thing happened. So, I started to worry about it, especially my breathing.

Then, about two weeks later I woke up in the middle of the night and had my first panic attack without marijuana being the reason it came out. And thats when my anxiety came out. I've seen a doctor since and I'm on clonazepam 3x daily and cipralex 1x daily and I've been feeling better since. You can eventually get over it, marijuana just brings out things that may be coming. So, it was bound to happen even without the marijuana. The marijuana was just bringing out symptoms that haven't yet been introduced without the effect that marijuana causes. So says my doctor.

Hopefully that helped! You're not alone. :)

12-06-2008, 12:05 PM
Stay away from weed if you have aniety god I can't think of anything worse!

12-06-2008, 02:50 PM
Well, apparently most people don't realize it's anxiety thats causing the panic attacks for the first time they get it from weed. They figure it was just some bad stuff. That was my intuition. I originally thought it was laced with something or I had way too much THC in my system. But, then I learnt it was an underlying anxiety that was coming out.

12-07-2008, 04:58 AM
had the sammmme thing happen to me. my buddy used to get some really potent stuff to and i dont smoke all that much, so when i do it was horrible for me. i had a reacing heart and stuff just like you, its not a fun experiance, so ive stayed away from the stuff since then. well actaully even if im just simply around it, it will come back a little like you said yours did. i think what it is, is that when you smell your friends lighting up the thoughts of the horrible time you had with it all come back and just make you freek out some again. either that or even though you arnt smoking it, its still in the air and the little bit you be ingesting could be making you feel like you did the time before.

12-07-2008, 01:27 PM
I had the same thing just not as extreme, I was a pretty regular pot smoker and would get anxious some times. Usually when I smoked I felt ok but last week I was already feeling anxious before I smoked and it just made it worse. I've stopped smoking now and its been about a week. I suggest you stop until you can get your anxiety under control.